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Etheric Inhibitor Field Generator

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Grand Shepherd Burtch

Fleet Commander For The Nomadic Peoples Coalition

Etheric Inhibitor Field Generator



  • Intent: Create a stylized imitation of the Predator Interdiction Drive that uses the Etheric Modulator Component.
  • Image Source: (X)
  • Canon Link: Predator Interdiction Drive
  • Permissions:
    • For Dar'Manda Industries (X)
    • Members of the Nomadic Peoples Coalition are hereby permitted to use this technology in the creation of starship/vehicle submissions as they wish as long as those submissions are affiliated with these aforementioned factions.
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Field conditions — Changes the “state” of the luminiferous aether over extreme distances from the generator source to something that resembles a “much higher viscosity” as a means of restricting the movements of enemy vessels.
  • Aim able — the field can be projected out from the source in a cone of affect, which can be aimed.
  • Gravity Well Specifications — since this technology incorporates components from standard gravity well generators, the radius of effect is similar in size.

(note: in the event that a player wants to use this technology on an ally rather than an enemy, the strengths and weaknesses are swapped.)
  • Terrain of tar — the intended purpose of this technology is to create a field in space, or in atmosphere, which is intended to constrict the maximum velocity of enemy ships by an incredibly high percentage by creating more etheric drag. This is done by changing the state of the luminiferous aether from a "low viscosity" to a very "high viscosity" which can reduce the "maximum speed" of a ship in most cases.
  • “Rubber grip” — Since this technology changes the luminiferous aether to a state that creates higher drag, etheric rudders can actually become more effective, not less. This can actually result in an enemy gaining maneuverability at the expense of their top speed. This can be bothersome when trying to catch a fleeing opponent when they suddenly become more agile from the effects of the etheric inhibitor field.
Additional Weakness
  • Countering Drag — in some ways, the luminiferous aether acts like atmospheric drag in the void of space. When this inhibitor system is activated, it may significantly increase the resistance that is inflicted on other ships in the void, but measures can be taken to reduce this drag-effect. Some examples include:
    • Aerodynamics — ships that are reputably known to fly well in atmospheric conditions thanks to a streamlined airframe can often also see reduced effects from this system on the vessel.
    • “Suck it in” — by deactivating etheric rudders, deactivating shields, or retracting retractable extremities such as “pop-out” weapons can further reduce the drag that a ship experiences in this inhibitor field. The trade-off can be the restoration of significant speed at the expense of those systems that were deactivated or retracted.
    • The more drag that is reduced, the more speed that can be restored.

Yet another invention, thanks to the discovery of etheric modulation technology by Viken Dobson .

In further experimenting with the etheric modulation components, many other technologies were combined with them to achieve different results. One such experiment involved combining gravity well generator components with the modulators to create a different kind of field. Extremely limited results were achieved at first by trying to boost the artificial gravity generation systems to the etheric modulators inside the reaction chamber, and then running the resulting wavelengths through the interdiction projection systems. But the results were insufficient for practical use, with a relatively impotent etheric inhibitor field as the result. A breakthrough was later achieved, however, when the artificial gravity components of the gravity well generators were replaced with components from inertial dampeners to create a dampening field within the reaction chamber where the gravity well would normally be created. The resulting reaction was a much more potent and efficient, as the inertial dampening frequencies were much more compatible with the etheric modulation output when a resonating harmony was achieved. As a result, an absolutely massive inhibitor field was produced.

The field changes the luminiferous aether from a loose, ultra-low viscosity state, to a more constricting, high viscosity state. This will often have two effects on modern ships that are caught within its range. First, it can create immense amounts of drag on ships that are trying to fly through space or atmosphere, forcing them to lose much of their speed. Second, it can actually increase the effectiveness of etheric rudders, as the luminiferous aether becomes “thicker”, resulting in more “traction” for enhanced maneuverability.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch

  • In the Terrain of tar, please, modify the wording, because you cannot say your opponent has to do what you want. It is depends on them, and I would be happy if the desciption reflects the chance they have an opportunity to avoid or resist to it, and not just see, this happens and they cannot do anything against it.
  • And my other question, how big/large is this field that is created by this device? And what distance can you create this?

Grand Shepherd Burtch

Fleet Commander For The Nomadic Peoples Coalition

Thank you for your review.
  • Ok, first off, I do want to acknowledge that in the past that I have struggled with “absolute” verbiage in the versus “suggestive” verbiage, which I am working on improving on, so bear with me. In this case, I admit that I did try to correct this matter with what I have learned, so I wouldn’t mind a bit more in-depth analysis of what I have here to help me improve more so in the future. So I’ll show you what I tried to do, and hopefully you can offer me some better tips on how to make this clearer in my submissions.
    • “Terrain of tar — the intended purpose of this technology is to create a field in space, or in atmosphere, which constricts the maximum velocity of enemy ships by an incredibly high percentage by creating more etheric drag. This is done by changing the state of the luminiferous aether from a "low viscosity" to a very "high viscosity" which can reduce the "maximum speed" of a ship in most cases.”
    • So, in this case, what I tried to do was use the words intended purpose and can to convey that the results of this technology are more suggestive than absolute to the readers. In my edit that I just did, I also attempted to throw in “…which is intended to…” and this is what it looks like now:
    • "Terrain of tar — the intended purpose of this technology is to create a field in space, or in atmosphere, which is intended to constrict the maximum velocity of enemy ships by an incredibly high percentage by creating more etheric drag. This is done by changing the state of the luminiferous aether from a "low viscosity" to a very "high viscosity" which can reduce the "maximum speed" of a ship in most cases."
    • I am more happy to make whatever changes are necessary to adhere to the factory ruleset, if there is anything else that needs to be changed.
    • As for the part in the description, I’m hoping that you can elaborate on this more for clarity, as I can’t see how that is forceful to an opponent.
    • “The field changes the luminiferous aether from a loose, ultra-low viscosity state, to a more constricting, high viscosity state. This will often have two effects on modern ships that are caught within its range. First, it can create immense amounts of drag on ships that are trying to fly through space or atmosphere, forcing them to lose much of their speed. Second, it can actually increase the effectiveness of etheric rudders, as the luminiferous aether becomes "thicker", resulting in more "traction" for enhanced maneuverability.”
    • So, in this case, I’m wondering if the word “Can” is seen as an absolute adverb rather than a suggestive one? In my mind, the word “can” is suggestive in this context, which leaves much up to interpretation by the reader. If this is not acceptable then I will be more than happy to make whatever changes are necessary to adhere to the ruleset. I just wanted to run that by you before I went ahead and changed it.
  • As for the range, I did add a special feature which indicates that this has the same range as gravity well projectors. I left it pretty vague besides that, though, because it uses much of the same infrastructure as a grav well projector and I couldn’t find any solid data on that. If you require a hard number on this I’m happy to make one up, or if you happen to know it, then please tell me lol. Again, I’m happy to hear feedback on this.
Otherwise, thank you for the feedback! I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Grand Shepherd Burtch

Fleet Commander For The Nomadic Peoples Coalition


Before you approve of this brilliant submission, I just thought of a really cool feature that I wanna add that is totally applicable to this. I will tag you when I’m done as I need some time to do this. Thank you for your patience.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch

I'm bad with grammar, haha... I have problems with my own language's grammar too... True, that is one ot the hardest on the world...
I usually try to write such things in conditional mode... for example "may be able to" or "it's possible" or "can create/can cause" etc. The easiest might be the best, especially in that case if someone is struggling with the language. After all, simplicity and ease of understanding are the most important.

And thank you, this is good now.

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