Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Encore

Alicio watched on as Jax jumped into the burning building, not a doubt in his mind that the Jedi would find the man, and escort him to safety. He started to wave his hands at the sky, signalling the speeders down, disregarding the fires around the farmstead that would tell them where the call had been placed from.

Then, suddenly, the groaning from the second silo grew louder. Alicio frowned suddenly, getting an incredibly bad feeling. He whipped around, quickly and held out his hand defensively. The bolts from the silo's walls began to pop and shoot out, with a sound akin to slugthrower fire. Most poofed into the hard-packed earth, but one shot too fast for the eye to follow, headed straight for the smaller boy.

Alicio caught it.

He wasn't sure how he'd done it. He'd put out his hand before the bolts had even began moving. How did he know?

Just lucky, I guess.

Alicio dropped the piece of metal, shaking his hand. "Ouch." The boys were looking at him with wide eyes, but he didn't notice their wonderment. Instead, he was looking at the emergency vehicles as they went into action, pouring water and foaming chemicals over the fires. An ambulance landed, just as Master Thio approached.

"Yeah, the children are fine. We're all fine." Alicio breathed, the whole situation catching up with him all at once. He waved, revealing the cut skin on his palm. "Mostly!"

For the moment, he'd forgotten about his speech.

- Jax Thio Jax Thio -


Location: Alderaan
Equipment: Formal Clothing, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

More Alderaanian rescue ops began to land, squads of five rushed towards the remaining burning and showered them with large hoses. The ambulance immediately came over towards Jax and Alico looking over the children for injuries and lifting up the severely injured old man. "Secure the perimeter," Jax ordered one of the rescue ops who passed by him. "There could be more survivors."

Turning to Alico, Jax sighed. "I need to get you to safety," he said. "I know the worst is behind us, but I need to get you away from the area." He looked around the damaged land. "I'm going to have investigate what caused this catastrophe." He muttered. "I hope this wasn't deliberate."

Once the first responders arrived on the scene, the situation de-escalated quickly. The two men that had been badly injured, one a single father, the other a farmhand, were rushed to a hospital in New Aldera in ambulances. Alicio had few concerns for them; their wounds were serious, but they were close by some of the best medical care in the galaxy. They would be fine.

The children were also checked over for wounds, but despite a few nasty first-degree burns and bruises, which were quickly treated. Fire speeders passed overhead with foaming white chemicals and buckets of water from a nearby river, putting out the fires across the surrounding area. Even the last silo was deemed safe by crisis response, who were spreading out per the Jedi's orders, looking for more people.

When Jax turned to Alicio, he set his face bravely. "The worst is passed us, as you said. I might still be able to help in an investigation. Unless you've studied the specifics of Alderaan's rural culture."

Alicio backpedaled quickly, unsure of his boldness. "But if you feel you can do it best alone, I can always... ah... get going. I suppose."

- Jax Thio Jax Thio -


Location: Alderaan
Equipment: Formal Clothing, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

Jax shook his head. "I appreciate the help Alicio but there's no need I got this covered." He began to shake the soot that was caked all over his clothing. He needed to change out of this which would be a relief considering this tailor-made attire fit a little tightly on him, it'll be nice to be wearing Jedi Robes again.

"Get home Alicio," Jax said. "And inform the nobility of what happened, the reception in these mountains is terrible you'll get a stronger signal the further you drive away from the mountains."


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