Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Spencer watched Erich as he transformed to something similar that she recognized. Sighing softly, she knew she was starved and probably wouldn’t last much longer if she didn’t eat. The feeding took a bigger toll on her body than she had expected, Erich was fine now from what she saw. Spencer heard him leave and nodded all she wanted to do at this time was sleep it was as if that’s all she could really think about at this moment.

Slowly, she lowered herself to the ground. The heat from the fire was warm and it licked her face. Closing her eyes softly, she remembered the temple and how warm it was, how comfortable she was there. Spencer missed it; she missed her bed and the warmth of it. Fingers dug into the wet ground feeling the planet, she had helped pay back something to Erich. Though now that he’s hunting for food for her she would owe him more and she tried to think of something more she could give him.

More feeding would weaken her further and possibly kill her, but he would survive. Yet, it completely backfired Erich’s first gift to her. Spencer rolled on her back and she rested her hands on her stomach for a moment. The stars were bright and it was the first time she ever slept under them. He would be back soon; she should get some sleep while he’s gone. Up here she was safe and Erich was around if trouble came.

Erich Lor

Erich bounded form tree to tree, something that was now far easier than it had been before. He felt alive again, a reprieve that would likely not last for long but one that he was now glad to have. The Garhoon wound his way around the plateau several times, each time he either went higher in the tree's or further out. Each time however he took careful measure never to venture too far away from Spencer need she be in trouble or anything of the sort.

It was on his fourth pass about forty five minutes into his hunt that Erich finally spotted movement. It seemed that a branch moved on his own. The Garhoon stopped almost immediately and eyed the swaying hunk of wood for a few minutes. He watched it closely until once again he spotted movement. He grinned for a few seconds, and then bounded forward off of his tree and towards the branch that had moved. As he landed a small rodent like creature attempted to run away but instead was met with a sharp knife directly to its spine. The rodent squealed, but died almost in an instant. Erich inspected the creature, it was about two feet long and somewhat fat, an Ikov.

They were not native to Kashyyyk, but they made decent enough food for most humanoids. Erich had been taught all sorts of things about hunting during his stays in different prisons, he'd never thought it would come in handy.

The Garhoon grabbed the rodent and slug it across his back, then quickly but quietly made his way back towards camp. When he arrived he found Spencer sleeping, the sight made him smirk slightly. Instead of waking her up Erich skinned the animal in the far corner of the camp, until eventually perfect slices of meet ended up on a series of sticks.

Erich had actually no idea how people liked their food cooked, he didn't know what parts of the animal were tastiest nor did he know for how long to cook them, but his guesses were obvious choices. The thicker the cut of meat the better.

So Erich walked over to the fire and began to cook the food, waiting for Spencer to awake from the smell.
The smell of sweet meat forced Spencer awake. Her stomach growled and twisted as it knew there was food around. Slowly, she rubbed her eyes and blinked a few time allowing her vision to adjust. The flames brushed against the meat as it cooked it, the way the natural juices caramelized along the slab made Spencer’s mouth water. Looking over at Erich, she smiled happily and grabbed one of the sticks. She shoved the steak into her mouth and made pleasing noises as she nodded happily.

The meat was perfection and she reached out and devoured another steak. Her focus was just getting enough food into her system so that she could continue one with tomorrow and possibly the next day. As she ate she wondered if Erich had to eat every day to sustain him – which would mean she would have to build up enough strength so he could feed off of her again. Gulping down the last bit of steak she looked over towards him.

“That was delicious. Did you see anything that could help us off this planet while you were gone? Also...”

Spencer paused for a moment, she had been wondering about this for a few moments as she ate. The sharing of a life force was intimate and she wondered…

“I’m sorry if this is an odd question…but how did I taste?”

Erich Lor

Erich looked at Spencer with wide open eyes for a few seconds. He had never actually been asked that before, and with good reason actually. Most of the victims he had fed on ended up dead, in fact it was safe to say that ninety nine percent did. This was mostly due to the fact that again he was a sub-species of Garhoon and not the normal variety. When he fed on someone they were either entirely eviscerated or they ended up dead because how Erich had wanted it.

Now that he thought about it Spencer was the first person that he had fed on that was still alive, and doing well at that. He quite legitimately did not know how to respond to her question. The flavor of the things he consumed was strange, truthfully the most delicious of his meals had been women of Spencer's age who had willingly died to him. They had all been down trodden, emotional, disturbed wrecks and Erich had freely eaten and killed them. He had had no moral qualms with it, and he still did not.

For a few more minutes he thought, then finally he looked at Spencer. “I do not...taste things as you do. When I feed, it is more of a sensation and less of a taste. Its a feeling that rushes through you.”

This was the truth, Blood was blood it was the experience that counted and drinking from Spencer had been quite the...experience. He stalled for a few more seconds, just to make her squirm, but as he said his next few words a slight mischievous smirk appeared on his lips.

You little mouse. Were quite the sensation.” With that Erich sat on the ground next to her, and closed his eyes obviously intent on saying nothing further. He may have been a blood sucking corpse eating monster, but he too needed sleep.
Spencer bit her lower lip as she listened, so he was even different with taste also. Sensations, she caused him a good sensation. This caused her to blush deeply as she wasn’t used to hearing her and the word sensation in the same sentence. There it was again, he didn’t use her name, and she doubted he’s ever used her name at all. She thought about it deeply as she tried to remember a time that he used her name. A slight shake to her head made her remember the time that he did use her name was in her mind as she fantasized about him while at the Temple.

“Well I’m glad I was a good sensation then.”

He moved to the ground next to her and she watched him for a moment. He was the most fascinating person she had ever met, but there was something more about him and she wanted to know it. Spencer shuddered as a breeze blew by. She remembered the desire to be closer to him. Moving slowly, she made it as close as she could her hand hovering his chest. She pulled back for a moment hesitating on what she wanted to do. Spencer felt oddly closer to him after the feeding, but she still had an inkling of fear about him.

Biting the bullet, she placed her hand on his chest along with her head. Before she could sleep she needed to feel somewhat safe. Yawning, she closed her eyes tightly and waited for him to either throw her off or for her slumber to take over. Either way, she hoped for a peaceful night.

“Good night Erich, thank you”

Erich Lor

Erich didn't move her, he didn't mind her there. The Garhoon simply fell asleep, although as lightly as he possibly could. If anything came running hopefully he would awake

~~~~~~~~The Next Morning~~~~~~~

Erich awoke with a start, his eyes sliding open in almost an instant from when he awoke. Reality poured over him along with sunlight as he heard the water rushing down the cliff near them. His eyes looked down at Spencer still sleeping upon him. The Garhoon didn't move for a few seconds, just thinking. They were stuck here on Kashyyyk within the forest, they could last at least another week. He could hunt for her, and she would be able to sustain him with her blood, after that however he would hunger for the rest and eventually that would overtake him.

The Garhoon thought for a few more minutes, they needed to get out of here and fast. An idea fell into his head, one that barely remained in his mind. When he had been a child he had been instructed in History. He had learned almost nothing, but this particular memory seemed to fly towards him. Almost eight hundred years ago now there had been a war here. Well there had been a war almost everywhere, the Clone Wars they were called.

The Clone Wars had raged across the galaxy, and Kashyyyk had been one of the most contested worlds. Because of this there had been military bases, dozens of them on both sides. Erich opened his eyes fully, that was the answer. They had to find one of the bases. The problem with this was he didn't know the location of any of them, he didn't know how to get to one, or even where they COULD be.

The Garhoon closed his eyes. He tried to remember his training. The optimal spots for a military base, high ground, cover, and away from creatures. Erich opened his eyes, and looked up. As he did so a smile formed across his face, the base would be in the tree's, and if one climbed these tree's....he would be able to see one. “Little Mouse, wake up. I know how to get us out of here.”
Spencer had been sleeping quite well. It was comforting that she felt safe around the Garhoon despite his hunger. Her eyes fluttered open as he started speaking to her. Her mouth moved getting ready to correct him on her name. She didn’t though, Spencer just sat up and rubbed her eyes groaning slightly. It hadn’t been enough sleep, but he seemed to be babbling about something. Once her vision corrected itself and words found her lips again, she looked at the Garhoon with confusion.

“You’ve figured it out?”

It took her only a moment, but she stood up and moved towards the water once again. She dipped the end of the rags of the tunic that was destroyed and washed her face off. Tossing the rag aside which now had bits of dried blood on it, she walked back over to him. Her arms crossed loosely in front of her chest as she looked towards the trees and then back at him.

“So, how are we getting out of here?”

Erich Lor

Erich looked at Spencer with a bright smile, then he simply moved his hand and pointed upwards. His plan was a simple one, and one that he had to carry out alone at first, but it also offered great success. If they could find an old Republic or even Separatist base he was positive they could scavenge some maps or electronics or something that could get them out of this bloody forest. He was also willing to bet that one or two of the bases would still be whole, meaning barracks and actual beds something that he knew Spencer would appreciate.

The bases would be old of course, but technology was made to last...or so he hoped. The Garhoon stood up from the tree and stretched for a few seconds, he looked up at the skies then towards Spencer again. “There was a war here some 800 years ago. Well the war was everywhere really. Im willing to bet that a base or two still remains from the war, especially around here.”

Why did he think this? Because before Erich had jumped off of the landing platform to go and rescue Spencer he had mapped out where they were slightly. The area they were in had been highly sought after by corporations, the wookies, and governments for the past few years for a list of reasons, primarily the resources that were located underground here.

“I'm going to find one of these bases. Stay here.” Erich spoke again just as he readied himself. He closed his eyes, and then bounded forward. He began to claw, scrape, and cut his way up the massive tree trunk dragging himself upwards. Hand over hand Erich ascended into the skies until after what seemed like an hour he landed on top of the massive tree.

For a minute or two he just sat, catching his breath. Then he began to scan the area around them. For miles and miles there was only tree top. The canopy of stretches for what seemed like forever, until finally The Garhoon spotted a gap. A slight smirk appeared on his face. Erich pulled out a small compass and logged the gaps direction. “I hope this works.”

Erich spoke to himself as he slowly began to descend.
Spencer had learned about the clone wars back at the temple. She remembered bits and pieces of it knowing that many Jedi had died during that time. Everything in this time was a result of that war. She thought about it and wondered how things would have been different if the Clone Wars never happened. Before she could come up with an idea, she suddenly was told to “stay”. Of course she didn’t want too; she was tired of being told to stay like a puppy. Erich was gone before she could protest his decision to leave her alone at the camp.

She started to plan out something to do while he was up there looking, but it didn’t take him long to find it. The man started to descend towards her once more and she awaited his return. Smiling, she gathered whatever was around for them and slung them on a knapsack she created out of the torn tunic. The Jedi taught her the basic skills of survival and she wasn’t as dense as she seemed.

“So you’ve found something I’m assuming…lets hurry up then!”

Once he spoke and started to lead, she quickly followed. Where ever this base was she wanted to get to it as soon as possible. There could be running water, lights and dare she fathom the thoughts of real beds!?

“I hope there’s a bed…the ground doesn’t do too much for my back.”

Erich Lor

Erich looked at Spencer, he noticed the faint outline of her veins in his sight and he quickly closed his eyes and looked away. He was growing hungry again, climbing the tree had been tough for him and had not helped to sedate his ever growing need for blood and marrow. The Garhoon shook slightly at the thought of actually eating, or actually consuming what he needed. In his mind he could picture it.

He could see himself biting into Spencer's neck, tearing into her and ripping her flesh apart. He could see himself devouring her supple young form, exposing her, tearing into her, consuming her in her entirety. It would only take a few seconds, compared to him she was so weak, so vulnerable, so...naive. The Garhoon opened his eyes again, more red than before they stared at Spencer in all her youthful glory. He felt his foot move forward slightly, his hand clench at his side. Then her voice echoed through his ears and his thoughts shattered.

“Right. Lets get going.” Erich said as his entire body shook with pain and hunger. He nodded to her, and reassured her with a playful smile of his own, then he turned away from her and began walking, the base would be far.


It took several hours, almost the entire day but eventually they made it. As the sun dipped behind the tree's once again Erich first lay eyes on the Durasteel walls of an ancient base. The Garhoon grinned to Spencer and embraced her suddenly as he saw the walls. Perhaps they would not be dying here after all, perhaps they were going to live, perhaps he wouldn't succumb to his hunger either.

“There it is.” Erich said letting her fall back down to her feet, then he moved forward making sure that she came along. The Garhoon moved to the base quickly, reaching the high arching walls in a matter of minutes. Erich peered at the walls, touching the metal and running his fingers over it. The metal felt cold to his palm, something that for some reason made him smirk. For a few minutes he walked along the wall, until finally he felt it a slight gap. He moved his hand back, and then punched hard into the steel. The Metal folded enough for Erich to reach in and bend the metal back, breaking it apart. “Now we go exploring.”

Erich grinned, then slipped beyond the walls and into the base. The architecture of the place was much the same as the outside. Cold metal sheeting erected from the ground, most of it covered in thick and heavy moss. Three buildings total rose out of the Earth, two of them quite large. For a few seconds the Garhoon did not make a move, he just watched and listened.

He heard nothing, and saw nothing. No beasts were present here, at least none that were large enough for him to notice. He motioned to Spencer, she could do the exploring just as well as he. “Why don't you take the smaller building, ill search the other two.”

Erich said it with a smile on his face, though one could see worry in his eyes.
Spencer looked around the base; it was like someone ripped it out of a history book and projected it on a holo screen. A smile spread across her face as she felt like it was a new playground for her to play in. Looking over at the Garhoon, she could sense it again, his never-ending hunger for blood and more. Taking a deep breath she calmed her heart rate down again, the force helped also. She hoped she could keep herself from being somewhat enticing to eat. Spencer headed towards the second building; she kept her mind open in case he decided to give into his hunger.

She didn’t say anything to him; she decided to try and not to pull too much attention to herself. Sighing softly she used her lightsaber to cut through the doors and find her way in. Looking around, Spencer figured she had come across the barracks. The building wasn’t as big as she would have assumed, in her knowledge the barracks should be bigger, but it was probably because the troops were clones. The barracks were probably for the generals to sleep.

Her eyes darted around making sure nothing was coming after her. Especially knowing that she had a Garhoon who was hungry running around.


Erich Lor

Erich walked through the abandoned base with an easy strut. He tried to forget entirely about his hunger and instead focused on exploring. After a few minutes he forgot about being starved and instead found himself more than a little interested in the interior of the first building. This building was a command center, a room filled with maps, databases, and best of all old weapons. Every other console had a helmet on it, from them he gathered there had been an evacuation, a quick one.

“What the-” Erich said as he picked up a helmet and inspected it. The blood ran out of it, dripping slightly. Fresh blood? What the hell was going on here. The Garhoon let the blood drip onto his finger and then he brought it up to his fangs. He placed a single drop onto his mouth, and tasted it. Instantly his eyes grew red, and fangs pressed out in an instant. It was real blood alright. His hunger rose instantly and he fell to the floor with a rush of pain. For a few seconds he knelt there, then he suppressed the over whelming feeling of desire.

Something was wrong here, something was very wrong. Suddenly he heard Spencer yell. From this far he couldn't tell if it was a yell of surprise, anger, or fear. In an instant Erich dropped the helmet in his hand, the blood within splattered on the ground and onto his legs as he rushed out the door.

Within a minutes time Erich appeared behind Spencer his WESTAR-34 blaster pistol within his hand and out point in what seemed to be several directions at once.

“Whats wrong?” He yelled out in a mix of fear, anger, and haste.
Spencer moved towards the beds, she was excited to see something so simple and common. Her hand ran across the layer of dust that had gathered on the thick blankets. She made a spot clear and sat down on the bed. Her hands continued to run along the top of the bed wondering who slept here, wondering what battle plans were thought up in these barracks. Taking in the atmosphere she could feel the force surrounding it. Her assumptions were correct, the Jedi Generals used to sleep here and meditate. So much power lingered in this one room.

Smiling, she adjusted herself so that she was on her knees and bounced slightly on the bed. Her back was to the door she entered. They were like the beds back in the temple, so familiar yet so old compared to what she had now. Everything seemed to be so intact for being so old. Before she could even fathom lying down, something startled her as she heard the Garhoon’s voice. Looking over her shoulder, she watched him wave his gun around.

“Nothing’s wrong…I just found beds that’s all. I can feel the force – Jedi used to meditate here gathering their energies.”

Her hands waved in front of her as she looked at him. A part of her feared the Garhoon especially with his weapon out. Even though his body was weapon enough – he could easily kill her with the pistol. Biting her lip, she looked down at the man’s pants and held her breath.

“Erich…did you hurt yourself…? Or did you find something to feed on?”

Spencer felt the tingling sensation in her neck, her fingers traced along the fresh scars that were forming from the feeding. She touched each tooth mark softly a reminder of her sacrifice to the Garhoon. Unintentionally, she pulled at the undershirt she was wearing revealing a bit of her neck towards Erich.

Erich Lor

A look of confusion and slight annoyance crossed his face as she realized her cry had been one of excitement and not danger. Quickly and without looking the Garhoon holstered the weapon and looked at the girl. Jedi? Great exactly what he needed, then he realized that they were all dead. His hunger was now affecting his mental status, fantastic. Then he noticed something else, the smell of blood coming from his leg as she so deftly pointed out.

Erich keeled down and touched his leg touching the blood and letting it run across his finger. He closed his eyes for a second just enjoying the scent, although it took him only a second to know that it wasn't his own, nor was it Spencers. It was a man's blood, he could tell from the stench. As he opened his eyes he saw a rather pleasing sight.

Spencer sat upon the bed directly across from him, playing with the wounds upon her neck. Losing control for a second Erich's fangs grew again. Their sharp points appeared past his lips, every tooth within his mouth becoming a killing weapon. He took a slight step forward before once again stopping himself. The animal side of him wanted to badly to feed, to consume Spencer and let himself gorge within her blood and body.

The Rational side however said no. He needed her, for more than one thing. He stopped himself, and forced his eyes shut. His fangs disappeared again, and Erich began to speak as he looked away from the Jedi. “Neither. There was something here, very recently, something now very dead.”
Spencer climbed out of the bed and looked around. She hadn’t noticed anything without dust lingering about. Her footsteps dragged slightly as she made her way towards him. A hand touched his back as she did her best to comfort him, it seemed like he needed it suddenly especially with his hunger and now the stress of finding out what was going on. Spencer felt a lot strong than before, she knew that she could offer him some food to keep him focused on escaping and not about eating her involuntarily.

Fingertips laced through some of the small holes in the undershirt. She ripped it at the collar exposing more of her neck. It was going to get ripped anyways the least she could do was start it for him. She moved from behind him, Spencer let her fingertips travel along his back and across his arm. The Empathic Jedi could sense everything that was going on with him. The mix of emotions with the desire to eat shined through. He was a bit focused on things at the moment.

“If something is out there Erich, you can’t fight it hungry. Just feed on me and get some strength back. I bounce back pretty easily, there’s a lot of stuff I can eat to gather my strength. Please Erich; just feed enough to calm you down.”

Pleading with him, she tilted her head away from him exposing the main artery in her neck. She knew that her adrenaline forced the artery to pulsate a bit as if it was calling out for the Garhoon.

Erich Lor

He stared at her, he felt her hands, he just watched her with open red eyes. He didn't hesitate of course, he was more studying her and the way she acted. His body wanted to feed, and more. He wanted to tear Spencer apart, leave her absolutely corrupted and ruined. She was naïve, she didn't really understand what she was doing to him, or maybe she did. Either way, Erich knew that she was right. If he didn't feed they would both die, he needed to be able to fight.

So Erich gave in, he lost himself within the lust for blood. His Teeth grew massive again, fangs overlapping fangs, he grabbed her. Reaching behind her back and bringing her up to him. He bit down on her neck harshly, creating new wells of blood that sprung from her neck.

For what seemed like an age Erich held Spencer close to his body, gorging himself on her blood and drinking her in. This time he took far more, and this time it was far more...sensual than it had been before. He held her tighter, closer to him. His hands were positioned on her far lower back and near her breast, holding her tightly against him as he drained her almost entirely of blood. As he took in more and more of her blood his eyes changed and shifted, the red going away and churning with wells of blue.

His eyes became a maze of blue and red, and before they could completely shift Erich Removed his fangs from her neck drawing the almost inch long blade like teeth from her throat. He didn't drop her this time either. He held onto her, his mouth dripping with blood.
It was almost orgasmic, and one could see the pure divine pleasure on the Garhoons face as he relished in the taste of blood.
He held her close; if she was going to die then she would have died happy. Spencer started to feel cold and her body pushed to be closer to the Garhoon. It was a twisted series of events, the man was draining her of her life, but she offered it to him. Her eyes lost their spirit as she watched him ravage her lithe body. Her hands pulled at his shirt when he bit down on her. The aggression that poured from the bite scared her. Her grip started to loosen the longer the feast continued. It didn’t take long till her hands fell at her side and her body started to grow heavy.

His mouth released her and she blinked as she felt some of her own blood drip on her face. Was this a mistake? Was this all a game for him to just end up eating her? She thought longer as she watched him, he went through too much trouble for her if this was just a game for him. A smile spread across her face, his features returned to the ones she like seeing. Everything felt too heavy for her to move, so she leaned forward into his embrace.

“Are…are you feeling better?”

Spencer took a deep breath, her head hurt and she felt weak. Focusing what conscious she had left she called on the force and started to heal herself the best she could. It was extremely slow and after a few moments she lost control of it and stopped healing. Some of the wounds on her neck closed but the others remained open and dripped her vibrate red blood.

Erich Lor

Erich held her closely for a few seconds, letting the tips of his fingers run across her skin. The Garhoon just looked at her, a maze of red and blue in his eyes. He stared at her, trying to see something within her. She was not the first one who had offered herself to him, there had been many others. She was the first however who had expected to live at the end, There was something oddly curious about that. The fact that she trusted him enough to do this, it made him feel...strange.

The Garhoon did not like it. He saw it as a flaw within himself. Erich was used to looking out for himself, and only himself. Something outside scrapped against the metal wall.

The Garhoon immediately stopped his train of thought and twisted himself around still holding tightly onto Spencer. He looked for the source of the noise. He scowled when he did not find it. Spencer wouldn't be able to move for the next day or two at least, luckily he had taken enough this time to sustain himself for at least four days. This meant they had four days to find a map get Spencer better and then get out of here, beyond that Erich didn't see himself feeding on her again, or well without consequences.

“Don't worry about me.” Erich said as he swept her up in his arms. Quickly he walked her over to one of the beds, placing her softly on the dusty covers. The Garhoon looked at her, and then reached down onto his shirt. He tore off a massive lengthy piece of it anhilating the garment and turning it into a long winding bundle that resembled a length of gauze. Then he moved her hand aside from her neck. He placed the cloth on her neck and wound it around her upper body tightly above her ***** and underneath her arm.

As he finished wrapping the wound Erich stood, and left the Jedi briefly. He stepped over to where she had cut a hole in the wall, and slid a massive metal panel over the hole. Then he reached for his recurve gauntlet and soldered the metal hunk in place. There would be food within the barracks, Military rations never expired and at least this way they would be safe....theoretically.

Calmly Erich walked back over to Spencer's bed, and then sat on the ground besides it. She would probably need sleep.
Sighing softly, Spencer closed her eyes tightly and adjusted herself to be comfortable. She nodded slightly giving him thanks for the bandages, once she was strong enough she’d be able to heal herself fully.


Opening her eyes, she looked out and saw night falling. Blinking, she wondered how long she had been asleep. Her body felt stronger and she called upon the force to heal herself a bit. When it started to wear her out, Spencer stopped. Looking over, she saw Erich. A smile spread across her face as she did her best to sit up. It hurt too much, so she laid back onto her elbows and remained smiling at him.

She looked down at the data pad that slipped out of her knapsack and saw the date. It had been nearly a week since she had gone missing from the temple. Frowning, she wondered how long she had been knocked out from the feeding. Her hand reached up and touched the bandaging. It was obvious it had been changed at least once. Closing her eyes she focused the force to heal herself once more.

“How are you?”

Erich Lor

Erich did not answer at first, he seemed to be in a sort of trance like state of extreme calm. He still sat besides the bed, with his back to Spencer. He had not been sleeping, and still was not. Sleep was like a treat to him, it helped him quite a bit to feel stronger, but he didn't necessary need it. The Garhoon had been in a meditative like state, staying awake but trying to shut down his bodies other functions.

He had deemed this necessary, mostly because he knew something was out there...or someone. He did not trust these forests, he did not trust the Shadowlands of Kashyyyk one bit. Once they were out of here everything would be better, safer. He would have to instill in her that coming to look for him was above all, a terrible idea. He would have to stop her from doing this again, all of this was because she was looking for him. A thought ran through his mind, he would have to give her a way to reach him, a private communicator or something of the sort.

Finally Erich closed his eyes. They hurt for a split second, but then he reopened them and turned his head. The Red and Blue in his eyes shifted again, as he looked at her the Red began to overtake the blue. Where once there were thick lines of both, now the Red was slowly spreading and overtaking the red.

Still some of the blue remained, a good sign. “I'm fine. How are you feeling?”

The Garhoon seemed to have genuine concern in his voice, a strange thing.

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