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Approved Starship Elsa's Sith-Imperial TIE Interceptor

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  • Intent: To create a unique variant of the Sith-Imperial TIE Interceptor for Elsa.
  • Image Source: (X) - Shoguneagle / AdamKop
  • Canon Link: TIE/IN Interceptor
  • Primary Source: Sith-Imperial TIE Interceptor (Content written by [member="Darth Carnifex"] and used with permission obtained via forum PM)

  • Classification: Interceptor
  • Optimal Crew Complement: One Sapient Human, Near-Human, or Humanoid Pilot
  • Length: 10.9 meters
  • Width: 3.8 meters
  • Height: 2.4 meters
  • Armament: Average
    ​Two Wing Mounted Fire-Linked Laser Cannons
  • Two Wing Mounted Fire-Linked Ion Cannons
  • Two Concussion Missile Launchers

[*]Defenses: Low

[*]Squadron Count: None: 1
[*]Maneuverability Rating: Extreme
[*]DPF: 140 DPF
[*]Speed Rating: Extreme
[*]MGLT: 150 MGLT
[*]Hyperdrive Class: N/A
  • VTOL Repulsorlift System
  • Deflector Shields
  • 1 Week of Consumables
  • Standard Flight Avionics System
  • Standard Space/Atmosphere Navigation System
  • Standard Radiation Shielding

[*]Environmental Systems​:

[*]Propulsion Systems​:

[*]Sensor and Targeting Systems:​

  • Blistering Speed: A number of modifications were installed in the twin ion engines of Elsa's SI-TIE/I, which give her craft terrifically enhanced speed over the factory model.
  • Hyper-Maneuverability: On account of the craft's modified ion stream deflector, Elsa's SI-TIE/I is far more maneuverable and agile than the factory variant.
  • Enhanced Features: Like the SI-TIE, the interceptor version also possesses advanced sensor, targeting, and communication systems that allow it to better coordinate with other Imperial fighters to adapt and react to an ever shifting battlefield.
  • No Hyperdrive: Like the other TIE designs, the SI-TIE/I lacks a hyperdrive and must be launched from another ship.
  • Carrier Dependent: Similar to its drawback of having no hyperdrive, the SI-TIE/I also cannot land like a normal fighter as it possesses no landing gear. It must instead be launched, docked, and stored on specially designed racks inside of Star Destroyers or other carrier vessels. However, the craft can "sit" on its wings, provided it is positioned on a level surface.
  • Low Defenses: The SI-TIE/I is defended only by a starfighter-grade deflector shield and hardened titanium. As such, the interceptor is extremely vulnerable to corvette-grade weaponry and above, which can potentially disable the craft out in less than two shots.
  • Sensitive and Technically Demanding Piloting: On account of the many modifications and additional systems installed in the craft to increase its speed and maneuverability, Elsa's SI-TIE/I is more difficult to pilot than its base variant. It is extremely sensitive to input from the control column, thereby increasing the risk of the pilot losing control of the craft.
Description: As soon as she was issued her designated craft, Elsa set to work on improving its performance with assistance from a few Sith-Imperial starfighter technicians. She focused the bulk of her efforts on improving the interceptor's speed and agility in order to improve her lethality in air/space combat maneuvers. As such, with parts procured from the starfighter technicians on her craft's host ship, she installed systems designed to enhance the power output of the twin ion engines. In addition, she also increased the efficiency of the craft's maneuvering jets by installing an ion stream deflector.

Elsa also made modifications to her craft's armament, in order to improve her versatility in combat scenarios and to allow her to counter starfighter-grade shielding. She removed two of the interceptor's wing mounted laser cannons and replaced them with a pair of wing mounted ion cannons. In effect, this alters the firing pattern of her craft so that it fires two ionized particle bolts and two laser bolts when she fires the weapons, thereby allowing her to potentially disable starfighter-grade shielding and electrical systems. However, the interceptor's ion cannons have little to no effect on the shields or electronics of larger capital-grade ships.

Last but not least, to accommodate her relatively small stature in comparison to that of other pilots, she installed a higher seat and adjusted the placement of the control column.
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