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Private Eisei supply run

Location: Junko’s Palace
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike | Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

“Woah!” Supisy exclaimed. “Older than Clone Wars?” The Twi’lek was not very excited about old slow tech, but she did have a sense of history and something maybe a millennia old would be amazing to step foot into. Even to fly it would be a treat even though she might have to dull down her normal flying tactics. “Half a dozen women Barca chooses for a mission?” She looked at the Mandalorian and smiled. She still was both intrigued and intimidated by what time alone with Barca might result in. “I’m not sure what you call it exactly, but I say it is a very exciting thought.” Junko said she was going to remain. It was disappointing to Supisy, but expected. Junko had duties and they were likely taking her from them to pose for this statue. “I would enjoy seeing Lady Kioshi again. She’s fun. And anything named the Crystal City is bound to be a sight to see.”
Supisy Blen Supisy Blen Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

"Yes." She said it in answer to it all but offered only a smirk. "Barca will choose the best to protect the pair of you and the others... plus her wardroid which is well should be more then enough. The ship if it functions could serve in a number of ways though it is made to be turned into a central area for colonies with food production and medical areas.... aand when you return the sight of the crystal city is something you should experience. I know you flew over it when coming here but thaat doesn't do much to show its grandeur and beauty... that you can from the inside when the sun is refracting through all of the different panes of crystal."

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia


Location: Atrisia | Junko’s Palace
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike | Supisy Blen Supisy Blen


I felt much better that the decisions on security were being left to Barca and not Supisy’s whims. She meant well, but if it meant a dozen well toned warriors accompanying them Supisy would say it was a requirement no matter what. She was just growing into her own in terms of socializing. Wanting to see and hear everything. Coming to the Commonwealth had been a godsend for her development with Junko taking interest in her and the handmaidens sharing that interest. A mission to explain a missing colony was not the place for Supisy to play security dating game though.

I didn’t feel the need to discuss the security issue further now that it was in Barca’s capable hands. The explanation of what the colony ships were used for was amazing however.
“So the colony ships were basically cities transported through space, temporary cities at least. That’s fascinating. I hope to be able to look through one for sure.”

A city made, or made to look like it was made, out of crystal was equally amazing. “I bet the Crystal City is an amazing sight I am very much looking forward to. As well as the opportunity to meet with Lady Kioshi again. She is very sweet, and keeps me on my toes.”
Location: Junko’s Palace
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike | Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

Supisy was happy that Junko would consider her request, even if it started as a jest, the Twi’lek did wonder exactly how dangerous a trip to a lost colony might be. Just cause it looked like the colonist abandoned the place, didn’t mean that something didn’t go horribly wrong and would come back to get them when they arrived.

“Barca let me know if you want any help deciding who the right personnel is,” Supisy called out to the Mandalorian with a wink. “I really want to be back to see the Crystal City. So I promise I won’t only pick the prettiest ones.”
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

Looking at the paair of them as she gave a nod of her head. barca would be able to give them protection and the right guards. The large mandalorian would likely get them some of the stronger fighters of the metsuka since they were usually better suited offworld. They seemed excited about returning to go to the crystal city which would be important.. it meant there was motivation as Junko smiled. "Good good, then we should get dressed or at least the two of you and then the all important parts to it. I can loung around like this for awhile longer and make sure you both have the supplies that you would need... who knows what else might be needed."

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia


Location: Atrisia | Junko’s Palace
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike | Supisy Blen Supisy Blen


I couldn’t help a sly grin as Junko basically announced that she intended to lounge around naked as she finished the logistics involved in our mission back to Eisei. “I would very much like to get into some clothes,” I said, hugging the robe close to me. “It’s no offense to anyone present, but I’m not used to exposing myself to others like this.” I offered a shy smile. “Perhaps I will grow more open in time within the welcoming arms of the Commonwealth. But. Yes. Clothes would be nice.” I looked to Junko and blushed. If the desire to see the Crystal City wasn’t enough to make me work safe and quick, the desire to be in her presence again would add to it ten fold.
Location: Junko’s Palace
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike | Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

As much as Latyuo seemed to be uncomfortable with the handmaidens looking at her in the nude, Supisy was quite the opposite. She didn’t like being marginalized or forced into physical contact, but she loved being the center of attention. Though she knew that everyone was looking at all three of them in the back of her head, in her imagination she was the one that all eyes were drawn to. “If I’m going to pilot a ship I suppose I should probably get dressed, don’t want to be too distracting for all the security,” Supisy gave a giggle. “I need you to upload the scans to my holo so I have something fun to look at while I’m taxiing the colony team to investigate,” she added with a wink. She of course intended to investigate with Latty this time to Eisei. Sitting and waiting was boring. Even if she could spend it staring at naked holos of Junko she would much rather be out poking around at the colony.
Supisy Blen Supisy Blen Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

"I will have the holos uploaded so you can see them and some others. I do after all have to pose for my dresses and kimono's." She gave a wink and was looking at them while she laid on Xifang who looked around but didn't move though he seemed to want to. "We'll just have to get you some proper clothing for such an endeavor." She nodded and patted him. "Bed." The tiger moving as he started going back towards the private garden and the room for the princess... his own sleeping area next to her larger bed. "Now lets think what would be good, some of the attire for sure but common threads or do we want to go a little regal with silks and furs." She said it to herself but giving them outfits as Phaidor had rushed ahead to ready two sets of Atrisian Royal Threads that they could be fitted into.

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia


Location: Atrisia | Junko’s Palace
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike | Supisy Blen Supisy Blen


We followed behind Xifang as the big cat took Junko from the shell to the more private garden room. I had to admit it was hard not to look at a gorgeous naked princess riding on the back of a large tiger, but I managed to force my eyes to look elsewhere for a few short occasions to avoid looking like I was staring. Once inside the room the talk turned to outfitting for the next stage of our colony mission. There were two outfits set out by Phaidor. “Stunning,” I admitted with a whisper. “But. Well I’m sure that they were designed with all sorts of adventuring in mind, but…” I was a little embarrassed to voice my opinion. “For me, adventuring in a skirt seems a bit difficult. Could they be altered to be pants on my legs?”
Location: Junko’s Palace
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike | Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

Supisy’s eyes looked over Junko and heard that she would get holos of their posing as well as more of Junko as she was being fitted for clothing. The Twi’lek could only imagine the situations that would end up on holo and she was quite anxious to view them. For a moment Supisy wondered if Xifang would mind her joining Junko on his back, but then talk turned to clothing and they were off towards Junko’s private garden room.

Supisy followed along with Latyuo and when they arrived Junko asked what they should be outfit in, common clothes or something more noble…well Junko said regal. Supisy looked to Latyuo hoping against hope that her partner would not make the sensible choice. The Twi’lek pilot was surprised when Latyuo only mentioned that she would prefer pants to a skirt. “Heck yeah!” Supisy burst out. “We always think regal is a good look. I don’t mind the skirt at all.”
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

"THe outfits can be altered to your likings, something functional afterall." She said it with a smile. "JUst give the specifications to the seamstresses and they will make sure you have some of the best quality material in the commonwealth for protection short of our combat skins." The Asuka combat skin might have served better in some ways but well that wasn't something you kept in your closet.... maybe on her ship... sure but not here. "The general taskforce should be set I believe you would have a small exploration division fleet with Barca in security and all of the works that can go into it. We'll get you done and then a day for prep time and going over scenarios."

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia


Location: Atrisia | Junko’s Palace
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike | Supisy Blen Supisy Blen


How stupid was I not to know that anything could be altered to the wearer’s desire. I would even bet there were some Atrisians who found pants more comfortable for adventuring. “Combat skin sounds like a bit much to me,” I said with a smile. “I’m not really a combatant. Hopefully there won’t be a need for me to become one. Though whoever makes me take on that designation will be sorry. These outfits will be quite nice for the job I think. I’ll be sure to give them my requests.” I gave a nod to the details of the exploration and had to take a moment to build up my confidence and then I smiled again. “You can count on us to get the job done,” I said, puffing out my chest hoping that would make me seem more capable. I’d never led anyone other than Supisy before.
Location: Junko’s Palace
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike | Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

Supisy looked over the outfits again and then smiled. “Why mess with perfection?” she said with a smile. “I’ll make sure they get my measurements again though.” Supisy didn’t like the sound of combat skins, but if what she had taken from Atrisia so far stayed true they were probably beautiful as well as effective. The talk of the Eisei task force was a bit surprising. Supisy wasn’t expecting to be in the lead of a whole fleet. Though she knew that Latty would take charge Supisy knew, but that was just the way things went. Supisy didn’t really want to be in charge anyways. But she would be there to support Latty. A whole expedition fleet was more than Latyuo had ever handled. She would need support. Having Barca around would be fun and comforting as well. At least when it came to knowing that their backs were covered.
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

Junko nodded as they would be able to get the measurements aand everything set up for the pair of them. The jedi princess looking it over and they could have their equipment as well as one or two of the ships for such a task force... they might use it to better transport the deviant to the planet for speed but then it could be released from the hold and the group could do what they needed to do... while she was here... taking care of her duties to the Commonwealth and dreaming the good times of wanting to well go out aand have a little fun maybe... she might hit the beach on one of the worlds in system and find some adventure who knew."

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia


Location: Atrisia | Junko’s Palace
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike | Supisy Blen Supisy Blen


As soon as the seamstresses were done taking my measurements I nodded and explained the changes I would like to see in the design. Basically it was just cutting the skirt into loose-fitting pants. The rest of the outfit was quite striking and something I could see myself in without an issue. As I turned back to Junko she seemed to be in thought. “I know that look,” I said with a smile. “You want to come along. You miss the adventure of the galaxy outside the Commonwealth. For more than just diplomatic meetings.”
Location: Junko’s Palace
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

When Supisy heard Latyuo mention that Junko looked like she wanted to be a part of the mission, the young Twi’lek’s eyes popped open. She rushed over to Junko’s side and gently grabbed hold of the Jedi princess’ arm and bounced up and down in excitement. ”You really want to come along? I mean, me and Latty have it totally down. We’ll get the job done of course,” Supisy tried to make sure that her eagerness was because of Junko’s presence, not a lack of confidence. ”But I’d love for you to see my flying skills out there. And I mean it’s always nice to have a Jedi along in case of surprises.”
Supisy Blen Supisy Blen Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

She looked at the pair of them and was debating it to herself... a lot of work was needed to be done but like with her handmaidens she could leave them to do things.. they knew well enough what her opinions would be on most subjects and ideas. "Hmm I could, my handmaidens know what to do and it is always good to see things through that you are asking others... especially if there could be danger." She said it and there was more than enough she could bring equipment wise. "I wouldn't need much, my robes double as personal armor and there is a benefit to having a jedi with you at times.... plus worse case scenario I know there are ways to get back quickly."

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia


Location: Atrisia | Junko’s Palace
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike Supisy Blen Supisy Blen


I could see the internal debate within the Princess. She wanted to see something outside of Artisia and with the possibility of some action. It must be hard to be a Jedi tasked with administration and such when you are capable of so much more. I didn’t envy Junko’s decision. If I were in her place I have no clue what I would do. I’d never had true ties to a place since leaving Mirial, and even then I was not exactly one of the people. I smiled as Junko seemed to be talking herself into coming along. I would not argue against it in the least, but a part of me didn’t want to encourage it. If something happened here while she was gone she was unlikely to forgive herself. At the same time with Atrisian technology there is very little she couldn’t have her hand in even from across the galaxy. ”Your handmaidens are quite capable of many things and you have means at your disposal to communicate and return quite quickly. However, we can handle this task for you as well if you feel you need to be here.” I smirked at the statement that she needed little in the way of equipment. I was very confident she could get by with as little as she stated. ”Princess you can bring whatever you like…of course if you travel light as you say we would be glad to have you aboard the Deviant
Location: Junko’s Palace
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

Supisy became even more excited when Junko seemed to be convincing herself that accompanying the mission to Eisei wouldn’t be a bad idea. The Twi’lek pilot did agree that Junko’s handmaidens seemed quite capable of at the very least getting a hold of the princess in an emergency. When even Latyuo didn’t try to convince Junko that she was needed in Artisia Supisy was feeling even better about the chances of the Princess coming along. ”If you don’t need to pack we can get going quickly right?”
Supisy Blen Supisy Blen Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

She decided that yeah she should go if only so they could continue to show their skills in this situation.. it would be invaluable as a learning experience afterall. "Well yes, low travel packing... in fact all I would really need is the survival pack." She had it and they would be able to use it for plenty as it had their latest in terms of equipment and module equipment. "I'll come and we will see what happened together." She said it and nodded while walking and she had one of the handmaidens retrieve her pack. The cracken being sleek and standard equipment in the armor and outfits while it looked like a backpack one could wear only with compartments that slid out with storage.

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