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Approved Planet Dulvoyinn

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Ugohr Poof

The Traveling Gungan Salesman

Dulvoyinn as seen from space

Image source:

Name: Dulvoyinn

Region: Deep Core
System: Dulvoyinn
Suns: 1 (F4V type)
Orbital Position: Inner limit of habitable zone
Moons: 0
System Features: No other system features
Coordinates: 10,14
Rotational Period: 22 hours
Orbital Period: 400 days

Class: Terrestrial
Diameter: 11480 km
Atmosphere: Type 1
Climate: Tropical (at the poles 15-30 Celsius temperatures are common, 25-45 at the equator)
Gravity: 0.9 times standard
Primary Terrain: Jungle, oceans, sparse mountain ranges in the northern polar regions

Native Species: Dulvoyinn bloodcat (non-sentient)
Immigrated Species: Humans
Primary Languages: Basic
Government: Federal Republic
Population: 2 million
Demonym: Dulvoyan
Major Imports: Technology, metals
Major Exports: Seafood, lumber (kempas), produce, furniture

Affiliation: Galactic Alliance

Major Locations:


Image Source: Men of War: Assault Squad

Dulvoyinn Logistical Base

Built in the jungles of Dulvoyinn after the Galactic Alliance captured Dulvoyinn by the Galactic Alliance Corps of Engineers, Bloodhawk Squadron and the Army of Malastare under then-General Poof, the Dulvoyinn Logistical Base is home to the planetary garrison of the planet. During the Run to Coruscant, the Base played host to the logistical equipment necessary to keep the Aliance's forces in action while they attempted to capture Coruscant, thanks in part to its warehouses and floating-roof hypermatter reservoirs. It is capable of housing two squadrons of fighters as well as an army regiment.


Image Source: Exceed Insurance

Pizza Hutt Palace

Built in a joint venture between Pizza Hutt and IGR Brokerage, the Pizza Hutt Palace is one of the few commercial facilities present on Dulvoyinn. The main tenants of the strip mall are a pharmacy, which also doubles as a supermarket, a Pizza Hutt restaurant as well as a real estate office, which is the smallest of the offices run by IGR Brokerage. Its size is limited by the size of Dulvoyinn's population, so to appease the fears of white elephants among the local population. While to many off-worlders, the strip mall would appear somewhat backward, to Dulvoyinn's residents, it is the real deal.


Image Source: Arkhangelskoye Estate

Ringovinda Systems Corporate Retreat

Built in the North Pole region of Dulvoyinn, under the auspices of Jaii Builds, the Ringovinda Systems Corporate Retreat serves as a 10-bedroom residence for both [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] and [member="Summer Sovereign"] when not in use in a corporate capacity. For this reason, it is known as Dulvoyinn's largest dwelling. Due to Jessica's near-Wookiee morphology, the corporate retreat was built to Wookiee specifications. It is most famous for being used as a lab by Ringovinda Systems, Due to the sparse population of Dulvoyinn, their owners could have a 10-acre plot of land for a mere pittance. It also features an architectural landscaped garden for the enjoyment of employees and of the neighborhood.


Image Source: Mahekal Beach Resort

Tevv Bay Resort

Built in the wake of Star Tours' failures of expanding the Beaches of the Dark Side series of vackation packages, Tevv Bay Resort is an all-inclusive facility that makes use of local produce and seafood, as well as of local staff. Its nearly 200 hotel rooms makes it the largest and most luxurious hotel on Dulvoyinn. Also featured at the main entrance is a full-sized X-Wing monument dedicated to the fallen Alliance military personnel during the invasion of Dulvoyinn.


Dulvoyinn being largely unpopulated, Dulvoyan society is mostly rural, where any settlements larger than a village (usually taken to mean larger than 1,000 in population) exert political and economic control over significant segments of the planet's landmass. The segments of which the towns were the capitals, were called counties, with the town being a county seat. Each county elected one member to the planetary senate, whereby all the candidates needed to be tested before they could officially run for a senatorial seat. If they failed the senatorial test, candidates could nevertheless vote. The senatorial test was a test of both socio-historical knowledge and scientific knowledge because Dulvoyans saw power as a tool where knowledge was a means to achieve power, even as a rural planet. As a result, all senatorial candidates run as independents. The Speaker of the Senate assumes leadership of the Senate and the Senate assumes both legislative and executive power.


As a result of the impact of the Gulag plague on Dulvoyinn, the Dulvoyinn residents are highly ecology-conscious, as well as fair-trade conscious: they systematically demand that a maximum of local consumables and resources, such as wood, be used when off-world development projects were conducted. Even when the planet itself was not known at large, it was better-known for its eco-sensitive practices. Nevertheless, there are times when they needed a piece of technology from off-world supplies that may not be of the best environmental standard, and they could make do with such ecologically insensitive implements.

Art and architecture:

Works of art on Dulvoyinn often made use of materials harvested in eco-friendly ways, with many works being done by hand. They mostly attempted to build their buildings so as to match the surroundings rather than to dominate them. They also made use of biologically available pigments in their paintings, but had little appreciation for holovids.

Dulvoyans and the greater galaxy:

Dulvoyinn having almost no exploitable sources of metal, Dulvoyan residents often had to go off-world for services and goods many in the greater galaxy take for granted: specialized healthcare, metallurgy, technology, and, as such, welcome trade from and to their world so long as off-world businesses wanting to set up shop on the planet respect the fragile ecosystems and the natural habitat. Because Dulvoyinn has been overlooked to the eyes of the greater galaxy for so long, its real estate market has more in common with Outer Rim or Wild Space planets than it has in common with other Core Worlds and some residents of the Core Worlds look at Dulvoyinn to build expansive properties on the cheap.
Technology: Galactic standard (although mostly by means of imports)

For millenia Dulvoyinn was overlooked by all the major factions due to its lack of notable mineral resources, from which stems its lack of strategic importance: as such, it remained largely untouched by the major factions of history, despite its location in the Deep Core: Sith Empire, Galactic Republic, Galactic Empire, Yuuzhan Vong, First Order, Galactic Alliance, One Sith (in their incarnations up to roughly 150 ABY) and only small-scale colonization efforts were conducted in these eras. Despite its lack of importance to the eyes of the greater galaxy, Dulvoyinn greatly suffered under the Gulag Plague for being so close to the major epicenters of the plague. Its population dwindled to only 2 million in the 400 years that followed. Deprived of most sources of metal, which were to be shipped from off-world sources, Dulvoyans had to recycle every ounce of scrap metal they could find for all these years just to ensure their basic needs for metal were met.

In recent history, Dulvoyinn was under One Sith control until 845 ABY, where the Galactic Alliance won a major victory over the One Sith, enabling it to begin their now famous Race to Coruscant, culminating in the latter falling to the Galactic Alliance. Dulvoyinn served as a staging area as well as a logistical base for the Galactic Alliance's forces to be supplied while they were to attack Coruscant in one bold gamble involving nearly the entire Alliance army, as well as major elements of the Alliance's navy. After the liberation of Coruscant, one of the heroes of Coruscant, then-General [member="Ugohr Poof"], took charge of Dulvoyinn's segment of the Galactic Alliance Planetary Development Project, with the help of IGR Brokerage as well as other corporations.

Notable PCs: None
Intent: To develop on a canon world that had almost no canonical information on it
Links: Dulvoyinn on Wookiepedia

Dev threads (planet and locations):
Points of interest's Codex entries:
*This is a canon planet*


[member="Ugohr Poof"]

Terribly sorry for the delay.

First of all, I would like you to stabilize the rotational and orbital periods; make them a little bit more Earth-like. We could use complex mathematics and physics to describe this problem, but to put it simply -- such a large orbital period means that the planet's orbit would be quite large, meaning that the climate you have described wouldn't work out, as well as causing numerous other problems with gravity and more. Even though I'm OK with ignoring some maths for the sake of creativity, at the moment the orbital and rotational period are a little bit too out of place.

Please add in the word 'Type' to the Atmosphere field.


[member="Ugohr Poof"]

That is a lot better.

I really like how you took a canon planet and expanded on its practically nonexistent lore. :)

Approved by me, pending secondary.

[member="Lorelei Darke"]
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