Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Duel on an Unknown moon

Kyrel Ren was recently exploring the Outer Rim territories when his TIE Advanced X1 was shot down by pirates above an unknown moon. Now he had spent hours wandering the ground, as he had knew there were some outpost to find a ship to leave, but as he had walked through the barren wasteland he had sensed a Force Signature a Jedi in fact, and this excited him. He slightly altered his course to the source of the signature, he than finally came across a young girl by the looks of it, he mentally laughed as he knew this must have been only a Padawan at best in the face of a Knight of Ren. He looked at her as he pulled out lightsaber and activated the Crimson blade with a snap hiss. He said to her. "Wrong place to be young Jedi."

[member="Piper Lovelady"]
Piper, was a Jedi knight, also a master of form II also known as Makashi. She would look at the Sith, he didn't scare her at all, as he called her young she turned her nose up at him. She would laugh as she removed her saber from her belt and activated its yellow blade. She would let him make the first move

[member="Kyrel Ren"]
He moved quickly attempting to strike her chest with a hard and heavy horizontal slash. He would than attempt a series of hard power attacks to throw her off balance allowing him to gain an upperhand. He was far more stronger than her having killed a Jedi and fought two battles against the Galactic Alliance and won, he could tell that he was by far the strongest.

[member="Piper Lovelady"]
Piper would use her expert footwork and bladework to both step forward and block the slash set for her chest and then back petal to avoid the power attacks. With that she would then realize she would have to get inside his guard, he was a lot bigger than her and she would have to be clever in combat if she was to beat him. She would step forward and take a make a lightning fast jab at his respirator. she would then parry whatever attack came next and with a force pull bring him to her slashing at his chest

[member="Kyrel Ren"]
/The blade she had would hit the armor, the armor absorbed her strike as the armor absorbed the strike, as he was pulled towards her, he attempted to punch her hard in the gut with his gauntlets. He than moved and moved with the hard and heavy power attacks, attempting to to destroy her defenses he knew Makashi, Makashi's main weakness was Djem So and what he used was a very brutal form. He attempted to keep up his attacks his cybernetics did not make him tired, but however she could, and knew that his attempted power attacks could force her into a constant defense unwilling to break free from unless she did somehow think of something, but it did not look good as he was a mere tank at this moment willed with hate and rage.

[member="Piper Lovelady"]
She would then decide to switch into Soresu, she couldn't take him using her Makashi. She would get hit in the gut and be thrown backwards but would she would be able to block each of his strikes as she began to circle him, looking for a weak spot in his defense

[member="Kyrel Ren"]
He would than continue his rush attempting once more at his heavy power attacks attempting to wear her out. He focused on his increasing rage to fuel his power. He would not give her an inch as he focused more and more on penetrating her defenses, He kept trying to break past her not giving her even a chance to breathe.[member="Piper Lovelady"]
Piper could sense the Sith's arrogance and knew it would more likely than not be his undoing. She would continue to keep up her defense, she would look for weak points in his armor. His joints looked good to her, she would begin to strike out at his joints

[member="Kyrel Ren"]
He would take a hit to said joint to one of his legs, the sparks would fly out as he screamed in rage, the rage increased his power as he focused on both the pain and the force, he had been in worst spots than this surviving being possessed by an Ancient Sith Lord on Mustafar, Surviving being nearly killed by Jedi during the Battle of Kaeshana. He would mostly survive the girl who looked to be barely trained. He stopped for a moment to force push her to the ground before resuming the onslaught while she was down and confused he attempted to cut off her weapon arm leaving her defenseless.

[member="Piper Lovelady"]

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