Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction BXP | Communion at Draed-Muinne


Location: Draed-Muinne
Tags: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus | Mazoga | Sethrak Sethrak | Kathrok | Ostak Cl'mana | Maulis | Berok Berok | Gordrak Gordrak | Vrath | Vekrassh Vekrassh | Ethrok | Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari |

The shadow-sphere class rests in the eye of the ion storm known as The Blight. A myriad of self-replicating plates of vantablack exchange again and again, repairing themself for the thousandth time as another tendril of red ion zaps the hull of the sphere. Inside, a meditation chamber numb to the maelstrom around it remains quiet. A vergence wakes the powerful Seer from his catatonic meditation, eyes like molten steel wide and alert. The presence, no - the rage of the Draelvasier is felt again. The Titan lives and the fires of their conquest are kindled once again. He had been sure for so long, none would return from the Civil War beyond the Galactic Edge. Kardun was naught but dust now and for years the Seer had believed all the Drael of Kardun had shared the fate of the planet as so many had in the Galactic territories.

But, he was wrong. Kalanthir could feel that terrible strength once more. Khaeus would no doubt seek to gather his people, and what horrible things those Draelvasier at his side would find in their search. The usurper Warlord and his lies, the long-dead traitor Osam and his dealings with humans. More than that, descent from the survivors of Kardun. Drael too weak to comprehend the necessity of Tathra's deception. The allied species did not accept their place in the Chieftain's plan. Thus they did in fact betray them. As did Galak. The Draelvasier who did not understand the need for half-truths would be dealt with.

But all in due time. For now, a gathering was necessary. Kalanthir's ship dropped out of hyperspeed above Draed-Muinne. The hidden fortress' previous host was out in search of the Titan's transmission. When the beacon was restored, Kalanthir would send out a signal from Muinne to all corners of Drael space. Those who found the transmission could not be alone trusted with the knowledge of their Chieftain's return. The Seer suspected that Sethrak would attempt to destroy it. Lest his position as 'chieftain' be challenged. That was why he had to act now, regardless of how Tathra might feel about his deception. It was necessary to tip the odds in the favour of the Titan.

As the shadow-sphere settled onto the landing bay atop Muinne, the Seer was greeted by two Ultras. The shadow-sphere itself did not stay long, charged with instruction to reach another solitary Drael. Kalanthir had been keeping tabs on the white shadow. He had always been a loyal subservient. Vrath had helped ensure peace and stability under their master's command and would do so once again.

The Seer's ship departed with a note for the Chieftain's Shadow.


Vrath would know what was required.

The two Ultras, however, did not even know who he was. At one point, all Drael knew of the Seers and Kalanthir carried himself as such.

"I am Kalanthir. Envoy of our Chieftain." Kalanthir raised his arms out from under the cloak hanging from his crimson breastplate. Exposing himself, with no weapons of any kind at hand. Though of course, he did not use rudimentary weapons. The Ultras looked confused. As expected.

"The commander of Muinne is with the chieftain now, on Balamak." One replied, weapons still drawn.

"Not him. The Titan. We must prepare for his arrival." Kalanthir almost smirked, soaking in the look on their faces.

It didn't take long for the Seer to have full access to the Fortress. Kalanthir moved with haste, the force had guided him this far - made him aware. But the timing had to be right, no doubt the usurper and the broken weaver would want to see what the wayward warriors had found with their beacon. The transmission would only be active long enough to capture a glimpse at Tathra. But it would be enough for Kalanthir's own transmission. The corridor leading to the throne room was adorned with trophies, including a blood-stained helmet from Eshan. Tathra and he had ruled their respective elements of the Bryn'adul from here in the earliest days of their conquest. Now it would begin here, again.

When he reached the centre of the throne room Kalanthir activated the communications terminal attached to the arm wrest, opening a wideband search for Draelvasier broadcasts, and simply waited. The red hologram was produced in the middle of the throne room, an unintelligible distorted message came alongside a few brief stills. The short-range broadcast only lasted a few moments. But it was all he needed. Kalanthir captured a perfect still of the Titan and began his own transmission out to all known pockets of surviving Draelvasier in the Galaxy.

The transmission was of himself, first. Followed by the still of the Chieftain.

"Tathra Khaeus lives. He calls you to Draed-Muinne." Kalanthir's almost cybernetic voice was only further strangled by the transmission. But it was clear enough instructions for any to follow.

The Seer had not communed with Tathra, nor did he mean to speak for him. He was simply maneuvering the pieces into places to ensure success. He knew that his own name would not carry the weight required to draw the wayward and forlorn to Muinne. But perhaps the name Tathra Khaeus would. Ths was his duty, his expertise. Politics. The Seer ordered the Ultras to lower the storm field and await the arrival of an unspecified number of ships. All new arrivals were to be directed to the Throne Room. No doubt, Tathra would want to speak to those who had survived. Now, he waited at the side of his master's throne.

[OOC: The majority of the Draelvasier are coming from two separate groups. One with Tathra including; Ostak, Kathrok, Berok, Maulis & Mazoga. The other group is with Sethrak including; Sylok, Gordrak, and Kad. Anyone else can arrive independently. Also, whilst the Fortress is up and running, it's not in its best state, a little rundown by comparison to the submission, and it's only got about eight or nine Juggernaut Ultras defending it at the moment.]

Location: Aboard Scavenger Ship
Tags: Berok Berok | Maulis | Ostak Cl'mana | Kathrok | Mazoga

The Glaive sat perfectly in his grasp as if it'd never belonged to another. But he couldn't unsee it, clashing with his shattered sword nor forget the feeling of Galak driving the blade into his shoulder. The wound sometimes still felt fresh. Sometimes. His right index finger ran across the dull of the rightmost blade, recalling with more detail. He could almost picture the moment of impact, bending his skin before it almost popped under the pressure. Tearing and digging into his deltoid. He fought back wincing, reigning back in the stress brought on by the memory when the ship dropped out of hyperspace. Tathra's eyes fell on Muinne.

He had always trusted Kalanthir, but now he was acting out of turn. Kalanthir had spoken as if he was following his Chieftain's command. But that was not so. The Titan had believed the old Seer dead, he disappeared when the Warmind took Drek'ma from them. He'd always assumed it had killed Kalanthir, but apparently not. He'd been alive this whole time, in the Galactic territories, and clearly knowledgeable about the state of the Draelvasier. More than Tathra was. They'd have much to discuss. If it was real.

But that didn't matter. If it was a trap? He would just kill them. Tathra was not prepared to let his people go, no matter what had happened. No matter what odds lay ahead, he would win. Because he willed it so. The Draelvasier had been unjustly butchered, and in his absence, his Empire he had spent decades building collapsed in less than one. That pain, that anger would never fade. He was marked by the betrayal of Galak and those who had failed him here. He would have his vengeance for it too. He promised himself that much at least. The scavenger ship they'd commandeered was now in-bound for Draed-Muinne's main entrance. They'd land a small distance away, and leave some behind to defend the ship. Tathra made his way to the ship's landing bay, where the others were waiting. He'd sent them there after they had received Kalanthir's transmission. They needed to be prepared.

When the dual doors hissed open, the large Drael hunched under the frame, coming out onto the platform above the actual landing bay itself. Kathrok, Berok, Maulis, Ostak, Godar, Vaelad, and the other Draelvasier they'd found on Draemidus Prime were all below. Prepped for combat with what little weapons and gear they'd been able to salvage. Berok and the rest of the scouting group had been stranded, living off of scraps for nearly three years on Draemidus. The same for Kathrok and Ostak. Nearly dead many times over as they'd fought in the civil war and fought to survive later on Ardak.

When he looked at them, he saw himself. When he'd escaped the gladiatorial arena. Fighting for every step forward, with little more than the rags on their back.

Mazoga... His eyes lingered on her, below. Only for a moment.

She was almost too much like him to bear. Born in savagery, knowing little of the people that had come before her. At least what she had found was him, and not pacified worm food.

"Draelvasier!" The word was like thunder, loud-voiced and filling the entire bay as he called out to them.

"I do not know what we're going to find in Draed-Muinne. But it was once my home, I know it well." Tathra placed his hand on the railing, throwing himself over and landing in front of the gathered Draelvasier. The landing pad hissed open, slowly lowering.

"Do not speak out of turn, do not act without my command. Stay by my side and you will survive whatever comes next." This was not a request or an opinion. It was dictated fact. The confidence was mirrored in his stride, the first to step out onto the asteroid's surface.

The Titan inhaled, taking in a deep breath. Even the synthetic air of Draed-Muinne was refreshing compared to radiated air of Ardak and Kardun.

They were finally on solid ground.
Tag: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus | Seer Kalanthir Seer Kalanthir | Open

"Draelvasier!" Thundered out.

Holding on, ready for landing. Berok thumped his free hand to his chest in recognition. He would follow the orders to the letter.

Although it was Berok's nature to wait till the end of the line. To take care of the many smaller details that any potential galaxy-spanning superpower had numerous needs of attending to. Here he found himself getting a nudge in the back from the Drael behind, and following down behind Tathra.

The second to disembark. His feet found solid ground on a still unknown asteroid, he knew the name and nothing else. The survivalist in him checked for any surface creatures, then looked to the asteroid's horizon for any orbiting threats, and finally bent low to test the surface with his hand. Nodding to anyone that it was secure. As an engineer he had brought with him what he could carry. Given his size that was a lot. Visor on, his tool belt, backpack, and shoulder mount were all filled to the brim with whatever useful salvage he had acquired in his service so far. Finally, a pressured sealed container was strapped around his midsection, holding important components that they were not likely to find elsewhere, critical technology to get them started over.

His commander's orders were clear. To follow in silence and not act without command. Taking the command literally he was almost beside Tathra and slightly behind. The young Drael did one thing best of all, follow orders. He barely knew who he followed, only that Tathra was in command and some of the Titan's gleaned reputation from others. That didn't matter, only the hierarchy and structure of command were important.

The young Drael glanced to Maulis if she'd made her way down. His chin had raised a fraction since leaving their shelter, but he still carried a weight on his young shoulders.


Tag: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus Berok Berok Seer Kalanthir Seer Kalanthir

Maulis stood in the hangar bay near berok Incase he needed her for something she heard tathras call and felt his presence more so than most. He was intimidating to say the least and she was allied with him to say nothing of his strength but she listened to what he had to say. She would follow his orders to the letter something inside her compelled her to do so. maybe it was fear maybe it was respect she wasn't sure.

She would follow tathra out of the ship and walked next to berok she remained silent as they walked her four arms hung at her side as she did so. She would keep an eye out for hostiles and any kind of suspicious activity as they walked both through her vision and through the force.

Ostak Cl'mana

Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus & co.

For the first time in three years, Ostak took a breath of fresh air.
The familiar mixture immediately seeped into his lungs, sparks of energy coursing through his body at the sensation. He felt reinvigorated, eagerly stretching his body as his well-trained muscles sprung to life after days of restless twitching. The Overseer felt confident following his Chieftain's lead, following the lead of his kin and joining their ranks.

The asteroid was as barren as Kardun, but it was nowhere near as unpleasant. No Drael corpses were scattered across the ground, and no radiation filled the air. Ostak could come to no conclusion other than that this hidden redoubt had completely escaped the civil war. There was a possibility that the Seer had set them up and that a force of heretics awaited them, but the Overseer began to doubt such a possibility as soon as it emerged. He had known Seer Kalanthir well, with three entire tablets of information on him attesting to his loyalty stored securely on VOC-014.


The Shaman-Overseer had not thought of his regional Tachael-Vemnak headquarters since leaving for Kardun to rally for the Chieftain on that fateful day. Given the secrecy of its location and the isolation of Kesh in general, it was likely the base was still largely intact. Every VOC was also self-sustaining, so Ostak might be greeted by the very same Drael who had seen him off all those years ago. With thousands of tablets stored securely in the underground cellars, VOC-014 could give vital clues as to what went wrong and where.

The Overseer was about to relay this to the Chieftain when a sudden tug stopped him short.

In the distance, Ostak sensed traces of energy similar to his own, centered around a structure protruding upwards in the distance.

"They are here." murmured Ostak.




// Equipment //
Battleframe (Kraker | Phedrak Lancer | M30 Sear Grenade)
Draelvaiser Armored Shell |
Draelvaiser Tower Shields
// Tags // Maulis Berok Berok Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus Seer Kalanthir Seer Kalanthir Ostak Cl'mana

▅▆▇█▓▒░Ethrok Unfathomable░▒▓█▇▆▅

The Heldrak Dropship came hurtling through the atmosphere at an alarming fast rate; slamming into the surface down below. The 'Red Mountain' as they called him before a rather brutal escape from the confines of the Nal Hutta Gladiatorial Ring. A single armored boot kicked open the door to the dropship and slowly trudged across the landscape in a rather desperate attempt to find more of his kind.

Ethrok had been drifting through former Bryn'adul Space for several months now until
receiving the transmissions; informing the members of the Draelvaiser Species that the Great Chieftain Tathra Khaeus of the once mighty Bryn'adul Empire had seemingly returned and was calling the remnants of their kind to the Dread-Muinne within the Lothal System. There was doubts of course that this was simply a ruse by an enemy to finally destroy the rest of the Bryn'adul. But there was a glimmer of hope that the Chieftain had indeed returned to regain the glory and destruction that was lost.

Even if this was a foolish ambush by an enemy; immense physical size and armaments strapped along limbs would destroy anything that dared oppose him. The landscape seemed barran to him and a small battle scream bellowed within his throat until something in the distance caught his eye. The shape appeared to be fortress-like in
appearance and would no doubt be the structure that he had been called too by a yet unknown being.

"Grrrrgggg...That is the place most likely." Ethrok said in rather few words; moving forward.

Tags: Ostak Cl'mana | Berok Berok | Ethrok | Maulis | Sethrak Sethrak

Kalanthir had moved from the Throne Room to the Special Operations centre, making use of its long-range scanners to watch for arriving Drael. Only an hour had passed and already multiple ships were inbound. He was watching a holographic materialisation of an alien vessel, their scans detected a damaged Stryker onboard. Others might've assumed that it was some sort of scavenger ship who'd picked up the message. But not the Seer. Even staring at the hologram alone, he felt the presence of the Titan. He drew nearer now, his bruised ship landing a minute's walk from the Fortress's front-facing entrance.

Kalanthir had been watching for some time, the oath they had taken. He had seen through the eyes of the disloyal, lurking in their thoughts when Tathra swore the lot into secrecy over Kardun. Kalanthir reached out in the force, the names of the traitors burned hot in his mind.

-leave them behind- The whisper traveled through the force, reaching the Titan and him alone.

The exterior ballista turrets aimed for the sky, trailing a high-speed dropship as it collided with the surface of the asteroid, not far from the scavenger ship. The shockwave rattled the loose utensils in the ops centre, but little more than that. Scans suggested a lone Juggernaut, a beast of a Draelvasier. Perhaps blood kin of Gordrak. The Seer scoffed, unimpressed. But the arrival of more Draelvasier was the intended goal.

Regardless of their lack of subtleties.

Kalanthir glimpsed off into space, pulling his attention away from the two landed ships to the not so distant world of Lothal. The usurper, false-chieftain would soon have questions for the Seer. No doubt of that.
The Chieftain ran his fingers across his arm, feeling each indention, every calace, and bump. Each had a story. From melees with wookies, to duels with warlords, Sethrak had overcome so much. None, perhaps, rivaled his crusade in The Nether, when, desperate to save The Bryn'adul, he faced challenge after challenge. From volatile, explosive corals made of metal, to wave after wave of faceless foes, and ultimately a battle with Tathra Khaeus.. though it may not have truly been The Titan. It had been so long ago now. Yet Sethrak fought on.

Then, it had been in remembrance of Hrajlmak, and Drekma, and in an effort to save the living. Now his quest was no different. Osam, and Galak are gone, but Gordrak, Sylok, and younger faces such as Kad lived on. As long as they survived, Sethrak would fight to rebuild what was lost with Khaeus.

But now it was revealed to Sethrak that The Titan lives. The Drael were summoned to the fortress on Draed-Muinne. How Kalanthir had returned, Sethrak did not know. For many this return gave validity to the claims. As for Sethrak...he did not believe the claims that Tathra had returned. He had searched for Tathra. In The Nether. On Draemidus Prime. On Lothal. He never came close to finding him. It was impossible for Tathra to return. However it was too important to ignore. Therefore, he had considered summoning as many Draelvasier as his empire could muster, from The Lothal Guard, to Gordrak's forces, Sethrak could have called everything his garrisons could spare.

But it would be a fraction within a fraction of the forces the might of The Bryn'adul Empire could field in their prime. And what would they be called for? A ruse? Some ambush, deceit by their enemies, hoping to deal a final blow to them?


Sethrak would not risk everything on what would surely be a fruitless gathering.

Instead he shared the message to those with him on Balamak, Gordrak Gordrak , Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari , Kad Kad .

From the planet, they would depart immediately. There would be no delay, no time to regroup on Lothal or rally more forces. They would gather on Draed-Muinne. They would seek out The Titan, beginning with the throne within the fortress.
Location: En-route to the main gates of Draed-Muinne
Tags: Mazoga | Berok Berok | Maulis | Kathrok | Ostak Cl'mana | Sethrak Sethrak | Ethrok | Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari | Gordrak Gordrak

He led the group further, slowing his stride as Ostak joined him at the front.

"I know Ostak. Kalanthir has acted outside of his purview. But he is on our side. I think. It's complicated-"

His ears pricked, body tensing at an all too familiar sound. For a brief moment, the asteroid surface of Muinne was another battlefield. Another moon over Kardun fought upon. Draelvasier warriors fought with blades, molten fire and spiked bullets. At the same moment, it came, the second pop in his ears forced the image to vanish as the dropship slammed into the asteroid's surface. His stance widened, warrior instinct kicking in. Tathra hadn't been away from the civil war long enough not to feel fear at the sound of a Heldrak dropship cracking through the atmosphere at Mach four. His right arm was raised as a barrier between himself and the other Drael. If only to fall a moment later as he realised the dropship was landing a short distance away from them. By no means could his one arm have stopped the other Drael from being flattened by a multiple hundred-ton combat ship. But he knew the urge to protect what remained of his kind wasn't rational.

Rational reactions were a challenge ever since Kardun. His recollection was interrupted by the whispers of the Seer. Communicating with him alone. Tathra did not like being given orders, but again - The Seer was doing as Tathra had intended, only faster. Maybe he'd been listening in this whole time? The Titan didn't like being so readable. But, Godar and Vaelad were both likely to become an issue. If Kalanthir had a solution, he'd play along for now.

Tathra relaxed, fixing his posture as he looked back to the rest of their group.

"Don't worry. Loud entrances are to be expected. Godar, Vaelad. Stay back with the ship."

He didn't smile or smirk, but the glint of amusement was obvious in his eye and cheek. A little dose of nostalgia for himself.

The bombastic thud of a hundred Heldrak dropships would put fear in the hearts of the Jedi or the Sith. He recalled the counterattack against the Sith Order, cutting through dozens of star systems in a brutal offensive. One glorious victory after another with his closest warriors at his side. He would have that again, no matter the cost to the alien swine that polluted the Galaxy.

"Keep moving." He spoke over his shoulder, returning to a hastened pace toward Draed-Muinne.
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Gordrak kept to himself as they departed Balamak and made their way back home. Well, to be more precise, it was technically home to the Ultras and himself. Apparently the quiet little fortress had been co-opted by forces claiming to serve The Titan himself. Gordrak snorted derisively at the very thought of it all. Even if the message turned out to be true and the Titan himself had returned from exile or whatever it was he did, Gordrak held no illusions about how this would end. They already had a chieftain and Gordrak assumed the Titan wouldn't be predisposed to sharing. As Gordrak mulled the thought over, he actually found the scenario take a somewhat laughable turn. The current chieftain versus the original. The Deserter fighting the Usurper. If nothing else, things were going to be entertaining if only for a brief time.

Gordrak promptly turned his attention to the 9 Ultras he had brought with him. All of them were older than he was and had more time spent with the Titan. He couldn't begin to imagine what thoughts currently wormed their way throughout their minds. If any of them proved to be overly divisive, Gordrak imagined that he would need to end them. It was becoming clear to him that, as far as action on part of the Ultras was concerned, that it would likely be best to let the chieftains sort it out themselves. Anything that prevented blood from being spilt unnecessarily.

As Gordrak mulled over how best to approach the issue, his mind suddenly remembered something oddly urgent. He had a throne. If the Titan was alive and truly where they said he was, then he likely saw it already. If it still remained then Sethrak might also end up seeing it. Their reactions could be muted or non aggressive but the possibility always existed that they might take that somewhat poorly. Gordrak shrugged after thinking it through for a few more moments. If
either of them took umbrage with the seat of what little power Gordrak still had left, he'd handle it then.

Handle it in an incredibly violent and very, very unceremonious manner.



// Equipment //
Battleframe (Kraker | Phedrak Lancer | M30 Sear Grenade)
Draelvaiser Armored Shell |
Draelvaiser Tower Shields
// Tags // Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus Mazoga Berok Berok Maulis Kathrok Ostak Cl'mana Sethrak Sethrak Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari Gordrak Gordrak

▅▆▇█▓▒░Ethrok Unfathomable░▒▓█▇▆▅

The fortress structure was still a few yards away from present location and even then a constant yellow eye gazed across the barren landscape as if paranoid that an army would appear from the surface and attempt to eliminate him simply for being a warrior of the Bryn'adul Empire. They had caused untold amounts of destruction throughout the galaxy that made even the Brotherhood of the Maw look like children in comparison although both factions had collapsed and were left in the wind as rumor had it.

The Weak Alliance had managed to crush them utterly over the world of Exegol which made even him crack a small smile. If the pathetic alliance could eliminate them with apparent ease then they would have stood no chance against the Draelvaiser even with their rather limited numbers.

If the Grand Chieftain was alive as the transmissions claimed then they would lead the ashes of the Bryn'adul Empire towards another crusade across an untold number of sectors and civilizations without any consequences. But until there was physical proof that the Chieftain had survived the collapse, Ethrok would hold his enthusiasm moving forward. Each crack of armored boots across the surface gave him purpose and the power behind each step left a sizeable footprint as a subtle means to mark his territory.

Shields clutched within both massive hands and battleframe armed and loaded with additional armaments incase of a fight. Ethrok gazed over for a fraction of a second and spotted some silhouettes coming closer and closer. It was enough of an alarm for him to enter a battle stance.

"FAAAAAACEEEE MEEEEEE!" A battle scream and a direct challenge.

Tag: Mazoga | Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus | Maulis | Kathrok | Ostak Cl'mana | Sethrak Sethrak | Ethrok | Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari | Gordrak Gordrak

Their commander told them of sides and divisions. The young warrior had killed enough traitors in the civil war to already be on his guard, hand-drawn to his blade, he did not raise it or pull it free. Instinct to defend himself was overridden by a direct command. Knowing little of the history here or those involved, only the order he had in his mind, and their mission.

Seeing the danger before it came, if anything already on alert, his survivalist instincts put him in cover behind a rocky outcrop. Pointing above for Maulis and the others. Berok did not shout a warning, still following the orders to not speak. Asteroid rock was thrown up, spared any stray shards, he still got a face full of roid-dust for his trouble. Protecting what he was carrying more than his own life or body.

Slamming his chest again at the order to keep moving. The survivalist checked to see if there were any injuries. Those dozen Drael that had lived and survived on the abandoned homeworld looked out for each other. He checked Maulis along with the others to make sure nobody was hurt, though she could do a better job than him. No words just eye contact as they moved. His equipment was still preserved, he'd rather lose his arm than the precious components he was carrying. Their future might rely on them.

"FAAAAAACEEEE MEEEEEE!" Came a challenge.

Having clear instructions not to act without command. He completely ignored any challenge from either side, and made no movement. Standing as ready as a giant statue, and prepared for whatever came. He'd respond the second he was given any order and not a moment before.
Location: At the gates of Draed-Muinne
Tags: Ethrok | Berok Berok | Ostak Cl'mana | Maulis | Mazoga | Sethrak Sethrak | Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari | Gordrak Gordrak

The group continued forward, the others trodding in file behind the Titan. His focus was only on the Dropship, a stack of rock covered the exit of the dropship from view until they drew closer. Was this all still part of an elaborate plan? He hoped not. He'd long since tired of schemes. The Ish'makra and Seers both had their strategies and selfish motives. Galak had doubt, weakness, and fear that led to his betrayal. Was this more of the same, he wondered. Once more he felt tense as he had before on Ardak, his off-hand tensing to try and ease the pressure under his skin. No use. As the rocky stack was clear from vision, the Titan came to a halt. Tathra knew the silhouette of his creations at any distance. A Draelvasier, a Baedurin a head taller than himself stood at the base of the fortresses Gates.

Face me, the Draelvasier called. He was armed to the teeth - but it was a voice he did not especially know. Was this Draed-Muinne's current occupier? A usurper? They would see as they drew nearer. A challenge given was once that needed to be accepted. Such was the way of the strong.

The group came to a small hill, cupping an open base of metal and asteroid, intertwined in the foundation of Draed-Muinne. As soon as they'd reached the ridge, it became obvious that this was no usurper. Tathra recognised Ehtrok. A loyal and longstanding member of the Draelvaiser. He had fought for Tathra since Eshan. But now he presented something, he was aimless, and he wanted blood. This was to be a gathering of their people, a reunion to grow strong once more. Not to slaughter each other.

Ethrok was an obstacle. If only temporarily.

"Not a step further, spread out across this ridge." Tathra spoke over shoulder, eyes fixed on Ethrok. This was a Drael several times older than most of the Draelvasier at his side. An incredibly dangerous Drael.

Tathra leaped from the ridge, armour clanking as the plates sunk with gravity against themselves. The dust circled his ankles, small cracks in the asteroid surface underfoot. Ethrok was no usurper, but a stray. Confused, screaming at the sky. Tathra's responsibility. The guards at the gate were watching, the Draelvasier at his back - the future of their species was watching.

He couldn't see him but, there was no doubt in his mind the Seer was observing as well.

"I am Tathra Khaeus. The challenge is accepted." He would prove his name to the wayward child of Khaeus.

His dominant hand, rested on the Glaive's hilt on his hip. Right arm stretched out from side, priming a shot from his arm-cannon. Ethrok was not to be underestimated.


Allies: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus , Berok Berok , Maulis, Ostak Cl'mana, Mazoga & @Kalanthir.
Undecided: Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari , Gordrak Gordrak , Ethrok & Sethrak Sethrak

Kathrok had arrived alongside their rightful Chieftain Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus and the faithful Draelvasier who followed him. Berok Berok , Maulis, Ostak Cl'mana and Mazoga all flanked the young Kardun warrior upon either side as they accompanied the Titan down the landing bay of the Scavenger vessel and out into the open air of Draed-Muinne. A far greater sight than the cramped confines of the pathetic human ship they had been forced to salvage and traverse the rest of the way, especially as their numbers had grown.

Ostak spoke with Tathra while Kathrok revelled in the presence of his brothers and sisters of the Drael, eager to meet more of the Titan's loyalists or otherwise spill the blood of traitors who would be so foolish to oppose him. Carrying the Cleaver Battle-Axe in his right hand, a weapon with the weight and brutality that only a Drael could properly harness, the animalistic glow of cyber eyes looked to the Drael Fortress ahead with great anticipation.

"FAAAAAACEEEE MEEEEEE!" A battle scream and a direct challenge.

Tathra Khaeus would be the one to answer the call, yet Kathrok could not help but launch himself forward a couple of strides. He was young and eager to prove himself, yet not so ignorant to be drawn into a fight at the behest of the Titan's authority and so he stopped himself dead in his tracks, gripping the battle-axe tightly in hand, soon to be joined by the left as the Drael Warrior turned inward, and stepped aside so that the Titan would clearly see where the young Drael's priorities were laid; his head lowered as if seeking the Titans approval to spill the innards of whoever so challenged his leadership.

Ostak Cl'mana

Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus | Berok Berok | Ethrok | Gordrak Gordrak | Maulis | Mazoga | Seer Kalanthir Seer Kalanthir | Sethrak Sethrak

A sudden rumble from the sky caught Ostak's attention.
He turned up just in time to see a Heldrak dropship careening towards the ground before slamming down not far from the commandeered scavenger ship. Naturally, the Chieftain reacted first, shielding his kin behind him before the group continued forward at a hastened pace. All the while, Ostak kept glancing behind him, anxious to see who or what would emerge from the dropship.

The Overseer would get his answer soon enough.

A huge Drael loomed in front of the group, challenging them to a fight. Was he a heretic? Ostak could not tell. All he knew about this imposing figure is that he was most likely a Juggernaut and had not previously made contact with the Chieftain. How he had known to travel to Draed-Muinne was beyond the Overseer's knowledge, but that was far from relevant at the moment. For now, there was a far more pressing threat at hand.

"Not a step further, spread out across this ridge."

Ostak instinctively complied, stepping back and giving the Chieftain space to face their foe one on one. The senior Drael knew well that fighting was one of the most intimate acts in Draelvasier culture, and would not dare interfere even if his Chieftain's life was threatened. On top of that, the Overseer had seen the Chieftain in action on many battles across many worlds and knew that he was nearly invincible, and had little reason to fear his defeat against all but the most oppressively powerful and numerous of foes.

"Stay back, my kin." called Ostak to the Drael around him. "This is a duel of honor."

To illustrate his point, the Shaman-Overseer projected a translucent violet-colored barrier wall in front of himself and his Drael brothers, clearly marking the line behind where they were to stay. The wall was paper-thin and could be penetrated with anything but the slightest of touches, Ostak's powers still very much diminished from their pre-Kardun height.

Still, what mattered was that it got the message across.
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Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus Berok Berok all the rest

Maulis followed the rest when she heard the challenge for a duel of honor and tathra had answered maulis stood on the ledge and watched the duel commence from a safe distance this was a chance for her to see the tathra in action and see what the. Big deal was once and for all if he was worth following he would win this duel and she could see how he fought to better compliment his style in the future.



// Equipment //
Battleframe (Kraker | Phedrak Lancer | M30 Sear Grenade)
Draelvaiser Armored Shell |
Draelvaiser Tower Shields
// Tags // Ostak Cl'mana Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus Berok Berok Gordrak Gordrak Maulis Mazoga Seer Kalanthir Seer Kalanthir Sethrak Sethrak Kathrok

▆▇█▓▒░Ethrok Unfathomable░▒▓█▇▆

A battle roar bellowed from gaping maw to serve as a warning to approaching figures in the distance. His presumed foe was smart trying to ambush him before reaching the fortress but they had underestimated the resolve deep within him. Ethrok the Unfathomable, Red Mountain of the Hutt Gladiatorial Rings would not be killed nor defeated in a direct battle on this day even with the odds seemingly stacked against him as was the case given how many silhouettes could be seen approaching.

Although it would seem that the rest of the group had fallen behind their supposed leader, which would mean that their leader was someone extremely powerful and potent if they could rightfully challenge him in direct combat. Although years of surviving underneath the Remaining Hutt Clans and being constantly hunted down by extermination squads after the fail of the Bryn'adul Empire made his vision quite blurry and mind started to slip away into insanity. Even with all the facts staring him right in the face, telling him that the figure who approached to battle with him was Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus , Great Chieftain of the Bryn'adul and true master of the Draelvaiser Species.

Pent up rawr rage was enough to overcome this devotion and perceive this figure as nothing more than an illusion sent to test him.


Screaming still even as glaive was touched by formidable hand and arm cannon primed to deliver a fatal blow. A battle stance was taken as both tower shields slammed into the surface with considerable force behind them; creating a blind zone as dust and debris settled the air.

A cracking sound was heard from the barrel of a Kraker as the explosive ammunition soared through the field towards the Great Chieftain. The shot was unlikely to hit its target, but that was not the aim.

As Ethrok entered into a blind charge

Location: At the gates of Draed-Muinne
Tags: Mazoga | Ethrok | Maulis | Berok Berok | Ostak Cl'mana | Kathrok

Tathra felt the rage emanating from Ethrok. The anger in his bones, letting it out in a rabid scream. The taller Drael did not believe he was who he said he was. He could not, he could not see past what had happened to him, to their Empire. The Drael matched him in stance but not mind. Tathra was calm and precise - Ethrok was impulsive, and destructive. The old Drael couldn't let that rage come bubbling to the surface, he could not let himself see the traitor Galak in every rebellious upstart. Or there would be even fewer of them left.

He fought against that whisper.

Crush heresy before it breaths. You will never be betrayed again.

A lie.

The ground quaked beneath the might of his twin shields. A gust of dust engulfed the two combatants, the cracked ground underfoot turning rock to gravel. Tathra's eyes squinted against the shroud around them, eyes switching to see the heat of Ethrok's body, recognising the low hum of the Kraker as it charged for only a moment before being fired off. Without thinking, the Glaive was in his left hand - extending to the mid-section of the Kraker, pushing it to the left. At point blank, the spread would be enough to confirm a hit. The light of the blast pierced the shallow dust storm as it fell to their shoulders, illuminating the silhouettes of both for a moment. Tathra darted to the side, pushing out with his left leg to the right and away from the Kraker's trajectory. His arm cannon retracted down his right gauntlet as the stray Drael came bounding toward him.

Thundering footfalls announced the Baedurin's charge. The Titan puffed steam from his nostrils, golden eyes cutting through the dust now. The Glaive was retracted, placed back on his hip as he raised both open-palmed hands. He came bounding towards Ethrok, but the old Drael knew well enough he couldn't match the momentum with so little distance between them.

Tathra waited until he was within arms length of Ethrok, turning to bring his right side to face his foe, stomping his boot down between Ethroks. His dominant hand reached for the top of Ethrok's leftmost shield, his right hand for the Baedurin's throat - intent on throwing the massive Drael over his shoulder and into the hard rock beneath them.
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Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus | Ethrok | Sethrak Sethrak | Ostak Cl'mana

The separate gunboat carrying the Ultras and Gordrak soared overhead as the duel had officially begun. Gordrak was roused from his musings by the tiresome comments from a few of the other Ultras. Gordrak did his best to ignore the building fervor in their voices but his best was falling short in this regard. A snarl and the sudden bang of his armored fist on the hull shook the Ultras from their almost star-struck dialogue, the faintest quake of fear having made itself known in them for but a moment. The side doors were quickly opened and, despite the gunboat not being at a safe height to disembark from, Gordrak had leapt from the vessel all the same. His colossal form descended from the skies not unlike a war-machine being delivered to some distant battlefield. Gordrak activated the jump jets on his armor as the ground grew close, slowing his descent enough to prevent any damage to himself. The ground was not so lucky in this regard. The ground cratered and cracked, sending dirt and debris flying into the air. He was still about 60 meters away from the duel so the moment he had shook off the landing, he moved.

Gordraks movement was slow, steady, and it lacked any sort of fervor or excitement. He would get there when he got there and if the duel was still going, he'd watch. If it was settled before he did, then they would wait for him. His thoughts briefly returned to the Ultras in the gunboat and how some of them had reacted. Had they really seen so little? They had been abandoned. Left to fend for themselves while lesser leaders had tried to pick up pieces. Everything had fallen apart and Gordrak was certain that not even the Titan himself could fix it. As he continued his slow, methodical march forward, some of the other Ultras were beginning to catch up. It was evident that, despite their interest in the duel, they had come to their senses. They were warriors first and foremost so it was finally time they acted like it.

"What are your commands?" An Ultra says as he manages to close the distance with Gordrak finally. Gordrak looks to his right and regards the Drael for a moment. He was one of the more senior members still left alive. A good warrior and something of a strategist. Gordrak remembered fighting alongside him a handful of times including the nightmare that was the Nether. After a long moment or two of silence, Gordrak finally replied: "We watch the duel." The older Drael looked at him for a moment before replying in kind. "and if the Titan wins?" Gordrak snorted before checking the ammo feed that linked from his armor to the chain gun currently held with his right hand. "IF." Gordrak made sure to stress the word. "If they truly are the Titan then we wait for the current Chieftain and let them handle it." Satisfied that the weapon was ready, Gordrak returned his attention to the duel that was hopefully not quite over yet. "What if the Titan proves to be false? An imposter?" The older Drael manages to say, the mood between the two now turning somewhat dark. Gordrak turned his head and looked upon the other Drael again. Despite a rebreather blocking the lower part of his face, Gordrak was clearly displaying a grin. The older Drael found this horrifying in a way. "Then the Chieftain will be the least of his worries."

Gordrak managed something akin to a chuckle though it was borderline nefarious. The older Drael walking alongside him stopped for a moment, clearly startled by the implication. He quickly resumed his pace, his hands now balled into fists. Things were very likely going to go from bad to worse.
The Bryn'adul had conquered some ninety-two planets. Ninety-two planets conquered, cleansed, terraformed, and rebuilt in their image. But now they could claim zero. As his gunship soared over the old fortress, its' mighty walls weakened with overgrowth, and its' buildings in disrepair, it was yet another reminder of what once was. Like Sethrak, this fortress was scarred by time and, likely, battles from long ago. It seemed that everything The Draelvasier once held was like this now. It was a sad thought, but also an invigorating one. Sethrak was far past the age of unrealistic idealism, but seeing such a mighty structure, and being reminded of once was, made him imagine brining it all back. It was by no means a realistic goal anymore. Yet in his mind he could see victorious Draelvasier waving a battered, yet vibrant flag of The Bryn'adul Empire, crushing a foe's skull under foot.

would bring that back. Perhaps it would start here. If the transmission was sent to a considerable amount of Drael, many would be arriving to this planet. They would find not Tathra Khaeus but Chieftain Sethrak, First Warlock, War Leader of The Lothal Guard, Warlord of Lothal, and Champion of the long lost allied races.

Pilot. There is a landing platform on the fortress. Take me there.

Perhaps it would be a mistake to separate from his forces. Gordrak had already split off and landed outside. However it was quickly becoming a priority for Sethrak to reach the throne. He was confident the rest would reach him in due time. Especially Gordrak. The Ultra was among the most independent in the Drael ranks. It wasn't unusual for him to do things his way, and that way was almost always fruitful. Kad on the other hand would likely attempt to follow Sethrak. He was young, he would likely be eager to prove himself to the de facto leader of his people. It was just a guess though, and Sethrak cared little what the boy would do.

The gunship hummed as it made its' landing. Sethrak departed, and made his way toward the throne room.

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