Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Of Fresia

[member="Darth Ferus"]

I apologize for that - I didn't know of it as well, I had been focused on integrating from Light to Dark and just became aware.

I take responsibility for the miscommunication and I'm sure you can spin it into "Terrorists took over allied Incom Corporation factories."

I just didn't want it to turn into - "Blow up, steal and plunder."


The Second Seal, broken.
[member="Darth Kentarch"] [member="Jardo Snow"]

Just don't loot Incom stuff. That's all the ban on looting. Everything else is fair game ;)

Hop on, deliver carnage and destruction in whatever form you want. If you want to tag along, feel free to join me in rounding up the masses. :p

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