Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Diversify Your Assets: Mandalorian Dominion of Ord Mantell

Gae'celic Alor, Master Beskarsmith
Location: Afterburner Cantina
Allies: [member="Anija Betna"] [member="Eliza Steele"] [member="Kad Tor"] [member="Arrbi Betna"]

Mac's face grew solemn as Anija filled him in. "My sincerest sympat'ies... Your aliit is my aliit. Just let me know w'at to do..." He clasped his hands on each of their shoulders, just to let them know he would be there to the end. As he was about to continue, Kad, and Eliza approached, then departed just as quickly.

Picking up the flimsy, Mac tucked it away, he's have to come the artist sooner rather than later, there was more pressing matters at hand however.

"So, tell me more about your ad'ika. I'll put out some feelers to my contacts I use to collect bounties, w'at 'append?"
[member="Mac O Shenanigans"] [member="Arrbi Betna"]

A soft sigh was her initial response, ,and she looked across at Arrbi. "Arr'ika could tell you more. What I know is that she went missing while helping him scout on Druckenwell." She frowned and took a more cautious sip of the whiskey. "Anything you cn do would be helpful. I've called in a few favors already, but it could take a while. I've no leads as of yet." Though she would get a few in the next thread. But for now, she tried to content herself with the knowledge that Mirshko was alright. It only sort of worked.

((For more info, see Return to Yourself))

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