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Approved Tech Disruptorproof Underwear

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  • Manufacturer: The Globex Corporation
  • Affiliation: The Globex Corporation
  • Market Status: Open-Market
  • Model: Disruptorproof Underwear
  • Modularity: Disruptorproof Underwear comes in a variety of forms - boxer shorts, thongs, nightdresses, mankinis, you name it.
    • Disruptorproof Underwear comes in one of two types - Normal and Evil. Normal ones are made with 'science and stuff', whereas Evil Underwear is made using alchemical rites that probably feature puppy punting, verbally harassing waiters, and other dastardly deeds.
  • Production: Semi-Unique
  • Material: Fabric & Stuff.
  • Classification: Anti-Disruptor
  • Weight: Weightless
  • Resistances:
    • Energy Weapons: Average
    • Kinetic Weapons: None
    • Lightsabers: Average
    • Disruptors: Extreme
  • Disruptorproof Underwear reharmonises the nonharmonic energy pulses disruptors generate, rendering the blasts utterly harmless. As a side effect, they offer decent protection from energy weapons such as lightsabers and the common blaster. NB! DUs may overheat when shot.
  • Evil Underwear helps the wearer channel the Dark Side by projecting bad vibes, or something like that. IDK, I'm not an alchemist.
  • All DUs are both soft and comfortable, but Evil Underwear tends to 'just not fit right' when worn by goody-goody two-shoes.
  • Knowing for a fact that their underwear can't be disintegrated has been known to fill users with unearned confidence.
  • Undisintegratable Privates: DUs are completely impervious to disruptors - never suffer from disintegrated privates again!
  • Kicks Him in the Nards: Disruptorproof Underwear offers no protection from kinetic weapons, such as a swift kick to the nards.
Following complaints from a handful of affluent Core Worlders that they 'just did not feel comfortable wearing disintegratable clothing', the Globex Corporation's Auxillary Projects Division developed Disruptorproof Underwear, a bizarre proof-of-concept able to protect one's privates (and nothing else) from disruptors. Given that most foes tend to aim for the centre of mass, not the crotch, the utility is disputable.

A Jedi could probably wave a pair of underpants around to block disruptor bolts, but one has to wonder why they wouldn't just dodge instead.
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