Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Disciples of the Blade

[member="Dax Fyre"]

"POOh but think about it, the stories they could tell.. the scandals, the epic songs of the leaders heroic deeds, his buxom companion and their tragic fate ont he dark worlds. Something the bards across the galaxy will sing about for ages." She said it while going and when a door opened with one of th teenagers coming out he looked at her and then at them.... and then at his weapon before tossing it aside. "Ah I'm out." She watched him and wrapped a hand around him. "Come on Dax, say you wou;dn't want after you are gone the people to sing songs about your skills in battle, your prowess in bed, your talents as a leader.... why it could become a new galactic sensation."
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Dax watched the boy as he walked away. As the boy turned the corner, Dax stepped through the doorway, "I don't need songs sung about me Az, just a few people I care about to remember me." Another boy tried to escape from the fight, but one of the more seasoned gangsters tried to stop him, firing a bolt at the fleeing boy. Dax stepped in front of the bolt, saber swatting the bolt back at the gangster. The man was lucky enough to duck below the bolt, but he couldn't dodge Dax's blade. "Besides, I'm a God-King remember? I already have songs sung about me."

[member="Azlyn Ike"]
[member="Dax Fyre"]

"And that makes me just the stepping stone... or worse not even one to have a mention." She shrugged and while she was sad entered the room. Thick wooden doors inlaid with stones, heavy metal bars before openign to reveal the massive aurodium throne. Built for something larger then a human, more for a sitting mandellian giant. A beast thre times Azlyn's size but there she could move with it. Seeing the gems before something came around one of the feet. Holding a sword made from Aurodium she smiled at the other. "Ah Azlyn... you've returned, how predictable but this time at least you didn't come alone... I guess this is your big bad boyfriend who was going to kick my arse?" He spoke and she looked at him for a moment. "No he is just here to look pretty and distract you while I do this." She moved quickly and her knee came up, his groin echoing with a thunderous smack that went through the chamber before he fell over. Hands on his sword when she grabbed a cauldron.... holding the sword over it and slicing it with her saber before she set the smaller blade into the interior. Aurodium melting then bubbling until it glowed and he started to stir. "I promised you didn't I sweetie when we first met.. you give me what I want an d I'd give you a crown fit for a pirate king." She moved and grabbing the cauldron turned it over as he screamed.
The Reaper of Won Shasot
The Rogue simply leaned against the wall with his arms crossed as Azlyn went about her work, a swift knee to the balls to start things off. Like she ever needed his help to kick someone's ass. Even still, as the molten Aurodium began to pour over the man's head and the screams started, Dax had to flinch and avert his eyes. Brutality was certainly one of Az's specialties. But he wasn't about to stop her. He may be a Judge, but as far as he was concerned, he was way out of his jurisdiction.

[member="Azlyn Ike"]
[member="Dax Fyre"]

She was snickering and looking at him. Attention to the details when she kicked him a little mostly to make sure he was dead. "Hey hey hey... if you are still alive just moan... you are kind of frakked up." She kicked him again with her boot to tap and nudge him but then turned back towards Dax. "THank you sweetie... that was fun and look now you can claim the aurodium was used to kill a terrible person I have just increased its value a hundred fold maybe... or they are going to think you are some crazed killer." She moved back and leaned against the wall looking at the large throne. "So ah... you got all fo those bulging muscles as I recall.. want to lift the stuff and I'll totaly cheer you one?"
The Reaper of Won Shasot
"I think I'd have to arrest myself if I walked into a pawn shop trying to sell that..." Dax half joked, also nudging the man's body with his boot, before making a disgusted look at the lump of melted flesh and metal. Sighing at [member="Azlyn Ike"]'s mention of lifting things he asked in an exasperated tone, "What exactly do you need me to carry? Because if it's another three hundred pounds of hot sauce or the heads of all your enemies or something, I'm outta here."
[member="Dax Fyre"]

"Oh come on now that only happened once.... twice and you used it just as much as I did.. remember how you like it spicy." She waggled her eyebrows with a moment of sitting on the throne. "ANd well cary the throne... it is not in a good place, these worlds in this cluster are so dark and dreary... This should be in the light, in the sun where al of the pretty gems can sparkle and show off how awesome I am." SHe was leaning across the seat that had been made for someone larger then her mostly and kicked a foot up. "Come on now, you remember the steps we can go have it on some nice world... oh I know where we could go."
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Well she wasn't wrong. Dax did like spicy...but that didn't mean he enjoyed carrying giant bejeweled thrones, a made evident by the 'you've got to be kidding me' look on his face. Next time it wouldn't be the three hundred pounds of hot sauce he mentioned.

"Please tell me wherever it is we're going is within ten feet of here..." the Rogue said as he tried to work out how the hell he was going to move this glorified chair...he supposed the Force was his best option, he'd lifted heavier things.

[member="Azlyn Ike"]
[member="Dax Fyre"]

"Sure within ten feet.... of the door." She looked a him as he gave the look. "On ah Atrisia." A smile formed on her face though when she looked up and down towards him. "Think of it as a way for me to buy myself back into the good graces of the rpoyal family. I give them a chair... they forgive a few things here or there I might have done like kill one or two of their transports that were trying to flee mythos." There was a look on her face of there was more but she had the gist of it.... hard times and well under the god king there was a surplus of atrisian's who were drugged up and willing to give away all of their valuables.

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