Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Anderit is a force sensitive whose greatest achievement thus far in life has been not dying on Coruscant since the fall of the One Sith. He's a former acolyte that stuck around after the GA took the planet over These days he spends his time scamming people for money, and being a general nuisance.

I'm wanting him to break out of his cycle in one way or the other; whether he ends up running about with someone light or dark, I do not mind.


Stephanie Swail

Look what they've done to my dream
[member="Anderit Rinaren"] If you need direction and help putting your abilities to use, but want to break old habits, I can point you to the Silver Jedi Order.

A beacon of light for troubled times, we will always work with you to help craft a story of redemption or affirmation in getting your character where they want to be!

Good luck out there whichever path you choose!
[member="Anderit Rinaren"]

The Sith Empire is always looking to empower those with an aptitude for the dark side of the Force, and a willingness to serve and achieve. If he has roots in the One Sith, then he will know our Sith Emperor is a powerful Sith and a steady ruler.

Besides that, we have a great discord chat, many active threads, and a thriving community.

Come join us, it is your destiny.
[member="Anderit Rinaren"] The Ancient Eye is seeking to recover an ancient Sith artifact of immense power. Glory and riches await those who join us and bend the knee to our God-King. We have a multi-thread storyline that just launched, which we plan to end with an event and we're a friendly, quirky community. If a feudal, Darkside, Ancient Egypt-inspired faction focused on worldbuilding and storytelling sounds like something that's up your alley, we'd be happy to have you.

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