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Diplomacy (hopefully not the shotgun kind)

Aerin Kath

Sentinel of the Outback.
The Commonwealth

Do we ally ourselves with these folks and send a representative (other than the Meran sisters who seem to be everywhere lmao) since the FO seem to be closing in on them a bit, or do we keep to our little corner of the galaxy? If we want to decide on stuff behind the PM screen I get it, but I'd like to see what everyone thinks. TK Republic needs trade partners out here and these guys do too, I know [member="Solan Charr"] and a few others are already jumping and talkin' to 'em, but we're out here for the freedom of the galaxy and all that (woo, outback and underground go!), let's show 'em a bit of good will.
The Commonwealth is too far for us to really be able to assist, and we're not actually a government. I want this to be remembered, we ICly the Outback, are not a government, we do not own or operate any single planet. Even though we are shown to 'own territory,' on the map. We actually don't. So if individuals who want to support the Commonwealth then, by all means, go for it! Lastly, OOCly the First Order are very, very chill and are actually more concerned with other minor factions that have been cropping up and not so much with the Commonwealth.

Remember, we're still the Underground, the Rebels, the Resistance, whatever you want to call us - we're the ragtag group of soldiers who can barely afford to shower some days. (Okay so that last bit is just Ria, but you get my drift). :)

Aerin Kath

Sentinel of the Outback.
Well yes, ICly TKO has no power past that of a few rocks to throw (exaggeration), but there is a governmental body in the Kathol sector(at least I think I read it as the Kathol Republic somewhere) that we are supporting that in fact may have a few more resources(not much more), and I think we could help out by smuggling and supplying them with info via spies, slicers, and raids. Heck, I could supply them with hov- I mean speeder bikes with a few runs and scrap collections

OOCly I do understand that the FO are chill guys (hell, one of 'em got banned from making an alt for TNR and I sympathized with them) but as a thing for the Commonwealth's IC story, they are projecting conflict to arise with some of the big-bads, Kaine Zombrano and the FO are the only ones I saw them mention directly. I wouldn't worry Ria we're still rag-tag, we've just gotta fling ourselves far and safely. Heck, I got to corellia and back for a raid and then the Resu hex Dom in my putsy little Chickadee if we rig up your idea for that station soon, we could start having a slightly larger npc population joining up with us, so more resources! ICly, they need help, heck, they are asking for help if we can give it, I'll try to help personally. But I'm just seeing how everyone else in TKO feels about this story-wise with concerns like you've brought up.

- [member="Ria Misrani"]
The Underground has been known to collaborate with, and provide support to, a variety of governments and organizations on a case-by-case basis. I doubt the local governments, such as the Pimbrellan League, the Uukaablians, and the Kathol Republic, would be interested in something so far away.

I'm completely comfortable with saying that some Undergrounders might help any given government against the First Order in specific situations, including invasions. That's about as far as the diplomacy goes, far as I'm concerned.
Aerin Kath said:
OOCly I do understand that the FO are chill guys (hell, one of 'em got banned from making an alt for TNR and I sympathized with them) but as a thing for the Commonwealth's IC story, they are projecting conflict to arise with some of the big-bads, Kaine Zombrano and the FO are the only ones I saw them mention directly.
Who got banned, the FO banned them or the TNR?
Way I see it, We be a sandbox faction, folks can create just about anything they went as long as it fits with out rebal, ragtag theme. Same goes for relationship and alliances. War makes strange bed fellows so as individuals have at it. As a faction we are open to communication and trade but ic'ly not much else.

I think our relationship with are closest neighbor is a good example, with the GA we help with writers and such when invited, but that is really all we can offer as a faction.

Aerin Kath

Sentinel of the Outback.
[member="Kira Vaal"] - HE Pennypacker was the character who got banned by TNR on the grounds that he seemed to be a troll(from what he said he was trying to be legit, if a bit comic relief like), Carlyle Rausgeber is their FO character.
[member="Kira Vaal"]

You can PM Carlyle Rausgeber.

Jorus Merrill said:
The Underground has been known to collaborate with, and provide support to, a variety of governments and organizations on a case-by-case basis. I doubt the local governments, such as the Pimbrellan League, the Uukaablians, and the Kathol Republic, would be interested in something so far away.

I'm completely comfortable with saying that some Undergrounders might help any given government against the First Order in specific situations, including invasions. That's about as far as the diplomacy goes, far as I'm concerned.
[member="Aerin Kath"]

This is pretty much what I'm saying.

Ijaat Mereel said:
We aren't a government. I loved that about this Faction. Proceeding in any way with this, regardless of my personal likes, violates this. If not in letter, than in spirit.

Cool idea. Not suitable for us.
Along with this.

Now if you wanna run up and help the Commonwealth, then go for it :)

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