Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Did the fish take the bait? [GR dom for Manaan]

Objective A: Diplomatic Relations -- Speak to the Government representing Manaan on behalf of the Galactic Republic Military and Senate
Allies: [member=Faith Balor-Organa] | [member=Jack Sparrow]
Enemies: None
Post #: 1/20
Link to Last Post: N/A


Ali strode across the ferrocrete promenade through the center of Ahto City's government district, her light gown flittering about her figure like a ghost clinging to corporeality. Soldiers, Captains from the Republic military, flanked her sides and comprised her immediate guard. GRIM agents were dispersed throughout the city as well and Ali's aide was a Commando of her own forging from CSAF, the private paramilitary organization she had founded some months before in secret.
The Selkath dotting the courtyard in pairs and groups glanced her way as she passed. Some offered looks of solidarity with the Republic government, others, disdain or disappointment. Her coming to Manaan had been well publicized as part of the Republic's attempt to assuage its member worlds in the wake of Lasedri's treachery. Ali herself had barely escaped with her life when clone troopers had burst into her offices on Chazwa and begun killing her security personnel. Lasedri had apparently never trusted her to begin with, and Ali wasn't sure if that stung more or less than the murder attempt.
The Republic had settled somewhat in the aftermath of the initial waves of betrayal. Lines were drawn between Lasedri's forces and their own now, though hundreds of Republic military personnel had been murdered in cold blood before the dust had calmed. Now Ali was on a deadly mission; to destroy Lasedri and the faux army she had secretly built, and restore the rule of the Senate to the Republic.

Manaan was one stop in a long line of attempts to reassure their most prominent member worlds of the Republic's stability, which had been severely threatened in the recent loss of a great amount of territory. The Selkath had been approached primarily for their value in kelto, though their political influence in this region of the Galaxy was well known, and they knew it too. Whatever Senators besides Organa had shown to help sway the Selkath would certainly have their work cut out for them, which is why Ali had been attending each of the political gatherings as well. She would address the Selkath Congress first, softening them with reassurances and clear, concise plans for dealing with the Lasedri problem, before their Senators went to work negotiating for support and provisions.

She entered the primary Senate building through the front entrances, one of her Captains leading her inside. Ali was processed swiftly through security by a pair of male Selkath guards, then guided into the Senate chamber itself and seated on the third level of the amphitheater where the Primary Assembly would be placed. Several of the Selkath's Senate Majority leadership were already present, comparing notes and making clarifications with aides. Ali nodded politely before taking her seat. Geralt, her own "aide" (really an undercover CSAF Black Ops Commando), stood at her side and handed her a datatablet with notes and information already displayed. Ali's speech was already written and loaded, crafted and cleared by herself and her staff before leaving the safety of the fleet the night before. She waited for the rest of the Selkath Assembly to arrive as well as the remaining Republic representatives, reading her notes as she passed the time.


Location:Asteroid Field
Allies:[member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Thraxis"] [member="Ka-Aver"]
Enemies:Those against the Hutt Cartel
Ship: "Virgil"-

Stokely McFadden stood behind the pilot's seat on her ship named Virgil, (former husband, don't ask). She had arrived fashionably late or on time, depending on who was asking. Her poise was stoic and her eyes full of determination to get her job done.

After receiving Flannigan's message, Stokely opened up her comm to reply. -"Mcnash this is McFadden. Sorry for the delay but we were just finishing some repairs and couldn't pass this up provided our cut is good. Need a decoy to draw them to you?"-

She had full confidence in her pilot's ability to draw the enemy out and then duck and cover from her allies' guns. It was one of the types of missions that they were used to.
Objective: A
Location: Manaan Central Government Building
Allies: The Republic
Enemies: The Republic - weird huh?

Post: 1/20

Alyesa Organa, former Senator of Manaan - how quaint that she was here on a diplomatic mission to assist the Republic. Well, sort've. She was more so here to bridge the gap between the Republic and it's current rank and file of Senators, maybe push the Manaan government back into the Republic fold. She had some issues with her former allies and friends - but would be resolved in due time, hopefully. There were rumors that she might appear before the Senate and ask for a pardon - considering the Prime Minister was the one who black balled her and well, everything spiraled out of control from there. She admitted she had some hand in it, but there was more politics involved in it than that. Alyesa was here as a good faith gesture - an attempt to show the Republic she held no hard feelings and hopefully with their renewed leadership, they wouldn't either.

Then again, it was the Republic, she would hold her breath only so much.

Of course once the shipyards above Alderaan were finished - she'd discuss with the Republic what she could do to assist but until things were cleared up with the Senate and the standing order, she was stalemated. There was no doubt in her mind that she'd see her sister - whom she wasn't exactly on the greatest of terms with but that was again, political driven. A most unfortunate thing - as she admired the woman for her tenacity and courage in the face of civil war. Faith had managed to hold things together and quite well, something expected from a woman of the House of Organa. So here she sat, with the some representatives of Manaan - and some Republic delegates.

This would be interesting, indeed.

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"] | [member="Jack Sparrow"] | [member="Mantic Dorn"] | [member="Ali Hadrix"]
Objective: E - Training
Post: [4/20]

Sofia's muscles ached from yesterday's training but she knew she couldn't stop. Her training had just begun and it would be foolish to stop because of sore muscles. Pain was part of training and a sign she had neglected her body. Had she been dilligent, the training from yesterday would have been nothing. Regret was a waste of time and it was better that she made good use of the time she wasted with her regretting training.

With her a full set of Galactic Republic standard gear on, Sofia started off her day with a bit of jogging around the city. She would have liked to have thought that jogging was easier today than yesterday but it was not. In fact, it was more difficult with her sore muscles, evidence of her training from the day before.Once she had finished a lap around the city, Sofia took a small break and changed back into her army uniform with standard weapons. It was time to swim again.

The cool water felt lovely against her skin even if it weighed her uniform down. Once again she attempted freestyle but much to her annoyance, she was worse today than yesterday. Annoyed, Sofia waded back to land. She had enough of training for the day and did not see her improving her swimming skills soon. Perhaps it was better that she took a break from training or complete less intense training exercises for the next couple of days while her muscles hear. Either way, she was done with her current training program for the next few days. She had spent most of her time on Manaan training she thought it was about time she did something fun and enjoyed herself.
Post Number: [3/20]
Objective E: Oversee cleansing of the space station
64 Soldiers
  • All equipped with advanced Xythan force shields
  • Split into 8 fire teams of 8 soldiers
Xythan Force Shield Dev post #3

As the eight fireteams steamed through the station, eliminating all that stood in their way, Jaccer would open commlinks to each of the teams NCOs. The brief words spoken between the Lieutenants and the NCOs would be very similar if not identical. "How are yours and your team's shields holding up?" Fortunately for Jaccer and the Orion Corporation, each of the replies were the same "We're good on this side Apollo, its like these shields are impenetrable!" "Glad to hear. Continue with your objective." This was all that was said before the individual links were cut. The effectiveness of the Xythan shields seemed substantial and promising to Jaccer. It seemed that it would be a valuable system to incorporate in any future combat system.

From the cams mounted onto the helmets of each soldier, Jaccer was allowed a very clear view of the battlefield. As expected the enemy forces, even with their superior numbers, were not match for the men under the Lieutenant's command. Corridor by corridor, room by room the station was completely cleared of any and all people present. It didn't matter whether they were warriors or just workers, the teams didn't have time to stop and decide, everyone would die. The aim of the mission was to secure the station and this meant allowing no chance of future resistance or rebellion. At the pace that these soldier were advancing through the station it seemed that they would be done and back on the transport ships in a matter of minutes.

However this success was not destined to last forever. Soon enough a voice would begin speaking on the emergency communication channel. "We have two men down, repeat two men down. The shields seem to be malfunctioning, I advise we move back to allow time for medical attention to those who're wounded." This was exactly what Jaccer had not wanted to hear. The shields malfunctioning was unacceptable. "Apollo copies. Move back to the hangar and give medical attention to those who need it. I'll recalibrate the shields to ensure there working for any future engagements. Fireteam Delta, move in to support the retreat." The NCO in command of Fireteam Delta would then enter the comm channel, "Copy that Apollo, moving in to support. We've got your backs Fireteam Alpha."

"All other fireteams continue on with mission. I want to get to the beaches of Manaan before night is upon us." This comment was not necessary as the fireteams had not been affected by what had happened to Fireteam Alpha. Even with one of the eight teams out of combat and another rerouteing the remaining teams would continue the push, defeating the hostile forces at each and every section of the station.
Objective: B - Submerge with Saber team and arrest the traitor.

Location: Now ten meters below water surface, heading for the underwater headquarters of Gu'l hazuh.

Allies: Galactic Republic forces. (Don't know who is in the general insertion area of Saber Team, so I'll tag as we go. Feel free to interact with Valkren's team!)

Enemies: Any opposition to the Galactic Republic.

Post: [02/10]

Valkren let his rifle dangle from it's sling, causing a bit of drag while he swam towards a patch of coral. "Keep moving boys, once we're in cover we'll plan out our next moves."

"I think there's a leak in my suit, cold in here." O'Riley mumbled into his communicator

"Sure you didn't just piss yourself, Irish?" Michaels chuckled out, pulling out a multitude of jeers and snickers from the other men, including Sergeant Calderon.

After Valkren got all the snickers out of his system, he'd straighten himself up. "Pick up the pace, commandos, there's always the possibility of Selkath loyalists." After saying this, the six man formation swam with haste toward the coral patch that branched off a nearby reef. As the team reached the coral, they slowly descended into a three meter perimeter, their fins gently brushing against the sea floor to keep them slightly afloat. O'Connor tugged the supply case along and let it float in the middle of the six man group. "Alright, five minute rest, keep an eye on your oxygen levels. Nice and easy breaths boys, we're almost there."

Everything was seemingly going according to plan for once. The team took a firm perimeter, everyone but O'Connor was scanning their surroundings, being underwater was fairly new to the commando team. They had fought amongst ground invasions, they had been suspended in the atmosphere of tatooine, and had operated on the side of battlecruisers in the midst of space, yet they had not been engaged in combat under water. They would soon have their own taste of it. "How's it coming, O'Connor?" The Sergeant spoke out, turning his body slightly while bobbing in the water to get a look at his fellow teammate.

"All thermal detonators and supplies are accounted for sir, now all that's required is we reach Gu'l hazuh's headquarters and breach into the corridor marked on our hea-" The assault specialist was briefly cut off when a specialized plasma bolt cut through the water around them, missing O'Connor's oxygen tank by mere inches.

"Contact left! Contact left!"

"You see anything? I got nothin' on the scanners!"

"I ain't seeing sithspit!"

More hostile fire seemed to come from all directions, all of it focused on the coral reef that they were taking shelter in. "O'Connor! Get to cover!"

"I've got eyes on! They're Selkath! Gu'l Hazuh's loyalists!" As the Lance-Corporal spoke into the communicator, Valkren spun his body around, pushing his oxygen tank to a wall of coral. All around them were the alien species, Selkath, holding spear-like blasters with blades fashioned on the ends of them. The Sergeant lifted his specialized rifle up to his shoulder, letting his Heads-up-display do most of the work for him since they were submerged so deep. He'd squeeze the trigger, testing out the first round as it left the barrel of his weapon. The blue bolt left his weapon in a hurry, leaving pockets of air bubbles behind in it's trail as it traveled to the chest of one of the loyalists. The fish-like humanoid was pushed back a solid two meters once the bolt slammed into it, then suddenly went limp, floating plainly in the water. The weapons seemed to work perfect, alittle inaccurate but it still worked the same. The rest of Saber team began to engage the hostiles that surrounded them, making sure to stay in sure cover. However, the Selkath were swimming towards them in all directions, which made for a tricky firefight.

"If any Republic forces are in range of this, head my warning! We have loyalists in proximity of our location, if anyone can provide assistance it'd be much appreciated. We are carrying explosives needed to breach Gu'l Hazuh's headquarters. We can hold our own for now but we're unsure of the amount of loyalists that are approaching. End transmission!" Valkren lifted up his rifle once more, firing a trio of shots up towards an approaching fireteam of loyalists, each shot finding it's mark and causing the bodies to go limp in place.

The rest of the commando team took their shots carefully, having stored most of their ammunition in the sphere-like container that rested in the midst of their firefight. "Another one down!" Michaels cheered as he continued to take more shots than he should've. While they switched back and forth to different sides, keeping the loyalists at bay for now, Valkren took a quick glance at their hostiles. There were a good many of these Selkath..A good many.
Objective: E - Training
Post: [5/20]

Dressed in her civilian attire, Sofia explored the city of Manaan. It was quite a large, clean and dense city, different from what she was uesd to. After walking around for 15 minutes, she decided to enter a restaurantfor lunch.

Sofia was seated near a window, poured a glass of water and handed a menu. The Manaan crusine seemed to mainly consist of fish and food from the ocean. Not surprising since the planet was surronded by many bodies of water. Having decided what she wished to eat, she waved the waiter over and ordered an entree of scallops on the shell, a main of a mixed platter of fresh fish sashimi, finished with homemade gelato as a dessert and fresh juice as the drink.

While waiting for her food to come she stared at the beautiful blue ocean from the window. She had chosen a nice restaurant on the edge of the city for this very reason. It was relazing staring at the ocean, a nice change of pace for Sofia who was a soldier first. Maybe it would be good for her to relax and take a break once in a while. She had spent so much time with work at the forefront of her mind, she had forgot to enjoy herself.
Objective E - 'Waters of Life'
Location: Ahto City; Hanger Bay 11
Allies: The Templar Order
Enemies: None Currently
Post: 1/20

The woman attempted to count how many times that the city had come under siege, the world as it was had seen its own hardships multiple times. First it came when the Republic and Sith fought for control of the galaxy, then again when the Empire rose and began to take world after world and strangling them with their grasp. Now it seemed that in the most recent memory, the world would come under siege once more. At least this time it appeared there was a more peaceful attempt, or was it? She and a small group had arrived not too long before their sensors began to announce the arrival of a great deal of many more.
Taking a moment to look over the datapad that was handed to the woman, she motioned with a hand for those with her to remain still for a moment. Their's was still a small following, and if the information was correct, they could ill afford to bring too much attention to themselves. Of course there were those whom desired already to meet what they called enemies, yet she knew they were not ready to bring such attention upon them.
"Continue the operation. Load the Kolto that we've secured onto the Freighter. I don't want us to come into conflict with anyone. Rules of engagement apply."
"Yes Knight Commander."
The woman turned as she stepped out of the small warehouse that was linked to the hanger bay, her eyes falling upon the old freighter that they had arrived in, much less flashy than appearing in a Cardinal Corvette and announcing their presence that way. Taking a moment she slowly scanned the hanger bay, watching the few Templars that had accompanied her slowly moving about and keeping their guard up. She wanted to get this done as quickly as possible and get out of there before anyone else came along.
Turning when she heard the door behind her open, she stepped to the side as a repulsorsled was pushed into the hanger bay towards the freighter. Her eyes moving over the tanks as she stood the sled for a moment. Slowly she circled the two tanks, her eyes moving about to ensure that there was not a single crack in the glass and that the Kolto remained within and untainted.
"Get it on board."
"Yes Ma'am."
Stepping back again, she looked to the next sled as the first pushed pass her, once more inspecting the cargo. Bacta was becoming more difficult to come by as the war continued to spread across the galaxy. Even Kolto was rarer due to the events that had plagued the world in its past and most recent history. Though it was much easier to grab a cargo of Kolto; yet it would soon become that much more difficult if the Republic were moving into the world. Soon there would be few things left to those that didn't see eye to eye with some company, or with those of the Republic or Galactic Alliance.
Still, she could hope that they would find so hidden plant or chemical on Feenix that would be able to supplement or even replace Bacta or Kolto. Taking another moment, she stepped aside as another Templar took up the inspection of the cargo. They had been going at this for a few hours, and still they weren't finished loading up from the warehouse. She estimated that there were still a few more trips, perhaps a few more hours of work before they could leave.
That alone made her uneasy as she kept scanning the hanger bay. The longer they had to stay meant it was more likely that they would be discovered.
Post Number: [4/20]
Objective E: Oversee cleansing of the space station
64 Soldiers
  • All equipped with advanced Xythan force shields
  • Split into 8 fire teams of 8 soldiers
Xythan Force Shield Dev post #4

After a reboot of the Xythan force shields that Jaccer was capable of doing remotely from his position, the two malfunctioning shields would again power up and the energy sphere would envelop the wearers. "Fireteam Alpha, shields are back up and combat ready." It was likely that this team would not continue with this fight as two of the members had been injured from blaster fire. Instead they would wait in one of the already secured positions in the station to ensure safety. This would be a minor delay for the Galactic Republic war which was currently tearing through the station.

As the teams pushed through the tight corridors and passageways of the station the skills of this units became evident to the enemy. The speed at which they gunned down and moved through the defenders, amplified by the effectiveness of the Xythan shields was morale crushing for their opposition. If anything this would make the job for attackers even easier as many of those attempting to retaliate would lay their weapons the the ground and give up during the firefights. However, even those surrendering would be killed by those the Galactic Republic forces.

Unbeknownst to the pro-usurper forces fighting the intruders, their death would be a way out of the much worst fate which would be dealt to whoever was in charge the station. When found, it would be likely that they would be taken to Republic controlled space and "interrogated" before spending the rest of their life in a 2x2 metre concrete cell. It would also be likely that Jaccer would be the one who would "interrogate" the station administrator. But before any of that was going to happen it was required for them to find him. The target location for the Republic forces was the command bridge, this was where administrator would be and would also allow the Lieutenant / The Galactic Republic complete control over the station and all it's defences.
Post Number: [5/20]
Objective E: Oversee cleansing of the space station
64 Soldiers
  • All equipped with advanced Xythan force shields
  • Split into 8 fire teams of 8 soldiers
Xythan Force Shield Dev post #5

"How's progress down there?" Apollo would ask the fireteams still advancing throughout the station. "All good down here, moving onto the command bridge now." Each response from the fireteams leaders would be similar to this and it was music to Jaccer's ears. Only minutes ago had the units first set their feet onto the floor of this station and now they had already fought through and disabled the majority of the station. Time was ticking for administrator of the station, soon the forces of the Republic would be knocking on his door... literally.

From the helmet cams of the soldiers, the Lieutenant could tell that they were outside the command bridge and that it was also locked. "Plant breaching and terminate anybody inside with extreme prejudice." "...Actually scrap that, we need the administrator alive for intelligence purposes, anybody else is under a shoot on sight directive." Eventhough Jaccer doubted the usefulness of whoever was in control, the order to recover them had come from someone who was far more important than the Lieutenant. However what mattered now was keeping his soldier alive long enough to complete this objective.

"3...2...Breaching now." These three seconds would be all the time Delta Fireteam would be allowed before entering combat again. As the doorways exploded fortified positions set up by the defenders were revealed to the member of the squad and Jaccer who watched through the helmet cams. These positions had weaponry emplacements to aid in the firepower of the forces opposing the Republic. "I am redirecting all shield power to your fronts, this should allow for a full frontal assault." After a brief moment of Jaccer frantically tapping on his monitor, the power used to project the rear and sides of the Xythan force shields were redirected to the front. This would significantly boost the protective of the soldier and allow them to effectively charge the enemy positions with no chance of any of the blaster fire causing damage. Even with their blaster cannon emplacements, the hostile forces would find that there weaponry would do nothing to halt the advance.

Once the fireteam had been informed of the changes in their shields systems and the seven other fireteams joined the firefight the battle did not last long. Mere seconds after the first team had breached the room the crossfire of blasters had come to an end and room went silent. Everyone in the room who did not belong to the Republic was dead, most had their torsos blown open by the expert marksmanships of the soldiers. Luckily for everyone involved, par the administrator himself, his body was not found among the carnage.

At this point there was only one room that had not been infiltrated by the intruders. It was the janitors closet connected the command bridge. The adminastrator must've been inside.
Post Number: [6/20]
Objective E: Oversee cleansing of the space station
64 Soldiers
  • All equipped with advanced Xythan force shields
  • Split into 8 fire teams of 8 soldiers
Xythan Force Shield Dev post #6

"We've only got janitor's room left. Moving in now." "Apollo copies all, move in when ready. Set blasters to stun, you and me both don't want to get in trouble." As the Fireteam Delta took positions on either side of the doorway, the leader would lay his hand on the panel causing the door to open. Synchronised to sound of the door opening was the discharge of one blaster bolt. However, the shot of plasma did not leave the room itself, it wasn't even fire towards the soldiers. No. The sight which was revealed to Jaccer soon explained what had happened. Instead of facing Republic custody, the administrator of station had decided to take his own life. Smart man.

"Kark! Check his person, see if there's anything you can find." The Lieutenant would tell his soldiers, sighing as he did so. As expected the corpse was bare. "Nothing sir."

"Alright, get me access to the station's computer. Make it sharpish, we might have another engagement approaching." A wireless transceiver was connected to the central computer which controlled everything on the station. Now he was connected, Jaccer was capable of disabling all the systems defences and cutting of the life support of any rooms not cleared in the soldiers crusade throughout the facility. With all the defences down and nobody left as opposition on the station, the dropship pilots were given the all clear sign to return to the station to retrieve the soldiers.

Lieutenant Ramirez would open a communication link to all Republic forces within the space surrounding Manaan. "Callsign Apollo reporting in, we have cleared out the Manaan system resource and defence station. Any additional targets in need of interception?"
Objective D: Exploration of ruins at the Hrakert Rift
Location: Hrakert Rift
Allies: The voices in his head.
Enemies: Swimming.
Post 2/20

As the submarine slowed considerably, Dr. Kono pointed out of the main viewing porthole. Sinking below the floor of the ocean surrounding them was a massive underwater valley, twisting far beyond Ben's limited visibility from within the submarine. Ben studied the curving formations, smoothed by ages of contact with the water flowing through Mannan's massive surface ocean. The submarine's nose angled downward as Kono began the plunge to the bottom of the Hrakert Rift. Ben watched as the opening through which they had come vanished, and the light all around them dimmed into only a faint glow from above. Thankfully, this submarine had been outfitted with plenty of luminaries, which Kono activated as they dived to the bottom of the Rift. Ben could see the submarine's glow against the smooth walls of the canyon.

Kono indicated to the underwater gear located in a lockbox behind the seats in the sub. "Get ready! If my research is correct, we should be reaching the old Republic mining station at any moment!" Kono instructed, clearly unable to contain his excitement. "That underwater exploration gear is designed to withstand the immense pressure down here, and you should be able to freely explore the tight spots of those ruins where I can't take the sub. Oooooh, I really hope we find something cool!"

​He may have said he was old, but this guy sure acts like a kid to me. Maybe it's just been a while since he's gotten out of the lab and into the field. Ben knew that feeling.

"Sure thing, Doctor," Ben responded, removing his outer robes and folding them on the co-pilot's seat. "Do you have any idea what might be down there?"

"Probably old tech," the Selkath mused, after a moment of consulting his mental records. "We can definitely use it for historical research, plus having the area mapped out will be helpful."

That's all? Some museum pieces and a map? Ben sensed that there had to be something more significant of interest at this station, but he could not decide why Kono was hiding it from him. Maybe Kono didn't know, either, but it seemed unlikely. The Selkath was strange, not stupid. Ben began to don the exploration gear as he watched a metal structure at the bottom of the canyon appear over Kono's shoulder. As he submarine sped to its destination, the massive abandoned kolto mining facility grew in their view. It was time for Ben to get his feet wet.
[SIZE=12pt]Objective A[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Allies: The Republic[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Enemies: Unknown[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Post 2 / 20[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Faith moved smoothly down the ramp they group was shielded by any spray that may have floated over from the waves. The whine of other engines told her more ships were landing, other Senators perhaps? There was already rumor spreading, already moving about.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]There was someone inside that she had not seen, matter of fact she heard most rumors as having her dead.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Faith could not react to that now, now was about helping Manaan getting the government back on track, back into business.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She took that deep breath that she had been practicing a lot lately, feth. She shook her head and moved through door her guards with her. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]So many things unfolding at the moment and not all of them good. Word had come regarding eminent changes and change was something she never did very well.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]But she had other good news, and that would always maintain her, no matter what. A small smiled spread across her face as she thought just then they crossed the threshold into the Government building.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]They were led to the meeting room and there inside she saw everyone that had come, including her sister. Normally she would be happy to see her but in months prior to her disappearing they had crossed so many times about Alderaan and the Republic that a rift had started to grow between them. A shame to with their family growing in strength. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Faith nodded, “Greetings, I’m Faith Organa, one of the Representatives of the Republic here to negotiate and see what we can do to assist” She didn’t know what else to say as she moved to take a seat and the guards faded to the back.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt][member="Jack Sparrow"] | [member="Ali Hadrix"] | [member="Alyesa Organa"][/SIZE]
Objective A
Allies: The Republic, Selkath Government
Enemies: The Republic

Post 2/20

As Faith entered the room, Alyesa would rise and so would the delegates of Manaan who were seated. She took that moment to look around the room before motioning to her sister before her. “Welcome Senator Organa, the Selkath of Manaan extend their personal gratitude for what the Republic is currently doing as well as you being so kind as to personally spearhead this political meeting on behalf of the Republic.”
She made a gesture and would take a seat, those around her taking a seat as well. “My position here is merely to be a bridge between the Republic and the people of Manaan, being their former representative in the Senate – I know what is best for them as much as say you would for Alderaan as I once did. It was after all one of my Senatorial seats.” And that is where Alyesa would stop, there was no use in opening old wounds. She offered her sister a soft smile before gesturing towards the Selkath Foreign Affairs Minister.

“The primary concern of the Selkath people is simple, and I do concur with Minister Mantu about this particular concern that has been voiced.” She would look at the other representatives before her gaze fell back on Faith, she knew this particular one would perhaps sting a bit – as they both suffered the same fate on their own homeworld.

“Is the Republic capable of defending Manaan against another invasion without a total loss to the city?” She said bluntly.

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"] | [member="Jack Sparrow"] | [member="Ali Hadrix"]


The Only Black Jedi in the galaxy
Objective B
Post 2/20
Allies: GR, [member="Corvus Raaf"] , [member="Ryan Korr"]
Enemies: Evil Fish
Location: Under the sea.

As R2 stayed in the submarine, Jordun arrived at the underwater base's back vent. He pulled out his lightsaber and cut out an entrance. As he jumped in and crawled through the vents, he made it to the air pockets and immediately contacted his buddy [member="Ryan Korr"] "Heard you took the easy way in.."
Location: Star Destroyer Obi-Wan Kenobi
Objective: E
Allies: [member="Reshmar"]
Enemies: None yet

[ 1 / 20 ]
[Development Post #1]

Invisible to the many eyes around it, the cloaked Obi-Wan Kenobi cruised to enter orbit around Manaan. Admiral Quee leaned up against the bridge viewport to eye the world "above" him. He found that there was something soothing about staring into the world's vast, uninterrupted seas. Something about the deep quality of blue in the waters and how the system's sun hit it just right. Though he wasn't certain if he found it wholly mesmerizing because of its natural beauty, or because of how much it reminded him of his homeworld of Hast. He could almost see it as being his surrogate Hast, given how far his homeworld was from Republic boarders these days.

"Sir," announced Lod, "Admiral Reshmar is present with the Formidable, as expected."

"We will not announce our presence yet," said the blonde man, "but let us continue to keep watch on the prototype. The appearance of the Jackals..."

Lod eyed him curiously with his oblong obsidian eyes, half-expecting to Gir to show some trace of emotion. The Jackals had been a pain in the man's side earlier in his career. Gir had hounded Flannigan McNash and his crew, but had never dealt them a decisive blow in combat. Yet the admiral continued forward unphased by past events.

"...probably won't need any action on our part. Admiral Reshmar is nothing if not capable, and I doubt that the Formidable will ever be dispatched by pirates."

"You're worried about the others."

Gir nodded, "A rogue fleet crewed by Gu'l hazuh sympathizers...but only because they represent an unknown quality in strength, skill, and equipment."

"Will we proceed towards our main objective site otherwise then?"

"The area does seem adequately secure for our yes," agreed the admiral, turning to his helmsman, "Chief, take us there."

"Aye sir."
posts 2/20
Objective F - Pirate Charity
Location - Asteroid Field, aboard the corvette
Allie's - Thraxis, Cadan Tazi, Tiali Orazio, and co.
Ship's -
1 Crusader class corvette
5 Half drive fighters
1 Heavy Hutt bomber

"Republic," the contours of the holocomm bloomed open, birthing the image of the pirate captain Flannigan Mcnash, he was as metal made flesh, dark shadows crawled up his frame like groping hand's he looked if not impressive in need of a better light source. "I have one of your men here with me, he has a few words to share with you." two figures now on the screen one tall the other hoveled and left sprawling over the floor as the cyborg picked him up prompt him into view of the holocomm's projector, his face was a mask of fear caked in dirt and grime, a cut above his forehead oozed his expression spoke volumes on terror and pain. "He will die if my demand's are not met, one million in credits to be deposited into my account, I also have five citizens of the planet and their fates will be the same". It ended the communication were one moment open to all, the next no more.

It was about sending a message, and he prompt up the 'prisoner' patted him on the shoulder gave him a bottle of wine and pushed him off to drink it with the phrase "Good job, shame you chose pirating over the theatre I really thought you really had it."

"[member="Stokely McFadden"], if you'd please start depositing the mines on the outer reach of the Asteroids that would be most pleasing." he said settling down into his seat his pointed digits running rings on the dash board leaving marks and dents as he presses into its surface.

[member="Gir Quee"], [member="Amelia Sorenn"], [member="Reshmar"], [member="Weiss"], [member="Blight"], [member="Corvus Raaf"], [member="Mantic Dorn"], [member="Sofia Annesley"]
Objective: E - Relaxing
Post - [6/20]

Sofia paid the bill once she finished her nice meal and left the restaurant. It had been a while since she had pampered herself or bought any frivolous items for herself such as cosmetics and clothes so maybe it would be good for her to spoil herself for a change. Sofia would often forget and neglect her femininity while she was at the base as that was something unimportant as a soldier. Male or female, a soldier was a soldier. One gender did not deserve preferential treatment over the other.

Small boutiques always made Sofia feel somewhat uncomfortable. Every time she visited one, she felt pressured to make a purchase even if the stock were not to her taste. However, the botique that she stood outside of seemed interesting. It was the storefront of an indie makeup brand that was unique to Manaan.

Entering the store, Sofia saw several tables of make up neatly lined up with the testers in front of the packaged products. Sofia walked up to a beautiful duo chrome peach shade and swatched it on her wrist. The peach colour complimented her warm skin tone beautifully. She placed the small container of loose pigments in the basket she had picked up near the entrance and picked up a matte coral shade. Like the peach pigment, she swatched it on her wrist, it too suited her skin tone and could double as blush. Satisfied with the shade, she placed the item in her basket.

Next she went to look at the highlighters. Taking a bit of the tester for the shimmery cream shade, she placed some down the bridge of her nose and the high points of her cheekbones. Sofia was quite satisfied with the result and placed the item in her basket as well.

Sofia had saved the best for last - the lipstick section. There were all kinds of interesting colours Sofia could try but as usual, Sofia swatched and put a few 'my lips but better' shade in her basket.

When Sofia went to pay p for her items, an unexpectly high price appeared on the screen but it did not faze Sofia. She had do much unspent wages saved that it did not worry her. It was her own fault for not looking at the price of the items after all.

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
Objective C - Pirate cleansing
MC95 prototype "Formidable"
enroute to Manaan
Allies: [member="Gir Quee"]
Enemies; [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Thraxis"] [member="Ka-Aver"]
Development for the MC95 post 2
posts 2/20

Reshmar watched the broadcast as the robotic pirate threatened the man. Reshmar like most Mon Calamari detested pirates. The world had been plagued with them for as long as they have been a space fearing world. Reshmar had spent most of his career chasing them around the Mon Calamari sector. These types were not new to him. Nothing about them shocked him or lead him to believe they was special. He knew that the hostages were dead already. Nothing he or any one else could do would change that. He had seen this play out time and time again. There was only one way to deal with pirates. For now he had nothing he could do. The Formidable was too big to move into the asteroids. Even if it wasn't He was not equipped presently to do much more than blow them out of the sky.

"Captain, ETA on the escorts" Reshmar ask as he swung his command chair around to look at the man. He was short for a Calamari and his skin was far darker than Reshmar's. He must have spent alot of time in the deep thought Reshmar as he awaited the mans response.

"Anytime now Admiral" said the Mon Calamari captain in a voice even gruffer than Reshmars. Reshmar remained silent, his eyes rolled indicating some annoyance at the man he had asked for an update.

"Very well captain we can not just sit here and wait." Reshmar turned to face the handful of officers at the tactical station.

"Commander, paint anything that moves on the edge of that field, If its transponder doesn't read green fire on it and add it to the rest of the junk out there floating around." Reshmar said eyeing the man who was standing behind the tact. officers. The man was human and seemed to be competent. Half of this crew were here for training. This was meant as a training and break in cruiser and now Reshmar was saddled with a crew as green as any he had commanded.

"Yes sir admiral" said the human as he turned to give commands to the officers now working on tracking and labeling everything in the system with the IFF scanner. Reshmar had read over the commanders file. he was one of the most experienced officers on the Formidable. Even more so then the captain. with that in mind he put that out of his head, confident that the officer could handle the order he had been given. He turned his chair back to look out the forward viewport at the world below and the belt in the distance.

"I know your out there. just pop out for a look see and let me chop off your head." Reshmar said in a voice so low only he could hear it. As klaxon sounded then was silenced. A secondary screen showed the image of five ships exiting hyperspace.

"Escort line is here admiral, They are hailing us." said the Short Mon Calamari captain. Reshmar did not turn around to look he simply replied.

"Open a channel Captain."
Objective C - Pirate cleansing
Location: Manaan
Allies: [member="Gir Quee"]
Enemies; [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Thraxis"] [member="Ka-Aver"]
Development for the MC95 post 3
posts 3/20

382nd Republic Escort Line

Vernan Holt sat in his crash couch looking out at the world of Manaan in the distance. The like some whaladon from a nature show the visage of an organic, almost alive looking ship appeared.

"What is that?" Holt said more to himself than to anyone else on the command deck.

"I have not seen anything like that other than in old training vids and in a museum once." said this XO as the two men looked out taking in the full gory that was the Formidable. A third man to Holts left whistled and spoke almost too softly to hear.

"I did not think they existed anymore." said the communications watch commander walking up beside the XO The ship was now all anyone on the command deck was looking at.

"Its big" said one officer from behind. That is an understatement Holt thought to himself. HE had seen vids and pic of the old Mon Calamari Cruisers. He had even taken a tour of one when he had visited Dac. He remembered the ship with its smooth organic lines broken by the bulbous weapon and shielding pods. It was a big ship but next to this it was nothing in comparison.

"Captain, IFF lists it as Formidable. That is Admiral Reshmar's ship sir." Said a tactical officer from Holts right somewhere. He knew who's it was, that was obvious knowing he had been ordered here by the Calamari Admiral. But he never expected to see a operation calamari ship. They were like ghost stories cadets were told at fleet academy.

"Lieutenant, Open a channel to the Formidable. Lets see why the Admiral had asked us here."

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