Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Death by Powerpoint

Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
The galaxy burned. From the Empire of the Sith to the criminal organization known as the Black Sun, war was being waged. Only in the Unknown Regions was there peace. A peace borne by seclusion and remoteness, and an active decision to leave things be in the wider galaxy. A decision made a long time ago on a planet called Atrisia. A decision that was about to change.

The High Council had been called to meet. The movers and shakers of the Galactic Empire, all in one room, with a single purpose in mind: What now? More than one opportunity had presented itself, in some cases threw itself at their feet. But following one path inevitably meant you could never see where the rest led. There was no turning back on the pathway of history. So here they were, in the highest most secure room (barring some of the top-secret bunkers that rested several miles below) in the Imperial Tower. A fitting location to discuss the fate of the Empire, with the city of Jar'Kai stretched out below, and in the sky a thousand lights that couldn't be stars drifted to and from the myriad spacedocks and orbital stations.

Immaculate in his silver and black dress uniform, Grand Admiral Cyrus Tregessar nodded to the motionless figures of the two Emperor's Own stormtroopers who stood guard outside the sealed door to the chamber. A second passed as the scanner built in to the entry positively identified him based on every physical characteristic it was possible to see at a glance, then the door whisked open and he entered. The room was empty, the Admiral was the first to arrive. He glanced at his watch. His aide, Lieutenant @[member="Rodrigo Satoshi"] had about three minutes to show up with the briefing packets before he was going to be late and could consider himself reassigned to babysitting a penal camp on O'reen. The list of topics to cover was extensive: What to do about the Fringe, the emergent Fel Imperium, the status of the Omega Protectorate, the ongoing Republic-Sith War, relations with the Mandolorions, and more.

It was going to be a long briefing.

@[member="Aditya Amadis"]
@[member="Aedelgar Krakengard"]
@[member="Akio Kahoshi"]
@Dr.Marie Krasnican
@[member="Masaru Mori"]
@[member="Mirien Valdier"]
@[member="Moira Skaldi"]
@[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
@[member="Togashi Yokuni"]

Amon Garrith

@[member="Cyrus Tregessar"]

Amon Garrith arrived at the meeting promptly and in an immaculately pressed uniform. The Lieutenant's few ribbons were expertly measured and placed exactly one eighth of an inch above his left cargo pocket. Ranks shined, boots polished. Amon Garrith was invited to the meeting on special invitation, apparently a few of his papers on strategy had reached the ears of someone of a much higher position than himself and they'd decided he should attend. He had a lot riding on how he presented himself at this event.

If he could impress someone else in high command his career would be largely secure unless he suddenly became woefully incompetent. Amon nodded at the Stormtroopers before taking his seat near the back of the room, setting his cover underneath his seat and presenting a datapad for note taking.
The Galactic Emperor strode through the hall surrounded by his ever present Imperial Guards. He strode past the stormtroopers who opened the door for the liege, taking only a moment to take in the room as he entered. So far only two had arrived before him, but one of them was the Grand Admiral who was heading this meeting. This was good.

Walking through the room, his robes billowed slightly in the self created wind until he reached the end of the table at which point he sat down. Where each seat had the name of the individual assigned to sit there, properly descending from highest to lowest along the table, Akio's simply had the seal of the Kahoshi-dynasty. His fan, the sign of his authority as Atrisian Emperor even as he now ruled over the entire Galactic Empire, rested in his lap for the moment.

"Preparations are complete, yes Admiral?" he asked.
@[member="Akio Kahoshi"], @[member="Cyrus Tregessar"]

The Imperial luminaries would get a memo from Moira Skaldi on the tablet. The HRD was neither formally affiliated with the Empire nor physically present, but did do freelance consultancy work for a price. She had experience from having run the Omega Protectorate's military intelligence branch and been a foreign policy adviser under the Cira and Alcori regimes.

RE: Galactic Situation

- The present state of chaos in the Galaxy offers a window of opportunity. So far the Galactic Empire only controls Atrisia and a few systems in the 'Unknown Regions'. To become an empire in fact as well as in name, not to mention ensure continued survival and indepedence, expansion is essential. Presently it is sandwiched between the Fringe Confederacy (more of a Sithian power than the actual Sith Empire) and a Jedi-jihadist dominated Republic out on a 'Crusade for Democracy'. To be stagnant means to risk becoming swept away or rendered inert.

- The Republic is for now distracted fighting the Sith, whose empire is falling apart and end game is approaching. Korriban is being invaded, the Emperor Kaine is reported to have been captured (fall of the Empire does not mean end of the Sith order, as past precedent shows - cannier Sith players are bound to have contingency plans to vanish with their resources, becoming potent nonstate actors). Their early defeat is disadvantageous due to a high likelihood of Republic forces carrying their crusade westward, unless distracted by squabbles over former Sith territory with the Mandalorians and the Fel Imperium. However, a strategic opportunity presents itself in the south through expansion into Protectorate territory, though time might be short.

- On paper the Protectorate is a great power, controlling prize worlds and possessing highly advanced military tech. However, it has been gutted and deprived of its best military and political minds [attached files on former players in Omega Pyre and political leadership]. In power political tems it is a banana republic and the humiliating failure of its attack on the Fringe world of Kayri must have seriously undermined morale and confidence in its ability to protect its citizens. With its conquest of Tar Mordren, Fringe is perfectly positioned to cut Protectorate territory in half at Naboo or Eriadu, able to pick off prizes such as Sluis Van, Bespin and Sullust at leisure, or strike at CIS (Fringe forces sought to aid the Black Sun at Barab I against the CIS invasion). The Protectorate could not beat one invasion, let alone two. It is a bloated shell that has failed to pass the test and should be delivered the death blow.

- Any such invasion must proceed with lightning rapidity and recover Protectorate infrastructure intact. Prize target is Fondor, ideally also Thyferra and Corellia (Republic may have already designated Corellia as its sphere of interest and could see its seizure as a hostile act, but it is governed by purists who may already distrust TGE due to the sudden end of hostilities with Fringe). Raiding the StarCorp Headquarters on Fondor would be a boon, likewise seizure of the Protectorate battleships Starfall and Leviathan (latter a 4km war vessel developed under the Alcori-Kerrigan regime as a counter to Fringe Chrysalide). With the Protectorate on life support, invasion could be camouflaged as an attempt to 'protect it and preserve order', but any resistance must be terminated.

- It may be advisable to reach an agreement with the other majorly interested power, the Fringe Confederacy, on a partition of Protectorate territory, thus forestalling collision. It goes without saying, as past precedent shows, that trust is good, control is better. But there is a high likelihood of the Republic striking westward once it has settled scores with the Sith (Republic assault on Mon Calamari and Fel on Kalee have met little resistance, the Sith Citadel on Dromund Kaas has been razed) in order to 'finish the job' started at Roche and bring down the Sith Empress, thus fulfilling their ideological imperative. TGE would face choice of aligning itself with Fringe or the Republic, both governed by force cultists. Either ideologically unpalatable, but Fringe pragmatic, whereas Jedi driven by religious zealotry in their desire to purge all that refuse to bend to the Republic.

- Neutrality is unlikely to be an option. TGE might in the short-term want to prove its anti-Sithian credentials by participating in the Crusade against the Sith Empire with a token expeditionary force, but focus must be on immediate territorial expansion. Fortune favours the bold.
Entering the room carrying a stack of holopads with briefing notes already brought up on the display, Satoshi would have gladly taken the penal camp on O'reen in this particular moment. Sure, he was being groomed for command and being noticed, the position of Aide to the Grand Admiral was prestigious, but fetching briefing notes? Ugh, that was a part of the job that Satoshi was learning to live with. He might even have to learn to love it, if he was to be Grand Admiral some day himself.

Uniform pressed and polished, the young Lieutenant entered the room and saluted @[member="Cyrus Tregessar"], bowed to @[member="Akio Kahoshi"], his August Majesty the Emperor (who Satoshi had not yet met), and began distributing the briefing packets, placing them on the table in front of each seat. His job was to be unobtrusive and to soak things up like a sponge. This was a great opportunity to learn. The young Atrisian noticed another Lieutenant had been invited to the briefing and nodded to the man, before finding his place and preparing to take notes.

Masaru Mori

Entirely Legitimate Businessman
Yovshin Mori always found the formal attire of his station slightly too antiquated, but as the head of a noble house and a seated member of the High Council, such formalities were always expected to be observed. At least in this environment he could wear his swords, as they served as a symbol of his station just as Kahoshi's fan was a mark of his place as Emperor. The politics of the galaxy had gotten complicated indeed in the last month, and policies on all fronts were in dire need of review.

As a member of the diplomatic corps, Mori had his own opinions to present, of course. But for now, the actions of the fleet would take priority. Longer term relations, especially those they may be able to forge with the Mandalorians, would have to wait just a few moments longer. In the meantime, Masaru went over the updates on his datapad. Most confirmed what he'd already known or suspected, but a few were interesting thoughts. He personally hoped some sort of deal could be reached with the Republic Senate, but he was no fool and had seen the actions the Jedi had inspired in that country. Even if a deal were reached, it was likely there would be conflict in their future somewhere down the road. It needn't be an outright war of annihilation, but total peace was a far, far distant possibility.

War, peace or somewhere in between, Masaru simply reminded himself he'd find some way to profit regardless.
Silks spun in emerald and gold, the hakama Yokuni wore fashioned in the colors of the Togashi Clan. Shortly after coming through Yokuni stopped and bowed before the Emperor @[member="Akio Kahoshi"] . Within older traditions the Elder of the Togashi Clan waited for a verbal cur or a somatic gesture from the Emperor. Then and only then did Yokuni took the seat labeled for him.
Live in Light, Surf Master
Dressed in the gleaming white of his Echani Armour, the newest Galactic Admiral Manu Xextos walked in with a small honour guard of his fellow warriors behind him. Both bodyguards and military aides, the Echani were dressed in the white of their station, and stood in the back in perfect symmetry as Manu presented himself to @[member="Akio Kahoshi"], @[member="Togashi Yokuni"], and @[member="Cyrus Tregessar"]. "Your Imperial Majesty, Grand Admiral. @[member="Aditya Amadis"] sends her regards, she is returning from a mining operation on Seltos and will be with us shortly."

Bringing with him several thousand troops and Echani loyalists, the Admiral and former Jedi allowed his presence within the Force to flow around him for any present who would feel it. As he waited for the meeting to begin, he moved to his assigned chair and waited for an order before he would sit.
No sooner had Admiral Xextos spoken, but the door opened again to reveal a prim and properly dressed Epicanthix enter with her retinue of Imperial Shipworks assistants and aides. Wearing the Navy Blue Kimono of a Senior Prefect, the back crest had naught but the Imperial Cog, and the Shipworks crest upon it. Being the one of the only ones present (seemingly) without a military conscription, Aditya walked straight up to the Emperor and Grand Admiral, giving a curtsey and respectful bow before her greeting. "Imperial Shipworks sends you tidings of success. Our mining operation on Seltos did indeed reveal the precious ore we expected, you will be pleased with the result, Emperor."

Phrikite Ore. Only the Emperor knew she was going for it and now the precious metal was hers. @[member="Cyrus Tregessar"] would see a much different Aditya to the first one he met. This woman was put together and respectful, not a scatter-brained young thing reaching for distant stars. Even after returning from Schesa and diffusing the bombs, she was steady. It appeared the woman had grown into the role she had been given.

None too soon.

She took her seat by @[member="Masaru Mori"] and gave him a friendly nod.

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