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Deadly Void (Fleeting) Fleet Selection and Rules

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[member="Flora Burn"]

Flora Burn said:
[member="Naast'ika Laaran"] I will review my options, but I am joining FO and they got enough fleeters, here already so it seems a little unfair. :)
  • Team Light-Side - 90,372 meters
Galactic Republic - 9,990 + Sanya + Suravi
1x Mateus-class SD - 2km/e (Unsubbed?)
(? - Hex Move)(? - Side Turn)
3x Spearhead-class Cruiser - 0.9km/e (Battlefield Limit of 10)
(5 - Hex Move)(3 - Side Turn)
5x Udarnik-class Frigate - 0.5km/e
(7 - Hex Move)(3 - Side Turn)
6x Hammerhead-class Frigate - 0.315km/e
(6 - Hex Move)(4 - Side Turn)
5x Praetorian-class Corvette - 0.18km/e
(6 - Hex Move)(4 - Side Turn)
Galactic Alliance - 10,300 + 10,000 + 9,940 + 10,150 + 10,000
1x Teferi-class Dreadnought - 6km/e (Das a Huge B**ch)
(2 - Hex Move)(1 - Side Turn)
1x Leviathan-class SSD - 4km/e (Unique)
(2 - Hex Move)(1 - Side Turn)
1x Bastion-class SD - 2.2kmm/e (Battlefield Limit of 2)
(2 - Hex Move)(1 - Side Turn)
1x Tython-class SD - 1.85km/e (Unique)
(2 - Hex Speed)(1 - Side Turn)
3x Grievous-class SD - 1.8km/e (Battlefield Limit of 10)
(2 - Hex Move)(2 - Side Turn)
1x Indomitable-class SD - 1.7km/e
(2 - Hex Move)(2 - Side Turn)
6x Noble-class SD - 1km/e (Battlefield Limit of 10)
(4 - Hex Move)(3 - Side Turn)
1x Hellfire-class Cruiser - 1km/e (Battlefield Limit of 6)
(2 - Hex Move)(1 - Side Turn)
3x Warden-class Cruiser - 1km/e
(3 - Hex Speed)(2 - Side Turn)
2x Stalwart-class Cruiser - 1km/e
(3 - Hex Speed)(2 - Side Turn)
2x Nonneh-class Cruiser - 0.9km/e
(4 - Hex Move)(3 - Side Turn)
2x Omini-class Cruiser - 0.8km/e (Battlefield Limit of 10)
(4 - Hex Move)(3 - Side Turn)
3x Excubitor-class Cruiser - 0.55km/e
(3 - Hex Move)(2 - Side Turn)
2x Unyielding-class Cruiser - 0.5km/e
(6 - Hex Move)(2 - Side Turn)
10x Horn-class Cruiser - 0.5km/e
(6 - Hex Move)(4 - Side Turn)
3x Sentinel-class Cruiser - 0.5km/e (Battlefield Limit of 10)
(6 - Hex Move)(4 - Side Turn)
2x Relentless-class Frigate - 0.47km/e
(6 - Hex Move)(4 - Side Turn)
3x Thranta-class Frigate - 0.4km/e
(6 - Hex Move)(4 - Side Turn)
3x MCR-125 Corvette - 0.15km/e
(4 - Hex Move)(2 - Side Turn)
4x Shield-class Cruiser - 0.15km/e (Battlefield Limit of 10)
(4 - Hex Move)(3 - Side Turn)
4x OS-B1 Avenger-class Corvette - 0.05km/e
(8 - Hex Move)(X - Side Turn)
2x Deliverance-class Corvette - 0.05km/e (Battlefield Limit of 6)
(6 - Hex Move)(4 - Side Turn)
Silver Jedi Order - 10,000 + 9,992 + 10,000
1x Libita-class Command Carrier - 3km/e (Unique)
(3 - Hex Move)(1 - Side Turn)
1x Imperious-class SD - 1.94km/e (Battlefield Limit of 2)
(4 - Hex Move)(3 - Side Turn)
2x Noblesse-class SD - 1.7km/e
(3 - Hex Move)(2 - Side Turn)
1x Solidarity-class SD - 1.2km/e (Battlefield Limit of 10)
(3 - Hex Move)(2 - Side Turn)
1x Centurion-class SD - 1.2km/e
(4 - Hex Move)(2 - Side Turn)
3x MBC75-class Battlecruiser - 0.94km/e (Battlefield Limit of 6)
(3 - Hex Move)(2 - Side Turn)
5x Tercell-class Cruiser - 0.9km/e (Battlefield Limit of 10)
(4 - Hex Move)(2 - Side Turn)
2x Mantis-class Frigate - 0.4km/e (Battlefield Limit of 6)
(6 - Hex Move)(4 - Side Turn)
2x Moray-class Frigate - 0.4km/e (Battlefield Limit of 10)
(6 - Hex Move)(3 - Side Turn)
10x Hammerhead-class Frigate - 0.315km/e
(6 - Hex Move)(4 - Side Turn)
6x Delphin-class Frigate - 0.3km/e
(6 - Hex Move)(4 - Side Turn)
4x Nautilus-class Frigate - 0.25km/e (Battlefield Limit of 6)
(7 - Hex Move)(4 - Side Turn)
8x Freedom-class Frigate - 0.25km/e
(7 - Hex Move)(X - Side Turn)
9x Peacekeeper-class Corvette - 0.122km/e
(8 - Hex Move)(X - Side Turn)
17x Circinus-class Corvette - 0.1km/e
(7 - Hex Move)(X - Side Turn)
4x Wake-class Corvette - 0.06km/e
(8 - Hex Move)(X - Side Turn)
  • Team Dark-Side - 47,395 meters
One Sith - NA (+Vassara?)
First Order - 9,955 + 7,920 + 9,590 + 9,930 + 10,000 (+Avicus?)
1x Darr Itah-class Battlecruiser - 3km/e (Battlefield Limit of 6)
2(2 - Hex Move)(1 - Side Turn)
1x Resurgent-class SD - 2.915km/e (Canon)
(? - Hex Move)(? - Side Turn)
6x Imperial X-class SD - 1.6km/e (Battlefield Limit of 6)
(2 - Hex Move)(1 - Side Turn)
1x Imperial I-class SD - 1.6km/e (Canon)
(? - Hex Move)(? - Side Turn)
1x Wyyrlok-class SD - 1.3km/e
(3 - Hex Move)(2 - Side Turn)
2x Inflictor-class Cruiser - 0.98km/e (Battlefield Limit of 6)
(4 - Hex Move)(2 - Side Turn)
4x Victory II-class SD - 0.9km/e (Canon)
(? - Hex Move)(? - Side Turn)
1x Retribution-class SD - 0.9km/e (Battlefield Limit of 10)
(5 - Hex Move)(3 - Side Turn)
6x Vindicator-class Cruiser - 0.6km/e
(3 - Hex Move)(2 - Side Turn)
3x Tarantulas-class Cruiser - 0.6km/e
(5 - Hex Move)(3 - Side Turn)
3x Brachypelma-class Cruiser - 0.6km/e
(5 - Hex Move)(3 - Side Turn)
3x Trojan-class Frigate - 0.5km/e
(6 - Hex Move)(4 - Side Turn)
9x Boa-class Frigate - 0.4km/e
(6 - Hex Move)(4 - Side Turn)
5x Boneshatter-class Frigate - 0.38km/e
(7 - Hex Move)(4 - Side Turn)
3x Carrack-class Light Cruiser - 0.35km/e (Canon)
(? - Hex Move)(? - Side Turn)
12x Dagger-class Frigate - 0.24km/e
(7 - Hex Move)(4 - Side Turn)
15x Fortan-class Corvette - 0.2km/e (Battlefield Limit of 6 but w/ever)
(7 - Hex Move)(X - Side Turn)
4x Corsair-class Corvette - 0.16km/e
(8 - Hex Move)(X - Side Turn)
3x Cobra-class Corvette - 0.15km/e
(6 - Hex Move)(X - Side Turn)
6x Fang-class Corvette - 0.08km/e
(8 - Hex Move)(X - Side Turn)
  • Team My Side - 40,000 meters
Mandalorian Clans / Crusaders - 10,000 + 10,000 + 10,000 + 10,000
3x Alor-class Dreadnought - 3km/e (Battlefield Limit of 6)
(3 - Hex Move)(1 - Side Turn)
1x Salvation-class SD - 2km/e (Battlefield Limit of 10)
(3 - Hex Move)(2 - Side Turn)
1x Lucrehulk-class Carrier - 2km/e (Battlefield Limit of 10)
(3 - Hex Move)(2 - Side Turn)
1x Apollyon-class Carrier - 1.9km/e (Battlefield Limit of 10)
(4 - Hex Move)(3 - Side Turn)
4x Sovereign-class SD - 1.5km/e (Battlefield Limit of 10)
(3 - Hex Move)(2 - Side Turn)
2x Type 2.5 Kandosii-class Dreadnought - 1.45km/e (Battlefield Limit of 10)
(5 - Hex Move)(3 - Side Turn)
1x Harbinger-class Carrier - 0.85km/e
(6 - Hex Move)(4 - Side Turn)
2x Guardian-class Carrier - 0.8km/e (Battlefield Limit of 6)
(4 - Hex Move)(3 - Side Turn)
8x Type 2.5 Keldabe-class Battleship - 0.75km/e (Battlefield Limit of 10)
(6 - Hex Move)(4 - Side Turn)
3x Type 2.5 Nexus-class Cruiser - 0.55km/e (Battlefield Limit of 10)
(6 - Hex Move)(4 - Side Turn)
3x Nexus-class Cruiser - 0.55km/e
(6 - Hex Move)(4 - Side Turn)
6x Nynir-class Frigate - 0.35km/e (Battlefield Limit of 10)
(7 - Hex Move)(4 - Side Turn)
4x Jahaatir-class Frigate - 0.3km/e (Battlefield Limit of 6)
(6 - Hex Move)(4 - Side Turn)
1x Ulur'uur-class Frigate - 0.3km/e
(6 - Hex Move)(4 - Side Turn)
1x Warden-class Frigate - 0.3km/e
(7 - Hex Move)(X - Side Turn)
5x Type 2.5 Haran'uliik-class Frigate - 0.22km/e (Battlefield Limit of 10)
(8 - Hex Move)(X - Side Turn)
  • Team Yolo - 7,645 meters
Commonwealth (Minor) - 2,470
5x TTW-1250 Heavy Frigate - 0.494km/e (Battlefield Limit of 10)
(4 - Hex Move)(3 - Side Turn)
Techno Empire (Minor) - NA +Werah
Other / Corporate / Independent - 275 + 4900
1x Dirge-class SD - 1.6km/e (Battlefield Limit of 10)
(2 - Hex Move)(2 - Side Turn)
1x Phoenix-class Destroyer - 1km/e
(4 - Hex Move)(3 - Side Turn)
1x Panther-class Carrier - 1km/e (Battlefield Limit of 10)
(4 - Hex Move)(3 - Side Turn)
1x Cartographer-class Cruiser - 0.95km/e
(4 - Hex Move)(3 - Side Turn)
1x Nirvana-class Frigate - 0.3km/e (Unique)
(10 - Hex Move)(X - Side Turn)
1x Corona-class Frigate - 0.275km/e (Canon)
(? - Hex Move)(? - Side Turn)
1x Reigar-class Corvette - 0.05km/e
(7 - Hex Move)(4 - Side Turn)

Naw. Bring it. Mandos have you guys more or less matched right now (assuming Aeden and Verz are still in this). We should be able to take whatever you + Cyrus can add to the FO fleet.
[member="Carlyle Rausgeber"]

The Galactic Conflict has always been a three way fight.

Light Sided
Dark Sided

We sit on space-texas, drink our space-beer, and point shotguns at kids that step on our lawn.

Don't let the initial numbers fool you. The "Good Guys" (GA, GR, SJO) are shaping up to have about 7 fleets and the "Bad Guys" (OS, FO) are also shaping up to have about 7 fleets.
Mandos are currently looking at 4 fleets and we'll still be sitting on our side of the map like-



Well-Known Member
[member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] yeah I faced [member="Ayden Cater"] in space, was not good for our side, it was only invasion we lost to the republic. :)
Also heard a lot about [member="Captain Larraq"] on the same subject, and these two started the war ship designs.
Though I am looking forward to a possible round two Ayden.

Though I will possibly lose again. :)
[member="Carlyle Rausgeber"]

Carlyle Rausgeber said:
[member="Captain Larraq"] Stand down cowboy. You ain't the only space badasses out of gum to chew :p
True. But there hasn't been an Imperial-themed "True Superpower" on the board since the Sith Empire fell. The One Sith focused on Sith Knights and a whole lot of Vong stuff... and none of the numerous attempts at an Imperial Major Faction managed to survive more than a couple weeks.

The First Order has a shot at turning that around, but I wouldn't exactly call them a Superpower just yet.

Hell, most of the ships you guys are bringing are canon and the only main-line subbed ship you guys are bringing is the limited production Imperial X, which (much to my amusement) got approved with its primary armament hyperlinking to an unsubbed blog-post weapon system (granted, the weapon'd probably have been instant-approved anyway). While I'm all for taking canon designs and updating them for use on Chaos, most canon ships are either massively under or overgunned or massively under or over-stocked in starfighters when compared to current ships... which makes them (IC anyways) either massive piles of kark, or slow and clunky and easy targets for large caliber weapons designed to butcher those sort of ships.

​Granted, the same could be said about the 2014 and earlier subs that people also like to use. A huge percentage of the pre-2.0 Guide starships have some massivelyf over-sized hangars. And, thanks to the power-creep that's been happening since the 2.0 guide got taken out back and given the old-yeller treatment, most non-recent starships are massively under-gunned when compared to the current standards. The armament rating was suppose to fix this imbalance and bring back a little bit of the standardization... but it doesn't always work.
sabrina said:
[member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] yeah I faced [member="Ayden Cater"] in space, was not good for our side, it was only invasion we lost to the republic. :)
Also heard a lot about [member="Captain Larraq"] on the same subject, and these two started the war ship designs.
Though I am looking forward to a possible round two Ayden.

Though I will possibly lose again. :)
Kark. I faced [member="Ayden Cater"] in space and had to nopenopenope out of the battle.

*stares at Ayden*

"Look at me. I am the Captain now!"


Well-Known Member
[member="Captain Larraq"] have you ever heard of the film scum, you just remind me of something that was said in that film.
None pg so I leave out any links.
Everything should add up to 10,000 meters exactly:

Heavy Line - Black Sword Group

Heavy Frigate Line - Shadow Hand Group
Delphin-class Frigate Shadow Hand
Delphin-class Frigate Golden Nyss
Delphin-class Frigate Bright Jewel
(900 meters)

Heavy Frigate Line - Crimson Dagger Group
Delphin-class Frigate Crimson Dagger
Delphin-class Frigate Brazen Petard
Delphin-class Frigate Blazing Claw
(900 meters)

Pursuit Line - Cerulean Spear Group

Pursuit Line - Ivory Fang Group

Light Carrier Line - Blue Group

Light Carrier Line - Red Group

Light Carrier Line - Green Group

Light Carrier Line - Gray Group

Light Carrier Line - Gold Group
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Updated Fleet list to include the newer generation of Nexus Cruisers. Same length and total length.

3000m Alor Class Dreadnought (Command ship):
850m Harbinger Class Carrier/Delta (Star fighter support and Landing Support):
1500m Sovereign Class Star Destroyer (Lead Assault Ship) :
550m Nexus 2.5 Class Cruiser x3 (Mainline assault Cruiser):
350m Nynir Class Heavy Frigate x6 (2 Escort Squadrons):
300m Jahaatir Class EWAR Frigate x3 (Escort Squadron):


[member="Captain Larraq"]

No matter what happens in the Light/Dark Side conflict, the Mandalorians have survived it. Whichever side we throw our lot in with tends to win.
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