Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Daughters of Caelitus


The stone floor, carved from the natural rock, was remarkably smooth, cut with precision some twenty years prior. The walls, large and looming, were made of a combination of steel panelling and the fine granite that dominated the vast mountain that had been gutted to house the complex of hangars and habitations of the remnant force, sworn to the long fallen Caelitus.

The air was warm with moisture, damp on the occasion the environmental control system was being repaired. With so many living underground, the unnatural air quality needed permanent monitoring, save the deepest levels of the redoubt became starved of oxygen.

On the large dais, a rectangle of monitors and panels, manned by several uniformed personnel, their visored helmets protecting them from the poor lighting, data being sent to various processors about their person, hands moving on the touch screens with agility, flicking statistics and orders between various departments within the fortification. A few spoken words, uttered quickly and softly punctuating the otherwise permanent and muted hum of the whirring machines.

In an alcove, deep set in the wall, sat a bay of consoles with a large map, various graphically displays beamed above it in a three dimensional rendering of what looked to be an area of the surface of an unnamed planet. Standing behind it, her black leather uniform reflecting the fuzzy light that emitted from the map, was Donne.

Her hair, eternally silver from birth, her eyes, sharp and darting across the information, her mouth, pursed in a visage of contemplation.

The man standing beside her, in an otherwise nondescript uniform, gestured towards the corner closest to them. He spoke.

‘Commander, the last pocket of ground resistance is ensconced in this mountain region. With our air assets in continued deployment, we’re sure to flush them out in the coming weeks.

She was unmoved, listening intensely.

The echani spoke.

‘Ensconced? What a colourful word!’

The commander gave a chuckle, a touch of nerves about him.

‘I meant nothing by it, ma’am’.

She raised a gloved hand, quieting him.

‘No mind, Commodore. You have done well.’

The man smiles lightly, sure to keep himself in check, lest the unpredictable and often volatile nature of this Sith warlord were to make an unwelcome appearance.

A mechanical voice buzzed from one of the many speakers.

‘Commander, we have an approaching shuttle. Clearance codes are approved.’

Donne swallowed, breathing deeply, searching for clarity. She found it, stalking away from the large strategic map and across the wet stone, the condensation collecting in shallow puddles.

‘Get this environmental system back up! It’s like a jungle in here!’

She walked into a blast of cold air, bright white light lining the corridors towards the reception centre. Her grey robe fluttered behind her, heavy against the back of her legs. Troopers in their black and grey uniforms stood, blasters in arms, their heavy duty helmets giving an imperious and forbidding welcome.

She stood still, flanked either side by her loyal soldiers, believers since the Fall. They would protect her; from what she did not know.
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His shuttle was nothing grand.

Vazz lounged within the pilot seat, his shadow encased form seeming relaxed against the cool tones of the leather. Dyed a brighter color, of course. When his very existence was nothing more than a living shadow, having some sort of color in his life was welcome. If only to make it easier to know where he was exactly. Fumbling around in the dark wouldn't be a good look for an Assassin.

But that was about the extent of his customization with this particular vessel. It was like his illusions, something to draw the eye and let people form opinions based on it. Neither shoddy or expensive, neither dirty or gleaming. Average in the truest sense. If he needed a ship to get him somewhere for a kill, this certainly wasn't the vessel he was going to use.

It was his.. Diplomatic vessel, as it were.

As the ship landed he let out a sigh and stood. Now that he was here, that meant it was time for the usual. His shadowed form sank deeper into the darkness around him, and beside him the illusion of what he looked like outside the darkness took shape. It smiled, it breathed. Even interacting with it made it feel real. That was the point of course. The illusion pulled up the black hood of the poncho it wore, and both it and Vazz stepped down the ramp together. One as clear as day, the other acting it's shadow in both sight and the Force.

"I've only arrived to offer some help, but to think you'd greet me yourself, Lady Toulemonde. You humble me." He bowed his head respectfully, grinning just a little. "I suppose that means there is some problems that need solving, then?"

Donne Toulemonde Donne Toulemonde
She eyed the Defel, always a little confused by their kind. She always thought that sentient life other than humans oddity, to say the least. What kept them from the co
nfines of a zoo? She surmised that there were hominid species that shared human genetics. Still, it irked her a little.

However, this Defel's skills were second-to-none.

"You flatter me. Come."

She gestured towards a large set of doors on the side of the atrium, the harsh light still almost blinding. The troopers remained still, guarding, ever watching. The doors opened, a jet of air from the pistons. Inside this dark anteroom was a long table, an ornate design set on along its edge. The tall chairs, reminiscent of the ancient style of various Imperial Houses.

Donne smiled genuinely at her old acquaintance, guiding them to take a seat as a holographic image of a planet emerged from the centre of the table.

"This is the planet Kol Huro, where you stand now. We have been engaging a powerful band of renegade force users, claiming to fight in the name of their leader, a sith named Jus-teeq. Jus-teeq has mounted a fair defence, thus far but his forces are weakened. In the coming days, my own forces will begin their final assault. During the main aireal assault, I will want to steal inside their fortification and kill him. I would ask you to join me. I imagine your will to work alone will be aggrieved by my suggestion but it is my sincere wish to be there when he falls."

She paused a moment.

"I have an impressive amount of credit, I can assure you. Name your price and double it."

Vazz Vazz


"I am not a bounty hunter, Lady Toulemonde." Vazz stood before the hologram, his eyes seeming to scan them over. Plans for infiltration were already forming in the back of his mind. He was an Assassin, first and foremost. Killing a fellow Sith, though. His eyes narrowed for a moment. There were always reasons for it, but he never bothered to ready his own blade against a fellow unless they long strayed from the path.

Unless they became a threat.

"I've no need for credits. What is your reason for seeking Lord Jus-teeq's head?"

Donne Toulemonde Donne Toulemonde
Donne looked with a growing intensity.

‘I did not mean to infer that you were a meagre bounty hunter, if that is what you felt.’

She changed her tone slightly.

‘Though I will avoid the inference that I might require such a meagre bounty hunter to do my own work.’

She smiled.

‘Jus-teeq is a slave to his own embarrassing need for control of this system. He has sought to undo our operations here. I cannot admonish him for being Sith, but I can do as we Sith have always done; crush his will.’

She motioned towards a graphical display.

‘The fortress is makeshift. My own forces will take control with ease. But he knows my ways, knows my weaknesses. He will not be expecting you.’

Vazz Vazz
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Vazz took a breath, closed his eyes. Hummed in thought. It was common Sith rivalry for certain, but it was Jus-teeq who threw the first punch. Set about dismantling his rivals rather than focus on his foes. It was no consequence for the Defel, but.. He smiled after a moment, opened his eyes to glance back towards Donne.

"Very well, Lady Toulemonde. We shall see to it that Lord Jus-teeq is dismantled fully."

Donne Toulemonde Donne Toulemonde

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