Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Date Night Firefight (Lexa)

Malachite was excited. If one didn't count the adventure in the Ryloth Nightside, or the nights he and Lexa spent cuddling in his airspeeder, tonight would be their first date. Teddy was soundly asleep in the backseat, and the blond fox himself was about as well-dressed as he ever got.​
He reached over and grabbed Lexa's hand, smiling at her as he parked in front of some fancy-looking place he'd forgotten the name of as soon as he'd found out about it.​
"Well, Miss Torchy... Ready for our night out?"
[member='Lexa Kimene']
Mal smiled as he leaned over to kiss Lexa.​
"If they don't let us in? It's Onderon. There are plenty of places to go. I'll even carry you again, if you like."
He got out of the car and walked around to open her door and take her hand again.​
[member="Lexa Kimene"]
"Thanks, but I think my legs work for now."
Lexa chuckled, letting Malachite help her out of the car. She looked back at Teddy's sleeping form in the back seat.​
"I don't know... Do you really want to leave a puppy in your car? Even though he can set fire and all, he's still a puppy. There are all kinds of things he could do to the seats."
[member="Malachite the Shoki"]
Mal shrugged and wrapped his arms around his fire-shaping girlfriend as he looked at their puppy.​
"I'm impressed that he's housebroken enough to not have made a mess so far. You might be right, though..."
He smiled at Lexa as he tapped the glass of the back window and Teddy came bounding out to Force jump on his head.​
"Well, then, let's start this night, yeah?"
[member="Lexa Kimene"]
Teddy was such a strange little guy. Lexa still couldn't figure just exactly what he was. She stood on her tip-toes to scratch his head before doing the same to Malachite.​
"I swear, it's like father and son with you two! Only, one's more foxy than the other."
She smirked and made sure to close and lock the car door behind her.​
[member="Malachite the Shoki"]​
Mal smiled and ran a couple of fingers through Lexa's hair.​
"I think of him more like a little brother. A kind of ditzy little brother who eats off the floor."
He picked her up into his arms and spun her around as Teddy barked excitedly on his head.​
"And you are my very not-ditzy and amazing girlfriend."
[member="Lexa Kimene"]
Lexa laughed.​
"Whoa there, Fox-man! Don't do that too much or I'll get dizzy!"
She combed down his hair a little bit as she spoke.​
"And you're my foxy, fuzzy Machi."
[member="Malachite the Shoki"]
Mal slipped his arm around Lexa's waist and gently kissed her.​
"Whose fur you seem to love running your hands all over. I like it when you do that."
He let her go and held her hand again. It was a bit more than just attraction he felt... Cuddling her was more of a show of affection than anything else, although the physical contact had left him needing a bit of a cold shower a couple of times. That'd felt weird.​
[member="Lexa Kimene"]​
Mal squeezed Lexa's hand as he led her towards the restaurant. He grinned at the receptionist when they got inside.​
"Table for three, please"
The man grimaced in disgust at both the blonde fox and the puppy on his head.​
"Just... Don't shed on our floor."​
Teddy made the closest expression to "go kark yourself" that Mal had ever seen on a dog as they were led to their table.​
[member="Lexa Kimene"]​
Mal watched Lexa flip the receptionist the finger on his behalf, and grinned.​
"Is it weird that I found that extremely attractive? Like, I wish I could kiss you but I can't get across the table attractive?"
[member="Lexa Kimene"]
"You just find everything I do attractive, don't you? I wonder if you'd change your mind if I picked my nose or something..."
Lexa smirked at Malachite teasingly. Teddy hopped down from his chair to start licking her feet underneath the table.​
[member="Malachite the Shoki"]​
"Nah, it's more a case of 'you look hot when you're angry'... Not just literally."
Mal reached out and poked Lexa's hand a couple of times before grabbing it again.​
"You might be right, though. 'Cos I'd probably still hold your hand."
[member="Lexa Kimene"]
Lexa just chuckled. Teddy seemed to be finished showering her toes with love, as he made it back to his chair just in time for a waitress to bring over menus. She gave the table an altogether "What the FETH?" look before setting the menus down in front of them.​
"T-the specials are on the back page along with the drinks. I'll be back in a little bit to take your order..."​
With that, the waitress quickly walked away.​
[member="Malachite the Shoki"]​
Mal grinned at the disturbed-looked waitress and squeezed Lexa's hand again.​
"I love making people do double-takes. So much fun."
He tilted his head thoughtfully and glanced around.​
"I'm just never sure if it's because of the tails, or because of how I look."
[member="Lexa Kimene"]
"Pretty sure it's both, Machi. The tails, the ears, the height, and the slick jackets that accentuate your curves."
Lexa pointed to everything she was talking about, reaching over to poke his stomach at the end.​
"To be perfectly honest, I'm jealous."
[member="Malachite the Shoki"]
Mal squeezed the hand Lexa poked him with.​
"I wouldn't say no if you suddenly decided that you needed to run your hands all over my fur... And maybe the curves that I've never noticed having."
He grinned wryly as he held her hand again.​
"Besides, you have the um... everything that accentuates your curves. It takes more self control than you'd care to know to not, like, suddenly stare into your face and kiss you..."
[member="Lexa Kimene"]
Lexa cocked a brow at Machi mischievously.​
"Oh really?"
Before he could answer, she quickly used a bit of Force to pull his chair closer to hers so she could kiss him in front of the other patrons. Teddy just observed the two in a very odd way. Like he understood what was going on.​
[member="Malachite the Shoki"]​

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