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Approved Tech Darth Temerant's Lightsaber

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Create a unique lightsaber for Darth Temerant
Image Source: Image taken by me inside the game SW: Fallen Order
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source: Lightsaber

Darth Temerant
Affiliation: Temerant
Market Status: Closed-Market
Model: N/A
Modularity: Yes
Production: Unique
Materials: Grade 23 Titanium alloy, Phobium, Lignan crystal, lightsaber components


Dual-phase Lightsaber
Size: Large
Weight: Heavy


  • Extreme Heat: The extra heat from the Lignan crystal allows it to cut through materials at a faster rate than most other lightsabers.
  • Waterproof: Operates under water.
  • Versatile: The dual phase design allows Temerant not only to surprise his enemy with quickfire length changes, but to adapt his combat style to his needs, particularly when he switches between one handed and two handed grips (although each length can be wielded with either, making his fighting style all the more disconcerting). However, his blade is calibrated to not grow to absurd lengths, making its two modes more akin to a longsword and a greatsword in size.
  • One with the Dark Side: The wielder can draw upon the crystal to enhance their use of the force. Whilst this boost is true of force abilities in general, it is particularly potent with dark side powers.
  • Disruptive: Thanks to it's refined phobium emitter, some injuries inflicted with this lightsaber can affect a being’s nervous system, capable of inducing short-term side-effects such as paralysis.


  • Susceptible: Cortosis will short the blade if in contact.
  • Large: Hilt is longer than normal, making it a larger target.
  • Unwieldy: Whilst designed to maintain a semblance of balance in weight distribution, it is heavier than most lightsabers, making it slightly slower and harder to wield effectively. It requires one to not only be in good physical condition, but also a considerable amount of conditioning and skill. Whilst one might argue that these qualities are to Temerant’s advantage, given his size and extreme focus on his physical capabilities, they remain subpar by most regular standards.
  • Addictive: The incorporation of a lignan crystal does not come without its own cost. Temerant must maintain an iron discipline to keep his head cool and not give in to his emotions. Can potentially cause him to over-indulge in the use of the dark side, or to commit mistakes in moments of high emotional intensity as a result of growing overly aggressive.
  • Perishable crystal: Abusing the force-enhancing abilities of the crystal can burn it out, making the lightsaber inoperable.


A gifted engineer and devout student of the blade, Temerant is ever seeking to improve his lightsaber design. Moreover, due to the nature of his role as a Knight Inquisitor, he needs a trustworthy weapon capable of functionality both within and outside of combat.

The lightsaber’s body consists of a double-shroud over a refined phobium emitter, with a grade 23 titanium sleeve chosen for its strength, durability, anti-corrosive and lightweight qualities, as well as for the fact that it is non-magnetic and non-conductive, better protecting the inner workings from outside influence (his force lightning included). The grip is slightly longer than usual, and wrapped in a rubber-like sleeve over the titanium with minute, circular indentations for a more comfortable and secure grip, ‘bottomed off’ with a heavy bottom cap. All metal has been coated with a matte black layer of paint. Very stylish.

Being a student of all lightsaber forms, Temerant’s main form is a highly personal and developed Niman style, being considered a master of this form. However, he rejects the notion that it is a form of moderation, following in the steps of famous masters such as Revan and Exar Kun, and his lightsaber reflects this philosophy in many ways. The dual-phase system in his lightsaber is part of this expression, although the lengths do not vary as wildly in length as other lightsabers, but rather, are more subtle and suited to his own considerable size, making it more akin to switching between a longsword and a greatsword.

The addition of a refined phobium emitter is the culmination of many years of trial and error, as well as the expansion of his own influence and personal wealth. As part of his training Temerant had to hunt and slay a series of apex predators throughout the galaxy. In this pursuit, he learned that many creatures not only had hides that naturally protected them from lightsabers, but due to their size or natural resistances, could shrug off attacks that would normally prove lethal. To increase his effectiveness against such beings, as well as to enhance his ability to incapacitate opponents, Temerant opted to add a disrupting emitter, eventually upgrading to a phobium one and finally perfecting it with the refined phobium emitter he uses today. It includes a double-shroud, to protect the rest of the hilt from its intensity (formerly a single one, but the addition of a lignan crystal made him add a secondary shroud, akin to the one used in Cal Kestis’ lightsaber).

He would end up switching out his diatum power cell for a phobium one. This did not add any inherent strengths to his saber, but added a little more heft to the hilt, distributing the weight more evenly throughout it.

The Ossus dueling lens was also added to further counter the disadvantages of using such an emitter: as a perfectionist and a consummate duelist, Temerant was displeased with the unsteady nature of the beam it produced, and it did not pair well with his dual-phase design. The lens further focuses the beams, whilst maintaining the disruptive functionality, working in tandem with the phobium emitter to make any crackling more subdued and focused around the beam, allowing for a more focused control over his blade.

The incorporation of a lignan crystal was a late one, due to their rarity (to be acquired during the ongoing Relic thread, which stands chronologically as his first written incursion into the Chaos universe). Its functionality is two-fold. Firstly, the higher heat allows him to cut through materials faster. As someone who does a lot of infiltration work, this proves invaluable, especially during time-sensitive missions.

Furthermore, it amplifies his connection to the force and specifically, the dark side, allowing him to draw power from it to become even more adept at using them, which perfectly complements his use of Niman. However, it should be noted that as a highly physical combatant, Temerant’s usual suite of powers doesn’t overly rely on the dark side, nor is he prone to relying on its amplifying properties, being very much aware that he can destroy the crystal if he’s not careful, not to mention remains weary that its intoxicating qualities might detract from his own abilities or become a crutch. Still, it is a very useful tool to have in his arsenal, and he believes it further refines his combat when he utilizes Niman and when he gives himself to the force whilst using Juyo.

And of course, it contains a bifurcating cyclical-ignition pulse, because not only does he believe in being prepared for any situation, but much like Luke Skywalker once did, he thinks these should be the norm when designing a lightsaber, relieving them of one of their most glaring weaknesses.

Whilst undoubtedly a powerful lightsaber, it is not without its downsides, and Temerant feels like he could make further modifications and improvements to it. If he has not done so it is due to the extreme scarcity of the materials he would need to acquire in order to do so, as well as his aspirations to make a well balanced weapon, rather than one that sacrifices it for more power.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Darth Temerant Darth Temerant

Very nicely made!
  • Please link the SW: Fallen Order's official website or imdb site to the image source.
  • Please link your bio or tag your character to the Manufacturer and Affiliation.
  • And the Phobium is not a common material, please link it to the material.
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