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Character Darth Atramentar

Darth Atramentar





Full Name:
~ Unknown
~ Dark Lord of the Sith
~ Male
~ Unknown
~ Unknown
~ Unknown

Physical Appearance:
~ Darth Atramentar is a man of both imposing height and stature, standing almost two meters ten tall, with a muscular frame, covered by a standardized suit of black battle armor. All of which paints the image of a pure warrior, yet one would be a fool to assume the Dark Lord was slow, or lacking in his mastery of the Force. Yet what lies beneath the armour and mask remains elusive.


~ Cold is the best way to describe the Dark Lord at first glance, from his voice to his personality and seeming lack of emotion, as well as humanity. Though this is not entirely the case. His tendency of not displaying his emotions is one purely based on choice, as he certainly feels them with every waking moment. Hate, anger, pain and fear are his constant companions and serve as the fuel for his power, which he is unwilling to let go or stop drawing upon for even a single moment. Such constant exposure to negative emotions and the Dark Side over the long years naturally had an effect on, and slowly washed away his sanity and humanity, if he ever had much to begin with. Despite these drawbacks and his awareness of them, his devotion to the Dark Side is unwavering and outright zealous.

His outlook towards people is a mostly negative one, with him being at times fairly open about his disdain for sentient lifeforms in general. He cares very little for anyone other than himself beyond how useful they could be as an asset or source of information, which results in him being not the most sociable individual. That said, he is at times seen in public and even social gatherings. However, during such, he usually isn’t very talkative and mostly remains silent while observing. If he does partake in conversation his lack of humanity and comprehension of basic social bonds and structures becomes apparent, as he dismisses most of them as useless or outright hindrances.

Despite his dislike for people he doesn’t go out of his way to harm them and takes no pleasure in killing or harming others while outright shunning those who do it for the mere sake of it. This does however not mean that he shies away from such at all. He is capable of committing atrocities without hesitation or remorse if there is a reason for it. Even though he feels little to no desire to harm others, his thirst for conflict, battle, war and challenge is insatiable as he seems to love and enjoy nothing more than fighting and the adrenaline that comes with it.


Notable Force Abilities:

~ Telekinetic abilities serve as the basis and backbone of force based combat and every force user should seek to hone their skills with it as much as possible. Therefore it should come as no surprise that Atramentar did exactly that. Over his decades of training he managed to achieve a great deal of raw power and control that allow for displays of sheer force as well as precision.

Force Lightning
~ Something of a signature ability for the dark lord, force lightning has become a specialty for Atramentar and the result is nothing short of lethal. From the moment it was first taught to him Atramentar displayed an almost unnatural affinity for it which might have come from his regular exposure to it throughout the years. He excels in both raw power and control, being able to emit great lighting storms that would burn and kill most beings at contact while also being able to manipulate its shape to envelop objects, his weapons or parts of his body with it without harming himself or the object in question, which is a testament to his precision and mastery, achieved through years of dedicated study.

Force augmentation
~ Is something every warrior should master and Atramentar is no different. Daily use and training over the decades led him to become extremely skilled in its use making him able to augment his speed and already impressive physical strength by a great degree.

Notable Lightsaber Skills:
Form V - Djem So

~ His height, his muscles, his entire physique are a perfect foundation for the use of Djem So. After mastering the foundations of Soresu, Atramantar perfected the use of this counter-offensive combat form, embracing its dueling aspect as well as a calm reactive approach which would let him use it from the eye of the storm.

Form III - Soresu
~ Uncommon for Sith to use due to its passiveness and defensive focus, the third lightsaber form was the first choice for the young Atramentar, aiming to achieve mastery in the ideal of an invulnerable juggernaut which strikes from a base of calculated passiveness. Through outlasting many aggressive, uncontrolled rage-focused Sith, he found his way building up his reputation as a cold and calm opponent who is more unpredictable in combat than the simple observer would assume by looking at his primary Form.

Form II - Makashi
~ To understand and refine his duelling skills, Darth Atramentar devoted time and practice to fully understand and embrace several teachings of the second Form of lightsaber combat. Makashi was a fine, elegant, energy preserving art of the blade rather than combat form. It noticeably was the predecessor of Soresu, but entirely focused on fighting a lightsaber wielding opponent. The Sith reckoned that these would be his main adversaries and with a higher understanding of the bladework, more easily dismantle any resistance and find the weaknesses and openings in an enemies form.

To be continued . . . .

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Darth Atramentar


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