Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dantooine Down-Under

Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
Sukai gave a small shake of the mead, "I did not mean the Galactic Empire, I meant the Sith Empire from the days of the old republic, where strength was the only virtue". "Yes non-humans if proven strong where able to rise the ranks but as a whole they where not treated as equals among the empire, often down trodden and treated like lesser beings". "You yourself stated that those in the empire without much use are cast aside, how much more non human"? Even if it was not a endorsed practice in the government it happened on a large enough individual level, she had seem it first hand many times over. "Also never said they rely on donation more that, SASORI RESEARCH AND DESGIN ALONG WITH THE 50 OTHER COMPANIES UNDER THEIR WING CEO IS JEDI MASTER WHO IS NI THE SILVER COUNCIL", she replied making a mock mega phone with her hands. "The Silvers had no need to tax it's worlds and as I've stated we do not rule them, not Jedi is in any major political position".

The comment on the revenge attack just earned a sigh, yes they where small to the massive casualties from other attack but unlike before these where not invasions, just right out revenge. Everyone on the planet was killed, if your fought you died, if your surrendered you where taken away to die, no one on a planet at the end of a Sith revenge attack lived to tell the tail, and that was the sad part. Rubbing her temple she picked her mood up at the mention of her identity, "if you want I can educate you on the Samuri code and ways later, but that would take a while and I do not have all the holo books with me right". Even she did not fully understand the whole history behind it, perhaps she should visit Tiantang, perhaps go back with her master, she was a Jin diplomat after all.

"No, alchemy is drawn from the neutral plain of the force, your own signature is what changes it, and their are always dark and light side version on similar powers, the Jedi just prefer force infusion then alchemy most of the time". Still that gave her an idea, would it be possible to make light side version of dark side power? Darkshear seemed like a viable option, perhaps maother would be able to help with that... hehe spear of light, so Corney. A small chuckle escaped her lips before turning back to the Sith, "we can never know, just be aware if we meet in combat any fight we have will be to the death, because I wont be holding back, such is considered honorable among the Jin, showing determination of ones goal". "If not I would not mind another discussion with you... though I believe it is getting rather late, the sun already sets in the west".

[member="Adrian Vandiir"]
Rolling his eyes in exasperation, Adrian was momentarily out of words. Now she was drawing parallels to the Sith Empire of millennia past, while conveniently forgetting to mention that the Republic had had its share of human supremacism periods. Not that the Sith of Old had even been human supremacists, as they had considered Sith Purebloods superior to humans. It would seem she was determined to vilify the Empire, and entirely unwilling to critique it on its actual flaws... possibly because her side tended to have similar failings.

Of course, her understanding of economics was almost as flawed; the young Sith had heard of Sasori, of course. He had no doubt their profits were staggering, their operations immense. And yet... and yet even Czerka in its prime, with billions of employees and multiple star systems under their direct control, had been easily eclipsed by the superpowers of its day, at least when it came to resources investable in military force, and it wasn't as if the Sith didn't have plenty of major corporations of their own, based out of their territory. Then again, there might be truth in her words; that would certainly explain why the Silvers had been forced to flee the Tingel Arm with their tail between their legs. "If you say so, though I maintain that such policies are nothing but nonsensical idealism."

Speaking of equally nonsensical idealism, it would seem she was dedicated to her honour --- a strange concept indeed. Did she not realize that sharing her code was a dangerous thing indeed, or perhaps she was clever, more clever than he gave her credit for. Hmm, yes, explain an allegedly absolute code, then violate it when convenient. It was devious, too devious for a Jedi, but she had said she wasn't one. Yes, he would have to keep his eye on this one. "Perhaps, if we meet again. I'm always interested in learning about different points of view."

It was interesting, hearing her argue like that. Perhaps there was some merit to it, just not in the way she was imagining it. "Perhaps, though the Jedi would still consider it an abomination onto the will of the force, would they not? At least if you strive for truly great things. No matter, neither of us are Jedi, so there really is no reason for us to debate their sillier views." He did not know what had prompted her earlier chuckle, but this last statement of his brought a smile to his face. Call it a failing, call it having a sense of humour, either way, he couldn't help but mock the Jedi's absurd adherence to the so-called "will of the force". It was powerful, it was essential, it was volatile, but it sure as hell was not self-aware. That, he seriously doubted.

"So it is. Until we meet again, then. It's been interesting, to be sure."

[member="Sky'ito Yumi"]

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