Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Dancing Shadows

"Holocrons?" The twins had heard of them, rumours mostly of them being filled with information about certain topics. But it wasn't as though they would ever benefit from them.

"Is there supposed to be one nearby?" Ivy began to wonder what sort of treasures that Broka had. It might not be so far fetched to assume that he could have a holocron too.

Unless of course Zlova Rue Zlova Rue sought them out for a specific purpose. "Are you looking for help in finding one?"
Zlova smiled as the two ladies queried further on the matter. "Information. Of holocrons, if you have it, but I don't expect it. They tend to sell quickly on the market. Instead I'm looking for indicators they might exist somewhere. They're not just a storage of knowledge. They can be quite dangerous in the wrong hands -- for the one that holds it, and the world around them. More often than not more trouble than the pride in owning them is worth." So many collectors would love to have them, not understanding their power. Even someone without strong Force inclination could become victim to their influence.

"In exchange I have a very diverse and unique set of skills that could be of use to someone with such information. After all, we both want something more than credits -- those you could acquire selling the right products." The Twi'lek chuckled. "Do you suppose I could strike a deal here?"

Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy
"If Broka had one, I don't think he'd be willing to part with it." For that Ivy was certain. And surely the twins couldn't be asked to help anyone steal an item of high value from him. They'd be killed for sure.

"But we could look for leads for some other ones. Are there any specific ones that you are after? That could be helpful and can quicken our search." A generic search would not be helpful at all. It'd be like asking to find a force user. There were too many possibilities out there with an increased chance of them getting it wrong. The twins were used to punishments for taking too long or getting their search wrong.

"Is this deal something that should be struck with Broka?" He was their employer afterall. Yet Zlova Rue Zlova Rue might just want to keep this away from the Hutt's drippy nose.
Zlova's golden eyes slipped from one twin to the next as they spoke. "Any would do, but I prefer the less...popular Sith Lords, personally. Darth Traya. Darth Revan. Lord Scourge. The Era of the 'Old Republic.' They're not as expensive as Exar Kun or Ajunta Pall, but I consider them of a personal interest."

"I would defer to the judgment of the wonderful ladies before me who best I should negotiate such a worthwhile exchange,"
the Twi'lek purred with a slight wave of the hand. "I imagine the Great Lord Broka must be quite busy dealing with lucrative matters of his own, and delegates certain takes to those he trusts." The red woman smiled after she'd given her response.

A polite non-answer that would allow the other party to infer as they will. Zlova would not decline their generous offer, nor would she dare suggest they operate behind the Hutt's back. Why, Willow and Ivy knew how best this operation functioned and a humble guest would not dare presume to tell them how to conduct their business.

Tag: Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy
Now the twins had names. And that was better than nothing at all. Did they even really kniw what a holocron looked like? Not really. But that would change soon enough once they began their search.

As Zlova Rue Zlova Rue deferred the decision over the brokerage of a deal to be made to them, Willow and Ivy looked to eachother. It was a silent communication between them, utilizing their Force Bond and telepathy with eachother. The Twi'lek was right of course. Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt was indeed busy. He had much going on in his mind, plenty of planning to rebuild the Hutts into their former glory. He didn't need to be bothered by the twins for every little thing.

Having decided, they both looked to Rue, turning their heads in unison. Some might find such a move creepy, yet their smiles were friendly and not psychotic by any means. "We'll help you. But it may take a day or two. Do you have a place to stay nearby? We're not allowed out of the Palace yet. So you'll only be able to find us here." They didn't even have the means to communicate with others at the moment. But that too would change in time, once they had earned themselves more freedom.
"I know a place in the area," Rue replied casually. "I've enjoyed the comforts and the rigors of the road for some time. Even the cut-throat competition that occasionally surfaces." The sort she imagined might appear if anyone got word Zlova actually had acquired a holocron. Not that most would know what to do with it other than sell it. 'Jedi or Sith mumbojumbo' is what most considered it.

Honestly, they weren't wrong. Most of it was some Lord or Lady rambling on about some philosophical point. Some of them Zlova found educational, however. Now the ones infused with power... those were the ones worth all the effort. No surprise they were the most difficult to find.

"I'm not above an exchange of services," the Twi'lek said, echoing an earlier sentiment. She paused to smile as her golden gaze peered at the duo. "Within reason." She might be a beautiful, shameless, red Twi'lek but that didn't mean she slept with everyone to get what she wanted. There was shameless and then there was lacking any self-respect whatsoever.

Tag: Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy
At least Zlova Rue Zlova Rue had a place to stay. That made it all the easier, however the twins didn't have much of a means of contacting her outside of the Palace. That would change in time of course, so long as they served Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt well. But they didn't like to look into their own futures to see what would happen. A glimpse of it was caught out of shere curiosity and it frightened them so much so that they vowed to never look again.

So far they had kept that promise.

At the offer to exchange services, the twins gave themselves a quizzical look. What services had they ever needed outside of protection? There wasn't really much as far as they could tell. And right now Broka and his guards were doing well with that. As far as they could tell, the Hutt was certain to keep them from being stolen by another, so they didn't have to worry about that. This was as luxurious of a life as they had ever had.

"We haven't been able to go to the markets yet. And some guests here have such pretty clothes."

"Do you think that you could find some pretty fabrics for us? We could fashion something out of it ourselves that would suit us."

It wasn't an easy task to clothe siamese twins like themselves. Yet they did the best that they could.
Zlova wasn't entirely certain if the twins were being serious, or if they'd misread the situation. Presumably these two were going to pass her request on to the Hutt, who would authorized resource expenditure or release of information. Though if they were going to manage this all directly without needing the Hutt's involvement... Perhaps, for now, humoring such a benign request was worth the payout.

"I can find luxurious fabrics," the Twi'lek replied carefully seeing how the topic had come out of the ether. "You both know how to design clothing?" Perhaps that wasn't surprising, but then most of the time it involved creating armor. Not fabrics. Then again, from where Zlova sat, perhaps these two could use some of those more specialized fabrics. A little extra protection given how close they were to someone like Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt .

"Why don't you tell me what sort of fabrics you've seen and enjoyed? Give me a thread to pull," she quipped. Zlova wasn't without a sense of fashion, but then the three of them had just met. Might as well not waste time acquiring a design they had no interest in.

Tag: Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy
The twins looked to eachother for a moment. How were they to explain themselves? Outdiders from their lives just wouldn't understand. Or at the very least they were used to being misunderstood. People tended to pay attention only when they were being told their futures it seemed.

Willow turned her attention to Zlova Rue Zlova Rue first. "We don't really know what the fabrics are called. We've never really shopped before. But we make due with whatever our caretakers can give us."

"Sometimes we are given identical dresses that we fix up to suit our bodies. The soft and shiny fabrics are best."

"Yes and nothing that itches. Surely Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt has staff on hand that can make even better clothing for us than we could ourselves." They just needed the fabrics.

Such a request might not be equal in Zlova's eyes, yet plenty of people didn't have the same lifestyles nor attachment to their siblings like the twins did.

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