Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Zlova Rue



Physical Traits
Personal Attributes
Height5' 10"
Weight149 lbs
Known Alias(es)Darth Siron
Eye ColorGold
Force SensitiveYes
Hair ColorNone
Force TrainedYes
Skin ColorRed


    • Alluring - Zlova's physical and vocal traits can be used to her advantage in manipulating others or passing herself off as a humble Twi'lek woman.
    • Agility - She was once known for being as graceful with a saber on the battlefield as she is on a dance floor.
    • Force Stealth - Able to conceal her very existence from fellow Force Sensitives, Zlova is able to get closer to her enemies or avoid pursuers.
    • Force Reflex - In addition to her natural agility, she possesses the ability to perceive the world around her faster than others. This can give her an edge in battle in analyzing which threat to respond to in which order.


    • Distrustful - When your closest friend and ally turns on you for personal gain, you can lose confidence in your ability to properly evaluate how trust worthy anyone can be.
    • Undogmatic - The Jedi rob people of opportunities to grow, and the Sith are too busy stabbing each other in the back. Zlova doesn't know what philosophy she believes in any more, which saps her of the strength of conviction.
    • Hopeless Romantic - For someone trained as a Sith, Zlova has a strange sense of morality where enslaving or torturing the young afflicts her as much as it does the victim. Likewise, senseless slaughter has never been a tactic she knowingly and deliberately used -- only if commanded by someone that out ranked her would it even be entertained.
    • Shameless - While not a weakness in and of itself, it can lead to some awkward if brief social interactions.

  • Red skin and gold eyes. Her red flesh is adorned with countless black tattoos that cover her body from lekku to toe.
  • Prefers to not get involved. After a personal betrayal cost Zlova everything, she's found it difficult to trust anyone or believe in any causes. From time to time a genuine smile might surface overhearing a conversation or a joke, but she refrains from trying to make new friends. A drink at the bar after a day's work, and then off to her dwelling. A lonely existence, but it suffices until she can find the drive within again.
  • Darth Siron managed to accumulate her fair share of resources and personnel fairly early on in her career. Herself and Darth Kalil formed a pact and set off establishing their base of power. Neither professed grand designs of elevation to the Council or finding the secret to immortality; though they'd certainly not balk if one opportunity after another led them there. They had obtainable if lofty goals, and took reasonable risks for their share of gains (and some losses).

    All of that changed when Kalil betrayed Siron. Held captive atop her own spire, Siron was left to perish as the structure collapsed beneath her. A literal representation for what her 'friend' had chosen to do for her own elevation. Fortunately the electric hold failed as the building crumbled, and Siron was able to survive the literal end of her influence. Even known associates were later found slaughtered as though Kalil feared reprisal or, perhaps, had for some reason truly hated her companion. Whatever the case, left with nothing and not willing to let her grief and rage consume her, the Twi'lek fled the Empire.
  • No Criminal Record or Collected Bounties at this time.
  • No Known Associates at this time.
    • Purple Lightsaber

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