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Curse of Nefrahasias [OPEN]


"The Sands of Time ravage all. Mortals, Kings, Queens, Civilisations,
all are buried beneath its ever shifting dunes. But, for the Undead, the cursed,
the dunes are a sea which only they traverse. For the Undead sit outside of time, and
time is a concern only for the living."
- Lost Sith Book of Incantations -​
Field of Blades

The Field of Blades, a cursed hellscape of rust coloured skies and endless arid tundra wastes ravaged by dust storms that could rip the flesh off bone. But, such physical hazards are of no concern for the dead. For the Field of Blades resides within the necroworld of the Netherworld - home of the dead and last home of the wandering souls of those who could not find rest in the afterlife. Some souls that end up in the field are new, tired and scared of their new eternal home they scatter around like insects hiding from the mid-day sun. Others have made this wretched waste home for millennia, drawn to the blood lust it powers and the thirst for eternal war. Of all its residents there are few that gain the terror for other souls, absent minded as they become after the years, still to remember their names. [member="Ember Rekali"], was one. But,there is another, a Sith Pure-Blood who for centuries since her death during the adolescent years of the true Old Sith Empire has dwelt in the field. Trapped from passing on, she remains with the cohort of Kissai priests, Massassi Warriors, and other bound souls sacrificed (willingly or unwillingly) to join her in the afterlife. For centuries they devised ways to free themselves and return to the mortal realm and reclaim their bodies mummified and preserved by Sith Alchemy back at their home - the Mortuary Temples of Tash-Taral. All of their efforts would be in vain if not for a disturbance in the fabric of reality and the Force that began to connect the Netherworld realms to the that of the mortal galaxy. Now begins the resurgence, now begins the time of the Undead.

Sat atop a mountain of skulls and bones, Nefrahasias - former Sith'ari of the Old Sith Empire and Princess of Tash-Taral - reclines into the throne of dead she had recently created. In her red skinned hands she holds a skull up to her eye-line. Its bare and dark empty eye sockets met with the fiery gold of her own. Nefrahasias is adorned in her ancient Sith clothing, golden trim dark robes, and gilded steel bracelets and jewellery shimmer in the rust coloured sunlight. Around her, her retinue assembles after destroying another horde of souls driven mad with battle and foolishly challenged her. Sith Priests, Kissai, her most fanatically loyal and ones who had sent themselves to world of the dead in a ritual of mass magical suicide to protect their eternal princess, gathered at the base of the heap of dead and bones. The leader of which was Setthoth. The ancient Sith Priest had long mustachio tendril that protruded from his upper lip and chin. He word a long red robe tattered by the dust storms and time. The hood was drawn and covered the mane of tendrils that cascaded down his back before being braided into a single tail. He approached his eternal princess and Sith'ari hiding his hands in the wide sleeves of his monastic robes.

"Ish Sith'ari" began Setthoth, greeting Nefrahasias with the High Sith equivalent of 'my lord'. "The souls of these foolish vagrants have been bound to our auspices."

Nefrahasias did not bend her gaze away from the skull to address her favourite High Priest. Instead she nodded and continued on inspecting the skull. She manipulated it about looking at every crack and fissure in the anatomy. "Good." Nefrahasias said. "We will use them as fuel to power our progress. How long have we stirred in this forsaken waste? By now we should have a great horde of souls do you think not Kissai'ari." She continued called Setthoth by his High Priest title. Kissai'ari Setthoth bowed in agreement, before he rose once more to caress the tendrils of his chin. "Our harvest has been most magnificent ish Sith'ari. We should be able to take advantage of the rifts in the Force." schemed Setthoth. Nefrahasias smiled and then returned the skull to its former forward facing angle staring back at her. Her smile bent into a frown and her lips slowly drew back to reveal her clenched teeth. Her fingers pushed and flexed becoming like pointed claws applying pressure on the skull. The skull then snapped into pieces and now broken withered into dust. "Muster the legion and the Casket of Souls, we will use this heap of plentiful souls to break free of this damned purgatory." growled Nefrahasias. Setthoth bowed on last time and turned to face his Kissai brothers retrieving his hands from his sleeves he commanded them to begin mustering the damned that were bound to Nefrahasias' will.

Nefrahasias herself descended from the heap of bones and marched down the aisle that parted among her horde as she strode through. Reaching the front she called for Setthoth to her side. As he arrived she leaned in close to him, "Once we exit this realm consume the souls we have acquired here, I will need the strength to forge my form in the realm of the living. Only you and your kissai will travel with me." Setthoth replied, "Yes, ish Sith'ari. They shall be your replenishment." Nefrahasias smirked and then began to step forward, her cohort of lost and damned followed. Suddenly, a servant ran to the front.

"Ish Sith'ari!" he screamed. Nefrahasias pointed to him with her black inked fingernails, "Speak Slave!" she demanded, her advance back towards Undeath would not be halted. "An army of souls musters against us ish Sith'ari!" Nefrahasias lashed out with the Force and pulled the servant by his throat towards her until his neck was about her talon grip fingers. "What!" she yelled. "It's Kagesh!" the servant squeezed out of his constrained throat. Nefrahasias let out a heavy exhale and irritation and pain. She tossed the servant aside and turned her head to Setthoth who was already grim faced in expression. "That cursed Kagesh. Even in death he pesters me!" Nefrahasias fumed. During the time of her first life, she was a great Sith'ari of the Southern Wastes of Korriban and in that time Korriban was fractured. She had amassed a great army and with her powers over the Undead in Sith Magic she battled for supreme lord. But, an alliance and defeated her and one of its greatest captain was a Sith Lord Kagesh who in death vowed to hunt Nefrahasias down and scatter her soul back into the Force.

Nefrahasias pointed to Setthoth, "Take your Kissai and take the Casket of Souls to the Rift. Begin our escape, I will lead the damned and the soulbound in confrontation with Kagesh." Setthoth bowed and commanded his Kissai to follow. Servant souls bound in eternal servitude carried a black crate with them covered in Sith script etched with stone and daggers. Nefrahasais parted from the small band of Sith Priests and addressed her cohort of damned, and soulbound warriors and massassi remnants.

"Hear me my soulbound. Kagesh comes to thwart our return to eternal paradise. He clings to some honor even in death. Fool! You who have sworn and cursed to be my eternal watch shall do as you are commanded. Break Kagesh and sunder his soul!" as she spoke. In the distance, a great dust storm was rising with it a moving thick black horizon. Kagesh's loyal Sith Warriors in death now once again marched on her. Nefrahasias reached for a whip created by the tightly wrapping the scavenged clothing of the dead and cracked it free. She snapped the whip at her dead slaves and commanded them to march.

Corellian Nether Rift

Those who lived by the Rifts now that only fools and the Force enticed would dare venture near it. But, even the townfolk several kilometres away would notice a strange aurora slithering out from the gate. A shining display of multicolored ethereal flames. The gate stirred and its echoes in the Force would be heard all over the planet.
In Umbris Potestas Est

That someone could somehow live on such a broken planet as Corellia still baffled Vanessa. She had been on board the Legacy-class Heavy Cruiser Ragnos, traveling to the system after an excursion to Commenor to sort out contractual negotiations. She had participated within the sphere of the Netherworld incident - had even tried and failed to calm and comfort the strange being known as Akala. Nether Gates were apparently still open despite the omniescent being’s destruction, and apparently one was located here on this shattered world.

“Ma’am, we’re reading fluctuations on the planet’s surface - extremely unnatural ones.” The bridge officer reported.

“Here we go again... Get my shuttle ready.” She headed towards the hangar bay, all the while wondering if perhaps a sliver, a spark of Akala had somehow survived. How she wished she had managed to keep her alive...

As the shuttle emerged from the hangar now bay, she looked over the scale of planetary devastation, noticing a tiny dot of what seemed to be a glow. “Might as well move in...”

Spending a lot more time on Corellia was a nice vacation. He was certainly making a name for himself on the way too and from Sullust. His ship was getting down to making the trip pretty quickly. Mostly he just needed to be around to help keep the Sentinels in line, but he was also a Corellian, and a Judge. He had a lot of things to do. Luckily, they all revolved around the Jedi now. And the sentinel program. That meant he was charged with chasing down the dark side.

And more specifically, the Sith.

By happenstance he was out doing some trading and checking in on the folks around the Nether Rift. Call it chance, or the Force, or Luck or whatever. But he was here, and he could feel something. He wasn’t sure what it was. Not the Rift, that’d just be crazy talk right? Still, something that made him need to get on the call to CorSec.

That was when he felt it in the Force. Yeah, maybe he’d need a bit more than CorSec. Still, it’d be smartest to call them, right?

The trick was, he was really lazy. But a quick message by datapad was easy enough to record. And then Coren made his way back to his speeder.

He didn't need to get arrested here.

[member="Jorm Kell"]
[member="Delila Castillon"]
[member="Julius Sedaire"]
[member="Kei Raxis"]
@Kiera Ticon


Field of Blades

Kagesh Drahka, Sith Lord of the Old Sith Empire was a hulking Sith with broad shoulders and golden helm decorated in black feathered mane. It was he who decided to sacrifice himself so that he could hunt Nefrahasias even in death. Marching besides lost souls he had gathered under his protection he brooded at the sight of his heated eternal and arch enemy.

"How long has it been?" he grumbled. "How long since your vile undead where put the sword and smothered into dust, since you and your sisters were tossed from sacred Korriban."

"Evil witch!" Kagesh screamed across the wastes and space between him and Nefrahasias. "Today I will destroy you once and for all."

Along the ever shrinking distance, Nefrahasias, now carried by her servant souls on a throne of bones, laughed and grinned with her fanged teeth. "My dear Kagesh, have we not danced this dance before? How many times have you declared me finished and done? You are a fool! As you were a fool in life!" She called out. Nefrahasias stepped down from her throne and taking a crude and warped blade began to walk in quickened steps towards Kagesh.

"Today I rip your bones into pieces and scatter them to the four horizons of this hellish desert!" Nefrahasias bellowed. Kagesh spat and reached for his spear and began to charge forward in greater speed than his own cohort. For millennia within the Field of Blades Nefrahasias had terrorised the souls that remained to fight eternally. Many had come to him to seek refuge and vengeance. Yes even the dead can gain new grudges. She had to be stopped. If not here, then the realms of the living would suffer. And suffer greatly.

"Come Witch, I will destroy you here and now!" Kagesh screamed before breaking into a full charge at Nefrahasias. She in turn, leaped forward into a full sprint. "Come and try it!" Nefrahasias retorted. The two ancient Sith Lord now once more, in death, began a duel of fates.

Meanwhile Near the Rift:

Setthoth had assembled his Kissai and commanded them to set down the Casket of Soul. It was a rotten crate filled with the souls of the damned chained physically together and forced into the casket. Setthoth pointed to his Kissai and arranged them in a semi-circle around the casket.

"Let us begin." Setthoth said. A Kissai reached and ripped the lid off of the casket and suddenly a torrent of freed souls spilled out. Like a ghostly tsunami of shrieking voices, the torrent burst out and pummelled itself into the rift. The rift began to buckle under the wait of some many exploding out. It began to crackle and rumble in great fury. The fabric of reality was breaking and tearing. The rift suddenly then gave way and the ghostly flood blasted its way out into the galaxy and passed into the planet of Corellia.

Corellian Nether Rift

A horrific sight now greeted those who could see it. A massive eruption of ghost and Force Spirits screaming and wailing in their thousands as they overloaded the rift break it open in a long visible crack in reality. The Force spirits ricocheted off of the local terrain howling as they went. With it Force Wraiths, malevolent spirits burst forth and began to ravage the land around it. The rift and split wide open and the souls within poured out in heaps.

[member="Coren Starchaser"]
[member="Vanessa Vantai"]
Kurayami had taken some time off, running the day to day business of Nubia StarDrives from a secure datapad. It was times like this that he was thankful for Samira and the fact that somehow the Chiss woman managed to keep someone as drunk as he up to date. Or at least enough so to keep the business running. Today was just a slow, restful day, sitting at a bar on the beachfront sipping at some random cocktail or another. The Gold Beaches were even more stunning than he remembered from the night of the proposal. Probably just memory playing tricks on him again his mind was well known to do this, but what he felt soon after was clearly not his dunken mind karking with his perception of reality.

As the rift to the Netherworld was torn asunder, he felt the shockwave it sent through the Force. Unmistakably, the sheer feeling of darkness was enough to make him retch. He had stood at Dark Side nexus' and not been hit that hard all at once. The power contained within was beyond comprehension, but what really drew his attention to the fact that it happened was the flood of souls spilling from the rift. Hearing the lamentations of thousands at once, the sheer mental noise would have driven him insane had he not already been through hell and back. Instead it was something he wished to see himself as he had not been here for the events of the Netherworld Crisis. He found a relatively cheap speeder rental shop nearby and through some quick negotiation managed to buy one of the higher end models right out. Didn't matter if the speeder lasted through this, he'd find a way back to the hangar when he felt ready to leave his home again.

Starting up the speeder was a simple task, leaving him time to construct mental defenses as he, sealed his helmet to his flight suit and set off in the direction of the massive disturbance. Kicking the speeder's throttle to full he dodged through the city and around natural obstacles as he worked towards the epicenter. To call him insane or suicidal was naught but a complement to the Corellian Master. In fact you were more likely to receive a joking response of the fact that you would have forgotten stubborn and overconfident as well in the description. There was truth in all of it to some degree, but he had made a promise long ago to learn what he could of both sides of the Force, and this may well be a once in a lifetime opportunity to do so. Slowing the speeder as he neared ground zero, he activated all available sensors to take readings here and even turned on the video and audio recorders while he described what he saw in as much detail as he could manage through the awe of seeing this first hand. It was at once a terrible and beautiful sight, graceful in its gruesome display of raw power. Eventually he would learn of the method behind such madness, but for now he just watched, his mind enthralled with triying to figure out what exactly was at play here. Perhaps some legends had more than a grain of truth to them.

[member="Nefrahasias"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Vanessa Vantai"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
@Nefrahasias [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] [member="Coren Starchaser"]


Vanessa flew her shuttle closer to the rift, careful not to get too close. "Yeah... this isn't good." She looked the entire scene over, sending a log to the Void Irregular Fleet. "Scylla​, this is Lady Vantai. We have a situation here at Corellia that may end up spiraling out of control. Remember those Nether Gates I told you about that one time? Yeah, the one on Corellia just activated again and bad things are coming out. I'm moving in to investigate and will send regular pips every five minutes. If you fail to receive one - please send a pod with the prototypes to my location."

With that, she headed towards the world's surface, landing her shuttle a good half-kilometer away from the rift. "Just like old times, isn't it?"
He had gotten the message from @Coren Starchase. And hadn't said much. Just dismissed the students he was teaching basic lightsaber techniques to and gathered his robes and jacket, the set going together rather well in green and black, a hefty bryar pistol on one hip, and the two lightsabers on the smalle of his back in a crossed pattern. He had settled into the rather insanely fast speeder some of [member="Jorus Merrill"]'s boys from the Hive had made, and was there in a stupidly short amount of time. Thumbing the killswitch the speeder slid expertly into a parking stall where the signal had came from.

Already he was noticing tension between Coren and CorSec, and he had brought something to ease that. Determination had risen that he'd just name the man to the Green Jedi Council and as one fo their Head Instructors for the Aeronautics Academy. If not the head of the entire thing. That would put a dent in their ability to just up and arrest him based on old grudes.

Reaching out, he felt for Coren's mind to give it a questioning nudge even as he began to take in the wrongness of the place, even if faintly.
@Nefrahasias@Vanessa Vantai[member="Coren Starchaser"][member="Kurayami Bloodborn"][member="Julius Sedaire"]

A small group of Corellians was coming together near the rift, just shy of the spiritstorm. Jorus brought his bike to a halt and toggled the comms. Anyone within a few klicks would hear him.

"This is Captain Jorus Merrill. There's what looks like something paranormal going down at the rift. Might be illusion, might be something uglier. I'm moving in to take a look."

The old Silk bike chugged toward the mess around the gate. He grimaced: shades. Not his favorite thing to face, but long ago he'd learned what he needed to learn about the Force and death.

"You're not real anymore," he murmured. "Your souls faded into the Force a long time ago. You don't exist."

The bike moved through the screaming, incorporeal dead without incident, heading for the rift. Whoever was behind this mess, they were probably on the other side. He'd looked forward to never going back, but so be it.
The rift here was growing. Or just bouncing. He wasn’t sure. He could feel the dark side, and was hearing and feeling the changes around the rift. He knew that there were people he could trust nearby, others who weren’t CorSec. But friends and brothers of his. He knew that other member of the Green Council, [member="Julius Sedaire"] was reaching out. Pushing the Force back the only thing Coren was saying was “Dark Side.” The Jedi Sentinel was here to chase down dark side throughout the galaxy.

And he was finding it on his homeworld.

Between that and hearing the all from [member="Jorus Merrill"] on the comms, Coren nodded. It was time to get to the rift. The speeder spun around and Coren was moving towards the rift. He could feel the dark side, and he was riding on it. The engines pushed further, and he grinned.

“Starchaser to Merrill. Called CorSec, maybe they can help with the normals. On my way to back you up.” As well as two Wardens could back each other up.


[member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Julius Sedaire"] [member="Vanessa Vantai"]


Setthoth grinned beneath his crimson hood. The Kissai'ari watched as the flooded rift began to buckle and tear, widening as a result. Thrusting a finger at one of his Kissai he shouted, "Inform our master, the rift has been opened. We are ready to return!" The servant Kissai bowed and hurried away. Sethoth turned back to the rift. Drawing his hood away he revealed the fleshy red tendril mane what was his hair and his beaming golden eyes which were set in eyes darkened into racoon-like black circled bags. Gesturing for the others to follow him the Kissai marched towards the rippling translucent barrier. Gingerly he reached out and as he stepped out his form changed. In the realm of the dead, his once living visage took on the form of his soul, but, undeath is an anathema to the Force. As he left the netherworld, his body became a black void, a dark silhouette with beaming red eyes. His fellow kissai were transformed as well. They appeared like Force Wraiths, boundless souls who did not belong in the realm of the living.

The Kissai'ari froze, undeath filled his breath, he could feel real dirt below and the air above. But, much more sweeter the taste, he could feel the Force. Although his anchoring to the living was fragile, until they reached Tash-Taral to resurrect their bodies, the sweetness of Undeath was welcome. Setthoth drew in a deep breathe and exhaled heavily. "Precious." he hissed. His red eyes watched the screaming torrent of souls. He pointed to them. "Secure the sacrifices! With our powers restored we shall offer these soveriegnless wretches to our eternal princess!" The dark forms of the kissai priests stepped into a semi-circle shape and began to mutter dark spells in darker tongues of the old High Sith. The Force began to cry and weep at the vile disruption the priests were perpetrating. The Force began to bend and break as the spell drew its power from the dark fissure in the Force that was the rift. Meanwhile, Setthoth noticed that they were not alone, several persons had arrived. Setthoth himself nodded, he had forgotten that they had no idea what world or in what age they had emerged. Time stood still in the Netherworld, it stood still for the dead. All there was, was the stagnate decay of oblivion.

Closest to him was a man riding some sort of mechanical lift mount, ([member="Jorus Merrill"]) . Setthoth raised one of his fingers pointed to the man and began to approach him. Setthoth had learned basic from his time in the Netherworld conversing with the various lost souls. "You..." his raspy and echoing undead voice echoed. "What is this world? Where, are...we?"


Nefrahasias and her eternal rival Kagesh traded blow after blow, their swords rattling off each other. Kagesh's movements were bold and battering, while Nefrahaias relied on agility and fluid movements. Just like their duel thousands of years before, the fight raged on in equal blows. But, Kagesh was stronger bashing Nefrahasias to the floor and set upon her. He landed atop her and pinned her body to the dunes. Nefrahasias rattled and hissed like a cornered beast.

"Do not fight it, you witch, this was always to be your fate." Kagesh yelled. "You are to vile for any world monsters. And now you will never return."

Nefrahasias suddenly stopped flailing and fell limp. She then began to snicker and then build to a loud chuckle, before reaching a crescendo of maddened laughter. A toothy smile meet Kagesh's disturbed frown. "Oh, my sweet Kagesh. My foolish Kagesh. Do you think I would fight you so honestly? Hmm. Hahahahaha."

"You do not frighten me Nefrahasias, you have nothing that can stop my duty to destroy you!" Kagesh retaliated. Nefrahasias in turn burst into another bout of laughter.

"Oh, but, I do Kagesh. I do." Nefrahasias said jerking her head to one of her slave bound. The slave pulled a spirit from the horde one that was merely a quivering white silhouette. Its young feminine voice screamed and pleaded. Kagesh's eyes widened and he froze. "Adas' mercy no! Not Tjam!"

"Yes. You see, Kagesh, and this was always your folly, I am the master of the undead. All the undead. Including your daughter. Now release me or witness my slave tearing her soul into pieces and tossing it into the winds of this abyss!" ​Nefrahasias threatened. Kagesh watched Nefrahasias. His nostrils flared, and his teeth clenched. He raised his sword and for moment put duty over family. But, his sword wavered and unconsciously he began to relent as he deliberated. Nefrahasias took the opportunity. She summoned all her strength and leapt for the blade. She wrestled Kagesh and screamed for her souls to rush in. They did and pinned Kagesh down, dog-piling his body. Nefrahasias stood up just as a Kissai arrived to deliver Setthoth's message. The ecstasy of her supremacy made Nefrahasias scream. She violently pointed to Kagesh.

"You see fool! Nothing, nothing, can stop my machinations. Not you, not death, not even the will of the Force!" Nefrahasias screamed. She then turned away from Kagesh and walked towards the Kissai commanding him to lead her back to the rift. Waving her hand at the souls of her command she tauntingly left a final command, "Tear them apart and scatter their soul fragments to ever corner of this hell. See to it they are never re-united."

"Nefrahasias you cursed monster!" Kagesh screamed. Then and there the ravenous souls bound by Nefrahasias' will fell upon the souls of Kagesh and Tjam. Like dogs in frenzy the tore their bodies and souls apart. Their screams echoed into the loud dusty winds of the Field of Blades. Now Nefrahasias was free, no more souls of the damned seeking revenge upon her -- now she was free and only undeath awaited her.
[member="Nefrahasias"] [member="Coren Starchaser"]

A semicircle of wraiths appeared to be intent on dominating the swarm of lesser ghouls. All were incorporeal, so far as Jorus could tell, even the one who'd approached him. A leader, possibly. The ground shuddered again. Jorus continued to have a bad feeling about this.

He reached into his swoop bike's saddlebag and produced a battered lightsaber. The sky-blue blade hissed into existence, pointed down and to the side.

"This is Corellia, shade. You're not welcome here. Get back in the Rift and I'll forget this happened. You've got ten seconds."

Big words - but with [member="Coren Starchaser"], [member="Julius Sedaire"], and [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] on site, not empty words.
Laying the insane speeder bike down after having reboarded when he felt the shades come into being nearby, cutting the e-brake and leaping from the thing he landed in a shock-ball slide and rose in movement already. Striding forward, the Green Jedi didn't say a lot at first, the face graced with a thin beard and the usually smily eyes drawn in plain fury, the heavy phrik lined coat moving slightly sluggishly, showing it's weight even if minimal. Right hand to left hip and left hand to right hip as he drew lightsabers and spun their hilts in his hands as one might with a pair of pistols. Suddenly with a hiss appeared one blue blade from a hilt ancient beyond reason - broken and remade Force knew how and the other a hilt of bloodsteel burst with humming green light and he kept both blades low as he walked to stand next to Jorus. He didn't say much at all really. Just walked up to [member="Jorus Merrill"] and nodded, then turned to eye the boss of the underlings and cock an eyebrow.

"Yo smoky, you heard the Captain here. Scram or we will have to get a good range fan going to clear the air, eh?"

Again the blades flourished, and his posture changed. Lazy and almost cocky grace flowed in movements as his feet shifted out to shoulder length, left shoulder holding blue blade fourty five degrees from the ground, even across his body with the tip up, the green blade perpendicular to that same earth, fist clenched roughly shoulder high, ready to punch or flick forward to stab. The stance was a clear mix of shockboxing ready, which Jorus had taught him, and Ataru. His preferred form, Vapaad, was less about exact movements and forms to execute and more about a philosophy of ready.

Cocky arrogance was his trademark go to for quips during the fighting he did. But with the group they had here, it was less arrogant than usual. Good men he had fought beside often enough, and would gladly die beside if need be.

[member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] | [member="Nefrahasias"]
He didn’t need much of a response. It was more instead of reaching out to the Force and trying to do things that way, it was just so much easier to head fast and speak conventionally. He had the Force with him and was making his way towards where Jorus was, already at the rift. The Netherworld was… an issue. Coren did not want to be stepping foot in there, but he wanted what could come out to find its way onto Corellia even less.

He could see his brother-in-arm’s lightsaber and nodded. Pushing the throttle of the airspeeder faster, he grabbed the controls tighter. The thing with an airspeeder was there was no good way to make an entrance with it. They didn’t skid, but what someone could do was fold space. And that was what Coren’s plan was. Pointing the airspeeder in a direction so it kinetic energy would bring it to a stop away from the battle. It wasn’t his modified airspeeder, not to come out to this place, but the Jedi Master was suddenly in the air, and then not.

Folding space, he stood side by side with the other Masters. This was a Sith, and where there was one? There were always more.

His lightsaber stayed extinguished as he stepped forward, blue eyes on the rift, and the beings nearby.

Welcome to erf. Corellia

[member="Julius Sedaire"]
[member="Jorus Merrill"]
[member="Vanessa Vantai"]
[member="Kurayami Bloodborn"]


Disney's Princess
Ol' Blue sauntered out onto the field of shades and put one black fur boot atop [member="Julius Sedaire"] 's speeder bike left riding peg.

"Nice bikes, boys. Mind if I tag along?"

Corellia wasn't her home but she had history. Anyway, she figured today was as good as any to kill some more Gods. Pity this little horde of spirits wasn't bigger. Oh well. What can ya do? Roberts folded her arms over her armored chest and smiled. Mmm, yeah. It was gonna be a good crowd today. Nice.

[member="Julius Sedaire"] | [member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Nefrahasias"] | [member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Vanessa Vantai"] | [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] | Pop Team Epic
Kurayami's hand rested on the hilt of his lightsaber, watching as the spirits continued to spill forth from the ethereal realm through the rift. The fact that they were still coming was not a surprise. It was simply fascinating and even when Jorus sent his comm it went unanswered by Kurayami. He did however notice that there were others who were gathering. Then came the shades. It took them time for them to be fully realized on the surface of the world in front of him. It was then that they formed a semicircle and began chanting in what he could only assume was ancient Sith. While he was no expert on the language, he knew that most things in that language led to bad times.

Taking a moment he focused the audio recording on the shades and wraiths from the rift as he removed the lightsaber from his hip, breathing deeply as he thumbed the activation switch on the hilt. The snap-hiss of the viridian blade coming to life mad him smile as he assessed the situation. While he did so others began to show up including Coren, Karen, and Julius. The saber provided a calming sound for him to focus on reaching out towards the wraiths that were now starting to surround him, tendrils of the Force slowly tethering his mind to what shards of consciousness were left within the shrieking spirits.

Utilizing this connection he began to slowly drain the Force from the specters, the blade being held at a downward angle as it was meant only for defense at this time.

[member="Karen Roberts"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Julius Sedaire"] [member="Jorus Merrill"] @Nefrahasias @Vanessa Vantai


[member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Karen Roberts"]


Setthoth let out a deep exhale and then a low hum to follow. He looked at [member="Jorus Merrill"], eyed his clothing and fashion. Studied his equipment and mannerisms. "Khorrellia." Setthoth parroted the word in heavy accented Sith. "Hmmm, I know nothing of this world, Khorellia. But, not welcome you say?" Setthoth shook his head and clasped his hands behind his back and began to step forward. "I am afraid you have no say in that matter, boy." More came, one of which was particularly loud in his offences ([member="Julius Sedaire"]). Setthoth eyed him and then the others. Behind him the choir of the kissai began to echo as the Force now powered each word into the effect it described. Their very words became commands in the Force. Suddenly, he stopped. There was another,([member="Kurayami Bloodborn"]). This one was more impudent than the others. This one had projected its mind and presence thinking he could wield the Force without their notice to suck the energy that kept them in this realm. Setthoth growled and his fingers behind his back became like talons digging into his own form.

Do not think I cannot see or hear you fool! Setthoth voice and Force presence screamed in the Force. His red beaming eyes searched the area for the one who dared enter his mind and try to feed off him. Setthoth suddenly unclasped his hands and stretched the out before him. Like the tides receding before a tsunami, the Force sucked backwards into his form before it spread out in a violent shock. Not like a physical Force Burst but, a psychological shockwave of oppressive Dark Side energy. Latching onto the signature in the Force of the one who dared drain him Setthoth spat a vile spell to shut him out. Ish vasuk talbinshut! Qâzoi Kyantuska! Finishing his spell, Setthoth lowered his hands and a calm came about him.

He looked back to the first to greet him, Jorus. "Pardon my rudeness, but, one too many interested in my presence here. But, he is dealt with, for now."

"I am Setthoth, Kissai'ari of the Tash-Taral Kissai, and head conjurer to her illustrious darkness and eternal princess of Tash-Taral." continued Setthoth before offering an elaborate bow. Rising back up he began to stroll closer. He eyed the lightsabers, beaming blades of the Force and plasma. His dark visage grinned. "You are jidai? I see. But, different from the jen'jidai of our past...Interesting." As Setthoth advanced he noticed the tension in the air. He waved it away with his hand. "Fret not Jidai, I am not interested in quarrelling with your lot. I am much more interested in learning more about this, Khorrellia." Meanwhile, behind him the chanting stopped and the lost souls that were spilling about ceased, they began to fly in more tight formation and in more deliberate pattern. They flew as they commanded. Flying down behind the choir of the Kissai, they began to land down and for rank and file like a regiment behind them, a horde of the damned. Setthoth smiled and stopped. "Ah, good. Perhaps you and your lot will explain it to our Princess herself." Setthoth turned away from Jorus and the others. He bent the knee and descended before lowering his head. The choir of kissai and the souls they commanded did the same.

The rift then became coloured in blood red and vibrated angrily. From its cavity stepped forth Nefrahasias. However, her spirit was not some dark silhouette that hid her features. She was more like a pure Dark Spirit. Her form was outlined by a flowing red and gold translucence. She was tall, fair shaped, with a bewitchingly beautiful face and glimmering golden eyes. Her skin was dark and coloured like blood and she was decorated with the golden jewellery and red robes of an ancient pure-blood sith. Nefrahasias' aura in the Force was a dark void. Putrid, and nauseating it was a walking abomination in the Force. She walked towards her long undead servant and flicked her index finger gesturing him to rise. As Setthoth stood the rest did.

Nefrahasias looked around until her eyes laid on Jorus and his companions.

"And what is this Setthoth?" Nefrahasias said.

Setthoth turned and pointed to the gathered. "These are Jidai of Khorrellia, ish Sith'ari."

"Khorrellia?" Nefrahsias said. She then pointed to Jorus, "Speak boy."
[member="Julius Sedaire"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Karen Roberts"] [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] [member="Nefrahasias"]

Ten seconds, Jorus had said, and the spirits hadn't listened. So as the wraiths bloviated, he'd taken his time to centre himself, still his mind, and listen to the Force.

"All right, I'll speak," he said to the woman who ran the show. "You can end what's coming, anytime, by getting back through that rift. Every moment this goes on, know you chose this."

The swoop bike went from zero to sixty in a heartbeat, skidding through the horde of wraiths. Long years as Master of First Knowledge had taught Jorus that a lightsaber and enough trust in the Light could destroy shades. His sky-blue blade sheared through ranks of the dead, dissipating each one permanently into the Force. They'd brought a horde. A target-rich environment like this would take a while.

For this kind of fight, there were two schools of thought. Killing the leaders might disrupt the whole affair but might scatter the horde and cause all kinds of future problems. Starting with the horde, though, might weaken the leader a piece at a time, whittle the threat down to size. He opted for the latter, swoop torquing through bleak rocks and transparent shades. Everywhere he went, his lightsaber returned them to the Force.
Jorus did what Jorus always did. An unorthodox and haphazard thing that somehow proved more effective than any careful plan. And Julius did what he was good at. The pose he held now was loose, relaxed, but in a sudden movement, he exploded. Where as Jorus zoomed on a bike like a wheat thresher made flesh, Julius took the other avenue. He purposely stayed close, twin blades dancing, whirring, spinning. Each shade he would spare or sneak a look at the 'Princess' and smirk before dancing to the next. Classic movements for him, unpredictable with no pattern or rhyme to them, and reason even less so. Tight, controlled bursts of the Force radiated off him, speed and inertia welling in loops and whirls around him as he dance about.

The arrogance and antagonizing would hopefully draw the leader into a conflict. If not, it would thin out support nearest them. Either way, whoever they ignored, the other would wreak havoc on the horde and destabilize their fighting ability. Though older than the last time they had fought together, it was still almost poetry for the battlemaster to truly commit to a fight. Decades of expertise blended into on coherent working, and he seemed to truly come alive, and become peaceful. All his worry and doubt distilled into just simply fighting.

[member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] | [member="Nefrahasias"] | [member="Karen Roberts"]


Disney's Princess
A few things had turned up thus far in Karen's mind.

One. Sith'ari Princess. It's a term that generally meant God Overlord. However, this time with princess tacked on for show. Interesting. Second thing. Wow. She looked great for being dead. Or, ya know. Corporeal. Resurrected. Translated. Fashion Souls. Or, whatever-the-heck she was now. Thirds... Priest boy Setthoth here didn't seem to understand that the gathering presence of Jedi Knights was a real physical threat to his chanting shin-dig cult kool-aid party thing here. Huh. Interesting. So either he'd never fought real Jedi before or this "Princess" of his was really just that good. Which... Was doubtful. At this point.

Ah. Then the boys all started the party without her.

Pfft. ...Jelly.

Karen closed her eyes and embraced combat meditation. Activating her blue saber, she smiled. Then she waited. Standing patiently for the lovely Sith'ari Princess to lead her orchestra with fire. After all,

"...Ladies first."


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