Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character CT-308 Maverick




Decades ago, Maverick was "born" as one of ten thousand. The era of his birth was turbulent. So vicious that an ambitious mind sought to create a failsafe in the event of calamity. Kaminoan and Shaper masterminds worked together to fulfill His grand design: a legion of troopers which could spit in the face of the Force itself. Thus, Maverick and his kin came to form an infamous band: the Dreadguard. Their battles were centered around the defense of the former Confederacy; and for the most part, Maverick was satisifed with his lot in life.

He had his brothers. He had his cause. He had even found love. Yet treachery would see his world come to an end. Mutiny erupted, splitting the Dreadguard into pieces. At first, Maverick followed suit - for his immediate superiors demanded it. Yet, his love swayed him to abandon the defectors altogether. By then, the damage had been done - the Dreadguard were enemies of the state. While his foundation had been broken, what Maverick cherished most yet remained. He quickly assumed the role of mercenary to provide for his love and newborn son.

And for many years, Maverick was content.

In the present era, he was alone. The turmultous nature of his work and the pressures of her family had their relationship fall to ruin. Moreover, his son, now a young man, had run off to live a dishonorable life - contrary to how he was reared. Alone. Disgusted. Broken. Maverick looked back to what he knew. With the mistakes of his youth eating at his soul, he returned to the Southern Systems seeking his own redemption. What he found was a new legion. A new reason to fight. DAUNTLESS

  • gefe2.png
    NAME: Maverick (CT-308)
    FACTION: The Confederacy
    RANK: Commando
    SPECIES: Human (Vong-shaped Clone)
    HOMEWORLD: Kamino
    AGE: Middle-Aged
    SEX: Male
    HEIGHT: 6'0"
    WEIGHT: Cruiserweight
    EYE COLOR: Brown
    HAIR COLOR: Black
    SKIN TONE: Tan
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    DEADEYE: Grown as a full-fledged Clone Trooper, Maverick was flash-trained "in the womb" to be proficient in a wide variety of firearms. This inborn experience was further honed by literal decades of battles across the Galaxy.

    TACTICIAN:Over time, Maverick has developed a mind for identifying the best path to victory on the battlefield.

    DREADGUARD:Born as a literal countermeasure to Jedi and Sith alike, Maverick is immune to most Force powers.
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    AGE: With the absolute prime of his life now past, Maverick is not as spry as he once was. This has led to a heavy reliance on technologies to compensate.

    ENERGY: Despite being effectively dead to the Force, energy-based tactics remain effective. As does chucking things.

    KILLSWITCH: As a circumstance of his birth, a biote resides inside Maverick's cranium that he is unaware of. Triggering this can immobilize or outright kill, depending upon the command given.
  • FAyLMV6.jpg
    Coming Soon! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam maximus rutrum lacus, id suscipit augue. Quisque tempus finibus justo, non cursus leo finibus consectetur. Ut tempor elit sit amet sapien sodales, non rutrum risus blandit. Aliquam lacinia est id fermentum blandit. Curabitur urna justo, lacinia at turpis sit amet, iaculis porta turpis. Suspendisse eget interdum diam, eu sodales justo. Praesent vel sagittis nisi, pretium finibus quam. Praesent condimentum condimentum vulputate. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed auctor sed odio et pharetra. Proin non finibus turpis. Etiam sagittis scelerisque mauris, pretium viverra tortor semper nec.
  • Coming Soon! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam maximus rutrum lacus, id suscipit augue. Quisque tempus finibus justo, non cursus leo finibus consectetur. Ut tempor elit sit amet sapien sodales, non rutrum risus blandit. Aliquam lacinia est id fermentum blandit. Curabitur urna justo, lacinia at turpis sit amet, iaculis porta turpis. Suspendisse eget interdum diam, eu sodales justo. Praesent vel sagittis nisi, pretium finibus quam. Praesent condimentum condimentum vulputate. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed auctor sed odio et pharetra. Proin non finibus turpis. Etiam sagittis scelerisque mauris, pretium viverra tortor semper nec.


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