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Cry havoc! And let slip the dogs of war! (Sernpidal Dominion)


Ice was on board his ship overlooking the careful plans he had laid out for the planet Sernpidal. Due to the many subterranean structures on the planet, Ice had decided to send part of his army in to the planet days and even weeks before hand. Little bit at a time, a few more troops would trickle in disguised as simple travelers or immigrants. There actual role here was to locate the planetary defenses, bases, communications, and control centers. Once the fleet and army arrived, they would spring to action! Disabling communications, sabotaging defense platforms, and overrun control centers. If they moved quickly, this fight could well be over before it even began.

Ice smirked at the thought. Well laid plans very rarely survived contact with the enemy. Still, with the natural defensive nature of the main city, it would save the armies and fleets of the Shadow Empire many ships and lives if this strike force. To ensure success, he even assigned Alex, one of the council members themselves to lead the vanguard strike force. She would keep them organized. Her affinity with the force would also prove invaluable for determining their primary targets. It was unfortunate, but much of the Shadow Empire's fortunes in this battle would rest on the shoulders of those hundreds of men and woman, cut off from the main body of troops till reinforcements could arrive. If they faltered this day, it very well could be a defeat for the rising empire.

And now was the day. The entire fleet had formed up. Readying itself to jump into hyperspace and come out fighting at Sernpidal. Pulling up the comm he activated a fleetwide broadcast.

"Men and woman of the Shadow Empire. I want to thank you today for the courage you have shown in answering our Emperor's call to arms. We have been through a lot recently. There has been much to sap us of our morale, and our strength. However, we have also overcome every single one of the hurdles that has presented itself to us thus far. We have not backed down, we have not been broken! Now another hurdle will soon present itself. We have many brave men and women already on the planet willing to put their lives on the line to try and make our approach that much easier."

"We must not let them down by faltering now. We must take courage from each other to push onward, strong, and unrelenting. For only by doing so can we get our people out of the desperate situation they will soon find themselves. So rise now, men and women of the Shadow Empire. Onward to victory! Onward to glory! Forever onward Shadow Empire!"

He paused a moment to let the speech settle, and then in a more neutral tone continued. "All units, sound off." While waiting for the last roll call, he eagerly kept checking his comm for Alex's all clear signal....

[member="Tiberius Rex"] | [member="Vash Ordo"] | [member="Kadrak Jalaan"] | [member="Vilox Pazela"] | [member="Aken Bosch"] | [member="stardust"] | [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] | [member="Romeo Sin"] | [member="Razer Sin"] | [member="Ellain Hadrin"] | [member="Cross Ikon"] | [member="Saki lin"] | [member="Navio"] | [member="Michael Steelfang"] | [member="Chess Tixlia"] | [member="stardust"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Ice"] [member="Darth Tsolan"] (If you want to join) [member="Romeo Sin"] [member="Tiberius Rex"] @Others in Vanguard

Alexandra smiled as she drank from the wine glass, eyes staring at the sky and grinning wide as slowly the plans had fallen in place and even now she heard the message with the comm link to her ear while she was eating in a upper class restaurant she was able to find. And the considerable trouble in doing so was most annoyingly a pain in the... well you know.

None the less she listened and grinned as her bodyguards watched over her, four Mirari droids she had gotten from a good friend lie in wait as they watched her and protected her. Soon after the message ended she opened a channel the vanguard team had had set up and one to the man named Ice. "Ill be into the office later today, go ahead and push back my five oclock meeting." She smiled and shut off the device, looking at the man across from her. "To the Future?" She raised her glass.
"Let's have some fun, Ice baby!"

I sounded the yellow alert to all ships.

"Oka, bring your ships up to our blockade line, and hold. Rikki, you're coming with me to shoot stuff off his back."

I spun in my chair, a favorite habit of mine since I had first been a naval captain. I picked up the pint of whiskey that was by my elbow.

"Well, ladies and gentlemen, let's drink a toast.... To the future!"

[member='Oka Osaa']
[member='Cloud Utada']
Saki walked into the bridge and smiler as she stopped and listened to [member="Ice"] say his speech she was ready for more fun and hoped she could prove herself valuable again to ice"Saki ready for action"she said approaching the commander "just point AMD tell me what to do and I'll do it " she said smiling

Grand Moff Helranth

Grand Moff of the Sith Empire
Location: Planet side
Allies: Shadow Empire and Nova, [member="Cross Ikon"]
Enemies: The Planet
Objective: Disrupt enemy defenses.

A week prior to today's event

Agent Cloud Utada, an Agent hired by the Nova Fleet was given the mission of taking out the planet's defense and was among the first wave to enter the planet. Unlike the other soldiers, Cloud did not enter the planet as a traveler, but as a diplomat. He had called in a favour to barrow a diplomat insignia and ship from the planet of Charel. He had a pilot fly his ship to the planet and landed in the Capitol City where he was received by planetary diplomats. He exited his ship wearing very lavish robes and greeted the other diplomats. "It is so good to finally meet you and see your wonderful planet, I am Sinara Genova of the Charel Planet and I look forward to us working together in such a time where peace seems to be scarce." Cloud smiled as the Diplomats introduced themselves and took him to his quarters. He spent the week in meetings to secure his cover and to lead them to a false peace.

Cloud Utada awoke early on the day that the attack was scheduled and met with his abassidor of Sernpidel. "I was hoping we could take a break today from all the meetings, I would love a tour of your palace here as I have not been able to see much." The man smiled to Cloud and began a long and extensive tour which left Cloud smiling and nodding and asking small talk style questions to keep the ball moving. Cloud was taken into the control room and introduced to the workers, "Sinara Genova a your service, it is amazing to see your control center, much more high tech then ours. As they were leaving, Cloud armed a charge in his robe and quietly, but swiftly threw it under a holo panel where it landed hidden in the dark.The continued with the tour and Cloud continued secretly planting charges in other rooms including the defense room, the shield;s control room and the communication room. As the tour came to an end, Cloud let out a dramatic yawn and spoke in a sheepish voice, "All this excitement has exaclted me, I believe I will head to my quarters for a quick cat nap." Cloud thanked his tour guide and left to his quarters. Once there he pulled out a device and armed it. It made conversations in the room unhearable by bugs. He then pulled out a secure holocron and sent a message to Ice, the Shadow Oberitive running the operation, "This is Agent Cloud Utada calling for [Member="Ice"]. I have set the charges in the areas needed to take out the defenses. Send word when you want the charges to be released." Cloud then hung up and began polishing his weapons for the fight to come.
Vash was flying among the other ships in the fleet in his own personal ship. It wasn't much and he wasn't much for flying, evidenced by his shaky piloting, but it was best that he was by himself for the moment. The mental preparations that came with war and battling for land were enough to deal with at the moment. Ice's speech hit Vash heavily. He knew that he had to step up now. The First Sergeant took a deep breath, calming himself before he spoke. "This is Vash Ordo, your first sergeant and the man in charge of you. You heard Ice! I want all of you ready to rise to the occasion. Be prepared for anything and everything. We will take Sernpidal! Standby for further instruction." His message was delivered over the comms of the Army.

There was a soothing silence as he sunk back into his seat. He was confident. Confident in himself. Confident in his group. Confident in the Shadow Empire. As far as he was concerned, Sernpidal was their's. It was just a matter of execution. Checking in with the head honcho, he went back to his comms. "Vash checking in, sir. Anything you need." Words usually posed as a question were used in statement form. Vash was making it perfectly clear that he was good to carry out any order.

[member="Ice"] , [member="Kadrak Jalaan"] , [member="Vilox Pazela"]
Standing aboard his own ship, the Hazard Beauty, he had [member="Ice"] on the intercoms, and listening to the man's speech, he smirked under his mask.
-I did the right thing.-
He thought to himself.
His crew members all heard it, and thus it was time to let loose the war cry.
"[member="Ice"], Romeo Sin standing by." He said with a smile, hands clasped behind his back. They would take this planet, for the glory of the Shadow Empire.
He turned to his own men.
"Do not hold back, do not falter, give them a taste of Beauty, and keep pressing the attack. Let them know who we are. TO VICTORY!" He raised a fist in triumph, and all his men cheered along with him. Today was going to be a good day.
[member="Saki lin"] [member="Cross Ikon"] [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] [member="stardust"] [member="Oka Osaa"] [member="Vash Ordo"] [member="Tiberius Rex"] [member="Salvor Arnex"]


Razer stood in on the bridge, listening to his older brother rant on about war, and glory. He smirked under his mask. He took a step over to his brother, and leaned in for a whisper. "So far touching Romeo, tell me, how long did it take for you to come up with that? Hours I bet." He chuckled, and left the bridge, going to the hangar bay, which would only take him a few minutes to maybe a hour.
-He is doing quite well for a exile...-
He thought to himself.

Razer was slowly beginning to care for his older brother as he had proven their father wrong, countless times.
-He's amassed such a fleet, and a army, along with a empire.-
He smirked under his mask, and shook his head.
-Maybe he will be able to defeat father one day...but not today.-
[member="Ice"] [member="stardust"] [member="Vash Ordo"] [member="Cross Ikon"] [member="Tiberius Rex"] [member="Cloud Utada"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
"On it." Oka replied switching to his ships comlink. "Okay, we're going to add to Cross' blockade and hold there until further instructions. If the blockade starts breaking apart, hold and defend." he commanded standing out of his chair.

Hopefully Cross and Rikki could do some damage along with the others.

[member="Cross Ikon"]
[member="Romeo Sin"]
[member="Razer Sin"]
[member="Tiberius Rex"]
[member="Vash Ordo"]
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]
[member="Cloud Utada"]
[member="Saki Lin"]
As [member="Ice"]'s speech came to an end Kadrak began gathering what tools she would need for the up and coming fight. As a mechanic her job was to make sure everything was kept working smoothly, from blasters to ships and everything in between. Taking a moment to check in she spoke into her commlink, "This is Kadrak Jalaan checking in, sir." With that out of the way she continued to prepare for the mission ahead, clipping her toolbelt around her waist and gathering anything else necessary in the small toolkit she always had with her and at her disposal.
This was it, then. Her first real battle among the men and women of the Shadow Empire. She had allied herself with them properly as of the same day, and she was certainly inspired by the speech earlier. But in her heart she knew that if they were to one day turn their guns on the Novas she wouldn't hesitate in leaving and returning to her first home with the Fleet.
But for now it was down to business, and with a final check of the equipment on her she pulled her blaster pistol from its holster and did a last minute check and fine-tuning before putting it back in its place, adjusting the tinted goggles that were pushed up onto her forehead for the moment.
Once they were planetside it would be right to work, but she was ready. Now all there was left to do was wait.

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"], [member="Cross Ikon"], [member="Saki lin"], [member="Cloud Utada"], [member="Vash Ordo"], [member="Romeo Sin"], [member="Razer Sin"], [member="Oka Osaa"]
Shadow Empire Fleet
Location: A small hyperspace just away from Sernpidal

Ice smiled and turned to Saki. "Thank you. For now just sit tight. All hell is about to break loose, but till then we need to hold fast." Turning back to his bridge crew, he spoke up so they could all here. "Signal the fleet. The board is set, the pieces are in place. All ships, make the jump for Sernpidal on my mark. 3...2...1...Mark!" An instant later Ice's ship shot off into hyperspace, quickly followed by the others....

Location: High orbit around Sernpidal

A huge lumbering cargo ship moved toward the planet. The last piece in Ice's plan now made its way to the starport. After reporting in to the tower, they said they were independant shippers, bringing in much valued water and foodstuffs. They soon received their clearance to land and put down in one of the large hangars.

A message then went to Alex. "The surprise package has arrived at the starport." As soon as the words "To the future!" escaped her lips, that lumbering cargo ship opened its loading ramps. Instead of thousands of tons of water and foodstuffs, out poured hundreds and hundreds of troops. Quickly seizing control of the dock, the spread out as fast as they could to overtake the starport and prevent ships from getting into the air. The battle for Sernpidal had begun. The vanguard and all allies on the ground now had their signal to begin their attacks!

Meanwhile, back in space, the main fleet of the Shadow Empire emerged from hyperspace....

[member="Tiberius Rex"] | [member="Vash Ordo"] | [member="Kadrak Jalaan"] | [member="Vilox Pazela"] | [member="Aken Bosch"] | [member="stardust"] | [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] | [member="Romeo Sin"] | [member="Razer Sin"] | [member="Ellain Hadrin"] | [member="Cross Ikon"] | [member="Saki lin"] | [member="Cloud Utada"] | [member="Oka Osaa"]
Location: Orbiting Sernpidal
Objective: Allow [member="Cross Ikon"] to use Hazard Beauty for the blockade, Lead troops on ground warfare.
[member="Ice"] [member="Vash Ordo"] [member="stardust"] [member="Oka Osaa"] [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

Dropping out of hyperspace had some beauty to it, you never knew what to expect. Space wise, the planet looked peaceful, planetside, it was being attacked by the soldiers of the Shadow Empire. Romeo turned to his communications, and send the Red Admiral a message. The man had once been part of the empire, but was now walking his own path. No hard feelings were felt for the man, he just knew that if he kept going after his daughter, there would be hell to pay for.
The message read.

//incoming Message From: Romeo Sin//

Admiral [member="Cross Ikon"],
I give you command of my ship for the duration of the battles up ahead, my captain will be informed personally that you have command. Fight well, and Live Long.

Romeo turned to his captain. "Captain, I have given Ikon say over this ship till the battle is over, follow his command. Im heading to the drop ships. Good luck." The man saluted him in response with a 'Yes Sir'. Romeo turned to the exit of the bridge, and followed in the footsteps of his younger brother [member="Razer Sin"], but with more haste. He wanted to catch up with the Vahla, and let him know who was in command here.

Finally seeing the back of Razer, he called to him, and reached his side. "Listen Razer, I dont know why you're here, and I dont care, but you best understand, I am in charge here, and you will follow orders. Understood?" He said, staring him down behind his mask, no doubt Razer was doing the same.


Location: Well..Above the Planet
Objective: I guess land, and kill Sith?

Razer was halfway to the hangar when his name was called by his older brother. He sighed with agitation, and turned his head in a lazy fashion to look at Romeo.
He was about to say something till he began to speak about the chain of command, and personal stuff between the two. Razer chuckled at Romeo. "Loud, and clear." he said looking back to where he was walking. Razer had no real training in the force, but his skills with a saber where decent enough. He had been thinking about going back home to see their family, and wondered if Romeo would come with him.

"You're sister misses you. Havent heard from you in awhile need to go see her." he said. He knew he always picked on their younger sister, but that didnt mean that he didnt care about her. He sighed again. "Father will be waiting though..." He sulked his head. Being sons of a Sith Lord brought high expectations, and so far Razer hadnt lived up to them.
She smiled and put her hands behind her back waiting as she watched the stars shoot past her view and entered hyperspace, she always found it interesting how the stars looked elongating then rushing past her"indeed [member="Ice"] the game is set "she smiled " how long till we reach the planet "she asked and walked to stand by him"
"Well, thank you, Romy..."

I spun in my chair, and opened a channel to the Hazard.

"So, kiddies... Who wants to go to the circus? Cos Papa Cross is gonna make sure we have us a time!"

I grinned wildly at the holo of the bridge crew.

"Ogen, why don't we start moving up. Signal the Hazard to stay on our tail, or possibly even hide in between the saucers of the Duchess."

[member="Saki lin"]
[member="Razer Sin"]
[member="Romeo Sin"]
[member="Kadrak Jalaan"]
[member="Oka Osaa"]
[member="Vash Ordo"]
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]
| [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] |

A hooded figure emerged and chalk white hands lifted to the cowl of his robes. Vilox Pazela revealed himself to the face of the galaxy for the first time in a year. It had been that long since he had ventured to the bowls of the One Sith and found himself confronted by their assortment of Sith Lords. [member="Ashin Varanin"] might have revealed his allegiance to the Jedi, but nothing was concrete. Regardless, he had disappeared from the Jedi Order and subsequently the Jedi Order.

Until now.

And curiously it was for a woman. He was rebuilding. Eyes set on a following that he would be gathering. Alas, the blackened spiked hair, chalk white features and yellow predatory eyes lifted themselves to Alexandra. He simply said. "Hello Alexandra."

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Vilox Pazela"] [member="Ice"]

She smiled as she started looking at the reports coming in and soon sirens began sounding, reports of terror attacks and the real cause not yet realized. Standing slowly and looking at the new man she rose a brow. "And you are... oh walk with me please." She started moving towards the communications building, her hands crossed behind her and bodyguard droids on the roof tops above them.
| [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] |

"We are yet to meet Alexandra, but my name is Vilox. I am an inventor, alchemist and leader from the Almania system." They walked together. He turned away from her to look ahead, but spoke to her nonetheless. "I am creating a following of Master Force-sensitives, with the objective of ending this war. I have found you to be a candidate."
"Report: The cloaking device is running at full functionality, master."


A brown-clad figure inclined his head towards the golden-rust droid that stood proudly beside him. In all his life had he ever met a being more loyal than this metallic one standing next to him. Apparently it was harder to create an ally - a friend - rather than develop one over the course of years and years. Oh well, it was simply how life was nowadays.

Discarding his appearance as a Sith Lord, Dranok had opted for returning to his age-old mask and armored robes. Even though he was no longer a human at all, it still helped him soothe his feelings of the past and comforted the exiled warlord many an occasion. Rather than being that simple man he'd longed to be his entire life, he was now bearing the Curse of the Gods. Red-skinned tendrils quivered with regret beneath the golden-brown plating of his mask.

"Horak," he murmured. "Shall we take to the ground?"

"Statement: If that is what you wish, master."


The droid hesitated, processing its creator's singular statement. "Remark: We aren't exactly equipped to take on a force such as this, not even if we bring the 501st."

"No," Dranok shifted his weight, still gazing out of the viewport, "I mean just ourselves."

Horak had been with him on more ventures than he could count. He'd never wiped the droid's memory, never tampered with any of his internal systems. Surprisingly, the bot still acknowledged the fact that it was still a droid and was borne to Dranok's every whim. Be that as it may, he was still much more than that. If you could take a Sith Lord's word for it, it was almost friendship. Almost.

"Query: Why just us?"

"This new little empire is quite interesting. I wish them no harm, but I desire to make my name known."

"Affirmation: Yes, master."

And with that, the pair of beings prepared a shuttle to disembark from the cloaked Star Destroyer. Of course the little reading of the shuttle would be visible on the radars of the Imperial vessels, but the Chimaera would have relocated immediately and thus eliminated any evidence of it. To the Shadow Empire, he would have appeared out of nowhere.

Kaia Brin

Professional Cry Baby
Objective: Find [member="Tiberius Rex"] figure out whats really going on and try and kill some sith but its most likely too hard so im just gonna sit here and watch...
Location: The Hazard Beauty

Kaia turned on her comms running through the hallways confused to where everyone is " K-Kaia reporting for duty!!" She yelps as she scrambles around to find everyone she thought about [member="Ice"] and his speech giving it a quick thought before it being rudely interrupted by Kaia's clumsiness as she trips over a bolt on the floor she hits the ground with a soft thump before skidding a couple feet towards the mess hall.

the young girl sat there small cowardly tears forming in her eyes from the pain in her toe but she knew if she cried that [member="Tiberius Rex"] would come out of nowhere and give her an actual reason to cry about.

Hobbling off the floor with a sniffle she walks her way to the war room expecting that would most likely be the meet up point for carnage squad as the mando made her journey she began to ponder the scary questions of "What if i dont make it out alive?" or "What if i get left behind" or maybe just " What if i get captured and tortured for answers about my squad?"

memories of her past catch up to her causing the girl to feel sick she runs towards a nearby trash can and pukes lifting her helmet up a bit she hunches over the waste bin for a bit shuddering a steady amount of tears flow from the girls one good eye her lip quivering before she pukes once more.

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