Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Crusade of the Feenix System [OOC Thread]

The Crusade of the Feenix System
844 ABY
The Galaxy remains in Chaos as system after system falls to forces or are exchanged back and forth multiple times.

Feenix, a world, a system that has recently fallen to a massive fleet of Pirates and has been made a safe haven calls out for aid.

Though none have answered, save for the Templar Order who has proclaimed their intention to defend the people currently enslaved by the Pirates and to free their world of Chaos.



This is a Faction based thread focusing upon the Templar Order's official establishment within the Feenix System.

While not officially a Dominion (due to the Faction still being Minor), it is being treated as such and all rules established are requested to be adhered by during posting.

Please include in your post your Objective, Location, Allies, Enemies, etc etc. Members of the Templar Order are requested to make it clear if they are within the main branch or one of the specializations.

This thread is the OOC posting to aid those in finding posting partners for the primary thread. Please post any thread related OOC talk here (including problems, conflicts, etc etc).

Above all else, Have Fun!

Give this a little boost so that anyone who is interested in the Templar Order, or wants to join it can take a look; or for those that would like to join in to help the Templars became even more active.
Also, [member="Josiah Denko"] , and [member="Vhi'tori"] , were you both still interested in participating?
If you would like to join the Templar Order and were a bit hesitant, or would like to offer some resistance, the Feenix System Crusade thread is still accepting those that would like to join.
All I request is that you post here first, and when you post in the thread itself, please remember to @mention someone so that you're post is noticed.
I've already had a bad previous encounter with an individual that did not @mention until their last post as a means to get away with anything they wanted in a thread. I would like to avoid another occurrence like that from happening again.

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