Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Crisis on Dathomir: Creeping Song

Deius Koman'na
Location: Dathomir, TMDK Tower Hanger
Objective: Search Hanger, patrol area
Action: Get to Cover, provide Fire Support

These creatures roared unlike any beast Deius had ever encountered, he flinched as one slammed against the ground and it appeared injured but continued to fight relentlessly. Unnatural as these creatures were Deius understood the field of battle perfectly and he needed to continue provide fire support for those engaged in the melee. His blaster rifle pour more fire, his attempts to curb away as many of those things from overwhelming our outflanking his vode.

His finger pulled on the trigger and Deius witnessed his shot miss, sailed past his target and slammed uselessly against a wall. A choked down curse, Deius aimed once again and fired, this time he hit true. The blaster burn only seemed to enrage one of the more larger creatures and with slight concern Deius positioned himself a tad further back. Even dumb creatures will eventually see me as a threat or as an annoyance to be rid of. The young Mandalorian shrunk back and scanned the field once again.

It was only a brief moment of pause of his blaster fire, but his uncertainty caused several more creatures to swarm and advance quickly to surround a few of of the others. One in particular seemed completely overwhelmed and Deius swore as he desperately realigned his blaster rifle and started to deliver concentrated blaster fire. Just, need to, keep firing. The Infernal though, remedied his mistake.

The creatures were sent straight up and Deius poured as much accurate fire into them as he could, his finger endlessly pulling the trigger down. The battle appeared near endless, and even if they could hold their positions, a single crack in their defenses would spell disaster for them all. Deius though shuddered, his mind ever thankful for the helmet now as he only nodded to his Infernal's compliment. I messed up.

Deius felt the ground quake, and it shook him from his inner thoughts, he prepared himself to advance with the rest and they needed to reach the control tower. And figure out a way to stem this tide of enemies and creatures.

[member="Yasha Cadera"] | [member="Skorvek"] | [member="Aedan Miles"] | [member="Eldaah Aderyn"] | [member="Tusk"] | [member="Alkor Centaris"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Avin Starfire"]

Location: Stealth Corvette Observer

Alexandra’s hands remained together and raised in her lap as she rested and thought on the coming darkness. It was hard to be certain what she was feeling was correct, knowing the feeling of death to be not quite so muddled as it was now. Something was wrong with this entire situation and her mind traveled through the history she kept locked in her mind to try and make sense of what she was feeling.

Something felt familiar but at the same time all too wrong and different. This felt like the labs she had been in for weeks, for months, studying the effects of the dark on creatures and seeing how the force could be manipulated and used to corrupt and create unholy life from natural beings. It worried her and made her sick.

It was when the ship retreated into real space that Alexandra raised an eyelid and looked up from where she sat, reading Avin’s face with interest. The man seemed calm, maybe a little excited? Then followed his own journey through the force and his words regarding what he felt in their future. He was right, things were unclear and shrouded, but that was not it. There was something more beneath the surface.

“Worry not... the force has seen fit to give us a purpose and plan, that purpose is not to vanish here and be removed from the histories as if we were shades.” She smiled at Avin softly, closing her eyes and waiting for their landing, waiting to see what might come to stand before them.
Location: Dathomir, TMDK Tower
Objective: Secure the Tower and the Gate itself
Allies: “Deius Koman’na” @Ambrose Cadera [member="Rhaegar Nemesis Dib"] @Tusk Aedan Miles @Cynthia Solus
Enemies: [member="Eldaah Aderyn"]

Ill keep that in mind if I ever let her within sight of the gate.

Adara was the last person he would want to accidentally find herself into the Netherworld the child has been through enough to find herself subjugated to its torment. But for now he was more focused on cleansing the tower of these things and find what ever caused them and destroy it, He kept with Yasha and the others as his hammer charged up with lightning and he did a side smash into one of the other creatures sending it into two other creatures having the lightning electrocute them. When Yasha asked if he felt anything he reached out with his senses to see what could be there, He kept with them but something was here he could sense that much but he kept sensing to see what it was or atleast attempt to as he climbed the tower.

Something is here but as to what it could be I cannot yet say for now lets keep moving perhaps we will find it.

He hoped he could having something like this influencing the tower so close to the gate needs to be purged before something goes even further wrong then it already has.
Location: Dathomir outside tower
Objective: figure out new plan.
Allies: [member="Yasha Cadera"] @Tusk @Avin Starfire [member="Deius Koman'na"] [member="Alkor Centaris"] @Skorvek @Cynthia Solus [member="Rhaegar Nemesis Dib"]
Enemies: Roid rage crystal zambies and [member="Eldaah Aderyn"]

Aedan blinked before quickly leaping off of the box watching as the punched holes in the walls muttering darkly to himself before he sighed and turned calling out loudly to the Mand'alor. "Ummm you want these things alive yes boss?" He leapt backwards just as one of them got close enough to take a swing at him landing on his feet easily a short distance from them thinking as before he smirked and started to lure them towards the wall staying close enough that they were tempted but not risking the chance that they would actually manage to hit him. Although they came close on a few occasions his movements smooth as he ducked dodged and spun all the while back pedaling until his back hit the tower and he smirked tapping it lightly he used the force to rip off some of the metal sheeting on it tearing the sheeting into pieces slightly shorter than the infested beings. With a savage smirk he leapt over one aiming a kick at its back before he landed and spun to face them smirking as he lifted his hands starting to manipulate the metal sheeting as he had it wrap around them from their knees up to their shoulders. He quickly started to move his hands his eyes narrowed in focus as he forced the metal to crimp and bend hopefully locking it in place. Just as he finished he heard something moving through the air just as the fist of one of these beings collide with his side sending him soaring 20 feet away. He rolled for a moment before coming to a stop and climbing to his feet spitting out some blood as he touched his ribs muttering darkly about bruised and possibly cracked ribs as he lifted his hand focusing on the one crystal embedded being before he started to exert his control of the force to crush it his eyes flaring up with power as he did so.
[member="Yasha Cadera"] [member="Aedan Miles"] @Skorvek @Alexandra Feanor [member="Deius Koman'na"] [member="Tusk"] [member="Alkor Centaris"] [member="Avin Starfire"] [member="Coren Starchaser"]

OOC: Not gonna let these annoying 504s get in the way of this. Did some rolls for the survivors and how far along the witch's spell is.

The crystallized Mandalorians would keep coming, yelling about the song as they tried to bring down and subdue or kill the Mand'alor and her forces. A few would have broken off crystals, wielding them in their free hand to try and stab them into their enemies.

The survivors could hear the enemy beating on their door still, cracks appearing... a red eye was actually visible between the dented and broken steel. The door and makeshift barricade wouldn't last much longer, but it was still holding for now. Their helmets had pinged other active Mandalorians in the tower, their rescue was near. One survivor leveled his blaster and shot through the hole the eye appeared in, the creature on the other end roaring in pain.

At the top of the tower, the witch continued her chanting, preparing her spell, drawing on the power the crystals growing from her offered. 27% towards the spell activating.

And in the hangar, the merchant vessel continued to sit, perhaps it held some clue as to the origins of what crystallized and drove the garrison insane? A specialist would be needed to open it to reveal its cargo and unlock its navicomputer.
Location: Dathomir, TMDK Tower
Objective: Don’t listen to the Warlock Gate, it always tells the truth
Allies: [member=“Deius Koman’na”] [member="Ambrose Cadera"] [member="Rhaegar Nemesis Dib"] [member="Skorvek"] [member="Tusk"] [member="Aedan Miles"] [member="Cynthia Solus"] [member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Avin Starfire"] [member="Alkor Centaris"]
Enemies: [member="Eldaah Aderyn"]

“Only one of them, Aedan! Kill the rest, I want one for our docs to study it and find out what in the high nethers turned our soldiers into these things!” Yasha roared over the sounds of the battle, taking Alkor back toward the rest of the Mandalorian forces still alive and unspoiled inside.

A chime on her proximity alarms told her of Alexandra’s approach. Halfway through spearing another of the crystalline soldiers, Yasha tore her spear out, slashes across a horrific monstrous line and shouted into her private comm channel.

“Ale’ika! Could use your help on the now rather than later! Get in here, I need you. Crystallized Mandos are crying out for a kriffing song!” The message sent, Yasha rushed toward the nearest staircase, distrusting completely the idea of taking one of the lifts.

Getting caught inside a box didn’t seem like the right call. “The survivors are up there. Come on!”

OOC: Let’s get this back on track!

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Yasha Cadera"]

Alexandra had only been on the ship for a short time when she had gottent he message regarding help with a song. Which honestly confused the woman who had not had a clear understanding of what was happening so as she stood her hand went to strike the side of her craft. Only, rather than hitting solid metal it went through and rippled the space around the spot she struck, opening up to let Alexandra move to the location of her friend.

In hindsight, it probably would have been a good idea to give Yasha a heads up though, because as Yasha started running up the stairs, she would find the wall of the next landing start to shift, and should there be no wall, the very air that stood there would shift and shatter. Meaning, that the battle ready and hardened warrior may be a bit quick to the trigger considering this and find herself shooting off a round or two at Alexandra. For her credit though, Alexandra would have be on top of such an event, expecting there to be an enemy attacking her and as such strengthening the tunic she wore and ready to move her head should they aim for such.

It would only be after the threat was gone if any, and she find herself looking at Yasha that she would speak. If Yasha was alone, she would give the woman a wide grin and speak with a softer voice.

"As you command... now, whats this about crystallized Mandalorians? That seems a tad... interesting." Should there be others with Yasha, the smile would not have accompanied her words and instead a slight look of annoyance but a more serious expression ready.

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