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Approved Tech Crimson Fist of the Pureheart Champion

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: Arm for Nyssa.
Image Source: Here. One must imagine it with sorcerous runes.
Canon Link: N/A
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: Nyssa Vykaris
Affiliation: Nyssa Vykaris
Market Status: Closed-Market
Model: Crimson Fist of the Pureheart Champion
Modularity: Wrist and forearm weapons and other attachments such as scanners, grappling hook launchers and the like can be added or removed as desired. Prothesis can be covered with synthflesh.
Production: Unique
Material: Alchemised songsteel, Kyber crystals, sorcerous runes, internal electronics.

: Arm
Size: Large
Weight: Heavy
Resistances (Optional):
  • Energy: High
  • Kinetic: High
  • Lightsabers: Very High
  • EMP/ION: Very High
  • Elemental: High
  • Sonic: Low
  • Alchemised.
  • Lightsabre resistant.
  • The enchantment provides a power source for the arm. As a result, it does not need a battery or similar because it runs on Nyssa's power, more or less. This means that it is very well-protected against ionic and EMP attacks. These can still upset its inner electronics, but are far less less dangerous than with a conventional cybernetic.
  • Along with being very durable, the arm significantly enhances Nyssa's already considerable strength. While stronger than natural, it is limited by the fact that the prothesis is still anchored in flesh and bone, but it packs a powerful punch.
  • The design takes advantage of Nyssa' high tolerance for pain and berserker tendencies. Imprinted with Force Rage, physical pain and injuries Nyssa suffers amp up the arm's strength and power. To be clear, this does not remove said injuries at all.
  • Similar to Sith Swords, it can also attract and store Force Lightning which can later be unleashed as Nyssa's discretion. This can lead theoretically to a shocking experience when she say punches someone, and they're also struck by electricity.
  • With focus and concentration, Nyssa can channel Shatterpoint through the arm, allowing her to perceive and exploit fault lines in the world around her. Assuming she achieves a successful strike on one of these fault lines, the Force will surge through her metal hand to increase the damage on these weak points. This can potentially cause say an object to shatter. Useful for potentially dealing with beskar or heavy blast doors.
  • Highly durable and resistant to manifold forms of attacks, such as lightsabres, blasters and elemental threats.
  • Force null zones. Naturally anything imbued by the Force can be affected by things that negate the mystical energy field. The most prominent example are Ysalamiri. For starters, the arm will lose its supernatural qualities. Moreover, it will become more sluggish, harder to react quickly and unable to absorb lightning whilst exposed. Voidstone has the effect of dampening its supernatural qualities, and it becomes more sluggish and slower to respond, with the effects being dependent on proximity.
  • Force beacon. The same enchantment also means that the arm radiates Force energy, giving it an aura in the Force. As a result, it is more difficult for the host to hide from other Force-Users, unless other measures are taken to conceal her Force presence. This is pertinent because Nyssa is not a stealthy Sith assassin type.
  • Sith alchemy was involved in the creation process. As a result, it has a dark side aura and can be damaged by strong blasts of Force Light.
  • Heavier and bulkier than an organic arm.
  • Ability to absorb Force lightning has its limitations. The arm can absorb a lot, but will eventually reach a limit and Nyssa will have to release the energy or get hurt.
  • Furthermore, there is a risk of overheating due to sustained damage. While the arm absorbs heat and expels it, overdoing this can have a negative effect on the flesh and blood body attached to the prothesis. The cybernetic arm can withstand a direct lightsabre strike, and it might be able to absorb a blaster bolt or fire from a flamethrower, but this raises its temperature. Over time, robotic fingers might be impaired, and burns and blisters can form around the shoulder area in a brutal fight.

The Pureblood Sith warrior Nyssa Vykaris has always prided herself on her abilities as a warrior, forger and metallurgical alchemist. After Elpsis destroyed her right hand in a brutal duel, she was stuck with a stump and then a crude prothesis. It was upgraded when she joined Firemane's ranks after tentatively gaining their trust. Nyssa disliked it, viewing it as lacking artistry. Besides, it had been made by non-Purebloods and was thus 'sub-standard'.

Once she had acquired the means and resources, she set about crafting a replacement that would reflect her personality and heritage better. The pompously named Crimson Fist of the Pureheart Champion is the fruit of her labours. Shaped from high-grade alloys, covered in the sorcerous, arcane runes of her people, and imbued with her strength in the Force, stubbornness, resilience and love of combat, it is a suitable instrument of war.

For it is battle that she lives for. Battle is its own purpose. And it is her destiny to fight strong foes. She may be a wee bit obsessed about it and have an inflated sense of her own importance. Being powered and animated by the Force, the arm has an effective shield from most ion and EMP related effects. It grants her impressive strength, is very resistant to manifold forms of attack, and allows her to absorb, store and unleash Force Lightning in the manner of the swords of her ancestors. Moreover, it enables her to channel Shatterpoint, though this requires concentration on her part rather than being an automatic process.

As with the magitech limbs she forged for Elpsis, it has a vulnerability to anti-Force measures and phenomena such as Ysalamiri. Unlike Elpsis' magitech limbs, it can be damaged by applications of Force Light, as is typical for creations of Sith alchemy.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan

Very cool, I love it! Howerver I found a problem:
  • The Anti-Force resistance; I cannot accept this. Your materials what you wrote, never provide any resistance against void stone, Ysalamiri or similar things. So in your case the Average means the None, and because of this, you cannot go under Average (just like in the case if your materials not provide you Force resistance, you cannot go under Average, for to gain points). We are more strict with these now, because many people tried to abuse it. So please replace the Anti-Force resistance with something else.
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