Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Criminal at Large...

Julianna Nero

Smuggler - Slicer - Scoundrel
[member="Rekha Kaarde"]

This is sooo true! The first RP I did with Kassey (ever!). So much fun!

[member="Jack Sparrow"]

Pirates with flexible morality? Yes please!

[member="Nick Gamastar"]

Thank you very much for the welcome!
Well if you have a thing for ships, or envision yourself among the Krath of Empress Teta, my character title should give an ample hint of where to find me - or either mentioned opportunities.

[member="Lisette Kuhn"] will probably be sulking around there too, if an honest man [member=Deagan Hunt] wishes to make a friend out of her.

Julianna Nero

Smuggler - Slicer - Scoundrel
There's a question I'm not sure I can answer, [member="Auro Sebastian"]. Seeing is how the most contact I've had with you is in a fight club..I don't believe that I've seen your strong attempts to *ahem* get a lady in the sack ;)


Does the loser have to wear a loser sack?

Cause if so, and he beat you, then he did get you in the sack.

I don't even know what I'm saying.

Julianna Nero

Smuggler - Slicer - Scoundrel that I sit here and think I'm not sure who won or lost...pretty sure I called it though cause I was getting beat up bad...

So...I wore the loser sack? :D

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