Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Crazy Ideas.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
^ I Did that before too heehehe...

My craziest were A: The Terror plot that worked on Alderaan, and B: My attempted killing of [member="Darth Vornskr"] during one of the Sith power changes... the second obviously didn't work.

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
Alexandra Cinthra said:
B: My attempted killing of Darth Vornskr during one of the Sith power changes... the second obviously didn't work.
I remember this, her and Balaya were punished by Kaine afterwards for weeks... with paddles

So far Sawa's has been facing off against a jedi master on Dac.... she got thrown through the city and itno the ocean but damn if it wasn't fun.
Fabula isn't much for zany schemes, but she is one for surprisingly dumb choices. Fighting a leviathan. Punch it bare-handed, no damage. Change tactics? Hell naw. Punch it again. Harder this time. Still not working. Punch it again, in the teeth this time.

Literally. She punched a leviathan three times without thinking about drawing her sword.

For Raz, her craziest scheme was probably forging a dead Sith Lord's will (who has been known to come back to life at the drop of a hat) and use a forged identity to secure a partner controlling shares in said Sith Lord's company, through fake reports, puppet investors, and other incredibly flimsy acts of larceny. And then, lo, said Sith Lord came back to life. Somehow she got away with it.
Well-Known Member
Darth Voracitos tried to leave the Emperor's seat vacant so the Dark Council could kill any challengers. We all know what happened after that :p

But by far his stupidest (and most recent) scheme, was turning in himself and a number of his colleague's into Mandalorain Custody. This was meant as a way as becoming a warrior slave caste for the planet they were on, and eventually sow dissention on it to cause rebellion, then Explode to cause distraction, drop his Girth of Gluttony and small fleet from Bosch to blockade the world and own it. Said world was Ziost. It failed. Miserably. Immediately the Mandalorians freaked out over his massive ship, which immediately made Voracitos freak out, and when all of them were captured, the Mando's smartly separated the few of us, and began torturing us for information. Mia Monroe even shot Voracitos' flesh golem in the knees and gut. Essentially it all fell apart before starting. Somehow Voracitos get's his ship back (containing his real spirit) and goes out to accomplish some carnage. He goes insane for a while and tries to unite the Sith under a common deity and pits "the best" in a death tournament that no one really won, except perhaps him for his amusement. Also around that time, he creates an illusionary goliath to destroy a Rodian population with the Heralds of Chaos.

Basically after that plot Voracitos went bat shit insane and needs a true form now before he literally tears his soul apart into tiny bits. Or alternative watch Ashin Varanin die so he could totally perma-die satisfied.


Once upon a time, a different incarnation of Karin Dorn pretended to be a journalist for a high end fashion magazine in a scheme to steal the teeth of a pretty woman because she kept losing her dentures.

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