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Coruscant Womprat Challenge & Bounty [EVERYONE!]

So! I recently accidentally released over 20 womprats from their holding cages in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant in this thread.

While that thread is closed to Jedi, I do want to offer a fun challenge to anyone who starts a thread on Coruscant, as I doubt that we'll be able to catch 'em all.

The Coruscant Jedi Temple laboratory womprats have escaped from their cages and from the temple! Help us find and return our beloved womprats.


1. In any thread, Private or Public, Faction or Open, that occurs on Coruscant you may post finding and capturing, then returning it to the Temple to claim your reward. Temple Womprats have been tagged and chipped for identification purposes, so we will know if you turning in a mere sewer womprat.

2. You must identify the tag number of the womprat in your post. A list will be kept below of missing and found womprats and the characters who have claimed their bounties.

3. Link me to the post in this thread. Maximum 3 womprat bounties can be collected per thread, but you can collect them in however many threads your heart desires. For every separate thread you may collect another custom tag. (If you want to see my custom tag creation abilities just take a look here. Most of those were created by me. I'm pretty awesome at it.)

4. Have fun! This is meant as a sort of side-game that you can add easily into any running thread. Be creative!


Test Subjects 1 - 5: Anti-Gravity. These womprats were being tested with miniature personal anti-grav devices strapped to them. Generally they float everywhere, unhindered by ...well, gravity, and can get into some pretty interesting places. An extra 20 credit reward if they're returned with the devices still intact and working. We should note these guys were the most mischievous of the lot and have been known to work in teams to cause all sorts of trouble.

Subject 1 - Missing
Subject 2 - Missing
Subject 3 - Missing
Subject 4 - Missing
Subject 5 - Missing

Test Subjects 6 - 10: Cloning. This batch tested some genetic engineering research from the cloners of Kamino. Subjects 7, 8, 9, and 10 are a clone of subject 6. They look exactly alike and each one has a strip of white fur down their back. Subject 6 was chosen for aptitude of intelligence and reasoning in running maze and puzzle testing. His subsequent clones are also highly intelligent, borderline sentient. They'll likely pose a challenge to track and catch.

Subject 6 - Missing
Subject 7 - Missing
Subject 8 - Missing
Subject 9 - Missing
Subject 10 - Missing

Test Subjects 11 - 15: Vaccine Testing. In an effort to formulate better vaccines to the galaxy's growing list of illnesses, these subjects have undergone immunity boosting experiements geared towards specific lines of viruses, meaning each subject is an active carrier to them. Extra caution should be taken when capturing them - a bite or scratch could easily cause infection. We urge anyone to seek medical attention from the Healers at the Temple if they suspect they may have been bitten by one of these subjects. The viruses are non-lethal and easily treated.

Subject 11 (Carrying Common Cold Virus: runny nose, sinus congestion, coughing, headache, minor fever) - Missing
Subject 12 (Carrying Lapis Lump Virus: uncontrollably itchy, spotty lumps appear on the skin) - Missing
Subject 13 (Carrying Spacer's Flu Virus: motion sickness, migraines, blurry vision) - Missing
Subject 14 (Carrying Gungan Fever: Skin turns green and develops boils, patient develops annoying dialect and lazy tongue) - Missing
Subject 15 (Carrying "Sithspit" Sickness: Patient suffers uncontrollable verbal outbursts of lunacy and aggression but never follows through. A crazy-eye or cross-eyed expression has been observed) - Missing

Test Subject 16: Food Testing. The largest of the entire stock, 16 is an enormously fat eating machine. His appetite is nigh insatiable and he has been observed eating anything and everything he can get his little hairy paws on, including the kitchen sink and all the plumbing. Handsoap and dish towel, too. - Missing

Test Subject 17: Spark Experiment: Implanted with several electrical diodes, subject 17's body has been turned into an electrical conduit. Some minor genetic engineering has been done to enrich 17's pelt to make it longer and fluffier. Easily identified by the near constant spark of electricity. Use caution and thick rubber gloves on approach - the charge build up in this guy can easily knock out a fully grown nerf. We've done the experiments and the results don't lie. - Missing.

Test Subject 18: Cloaking Experiment: Genetically altered with the addition of Hssiss DNA, this little womprat has the ability to very effectively cloak herself at will and become "invisible." She can still be detected on infrared, but to the naked eye it's very difficult to track her down. We keep a bright pink collar with a bell on her, but we're unsure if she's managed to slip it off [again...] - Missing

Test Subject 19: Force Void Experiment: Another genetic experiment, this one has been infused with the DNA structure of the Ysalamir. He creates an intermittent bubble of Force Void in a ten foot radius around him, it seems to activate during times of heightened emotions. He's the smallest and youngest womprat within the labs and is terribly timid but otherwise very friendly. Seems to warm up to children and females. Fearful of males. This fellow is a lab favorite and an extra 300 credits has been added to his bounty. It should be noted that this particular experiment's predecessors have experienced a significantly shortened life-span. None have lived longer than 6 months. - CLAIMED

Test Subject 20: "Big Buck": The oldest womprat of the labs, Buck was one of the first to receive genetic alterations to enhance his speed and strength. Simply put, he's a motherwomping gladiator. While not as big as Subject 16, he boasts incredible agility and muscle power. We've seen this guy bite straight through space freighter hull material. He's a bit edgy and dim-witted, but quick to anger. He's very territorial of his fellow womps and will likely be found near them. - Missing
Recent IC events on Coruscant have brought this little challenge back to my attention.

Obviously being that the Jedi Temple is destroyed and there is no place to turn these guys in at, there will no longer be IC rewards.


I am still willing to honor the OOC reward of a custom title for anyone who captures these guys ICly. Just tag me in the post or link me here. All of these guys with the exception of Subject 19 are up for grabs.


The Great and Powerful

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