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Cortana Jade, Jakku Jedi Enclave

Full NameChume'da Lady Cortana Jade Inkari Djo
FamilyHouse of Jade
AgeYoung Adult
Rank(s)Jedi Padawan
  • Jakku Jedi Enclave
  • New Jedi Order
    Galactic Alliance
Force SensitiveYes
Skin ColorFair
Eye ColorBlue
Height1.76 m
Weight58.9 KG



"Cortana, she's like a comet with a bit of stubborn
stardust sprinkled in. A mix of my wild determination
and her own unique spark, her essence is like
trying to capture lightning in a bottle. She's a cosmic
force all her own, and I know she'll light up our
galaxy in ways I never imagined possible."

― Romi Jade


Cortana Jade


Cortana Jade-Inkari is a Force-sensitive Hapan female Jedi Padawan of the New Jedi Order, a member of the House of Jade, and daughter of Romi Jade and Johannes Inkari. She was undoubtedly born into a universe brimming with dualities. Jade's life was a delicate dance between nobility and the Force. The stars aligned in a unique symphony on the planet Hapes, where she entered the galaxy as
Cortana Jade (child)
the child of the former Hapan Prince Johannes Inkari and Jedi Master Romi Jade. Yet, her journey of discovery and identity would prove to be far from ordinary.

Her arrival into the world was a celebration of unity between the regal lineage of Hapes and the mysticism of the Jedi Order. Born through surrogacy, she embodied a convergence of two worlds. From the moment her blue eyes opened, she was destined for greatness that would transcend her dual heritage.

Her early years were spent on Hapes, a planet known for its intricate politics and stunningly beautiful inhabittants. Raised as a future lady of the Hapan court, Cortana's days were filled with lessons on diplomacy, history, and etiquette. Her father, Prince Johannes, ensured she understood the intricate web of interstellar politics that awaited her. But beneath the surface, a different passion stirred within her. When her father abdicated the throne and entered dukeship on Lemmi VI, she and her family relocated.

From an early age, Cortana found herself captivated by her mother's legacy as a Jedi Master. Romi Jade's tales of courage, lightsaber duels, and the harmonious connection to the Force ignited a spark within Cortana's heart. The Jedi way beckoned to her like a distant star, and her
Cortana Jade & her mother, Romi Jade
dreams were filled with visions of wielding a lightsaber and mastering the Force. When she was about two-and-a-half years old, she had already demonstrated an ability to move objects with her mind from time to time. However, Romi would deny her this path initially, wanting a full and prosperous life for her daughter, that was away from the harsh and lonely realities of Jedi-hood. She would prevent Cortana from using her abilities, instead steering her towards the other half of her heritage in hopes she would one day ascend the throne of the Consortium; It was years before Romi loosened on the idea.

When Romi Jade reactivated her connection to the Jedi Order, Cortana's world underwent a seismic shift. Their family relocated to Coruscant, the heart of the galaxy, where Cortana's destiny would unfold. The bustling metropolis embraced her with its towering skyscrapers and bustling spaceports, a fitting backdrop for the journey that awaited her.

Despite being groomed for the royal path, Cortana found herself drawn to the Jedi Temple's hallowed halls. Under her mother's tutelage, she began partial foundational Jedi training in secret, balancing the expectations of the Hapan court with her burgeoning skills as a Force-sensitive. Days were spent learning diplomacy, nights were dedicated to mastering the Jedi basics, and her heart yearned for the balance she sought.

The delicate balance of her dual heritage posed challenges that shaped her resilience. Cortana's journey was punctuated by struggles to
Cortana's parents. Johannes Inkari & Romi Jade
reconcile the lessons of a lady with the discipline of a Jedi. Yet, through it all, she thrived. She had a tenacity that mirrored her mother's. When she was thirteen years old, Cortana petitioned her parents to begin formal Jedi training under her mother, whom had became increasingly more active in the Order once again. Under her mothers tutelage at the Jakku Jedi Enclave, Jade began to hone her talents further in the Force as a member of its first cohort in years, she became a promising student despite the intensity of Romi's program.

While preparing herself for the responsibilities of being a Jedi, Cortana's journey unfolded against the backdrop of an ever-changing galaxy. She navigated political intricacies, and found solace in her connection to the Force. Her dual legacies intertwined as she discovered that she could be both a Jedi and a future leader, an embodiment of her parents' strengths.

As she continues to carve her path through the stars, her legacy is a testament to the power of choice and determination. Born into the confluence of two worlds, she has embarked on a journey that'll one day blend her purposes, hoping to find her footing in the strength of the Jedi way.


"You've come a long way, Cortana," Romi's voice was gentle, a far cry from her earlier snarkiness. "I've pushed you hard, but it was because I knew you had it in you."

Cortana buried her face against Romi's shoulder, her emotions welling up within her. "I didn't want you to think I couldn't handle it. I wanted to prove myself."

― Romi Jade, to Cortana Jade

In the vast canvas of the galaxy, Cortana Jade stands as a striking embodiment of her lineage's strengths, carefully cultivated through dedicated training and enriched by a diverse heritage. As a descendant of the Jade family, she has inherited their naturally strong life-force and physical energy, enabling her to survive and endure much more than your average athletic human, while likewise able to recover from injuries and exhaustion with much better efficiency in shorter periods of time. General abled-bodiedness, and good stamina reserves are natural highlights in her genetic code. She also has good memory retention skills.

As a teenager, Jade received training under the tutelage of her formidable mother, Romi Jade, where she was trained in the ways of the Jedi, including intensive physical conditioning, and how to construct and use a lightsaber. Romi Jade's reputation for running an incredibly demanding training program has left an indelible mark on Cortana. Endurance, strength, agility—these are the hallmarks of her physical prowess. A student of The Jedi Practicum & 25 Chambers, a grueling regimen her mother designed, has begun to help mold Cortana into a force to be reckoned with, enhancing her combat abilities and empowering her to withstand the rigors of Jedi-ship.

Under the watchful eye of her Jedi Master mother at the Jakku Jedi Enclave, Cortana has been immersed in the intricacies of foundational lightsaber combat. From being enamored, to holding her own saber herself. She has been taught that her blade is an extension of her will, a dancing force of nature that reflects the fierce determination of her Jedi lineage. She had gotten to a place of exceptional skilled with the use of a normal lightsaber but had always been draw to the double-bladed lightsaber; she's learning. In combat, Jade is an agile fighter who utilized acrobatics to both evade her opponents and quickly strike them down.

Time spent with her grandmother, an ex-intelligence agent, has afforded Cortana a brief and unique glimpse into the world of shadows and secrets. While Jedi training might have taught her to embrace the light, her grandmother's indirect lessons on subtlety, deception, and gathering information through various means have added a layer of depth to her capabilities. Cortana's already keen intellect has been made into a weapon that complements her lightsaber and Force skills, allowing her to navigate treacherous waters and emerge unscathed. Trying to figure out and understand her detached and jaded grandmother, she has become adept at lying and reading people and situations. It has enhanced her ability to think on her feet: finding creative solutions to unexpected challenges, quickly assessing situations, and identifying patterns.


"She is strong in the Force, like her mother..."
― Zark San Tekka

As the daughter of Romi Jade, one of their generation's most powerful Jedi, Cortana was incredibly strong in the Force. Born as an heir to the Jade bloodline through her mother, her connection was like a luminous tapestry interwoven with threads of strength, and seemingly limitless potential. Even as a child, she exhibited talent with the Force, instinctively using it to power abilities like telekinesis. Her powers would continue to grow with her.

A defining trait of the House of Jade bloodline was their propensity for having extraordinary psychic strength, clarity and mental defenses, traits for which some members have garnered some renown for. Thus, she has a natural inclination towards psionics, as they come the easiest to her. However her heritage has endowed her with a weakness against the seductive pull of the dark side. Despite her strong Jedi lineage and the principles she's learned to embrace, her family's curse is the susceptibility to the shadows that could ensnare, as majority of those within her lineage struggled with the dark side in some capacity.

Throughout her youth, she's always had an affinity for foresight. They started as and still come as dreams, and strong bouts of déjà vu. As she got older, her premonitory power grew through touch, and she's learning to exercise and control the power.


+ Physical & Mental Resilience: From her heritage and through the intensive training program she endured from an early age, she has exceptional physical endurance, allowing her to withstand both mental and physical challenges with unyielding resolve.

+/- Force Potency: As the descendant of Avar Kriss and Romi Jade, the latter one of her generation's most renown and powerful Jedi, Jade has incredibly strong potential in the Force...that comes with pros & cons

- Anesthetic Allergy: While allergic reactions to anesthetics are rare, some medications and substances in anesthetics and used during anesthesia and surgery have a higher risk of allergic reaction than others. She has a familial history of dealing with this allergy.

- Astigmatism & Night blindness: Her astigmatism since birth has always caused an assortment of symptoms (i.e blurred or distorted vision, eyestrain or discomfort, headaches, squinting). Also, Hapans naturally struggled with night blindness. Because of the perpetual daylight of Hapes and other planets in the Cluster due to the density of stars in the region, they had lost all ability to see in the dark as a race, and were nearly blind even in dim lighting.

- Spiritual Balance: Her family has seemingly been cursed, as majority of those within the line struggled with the dark side in some capacity. Dating back to the High Republic Era, Avar Kriss struggled with her own inner darkness in her quest to deal with the Nihil and in her pursuit of the marauder Lourna Dee, and her mother, Romi Jade also struggled with the dark side, having her own fear and insecurities brought to the forefront and exacerbated by Sith Poison. While so far all known members of the clan who fell to the dark side returned to the light and redeemed themselves. This is a fear of hers...


In a galaxy where identity is as diverse as the stars themselves, CJ's attire stands as a visual testament to her unique blend of heritage, skill, and personal flair. Rooted in a fusion of Jedi tradition and contemporary combat functionality, her chosen garb reflects both her Jedi training under her mother and other distinct influences from elsewhere.

Cortana's olive-brown, black-brown, and sometimes white-brown combat attire is a practical yet striking choice that marries her Jedi training with her aptitude for physical prowess. Crafted from a resilient and flexible fabric, the attire hugs her form, allowing unrestricted movement while providing ample protection. The olive-brown hue blends seamlessly with various terrains, enabling her to traverse environments with ease.

Accentuating the olive-brown canvas are intricate gold trimmings. These flourishes catch the light, adding a somewhat regal aura to her combat attire. The gold details shimmer subtly, reminiscent of the Hapan court's opulent elegance.

Drawing inspiration from the traditional Jedi robes, Cortana's attire sometimes consists of a tight and flexible full-body suit that mirrors the flowing lines of a Jedi robe. The silhouette echoes the time-honored Jedi aesthetic while optimizing mobility. The color scheme, reminiscent of earthy tones, maintains a sense of connection to the natural world around her. And, when she's not in a body suit, Jade wears a variety of bandeau tops and sleeveless tanks of varying lengths over fitted and sleek combat pants.

Occasionally, she can be seen in a tan/beige tunic reaching mid-thigh with wrist-length sleeves that crosses close in front similar to generic Jedi outer tunics, and the beige/tan pants lighter in color than the tunic to go with it.

Her attire is a careful balance between practicality and aesthetics. A utility belt holds her lightsaber hilt, tools, and small essentials while maintaining a sleek profile. The attire's design enables fluid movement in combat, allowing Cortana to harness her lightsaber and manipulate the Force with grace and precision.


Johannes Inkari & Romi Jade

"Mom's my North Star when I'm lost in space, she's the force that guides me through my own galactic journey. It's like having my own personal guardian angel. I'm channeling her strength and I'm chasing her legacy, with my heart set on making her proud."

"Dad's my space captain, steering the ship of our family with his wisdom and warmth. Whether he's wearing a crown or fixing a hyperdrive, he's the one who encourages my dreams and shows me that having my toes in the sand is just as important as ruling any kingdom. He'll always be the king of my heart."

― Cortana Jade


"For a quarter of a standard century, the Jade family has
had a role in galactic affairs of all kinds."​
― Unknown​

The House of Jade is a Force-sensitive Human bloodline whose first known member was High Republic Era Jedi Master Avar Kriss. With strong familial ties to organizations like the Jedi Order and Hapan Royal House, the clan likely contributed members to both the Old and New Jedi Orders and likely the ranks of Sith Lords. The House of Jade rose to prominence on a galactic scale starting in 852 ABY, and several upon several generations later has remained prominent in galactic affairs, having impact or a part in major historical events for the next 50 years.


"He was looking at Romi Jade, one of the most infamous or
famous Jedi in the galaxy depending on who you asked."​
― Ador Horn​

Born around 262 BBY, during the time of the High Republic, Avar Kriss was taken into the Jedi Order as a child, brought to the Jedi Temple on the Republic capital world of Coruscant. As a Padawan she developed a strong connection with fellow trainees Stellan Gios and Elzar Mann. During her time as a Jedi, Kriss worked within the frontier of the galaxy; she accomplished many great deeds in her career. During their time as Padawans, Kriss and Mann had an intimate relationship that Kriss later grew out of; Gios was also said to be involved in the intimate side of the friendship as well. It was speculated that Kriss may have returned to one of these previous relationships, conceiving a child with either Mann or Gios, birthing what would become the House of Jade.

Several thousand years later, Loudomi "Lou" Jade, a Hapan Force-sensitive descendant of Kriss was born. She had a challenging upbringing that shaped her into jaded and cynical person later in life, but her intelligence and resourcefulness caught the attention of Republic and Galactic Alliance intelligence agents, leading to her recruitment as an undercover operative. During a covert mission on Corellia, she crossed paths with a shipyards worker. Their intense but volatile relationship provided temporary solace from the harsh realities of her life as an intelligence agent. However, out of spite, she refused to give their child her husbands last name. This child would be known as Romi Jade. Though, despite the rough start to her life, Romi went on to become a legendary Jedi Master and celebrated hero in her own right.

Romi married Johannes Inkari, Ducha to House Inkari, and the former Chume'da to the Hapes Consortium. Their daughter, Cortana, was born soon thereafter. Cortana, having inherited the raw strength of the Jade family bloodline through her mother, decided to pursue the path of the Jedi as well.


Romi Jade Mother
Johannes Inkari Father
Loudomi "Lou" Jade Grandmother
Joza Perl Joza Perl Grandmother (adoptive)
Kaleleon Kaleleon Like a big brother/cousin...
Auteme Auteme Godmother
Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill Godfather
Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Uncle
Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor Uncle
Valery Noble Valery Noble Aunt

Comic Appearances:

Romi Jade & The Golden Sun

House of Jade: X-Factor #1



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