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Corellian Promises - CC & SJO [Diplomacy Thread: Nubia/Hosnian Prime]

"In your absence our intelligence has indicated that several large pirate groups have either increased activity or downright settled down in various border systems with the most prominent being between the Hosnian and Nubia systems".

Veiere's gaze lifted from his datapad, and though he had the notion to speak, his peers seemed to speak his mind for him. It was curious to say the least, that Corellian intelligence was taking such a vested interest in Silver Space to begin with, let alone bringing these quiet accusations to the table in that the Silvers weren't able to keep their own people safe anymore.

"By my understanding of the situation, pirate activity has increased in the mentioned systems, and we may be dealing with Force wielding ones as well. Feel free to point out if I've missed anything important" [member="Josh Dragonsflame"]'s words were quick and to the point which caused Veiere to nod in affirmation of his understanding, soon placing the datapad to the table surface and leaving his hands fall to his lap, fingers lacing as he looked upon their guests thoughtfully.

As it stood, there didn't seem much need to speak, if only to reiterate his colleagues doubts. The reported piracy would be looked into and it'd be dealt with swiftly if proven to be as severe as [member="Lisza Starseeker"] suggested, yet it wasn't something that seemed at all out of their control and ability to handle themselves; thus the interruption of trade seemed to be the case for their meeting today, he could only assume. He'd be proven partially incorrect of course, though it seemed the likely reasonable assumption from his perspective.

Silver Jedi Order: [member="Aida Aquila"] | [member="Josh Dragonsflame"] | [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] | [member=Veiere Arenais].
Corellian Confederation: [member="Straid Priest"] | [member="Aeneis Valdemar"] | [member="Lisza Starseeker"] | [member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Kian Karr"].
Things took an interesting turn, Lisza talked about pirates coming in and causing trouble in the Nubia system and issues that were caused to the Corellian Confederacy. It was an aggressive stance stating that The Silver Jedi weren't looking after the people in their care. Especially since they were fighting the UCM to protect their people from Mandalorian attacks. Crossing his arms, Yuroic leaned back in his chair and shook his head, this was not good news but where could the pirates come from? That was important question, as well as figuring out this dark Jedi angle with it as well. Listening, he could hear that the other members of the Assembly weren't happy with the way the CC were coming across to them.

"Do we know where these pirates came from? Why are they picking on your trade routes and not our own?" Yuroic asked as he leaned back, stroking his beard slowly. "Could they come from Corellia? Pirates was a popular occupation on Corellia, was it not?" He figured it would make sense that the pirates were just Corellians not happy with the positive changes that the CC were making. "Thank you for bringing this to our attention, we will have to talk with the Nubian people and deal with the pirates ourselves. Curious to why this is being brought to our attention now, why didn't you come to us when the attacks started?" Yuroic asked politely as he looked at the CC.

[member="Lisza Starseeker"] [member="Veiere Arenais"] [member="Aida Aquila"] [member="Josh Dragonsflame"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Kian Karr"] [member="Straid Priest"] [member="Aeneis Valdemar"]

Yuroic Xeraic said:
"Could they come from Corellia? Pirates was a popular occupation on Corellia, was it not?"
This made Lisza shoot the man a hurt look. Over the thousands of years of Corellian history many of the Galaxy's most infamous smugglers were born from the streets of the Core World. Over time this had brought it the reputation of being some lawless land where freedom was encouraged to the point of turning to a life of smuggling...But smugglers wouldn't be needed if there weren't laws in place. The fact that since the Gulag Plague ravaged the Galaxy people thought they Corellians would preferably and popularly stoop to piracy was downright insulting, but she quickly regained her composure, but did choose to address this misinformation.

"A true honorable Corellian would never turn to Piracy, let alone would it be a popular profession of our world. We can be a gruff, rambunctious, and freedom loving people, but we aren't such a hive of scum and villainy that pirates would be a proud export of our world."

Of course this had riled them up. Any group bent on defending a territory would be if they were told they were failing in their role by an outsider, but she felt that particular jab had been uncalled for. But Dragonsflame had said something that quite literally summed up why they were they were there to begin with but she waited until the Silver's delegation quieted down before speaking again.

Josh Dragonsflame said:
It is not as if we can operate in the system without their input after all"
Her rectangular pupils fell on the large Jedi Master and gave him a sympathetic look.

"The Silver Jedi's inability to operate in the systems as need be, that very reactionary stance, is how we have arrived at this troublesome place to begin with," she started, her eyes becoming sad. "But we also understand that war can be draining on a people." She turned to Aida now.

"I should have been clearer earlier," she said, "My colleagues are other entrepreneurs and people in the shipbuilding industries of Nubia. My family has a lot of connections to the shipbuilders of the Corellian Sector...Many of which have been heavily affected by these pirates, mostly in their deals with Corellia herself." She took a look around the table, making sure to make eye contact with everyone involved.

"While we are sorry to be the bearer of such terrible news, it is not our intention to make you look like you have been failing or neglecting your people. On the contrary, we come to you with a potential solution." She nodded to [member="Straid Priest"] before continuing, "We are prepared to offer you aid in your efforts both against the Mandalorians and future threats. It is our belief that helping our neighbors secure their borders and expanding their influence only helps the Corellians as well."

"Spreading the light in these trying times as the Sith begins to mobilize on a scale that hasn't been seen since their war with the Republic and Mandalorians is of the utmost importance. We'd also extend the courtesy of moving into the Nubia and Hosnian system and handling these pirates ourselves, allowing you to not alter any plans or cause inconvenience. With the Nubia system under our watchful eye the Corellian Trade Spine and Corellian Run will see prosperity like we haven't seen in a hundred years and we feel a closer connection to the worlds of the old Corellian Sector will only be a boon to the Silver Jedi and the Galaxy in their war against the Dark Forces of the Sith."

And that was it, she'd dropped the bomb. Now she hoped her own Jedi would back her in this. She knew Straid Priest did, as did most of the military which was she was here in the first place.

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Veiere Arenais"] [member="Aida Aquila"] [member="Josh Dragonsflame"]
[member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Kian Karr"] [member="Straid Priest"] [member="Aeneis Valdemar"] [member="Romi Jade"]
If pirates were common on Coreillia, moreso than most worlds -- than Yuroic wasn't wrong on that front. He found it funny as well that the representative took offense to the remark when just before they were accusing them of being poor, negligent defenders of their worlds. But Josh didn't say anything on that front. He continued to listen as the representative fired back at Yuroic and then addressed his own point.

And then came the show of what they wanted.


He understood now. He understood completely why they were here. An amused smile hid just how disappointed he was. An alliance would be beneficial, certainly, but they didn't know much about the CC, and they weren't exactly known for their prowess in a capacity that would benefit the Silver Jedi Order's quest of defense all that much. And to him, it seemed less like they actually cared about defending those worlds... And more like they sought to take advantage of the pirates attacking those worlds for their own gain.

And then the smile faded as his expression took that of his disposition -- all business.

"I have a question. Or well, a few questions. If those in this room will oblige my curiosity" He brought up, before looking to the Jedi [member="Coren Starchaser"] and [member="Kian Karr"] at that moment. Two Jedi he very much respected. "You two support this, yes? My question is... If this pirate thing was this important to them, I know that for sure with you two at the front lines... This pirate issue would not have reached the point that we would be having this meeting, or for this... Offer, to be given. Am I correct, or am I mistaken? You two are wholly capable of leading a force, should the CC have the power to take these pirates down, and taking them out. I know you are, you two are amongst some of this galaxy's best."

His expression turned quizzical. "So if I'm correct on that juncture... Why -are- we having this meeting?"

He turned then to his associates on the Silver Assembly.

"Next question. If this was such a huge thing, when did this start? Why didn't the Nubian government go to us before going to the CC-Excuse my use of acronyms, but I'm going to be here all day if I use the whole names every time-and why weren't we already on this? Did any of you know about this? We are long established as Nubia's defenders should they need us, and they know this. If they don't, then perhaps a diplomatic mission might be something for the pipe. If they don't trust us, then it would be good to find out why and make amends."

He then turned to [member="Lisza Starseeker"] and her assembly.

"So to review. There are pirates attacking the planets, which we just found out about, and you want us to pull our defences out and void our agreements with the planet's government in favour of your own so that you might rout the pirates and ply your trade there. In exchange for potential aid against threats. That is your reason for being here, yes?" He asked. "While I will give opportunity to my colleagues to give an opinion before we make a real decision... In my view, If you care about the planet's defense as much as you say... Then help us with routing these pirates instead of standing idly by. We are wholly willing to deal with them now that we know of their existence. But the quicker it's done, the sooner the planets may return to prosperity and you seem to be of the mind that you want it done quickly."

Seem was the keyword here.

"As far as talks of alliance for dealing with threats outside of your pirates... If you wish to aid us, that is your prerogative. Threats such as the Mandalorian Empire and The Sith Empire will be at your door eventually regardless of whether you act or not. But I see no benefit to the planets that we defend to weaken their defences in order to potentially strengthen our front line. Especially when said replacement defense has not acted until now, when the situation benefits them and their trade. If you want to defend the planets... Defend the planets with us if you actually care about them. We have a large network of defense, as I said now that we know of the pirates' existence... We are wholly willing to put a stop to them.

My final question is... If we refuse your offer, are you intending to just leave those planets to the pirates, despite the apparent massive threat they are to those worlds that you claim to care about?"

Josh was generally a very lighthearted man. He was, effectively, the longstanding humour bringer, mood lightener and jokester of the Silver Assembly. But when something like this comes along, his disposition betrayed just how long he had been in this game and how old of a hand he really was. And how unwilling he was to let egos or desires get in the way of the people's safety. That was the upmost important thing here, and that was what Josh would stubbornly stick to focusing on no matter what was put in front of them. He had spent his entire life fighting for that security for these people across the galaxy. He had made sacrifices, and the walking stick that was his only means of real movement right now was a symbol of that sacrifice. And he would not hear anything except what most benefited the things that sacrifice had been for.

SJO: [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] - [member="Veiere Arenais"] - [member="Aida Aquila"]
CC: [member="Lisza Starseeker"] - [member="Coren Starchaser"] - [member="Kian Karr"] - [member="Straid Priest"] - [member="Romi Jade"] - [member="Aeneis Valdemar"]
She'd slipped in after the others, and initial pleasantries were exchanged...taking whatever seat that was free; crossing her legs and propping her head up with her fist made her comfortable for the moment. She actually loathed diplomatic talks...but they'd become some what of a norm for her sense she was an advisor to Lisza and her temporary leadership roles within the Corellian Jedi -- though that was all slowly shifting for her, and this was a step in that direction.

Really Lisza could handle herself...and she had a more diverse group of representatives with her this time around, so Romi planned to stay silent unless there was a need for her to interject.

Letting the Assembly and Corellian leadership do their thing...was going to be her thing.


[member="Yuroic Xeraic"] | [member="Veiere Arenais"] | [member="Aida Aquila"] | [member="Josh Dragonsflame"]

[member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Straid Priest"] | [member="Aeneis Valdemar"] | [member="Lisza Starseeker"]
"While I will give opportunity to my colleagues to give an opinion before we make a real decision...".
Veiere listened as [member="Josh Dragonsflame"] continued to speak, though appreciative for having made clear his want to hear more from his colleagues as this gave himself the moment to voice his opinion regardless of whether or not he'd only be repeating what had already been suggested from the Silver Assembly side of the table. Veiere wasn't the sort of person to speak solely for the sake of hearing his own voice; if something didn't need to be aired, then he'd have been happy to remain a silent party in the affair...-Yet there were obvious concerns that his peers had also picked up upon, and rather than extending a friendly piece of information between mutual parties, the Correllians had instead sought to vest their own interest in the Nubian System, rather than expressing what might have otherwise felt like genuine concern for the state of the Order of the Silver Jedi. To put it simply, Veiere couldn't help but view this is an exchange meant to capitalize off of criminal activity, regardless of whether they were directly responsible or not.

"We do not directly govern the World's under our influence, they retain their own leadership and government structure while looking to us when presented with an issue that they cannot deal with of their own accord" Veiere explained, speaking directly to [member="Lisza Starseeker"] in case this had not already been made apparent; "And as of yet..." he gestured to his datapad that sat atop the table before him, "We've received no such word that they're in need of assistance...-However, we aren't going to sit idle and wait for them to reach out now that you have informed us of these issues. Something we are grateful for" he inclined his head in a casual bow and gesture of acknowledgement and gratitude.

"I personally do not feel it wise nor prudent however to rescind our support of the Nubian System..." He spoke honestly, "The Silver Naval Forces are significantly larger than most other political powers, today. We can and will deliver our support to the Nubians and I am confident that we can do so in a larger capacity than what others might be able to provide them in their current political and military climate" Veiere leaned forward, resting his elbows upon the table, lacing his fingers together as he looked to the Corellian party.

"It would be irresponsible of us to compromise their possible defense and security, by stepping away in exchange for any government far more recently come into power than our own. Whether it concerns yourselves or any other. Political influence and military strength takes time and a good deal of credits to bring together. The Silver Jedi have done their time, gained more than enough influence and numbers to enable them to fulfill their role", were in Commenor asking in place of the Corellians, Veiere's advice would have been the same. The exchange was an unnecessary risk for the Nubians, especially whilst in a compromising position such as what they were being informed about.

"Why would the Nubian's agree to risk their security for a political power dwarfed by our own. Why would we consider it, when we've sworn to help protect them?" he asked those across the table, "We're talking about millions of lives here, and while there may be a problem that needs to be dealt with, I do not see why they need to be put at risk for the sake of your trade".

Silver Jedi Order: [member="Aida Aquila"] | [member="Josh Dragonsflame"] | [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] | @Veiere Arenais.
Corellian Confederation: [member="Straid Priest"] | [member="Aeneis Valdemar"] | [member="Lisza Starseeker"] | [member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Kian Karr"].
Watching around him, Yuroic could see that the others of the Assembly members were not happy with what was being said and the offer proposed by the Corellian Confederacy. It was a fair point, the Silver Jedi Order, didn't know about this, they hadn't heard from Nubia or the surrounding systems about pirates and the Corellians seemed to be pushing that the pirates would never have come from their space. Which was a strange angle to push, since it wasn't a massive leap to get to that position. "I was not talking about honourable Corellians, the less than honourable ones would very likely become pirates, you must know this, setting aside your bias to Corellia. Pirates were not from Silver Jedi worlds, we have been fighting them in new worlds coming into company. So, the fact we have pirates entering our territory is troublesome. However, as my colleagues have mentioned we can deal with the situation ourselves, removing the pirate threat and increasing security around that area."

"At the current moment, your offer is a promise in exchange for actual solid territory, what happens if your people cannot defend Nubia down the line because you become overstretched? We aren't even formal allies yet and you are asking for something very big from us and trust when we have little interaction between us as two groups." Yuroic explained their awkward stance as he could feel that Veiere and Josh were happy to end the discussions from what they are saying, however, Yuroic was keen to see if the Corellian Confederacy either offer something more solid or if they were just seeking a lot from the SJO and only offering to help when it was convenient to them. Yuroic leaned back and inhaled deeply, looking around, this meeting was not going how he expected it but he was curious to see where it would lead in the end.

[member="Veiere Arenais"] [member="Lisza Starseeker"] [member="Josh Dragonsflame"] [member="Straid Priest"] [member="Aida Aquila"] [member="Kian Karr"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Aeneis Valdemar"] [member="Romi Jade"]
This was going about as well as she suspected it would. Corellians by nature were extremely independent and saw handling their own problems as what any sensible Corellian would do. So when her military officials had determined unsurprisingly that they should invade and blockade Nubia to capture these pirates she knew there was little she could do to stop them. What she could do was attempt to smooth things over before, during, and after it happened. She might have held the title of Diktat but the second wind that had brought this new era of Corellian hyper militarism was still blowing far too strong for her to do anything about in any real capacity.

She sighed.

Dragonsflame was the hottest of them all. He seemed to be attempting to push a conflict, basically daring her to make a move or her military adviser to say something else inflammatory. Damn pirates. Bad relations with the Silver Sanctum were the last thing she wanted to deal with on her plate. WIth the growing Core Imperial Confederation and the new Corporate Protectorate in the Core things were starting to get dire. Corellia didn't need enemies on all sides.

“You misunderstand Master Dragonsflame. We haven’t waited for the levies to break, and I assure you, though the Green Jedi aren’t a government peace keeping force, their aid has been instrumental in pushing back these pirates. We’ve had theories about the locations of many of these pirates but have only just recently confirmed them ourselves. The only reason we’re having this meeting now is because I convinced Military High Command to not move in guns blazing as soon as we received the information.”

“It isn’t that we aren’t capable of defeating these pirates ourselves, but due to their believed home base of sorts being near or in the Nubia system itself we wanted to come to you before we levied a task force into your space. Despite this being almost entirely an issue of the Corellian Sector, we’ve come for your blessing before we move on with our own designs.”

Yuroic Xeraic said:
"At the current moment, your offer is a promise in exchange for actual solid territory, what happens if your people cannot defend Nubia down the line because you become overstretched?
"Corellians always look after their own." She answered Yuroic matter of factly, "I must say its not like Jedi to hold onto worlds they don't govern as if they were chess pieces on the board." She looked around the table. "You keep speaking as if these pirates are a hypothetical despite evidence to the contrary. These businesses and our own economy are taking a hit while you wish to deliberate. That may not be your intent but that is the result. I'm guessing you'd simply want us to wait on the shining light of the Silver Order?"

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Veiere Arenais"] [member="Romi Jade"] [member="Josh Dragonsflame"] [member="Aida Aquila"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Kian Karr"] [member="Straid Priest"]
Shaking his head, he was quite disappointed that Lisza was completely missing his point. She was getting defensive which, from what he could tell was a fair reaction to how Josh was behaving. He was being more hotheaded in this situation but Lisza seemed to be saying that her people were going to enter SJO space whether or not they handed over Nubia to the Corellians. This was a big issue that Yuroic found, while he wasn't happy with the way talks were going, if the Corellians entered SJO with any military force, then the Silvers would have to respond. Which was an event that Yuroic was not predicting since he thought they could have been allies.

"You ignore us. We have said that all the evidence for these pirates are your words. They haven't attacked any Silver Jedi worlds yet you claim they are in Silver Jedi space, which makes things odd. We just want to investigate this for ourselves and it will be dealt with internally. There is no need for you to send in your own forces. The Silver Jedi are very capable in handling with pirates, we have done it numerous times. I am not holding onto Nubia as a chess piece, I am simply stating that we have the larger army and have been around for many more years than your faction. We can offer Nubia more stability than you can at the moment. However, if you think you can offer Nubian people something we can't, please tell us what that would be? Because the Silver Jedi Order look after their own as well. We did so for Umbara, we will do so for Nubia."

Yuroic leaned back in his seat, sighing, he was speaking boldly. His tone was calm but firm. He needed them to understand that handing over Nubia was not a simple matter, especially when the SJO were larger and better equipped to handle trivial issues like pirates. If they could defeat Mandalorians in combat and take over Azure and Taanab, why couldn't they look after the Nubians from simple pirates. "Lives can be lost if we act without thinking. These are our people, we want to do the best we can for them. So, allowing us to investigate the area and deal with pirates if we find any, would be most appreciated. However, if you cannot wait and decide that you must attack then know. If we find any Corellian military force within our space, we will retaliate with the full force of the Silver Jedi Order. That much is undeniable. We hope to deal with this peacefully but you are pushing us into a position we refuse to be pushed into. I hope you understand that, we want to look into the matter ourselves first and deal with them ourselves. I fear these talks are at an impasse, if you wish to leave, then we understand. I am truly sad that we could not come to an agreement."

[member="Lisza Starseeker"] [member="Veiere Arenais"] [member="Josh Dragonsflame"] [member="Aida Aquila"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Kian Karr"] [member="Romi Jade"] [member="Straid Priest"]
Failing to hear any answers to the questions he had posed the Corellian party, Veiere sighed under his breath and resigned himself to lean back into his seat as [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] spoke in-line with the thoughts that had crossed Veiere's mind at the notion of of their troops moving in on Silver Space uninvited. Crossing into their borders with military force would've been an unacceptable risk given the attitude that was being offered here today; Veiere had thought that perhaps the terms that both parties were on, were far more positive than what was being displayed on offer at the desire to take from the Order's occupied worlds.

No one liked to think of Nubia as a chess piece, but even so, Jedi or not, there were more than just Jedi personnel within the Order of the Silver Jedi and on almost every world that they had vowed to protect, there remained assets as well as important influence that was reciprocated by the individual governments of every nation in exchange for the Silver Jedi's protection. To make demands that the Silver Jedi simply disregard a world of millions of people, as well as ignore the contracts and political accord between the Nubians and the Order, well it was frankly ridiculous. No matter how self-righteous one thought themselves to be upon the political stage.

Veiere's gaze shifted across the table to that of [member="Romi Jade"] and [member="Coren Starchaser"]; the notion of hostility between the Silver Jedi and the Corellian Confederation was the last thing the Jedi Master had expected to find on the table of discussion, and yet there were boundaries and lines that ought not be crossed without due consent and justification. His two friends would likely recognize the glint in his eye to be that of concern for their side of the table, the Confederacy being at a great disadvantage were things to reach that point. The worst possible scenario, and not one that the Silver Jedi Order would force upon them were the shoe on the other foot.

As far as Veiere was concerned, he'd already voiced his concerns and obvious disapproval of the Corellian's 'methods of negotiation'. Rather than add to the souring discussion, Veiere's attention turned away from their guests and instead returned to that of his datapad as he began to look over the roster of present Jedi Mentors and Padawan that might be available to take on an urgent and improvised mission to Nubia. At the very least, a delegation from the Order would show their desire to see this supposed issue dealt with, providing that there was indeed sufficient evidence. Thus far, the Corellians had only given their word and failed to prove anything of the sort. Veiere didn't feel like repeating himself in pointing out that the Nubian's hadn't contacted the Silver Jedi as would usually be the case, and like it or not, the Corellians lack of security and inability to keep themselves safe from piracy wasn't the fault of the Silver Jedi.

Any potential risk to the Nubians would be handled by the Order, as would be the case for any other world within Silver Space.

Silver Jedi Order: [member="Aida Aquila"] | [member="Josh Dragonsflame"] | [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] | [member=Veiere Arenais].
Corellian Confederation: [member="Straid Priest"] | [member="Aeneis Valdemar"] | [member="Lisza Starseeker"] | [member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Kian Karr"].
Honestly, Josh was a little surprised when Veiere, and then Yuroic, didn't bother to sugarcoat the fact that SJO had a superior military and capabilities to defend the planet compared to their counterparts, and his hardened expression faltered a moment as he open-mouthed glanced toward the former King of Commenor and the Jedi Master that had followed his lead. He was surprised, yet... He didn't really mind, either. Josh had wanted to not seem arrogant, or like they were insulting their guests even if their guests had done everything in their power to insult and undermine them in turn. But his associates had dove right in. Something that Josh realized though, was that as much as he loathed to say it... This was a political discussion now. The Coreillian lady had made it as such. There was nothing that Josh or anyone else here could have done to stop it, it was inevitable to be one the minute she made it clear what she wanted.

So he accepted it. Josh understood that he was a peacekeeper, not a politician. His time with the Republic had been just that -- a long time ago. This was Veiere's wheelhouse, the world of politics, and if he felt that making things like this clear was the way to go, then Josh would respect that with his experience. Josh nodded his head slightly, acknowledging that he could be better at politics, so this was something he could take notes from. It was a learning experience, he conceded.

But the woman's response caused his stony exterior to drift away fully into a sigh. Treating the planet like it was a piece on a chessboard? It was kind of funny she was saying that, when... Well, it was obvious, wasn't it? Josh was plenty patient, and while he had been blunt and matter of fact when necessary in this meeting, he had retained his calm and kept from getting exasperated from the ridiculousness of this whole thing. But now it was starting to wear on him, he could admit to that. That last statement did it.

Veiere and Yuroic echoed some of his thoughts, so he felt no need to voice them. Though they did bring up a point he hadn't thought of. Their having their military presence unsupervised and unwarranted in their space was indeed a problem. Again, Josh wasn't a politician, so he hadn't thought of that being a problem... But now that he thought it over... He got it.

Another learning experience.

Josh let out a calm exhale, his expression slowly transitioning into a sad smile, trying to give some measure of a friendly face, but knowing full well that things were just well... Kind of sad now, honestly. He already knew what they wanted and what they were doing, but just to be sure...

"To put some focus on the most important matter at hand..." He trailed off. "You clearly care about the planet, as far as I can see anyway. If stopping these pirates is your goal - and my colleagues can dispute this if they wish - why not send in a formal request to assist, and after some review, perhaps we'll be able to work together to deal with this problem? The lives of the people there are my upmost concern right now, and if they are yours, then let's deal with this pirate thing. We can have a team sent out within the day or so, probably. Easy peasey."

Technically he had said this already, but the other stuff about wanting the planet for themselves didn't matter to him, when they had presented no evidence that the SJO withdrawing their protections in favour of them would benefit the planet and its people whatsoever. So he wanted to focus on that.

The question was if they wanted to.

SJO: [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] - [member="Veiere Arenais"] - [member="Aida Aquila"]
CC: [member="Lisza Starseeker"] - [member="Coren Starchaser"] - [member="Kian Karr"] - [member="Straid Priest"] - [member="Romi Jade"] - [member="Aeneis Valdemar"]
An absolute disaster on the side of Corellia. The only think they seemed to be able to come to an agreement after several hours of deliberation was that there could be no compromise. She didn't know what would come of this, though she had felt some anger in her limited access to the Force. She knew the military would have a field day with this.

"Lisza's too soft"

"She thinks like a Jedi"

She could hear them now, laughing at her. But she had tried, and there wasn't much else to to about it than say that she'd tried. Though that wasn't much either, because now if relations between the Corellians and Silver Jedi and their held space, because as much as they tried to deny it, they did solidly hold their space within their good intentioned but iron grasp, the blame would solidly fall on her shoulders even if it was the military that had put her up to this.

The good thing was they didn't need to prepare for war, the bad news was she might have irreparably damaged Corellia's relationship with another Galactic Power that seemed to have its best interest at heart. As her and the other Corellians boarded their shuttles and headed back to space she wondered if she'd ever be back to Kashyyyk for positive talks...

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