Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Corellia | Brokellia - Chaos Lore Challenge Discussion

Hello folks,

Finally decided to sub what happened to Corellia.

I know there has been a wealth of information, and while I can be known as the SWChaos wookieepedia, I need help with some of the history and locations if you have been part of it.

I specifically need some blurbs by...

@Julius Sedaire
Leader of the Corellian League | Corellian Green Jedi Enclave

And i do believe also...[member="Sor-Jan Xantha"]

Anyone else who has more info would be appreciated! Thanks.
Well done to you for taking on this project. Mad Respect.

Kira is Corellian, even if she's been on the run from that fact ever since her family were all killed during the breaking. So, this makes me happy to see what you are doing and obliged to keep up the positive motivation.
Haha. The intent is to mainly sub what happened with netherworld and its status now. While the competition is for location, the only reference I had was the planet template as it it-- well a planet.

I'm trying to do the big things in regards for locations at Corellia to link if there are any. The only ones I know are the ones during netherworld, after and a bit from the Corellian league.
Unfortunately the planet submission will not be counted towards the Codex Lore Challenge as planets were not included in the competition outline and I have already denied planet locations for the competition itself.

However I highly encourage you to follow through with the submission as it would be really great to have Brokellia submitted to the Codex for people to reference the changes and evolution of the planet itself.
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

Sadly, all of my stuff is focused on the Corellian System but not the planet itself. I went back through all my threads and actually haven't ever RP'd visiting Corellia (and I arrived post-Netherworld to the board). If this was Drall, I'd have a bunch for you.

[member="Lorna Halcyon"] has several Corellia-based roleplays though, if my memory is correct. [member="Matsu Ike"], would you have anything to add so far as locations or history of Corellia post-Netherworld?
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

Now we're in business!

So on Drall we have the Corellia Digital Building, which is the main corporate office of Corellia Digital while also housing the main R & D Lab (basement and sub-basement) and a condominium style apartment for visiting VIPs.

There have been 3 threads exploring this location:
The Communicator was the first, hosting formal contract and acquisition talks between Corellia Digital and the SSC over the XJ9 HoloLink
Do You Want To Build A Hologame? invited a PC to Corellia Digital to play-test a new product
Bring The Noise SJ participates in the Corellia Skirmish from the Corellia Digital Building

Also, while used largely for background noise, The Communicator and a few other threads discuss that Talus and Tralus are the location of Corellia Digital's main production facilities, with Justice Shipping ([member="James Justice"]) picking up any deliveries at Centerpoint Station.

Is any of that information relevant or useful to you?

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