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Approved Planet Cordialis

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I will start by saying sorry to the Codex judge who takes this up. This is a long submission and there may be parts that have not been completely finished in the editing department, I have gone over this as many times as I could while it was in the Word document but my mind is well and truly fried of this.

Please take as long as you need to read this, at something akin to an enjoyable rate rather than rushed. I knew coming in that this would take a long time getting through.

You may notice the size change in some of the text later on in the submission, this was not intentional! I went through a few edits trying to remove them and nothing has worked so I have resigned that as it was.

Name: Cordialis

Region: Unknown
System: Lon System
Suns: 1: Setler Type F (Giant)

Orbital Position: Approximately 10 AU from Sol
Moons: None
System Features: Three other planets, asteroid field
Herald, Ark, Keeper, Boundary

Small planet within 10 AU of the star, has no life. First light to been seen from Cordialis before nightfall. It was first discovered by the Nissimus

Sister planet of Cordialis, about 27 AU from the star, native life has not grown beyond microscopic stage.

Gas Giant at 40 AU from the star, often catches asteroids from Boundary before they reach Cordialis or Ark

Coordinates: In the hex left of Sabarene, practically right on the edge of the left side of the galaxy
Rotational Period: 2 days approx. (47.56 hours)
Orbital Period: 5476 days approx. (30 standard years)

Class: Terrestrial
Diameter: 25,512 km (2x Earth)
Atmosphere: Type 1
Climate: Temperate with multiple different regoins
Gravity: Twice Standard
Primary Terrain: Grasslands, Oceans, Tundra, Mountains, Forests, Other Earth Terrains

Native Species: Nissimus, Kaipo, Maelstroms, Pec-situs, Gratia
Immigrated Species: Humans, Twi’leks, Gran, majority of other alien races
Primary Languages: Basic
Government: The Nissimus leadership is based on a Socialist government, while the Kaipo are based around a Monarchy type government.

Population: 30 billion total approx..
15 billion Nissimus
10 billion Kaipo
5 billion of nonnatives
< 500 thousand Gratia

Grim Haunt: 16.5 billion (offworlders, Nissimus, and some Kaipo, Gratia)
Angel Haven: 10.8 billion (offworlders Nissimus, and majorly Kaipo)
Voln’s Domain: 2 billion Kaipo
0.7 billion are spread elsewhere over the world

Demonym: Cordian

Major Imports: High-end technology (Repulsorlifts, starships, reactors, etc…)

Major Exports: Teachings, Valuable materials (Bronzium, Alumabronze, Quadranium), Knowledge, Niche technology

Alumabronze 47%
Found in large pockets near the surface of the planet

Bronzium 29%
Small veins found mostly in mountains in the North (Attempts at mining have been difficult and slow due to the presence of hostile creatures)

Quadranium 5%
Almost depleted veins under the plateau, few have been allowed to him in this area due to its sacredness to the Kaipo

Teachings and Knowledge: 7%
Mostly history of the planet and lesser technological secrets

Niche technology: 12%
In the form of smaller pieces of tech such as flight suits and other minor atmospheric flight craft

[SIZE=11pt]Affiliation: None[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Major Locations:[/SIZE]

Grim Haunt

Grim Haunt is the largest city of the Nissimus. It is considered the capital of the planet, as the Nissimus are more open to the outsiders. This city was built early in Nissimus culture. It is located south of the Kaipo Restricted Lands. It is now a bustling metropolis that houses the only sanctioned spaceport on the planet as well as the largest library on the planet. It is the probably the most well-known city onto offworlders. Grim Haunts is also quite notorious for its criminal element. Some of the greatest leaders within the city are also part of some criminal group or other. Most tourists are suggested to avoid wandering the streets at night in most areas of the city.

In the beginning the city was little more than a number of huts for warmth during the nights. There were less than a hundred Nissimus at this time and they were hunters and gatherers. The Nissimus spent more time gathering resources than building up the village. As time went on they harvested enough resources to spend time on construction. At the time, the culture hadn’t learned how to properly manage compartmentalization of jobs; as such they would all work on one job at a time. The Nissimus would then work on the buildings, which now began to appear more like the proper buildings.

The first real step towards the culture it is today was when they learned to separate different people to accomplish different tasks. They would have some people hunt, some would gather, and yet others would continue work on the village. This allowed more work to be accomplished over a standard year than their original way. At the offset they had the jobs cycled through, making people work in a given job for a certain amount of time. Some people liked certain jobs and they became better at them, this led to certain people making a full lifelong career out of a job. This allowed for the people working on building to become more experience which aided in the creation of new designs.

As time went on, some of the builders became more abstract in their thinking. They would make designs that couldn’t work with the materials they had access to, but were ideal for more durable or flexible materials. Some of these would even leave building behind and focus on the abstract in general, looking at different aspects of life and seeing where something else could be in play. These would later become the scientists that would lead the Nissimus into the future. The builders took advice from their more abstract brothers and sisters and soon buildings were being made more efficiently. Over the next local year, the abstracts led the Nissimus into collecting different resources. The people figured out how to mind for more useful resources and how to conserve their use. It wasn’t long until concrete buildings were the main structures.

At this time a split happened within the Nissimus. A number of the people came to a disagreement and found that some of them didn’t see eye to eye. The end result was that a third of the town’s population left to start their own colony. This action caused progress within the town to grind to a halt. Suddenly it seemed every job was undermanned and everyone was overworked. It wasn’t until some of the jobs were removed from rotation that work began to be accomplished without burning people to the ground.

It wasn’t until two local years later that work began again. Almost immediately the city’s work exceeded the previous years by near triple. The city was expanded considerably, even though two more population splits occurred in this time. It was soon after this that the Nissimus met the Kaipo. Some of the city’s population had been sent out as watchers of these new people. Meanwhile, the city continued to be built upon.

As a local year passed, the city grew wider and taller. The inhabitants had suffered a civil war, and a conflict with the Kaipo. They had also begun making advancements towards scientific goals. They had basic rifles and were beginning to have working turrets. These first turrets were placed towards the center of the city, so that the most important parts were protected. At the time, the center of the city had the library, a laboratory, a military production facility, and an academy.

The Nissimus would later be wracked by more wars, both civil and otherwise, and the city would take much damage. The city was never completely destroyed, but it didn’t expand out. It only grew taller and more heavily defended. For two local years, the city was battered and rebuilt over and over again. Each time the city became stronger.

Then came the Empire, they took over the city and added their own tech to the region. Most of the city was devastated by a Rebel attack on the city. After the Imperial and Rebel retreat, the city began reconstruction. The Nissimus spent more time rebuilding, trying to perfect their buildings and to defenses. The city finished reconstruction five standard years ago and has been only kept up to date.

[SIZE=11pt]Since then, due to an increase of crime, the city has become overrun with criminals of one sort or another. The majority of the infrastructure is controlled by at least five or six crime groups. Even so, the criminals on this world are numerous.[/SIZE]

The Library of Ancients
The Library of Ancients is the largest library on planet and, arguably, the most extensive place of knowledge in the galaxy. Due to the fact that Cordialis was isolated after the Galactic Civil War and possible because of the Kaipo’s natural immunity to the Gulag virus, the Gulag Plague never completely devastated the planet. A large number of Nissimus died, however the Kaipo kept all records safe. As such, the historical records were almost entirely intact when the plague at last subsided.

[SIZE=11pt]The Library is open for any person to visit, though certain material is restricted to certain users. The Library is made up of solely computer based files and there are multiple backups in case of damage to the mainframe. The actual central computing system is restricted to only leaders and maintenance crews. These are monitored continuously at all times. Such is the preciousness of knowledge to the Nissimus. Even the criminals who have control in the area do not attempt to sabotage the library.[/SIZE]

Angel Haven
Angel Haven is the largest Kaipo city. Unlike Grim Haunt, this city is not the original location of the species homes. Instead, Angel Haven was built in the new home of the Kaipo. This city is based up in the mountains of another continent. It is the second largest city on Cordialis but is significantly far behind technologically. The city is also far safer than Grim Haunt and is considered a preferred tourist destination. Even so, it is suggested that offworlders do not go outside during the evening and mourning hours, as these are the hours that the Kaipo leave and come home.

Angel Haven’s origins lie in the exile of the Kaipo from the continent that they had originated. They and the Nissimus both came from the same continent; however the Nissimus were technologically superior and took control fairly early on. After a particular war they were forced to leave the continent as part of the peace agreements. The first city constructed on the new continent would later become Angel Haven.

As usual with the Kaipo, it was built high up in the mountain regions of the new land. Unlike their original home, these mountains were free of the dangers of Maelstroms, which lived in the Kaipo mountain regions. The Kaipo also built it into a better defendable position. Previous cities were built on the sides of mountains facing out onto flat lands, so that there would be lovely views. This city was built in between two mountains so that enemies would have to come in via two entrances or open themselves up to attack from below by flying above the mountains.

Also unlike Grim Haunt, Angel Haven was not attacked directly at any point in their history. This was probably due to the fact that the Nissimus saw no strategic value in destroying a technologically inferior city. When the Empire arrived they found the Kaipo to be aggressive enough to use as warriors, but they were also too independent and condescending towards outsiders. The Imperial efforts were focused on the Nissimus, while the Rebels worked with the Kaipo. The Rebels were never allowed to enter the city. The Rebels attacked the Empire before the Empire could respond and their battles were mostly held over Grim Haunt, saving Angel Haven from the possible damage it could have suffered.
[SIZE=11pt]At this time, Angel Haven is built with residential areas almost entirely. There is a single building for the Leader and all the rest is devoted to the population. Unlike the Nissimus, the Kaipo have spent less time focusing on technological gain and instead focused on life and the enjoyment of such. The city is often called beautiful by outsiders, the midday sunlight is bounced around on certain metallic buildings until it lights up the large fountain that is in the center and bottom of the city. The light causes the fountain to evaporate slightly as well as makes the light refract and shine around the area brightly[/SIZE]

Voln's Domain
Voln’s Domain is another Kaipo city. This one is set in the same mountain range that their original city was located. This city was built in honor of the Voln and the first great leader of the Kaipo: Largon. The city was built without much defense capabilities because it had little in the way of strategic value. In fact, the city is hardly of any value as it has no natural resources, beyond plant life and stone, and its position is only good in that it is so far away from anywhere else.

The city was built after the negotiations with the Nissimus after the MisWar. The Kaipo had been trying to prove themselves an important part of the world around them. They turned to their past accomplishments and the greatest feat their species had done was the killing of Maelstroms. None had done this as greatly as Largon the first great leader of the Kaipo. To the leaders at the time the Voln had been a perfect example, having made the difficult decision to make the strong ruler over the weak.

The city was built by the Voln, intended solely for the Voln. As such other species and the Ukus and Trus are not welcome there. If an outsider does come for some reason or another, the Voln will not do anything to make them leave. They will however be incredibly displeased and they will tend to shun the person or persons. If the person continues to stay or makes any obvious plans for a prolonged visit, the Voln will request that the person be respectful of the atmosphere. The person may stay, however he or she must stay out of the way of the Voln. If the person makes a nuisance of himself then the Voln will request that he leaves. Any further response will be based upon the person’s willingness to listen and obey.

Within the city, on the fourth day of every week, the Voln take an hour of silence. In this time, they all remember the early years of the Kaipo. Specifically they try to envision what it was like being fought back into the mountains and losing ground and friends every day. From this they then imagine Largon coming to the rescue leading them all to victory against the Nissimus.

The Ancestor
The Ancestor is the name of an older city that has been left in ruins on the continent that the Kaipo now mainly inhabit. The reason for this neither the Kaipo nor the Nissimus have been able to discover whose city it is and thus they do not wish to disturb the grounds. It has been sealed off as archeological ground. No one is allowed access to the land unless they have direct and reviewed permission from the Nissimus and Kaipo leaders.

Little is known about the city’s history other than that which was collected before the city was closed off. There were a number of informational journals collected, though the language is unknown and there is no other language to compare it to. There are some images that were collected, most of which had a strange species on them which has thus far baffled researchers. It seems to point towards a third sentient species on Cordialis, however aside from this one city there is no other proof of such.

There is a theory that it was an ancient species that was eradicated before the Nissimus had sent any expeditions to search the continent. This is possible as the Nissimus didn’t send any people across the oceans until after the Imperial Relocation; the Kaipo had been there much longer. Another theory is that the city comes from a species that was the originator of both the Nissimus and the Kaipo and that the species had disappeared once both the other species were sufficiently evolved. This theory is generally frowned upon by both species as they do not believe in a common ancestor. A third theory is that the city is of an ancient race of offworlders, a theory supported by the belief that at some point the Rakata visited the world. Of course, that theory is near impossible to prove or disprove, though the art style used in this city is not consistent to normal Rakata preferences, making it unlikely.

[SIZE=11pt]Once a standard year, the Nissimus and Kaipo send a single expedition into the city. They are only allowed to collect artifacts that are sufficiently sturdy not to be damaged by the travel. Anything of interest that can’t be moved is photographed for analysis and may be studied further on the next expedition.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Abyssal Demise[/SIZE]
Abyssal Demise is an underwater trench that goes about fifteen miles below the surface. It was given such a dramatic name after one of the Nissimus’ battleships sank there and so far they have been unable to collect it. The trench is about 2300 miles long and at its widest point 50 miles. The trench has not been fully explored, but it is a favorite location for fictional novels to have sea monsters or other horrors. The trench was formed after the tectonic plates moved away from each other. The bottom of the trench is beyond all light but there is life down there in the form of creatures that live off of the heat vents and bacteria.

[SIZE=11pt]The Abyssal Demise is important to people of Cordialis as there are artifacts that have been found along the edge. Popular belief is that a civilization once resided on an island that was located where the trench is and that there was a cataclysmic event that caused the whole island to sink into the ocean, becoming the Abyssal Demise. This belief is not supported by Nissimus scientists and historians in any way. The professional group tend to lean towards a theory of another species either having had a city underwater or a city located on the water and that it sank at some point. If the former it probably sank due to the tectonic shift, if the latter likely from an accident of some sort. All these theories have as of yet been unproven and are just conjecture.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Restricted Lands[/SIZE]
The Restricted Lands is a plateau located North of Grim Haunt. It is about a hundred miles across, fifty miles wide, and 10000 feet tall. It is the burial place of Karpoth, the second great leader of the Kaipo. The land is restricted and had been designated as holy ground. No person is supposed to travel on that land.

The plateau was the location of the first time the Kaipo sighted a Nissimus city. At the time of Karpoth’s burial, the Kaipo had not yet found the Nissimus city south of the plateau. It wasn’t until Porthom’s reign that the Kaipo would discover the city. The whole plateau was not originally supposed to be sacred ground. The Kaipo at the time had only set aside a square mile of land and only mourners could enter. As time went on however, the Kaipo tried to secure their history as much as possible, hoping that other species would take them seriously. The whole plateau was made sacred and no one was allowed to enter.

[SIZE=11pt]Even so, there are a number of travelers and other people that live on the land. They are normally people who didn’t want to live in the cities. If these people are seen by Kaipo they are generally picked up and taken to Grim Haunt. Further legal action would be taken against the person, either having an offworlder deported or a local being imprisoned for a set amount of time.[/SIZE]


The culture of this planet is practically divided in half; on one side are the Kaipo, and on the other there is the Nissimus and nonnatives. Then there is the tiny third portion, Gratia.


The Kaipo tend to prefer to be left alone, enjoying peace amongst themselves. They are a people who have stayed as one through the centuries, a few exceptions aside, and have become quite strong for it. Their people are led by single ruler, who must prove himself to be the most powerful of his people in order to maintain control. They believe that a person must work to solve their own problems in order to grow; relying on another person to fix your mistakes is a weakness in their eyes.
War is a painful process to think of for the Kaipo, having had a very bad experience losing their home in war. They enjoy play fights and friendly duels, but they detest real combat and war. They will try to avoid real conflict as much as possible, but when they are forced to fight they do so with their whole being. They do not stand for half accomplishments.

Kaipo enjoy flying for fun. Their favorite part of flying is looking at the ground and seeing how small everything is. To them this shows how everything that is done on the ground by anyone is so small as to be insignificant. With the recent revelation about planets, galaxies, and the universe, their thoughts are even more present on the incomprehensibly small quandaries of life that so affect all life.

The Kaipo tend to believe that life is finite because all living matter understands the importance of life and death. They see that things that don’t die, rock, metal, etc. aren’t willing to die and therefore are lesser than organic matter. They believe that this inferiority is why those materials are only capable of servitude to organic matter. This concept, along with their short life spans, allows them to accept death more readily than the Nissimus. They see that people who are unwilling to die are naïve and are doomed to painful deaths. They believe that, while painful deaths can happen to any person, a person who does not accept death is dooming themselves to death being painful.

The Force is a novelty to them, only one species on their planet has the capability to use it safely. Due to their origin, being related to humans at some point, and the sheer millennia they have lived and evolved on the planet the Kaipo have had their ability within the Force almost entirely. They have not seen a Force sensitive in their number for centuries.


Nissimus are more open to outsiders and are quick to accept new ideas. They are a science oriented culture that believes that every problem may be solved through some scientific means. They welcome others because they believe that the more people you have working on one problem will make a solution apparent sooner than otherwise. They believe that it is best to work as a group, correcting mistakes and problems as a group so that weaknesses are balanced by strengths. The Nissimus are led by a group of scientists who maintain control and pass their command to a chosen successor upon death. The common people are expected to share everything without expecting any payment. In fact, there is no proper economy within the Nissimus because everything is shared as best as possible.

For the Nissimus war is a saddening fact of life. For them war is an answer that they use far too often in an attempt to rectify some wrongdoing. Their culture has been wracked with many civil wars that have never solved many of the culture’s problems. Most of the problems are caused by the traditions that the people cling to. They often say they are their own people, working towards the future, however the general populace holds to many of the traditions of their ancestors.

The Nissimus find particular enjoyment in science, particularly scientific advancements. They believe that because they are good at making scientific advancements they must then proceed with what they are good at. For them science is a natural progression and they wish to follow it to its end. The species seems naturally inclined towards advancement technologically and they have placed this as their foremost goal. They enjoy using their new technology as well; in fact, their flightsuits are one of the largest tourist attractions on planet. The Nissimus believe in sharing what they have learned with those that are intelligent enough to understand it.

The Nissimus live for about ten local years, as such they are used to living for a long time. Further they believe that life can become longer and longer until at last one lives forever after being born. They believe that if they can reach that point of infinite life that they will be ready for the next step into eternal life, becoming beings that are ascendant above all other life through technological advancement. They believe that, while it is unlikely they will ever see the results of the work there are trying to accomplish, they are making a better world for their children.

Like the Kaipo they have had their ability within the Force almost completely repressed, however as with the Kaipo if taken off planet their abilities will return to what they naturally would be. They think the Force is a danger, from what they have seen of the Gratia the Force has caused them much heartache in the recent years. They believe that the Force is not natural.


The Gratia are a somewhat unique species that are the only natural Force users on the planet. They are a small group, their ability to reproduce was severely hampered by DNA manipulation by the Rakata. Thus, children are a rare thing in their species.

Because of their extreme fragility, the Gratia have come to detest physical warfare. They now see the most refined form of combat to be oral or mental battles. In their society to physically harm someone is to have sunk lower than an animal and the person is shunned until they truly repent of their actions. Because they were isolated from the rest of the planet by mountains surrounding the valley, their society has largely had little outside influence. They have had no physical wars among themselves, or with another species.

They find personal pleasure in exploring the stars, not physically, but instead they look at them and imagine what else there is out there. They in some ways fear the species that come from the stars, for their ancestors were tortured and killed by the Rakata when the Gratia proved too independent. Yet at the same time they view it with wonder, the massive metal beasts that come from the sky.

They are a largely animistic culture, they don’t necessarily worship the things around them, but they show a deep respect. Part of this is a response to the Rakata showing nothing respect and taking anything they wanted without care for what was harmed in so doing.

The Gratia are led by what they call the Guide. This is a single person who is shown by the Force, they do not call it that, to be their leader. The Force is very much a part of their lives, as they do not accomplish much physical labor with their incredibly meek bodies. They rely heavily on this unseen force that allows them to survive where otherwise they would not.

[SIZE=11pt]The Gratia are unique on the planet, their bodies have developed a mutation within the midi-clorians that have allowed them to maintain a proper connection with the Force even through the alien element that envelopes the planet. In recent years this has led to a problem though, the Maelstrom have become very aggressive to the use of Force, making the Gratia live in great danger every day of their life. The only thing that keeps them relatively safe is the fact that they live within a mountain range on the continent that does not have Maelstroms, so their use of the Force is only endangered truly by the crystals. They have only just begun to try and phase out the use of the Force, but they are having difficulty due to their fragility.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Because of their fragility, they rely on the Force to support their body in moving about. Their species originally had grown to be strong enough on planet, however after the experimentation they were made weaker. Their internal systems retained enough strength to continue to function in the gravity of the planet, however they could not hold up much more. It is possible that on other planets with a less sever gravity they may be able to survive with ease, however unless that planet has little to no gravity it is unlikely that they will be able to move around without the help of the Force.[/SIZE]


Has not reached the point of creating their ships for star travel, they are quite good at atmospheric travel. They have a limited starship numberfrom what was given to them a long time ago.

The Kaipo are in a rut technologically, they were able to reach the point where they built swords and other such but stopped there. They seem to be capable of learning how to use more advanced tech but they don’t seem to care to make it themselves. They have in the past captured Nissimus weapons and ships and used them sufficiently well that they do pose a threat with greater tech when they get their hands on it. They aren’t concerned about advancing in such a way.

The Nissimus on the other hand are very scientific advancement orientated. They almost have this need to try and become more and more advanced. They have built flightsuits, flying battleships, projectile weaponry, holographic communication, and early space travel in the form of rockets, though these never stay off the planet for more than a day. They have been advancing in this way since their beginning, always trying to find some way of creating more efficient devices to carry out any job. They have also become adept at building structures in the intense gravity of Cordialis. They are the only species who have accomplished constructing buildings greater than two stories, going so far as to build skyscrapers in many of their cities.

Gratia are even further behind technologically. They have been unable to advance beyond simplistic spears and the occasional stone arrow. They instead rely heavily upon their Force abilities to accomplish the jobs that would require more technology. Beyond that they are still living in villages and generally do not attempt expansion.


Before any organic life truly began on the planet, the star Setler was a free star floating in deep space outside the galaxy. Sometime hundreds of thousands of years before the Rakata even began their empire, the star was pulled by the stronger gravity of the galaxy into its outer most reaches. Here Setler began collecting planets, however it had one before entering the system, Herald has been its constant companion. Cordialis was one of the later planets to be taken in. It also brought with it a strange stony element that is not found anywhere else in the galaxy.

Cordialis’ history is mostly covered from the Nissimus perspective because they have been the major collectors of history on planet. They also have spent much more time making advances of some sort or another which has allowed their history to be more easily categorized than that of the Kaipo. The Nissimus had begun writing down their history early on and kept rewriting their history on new mediums. Also, the Nissimus have had more wars occur within their own society, further they are also the species that had more experience with offworlders. However there are parts of history that even the Nissimus have missed. Such as their beginning.

The first organic beings on planet were Rakata during the Infinite Empire. They found this planet to be truly interesting, their Force abilities were suppressed, but not completely. They found that they simply had to exert and focus themselves more than elsewhere. It was only on the planet that this occurred, though they guessed that whatever it was that was causing this was also in the whole system, but it appeared to be most concentrated on planet.

During their reign the Rakata experimented in the Force, trying to bend the sentient life around them to their will through the Force, they found it quite difficult with the effects on the planet. Their end goal was to allow themselves to live forever, however they wanted to have servants and slaves that could live forever before they tested the techniques on themselves. The Kaipo and Nissimus were created from human slaves that were brought with them, whereas the Gratia resulted from the manipulation of a species that had only just begun to appear on the planet, the true natives of Cordialis. Their experiments had a side effect on all of the species, because the Rakata were working with the Force in a way that had not been completely explored at this time they did not realize that their experiments caused the three species to slow in their ability to evolve.

The Nissimus’ predecessors were manipulated through the Force, their minds becoming stronger and their bodies becoming less hardy. At the same time their life expectancy was increased considerably. However, the Rakata had been trying to create long lasting servants; they failed as no matter what they did the Nissimus were not capable of living more than 7, at very best, local years.

Meanwhile, the Kaipo began appearing when the Rakata tried to create a more suitable slave species for their environment. The result was a being with lesser mental capability and more physical strength. This however took a slight toll on the life span, reducing it to about fifty-six standard years.

The Gratia though. They were very different. The Rakata believed that the species was native to the planet and that because of the fact that had evolved here. They all seemed capable of using the Force, without the difficulty that the Rakata had. These people also appeared to have a natural inclination towards Force manipulation. The Rakata found that they could change the Gratia much more easily than the humans that they brought with them. Their experiments were incredibly effective, giving the Gratia an an incredibly long life, but the species became incredibly fragile. So fragile in fact that even the softest of touches had the ability to bruise them.

However both of nonnative species had a single truly interesting factor, for reasons that the Rakata did not fully understand, while the Kaipo or Nissimus were on Cordialis they were for all intents and purposes Force blind. They ruled out the possibility of the planet being the cause, the Rakata could still use the Force, but there were later theories of the planet’s location in relationship to the star and sister planet as well as the heavy Force laden experiments that some sort of reaction had occurred in their body, midiclorians were not produced while breathing the atmosphere, of this world. They found it interesting that as soon as one was taken off planet the body began accumulating midiclorians, occasionally enough to make the creature Force sensitive but not every time, it seems just as random with every other species. They further guessed that it was therefore possible that some of the Kaipo or Nissimus could be Force sensitive but never know it because they were on the planet. It would be later that the Rakata perfected this search for extended life and Force powers in another species, the Gratia.

This is where the history of the Nissimus is truly most empty. The Gratia, a race of near humans of blue skin with prominent skull structures that allowed for a slightly larger than human brain. It is believed that they alone are the native species of the planet Cordialis. They were the species most prevalent in Rakata experimentation. They were the only ones on planet to have been given an incredibly long life. The Rakata learned too late of the downside to this gift, the bodies of the Gratia became incredibly fragile, not taking much to bruise and not being capable of strengthening itself beyond any considerable measure. Further they found that their creations also were Force sensitive, every single one of their species was born with the ability to use the Force. What made it more interesting was that they were able to use it through whatever it was that was stopping the other species. Even when they were off planet they were able to use the Force. Also it appeared that the experimentation caused the Gratia’s ability to reproduce to become almost completely absent. Children are rare and the parents will die within ten standard years after the child is born. The Rakata feared the Gratia’s strange reaction and began exterminating them. Only a single colony survived, and only because they escaped to another continent. In this way they promised themselves life, but doomed them to be in historical darkness for the rest of the planet’s time. Only in recent years has the small colony been rediscovered.

For many years after this, there was a large portion of time where the Kaipo and Nissimus were little more than tribal communities who fought among themselves and no true society emerged. The Gratia in the meantime simply became a relatively pacifistic group, partly due to their fragility, those that lived in the colony were so afraid of an outside threat that they worked mostly together for the next thousands of years.

The first record of history on Cordialis is of the construction of a village for the Nissimus. This village would later become the largest city on planet, Grim Haunt. However, at the time it was a small village with less than a hundred people. Up until now the Nissimus had been nomadic, traveling over the continent a number of times. They chose an area of land with a forest nearby and a high plateau above and far from the oceans.

During this time the Kaipo were also making their dwellings, up on mountains far north of the Nissimus village. Their own dwellings were naturally occurring caves that faced away from the mountain range onto tundra and an ocean. Their life was much more difficult than the Nissimus, they had to fly down the mountain in order to hunt and gather food and there was always the threat of a Maelstrom. None the less, the Kaipo learned quickly how to enjoy life; they would often have playful duels and would fly over the tundra as a group. The Kaipo stayed nearer to their home for the security of the caves which were too small for the massive Maelstroms and gave great protection from the blizzards that often struck.

The Nissimus’ first technological discovery was a natural one, using stones to help in the sowing and harvesting of crops. This helped make life easier as they could then focus food collecting efforts closer to the village. This allowed them to spend more time at home or in the field. Food became easier to come by and more work was accomplished on the village. At the same time some of the Nissimus were working on discovering scientific explanation for their days and the weather. They wouldn’t fully comprehend these until a much later time.

The Kaipo had a short burst of technological advancement using stones easy to find in the area for swords and spears to make it easier to hunt. It was only a short time before they figured how to use fire and stone to clean metals in the caves for similar uses. At first they used metal like they originally had used stones, throwing them or dropping them, using them in duels and other such.

Due to the lack of metal in the area that the Nissimus had chosen they were slower in learning how to use metal. When they did though, it was to produce more effective farming implements or gathering tools. All this time they continued with research into the sciences, trying to discover ways of flying. Their goal was to touch the stars. They were beautiful things to the Nissimus that were to be reached so that all may behold their beauty. At the time the exact thought was that stars were small glass life orbs of life and light that were held by the heavenly beings.

As time went on, the Nissimus began to discover strange things in life around them. It had been about three local years since they had first built their village and there were some that theorized that there were small microscopic things that made up everything around them. At the time these theories were not given much credence as there was no physical proof at the time. Another theory that began at this time was that the celestial bodies were actually incredibly large and that because they were so far away it appeared that they were tiny. This idea was not fully accepted by the population, however a number of the more educated found this to be an interesting possibility and completely plausible.

The Kaipo in the meantime had still been living much the same way they had been for the past years. The advances they had made were all to make what they did more efficient. They became refined their abilities as hunters and gatherers. They also had to dig into the cave more to allow for more housing for an increasing population. They had enjoyed relative peace, having only small squabbles among themselves. Their greatest threat at this time was the Maelstrom, which were still too large and intimidating for the Kaipo.

The Nissimus made a thought discovery of splitting what jobs people would work becoming their sole job; this allowed those who were more science oriented to become better at it. Within weeks of this system being put into effect though, some of the farmers grew weary of not being welcomed into the scientific talks. This would lead to the first split within their culture. Almost a third of the population left to make their own city. For a few months the people in the village struggled to readjust their lives. They stopped production of houses as suddenly there was plenty of extra housing for new families.
While the Nissimus in the first city redesigned how they would work, the other Nissimus made a journey about ten miles to the east of the village. They built a small town near a river so that they could take advantage of a close water source, a forest between them and the other towns, and a large plain in front of them. This town would find hunting and farming easier due to a combination of open plains and close forests.

Both towns quickly grew in population in response to the sudden loss. Following this was the advent of the first rifles. The Nissimus in the first town after the split were fearful of an attack so they worked on making their weaponry more powerful an effective from larger distances. They had found that their primitive bows and arrows, while effective, were lacking. They turned to the newly discovered powder that they had found to be very efficient at starting fires. The mixture was explosively flammable and until recently they had only used it for starting larger fires because it worked quickly and caused heat quickly. The weapons that came from this launched small pellets of metal at high velocity. The projectiles could punch through most protection that was used at the time.

At this time their population was so large that they decided to begin exploration into new areas. One of their interests was the plateau above them and the mountains in the far distance. They first sent teams up onto the plateau hoping that the large plains atop would serve as good homes and a sentry position. The first few searches proved that this was a fairly safe area, though the forest nearby caused the sight to be more difficult in the direction that they knew their awry comrades had gone. Further, the sky wasn’t close enough for them. They decided to send their searches further, the mountains seemed a perfect place to view the heavens.

The Nissimus were surprised when they found that other beings lived there. They were strange creatures, appearing to be like them but with majestic wings. Those beings seemed to be more primitive and didn’t notice the explorers as they returned to their city. The explorers tried to avoid being seen, as they weren’t sure how they should respond to this new discovery. They found that their leaders were equally uncertain. Thus a decision was made to watch and learn more of these strange creatures.

The first outpost was made for the specific purpose of watching the Kaipo. This first structure was built with the intention of being unseen and observing alone. They wanted to avoid interaction until they could be certain of how their quarry would react to talks. Unfortunately, they were living too far away from the cave, in fact they didn’t even realize it existed, to learn anything beyond the Kaipo hunting habits. They also did not count on the Kaipo being very aware of their surroundings.

The Kaipo had known that there was a strange place at the base of the mountain. It was difficult to see but they could tell it was there from the beginning. It was an oddity to them, it stood out from its surroundings if only because they knew the area like no other. They were afraid that it was some sort of omen or sign from powers beyond their understanding, that they had angered them. They dared not go near it or accept its presence in the hope that it would disappear.

It was the Nissimus that would later engage communication attempts once they had more outposts in the area. Their first attempt was by sending up a newly discovered use for their powder. They had made a small projectile launcher that instead of firing solid metal pellets it would send a ball of flammable substance into the air. They named it a flare as when it hit the ground it wouldn’t ignite the ground so it was temporary. Their specific ones would appear a light blue that could bathe an entire outpost in light. They used this at night, attempting to gain the Kaipo attention, not knowing that they were already being observed.

The Kaipo took this as some sort of good sign, blue was the color of the sky and sea, which were both good things that gave life. However, they wanted to confirm this idea so they waited and watched every night. It was an entire week before they finally made an acknowledgement to these signals. They sent a group of Kaipo hunters, two Voln and an Ukus. What they found was a marvel of the world that they didn’t fully understand. There were strange beings that appeared to be like them, but shorter and without wings. These people tended to carry weird sticks, holding them shortways for no apparent reason. Also they had an odd contraction on their roof that moved when a lever was pulled or pushed when inside. The people were generally open and welcoming, though neither side understood the other.

The Nissimus were overjoyed when at last their flares were answered. They had been afraid that the Kaipo were not noticing the flares or worse were frightened by them. In fact now that the Kaipo knew that these beings were not all-powerful they were intrigued with the flares and other technology that they had. The Nissimus were willing to share the flares, however they held onto their rifles just in case. However this would be proven a useless gesture in the following days.

The Kaipo continued living their lives, hunting and gathering, trying to avoid the distraction and lure of the outposts. One day a gatherer group came across a hidden stash of the Nissimus sticks. They didn’t know why the sticks were there, but they took them and looked them over. The Kaipo were very much interested in these new weapons as they would learn them to be. Their first discovery of their use was purely accidental, they had tried to beat an animal to death, but they found it to be difficult to keep hold of the weapon without a hand grip and one that was far too dull. When he slipped his finger into the trigger, the Kaipo learned why the weapon was coveted by the Nissimus. They decided to keep such useful weapons for themselves. They were useful in hunting, though generally they avoided using them due to the sound and limited resource of the pellets.

The Nissimus needless to say quickly learned of this development and were uneasy. They were afraid that if a fight occurred that the Kaipo might become more dangerous due to their use of rifles. They sent messages to the city, looking for what they should do. While they waited for their leaders to deliberate, the outposts sent their group of men to meet with the Kaipo and hopefully learn their language. It was awhile before the city leaders came to a decision. In that time the committee that had been sent had learned basic speech within the dialect. Their initial attempts at speaking the language elicited a mixture of laughter and shaking of heads. The Kaipo were fairly friendly now that they assumed the Nissimus had no intention of attacking them.

[SIZE=11pt]Before an order could be sent to reobtain the rifles, the other city of Nissimus attacked the first city. They too had figured out how to get working rifles, however they had a slight difference. These Nissimus had coated their metal pellets in a substance that burned when it reached high velocity. This caused their projectiles to burn when flying through the air and cause fires when landing on flammable materials such as cloth. The result was their weapons were more effective in combat. Thus began the first war on Cordialis.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]First Civil War[/SIZE]
This war would prove to be the least devastating in the long list of wars that the Nissimus took part in. The majority of the battles took place within the forests nearby and over the plateaus above the Grim Haunt. The cause of the war was the grudge that the second city held for the first. The disagreement that had caused the separation had never been properly attended to and hard feelings had festered from argument. This war would last about two standard years and in this time there would be a number of fantastic technological advancements in the hope of defeating their enemies.

The second city was the one to begin aggression by attacking the first. While that first encounter was devastating it wasn’t as effective as the Nissimus had hoped. There were a large number of causalities in that first conflict, most of them belonging to the first city. With the sudden onset of war, the city recalled all people from the outposts. No longer concerned with the Kaipo, the men were needed to fight their new enemies. The extra man power was just what was needed to begin an offensive which would push back the other city’s troops. In fact, their advance appeared to be overly effective, they believed that they would make it all the way to their enemy’s very home. This would not be as their push was halted within the forests near the second city.

Almost the entire war would be fought over a few meters of land in the belief that it would eventually lead to an advantage. The first city suffered abysmal losses after their forces stopped a forward advance. The city leaders would not be moved on their position of opposition to the other city’s leaders. Both sides set up ineffective negotiations though neither side much cared for the possibility of a peaceful outcome. Even so, the first city was having difficulty fighting an enemy with a little more efficient weaponry. They had to find some way of obtaining an advantage. To this end they experimented with different forms of weaponry and eventually came to an interesting conclusion.

They had metal pellets filled with the explosive powder and fired from larger rifles. These would turn out to be very useful in the forest where one shot could level a tree and anyone hiding behind it. The downside was that these were incredibly bulky and tended to require more time to reload than the regular rifles. This was made less a problem by having soldiers with these mortars as they were called on the plateau. The soldiers in the forest would fire flares approximately above the enemy’s position and the rockets would be fired towards the ground under the flares. This resulted in incredible shift in power. The first city suddenly was wiping out enemy troops before those troops could reach the battlefield.

The second city had to somehow counter this; they had a small population and had until now been able to work with the soldiers they had. Now though, their people were being killed faster than they could be replaced. They decided to try making armor and machines that could protect their men from enemy fire. Their first invention was metal plated armor, though they quickly learned that the disadvantage to this was that the metal slowed their people down considerably, which left them open to attack on weak spots. In order to combat this very apparent problem, they worked on making primitive machines that would help move the armor quicker. Springs helped with running, though it did cause unevenness in gaits and some of their men weren’t strong enough to bend the springs properly, rendering them unable to move. The next thing they tried was replacing the springs with pumps, the proved to be ineffective and didn’t change anything.

They found themselves losing a war and so far the only people to have definite chances of survival were those strong enough to carry around the heavy armors, who were too few in number to be able to turn the war. And even the quarter inch think metal plates would protect the wearer from the mortars lethal blasts. They decided that what would have to be done was somehow remove the mortars or capture them. The latter was preferable as it would allow their men to have an incredible advantage over their enemies. To this end, a number of their soldiers were sent out to take the mortars.

These soldiers had an incredibly difficult job, though less lethal than their brothers fighting within the forest. They had to first find a path up the slopes to get to the plateau. It took them a couple days to decide where to attempt climbing and from there another day or so to make their way carefully up the slope. From there, the soldiers left a marker and began their trek towards the enemy mortars. They weren’t seen by the enemies until they were within firing range. A number of the enemies were killed before a single mortar blast killed them. This did not stop the mortars from continuing their barrage; however it slowed their responses and cause the first city to recall some troops and send them up the plateau to defend the now vulnerable mortars.

The second city sent another larger wave of soldiers to hopefully deal with the mortars. These soldiers were told to take the mortars or destroy them if they couldn’t hold them. The enemy was also told to destroy them if they couldn’t keep the valuable weapons. Neither side wanted the other to have them, yet at the same time they both desperately needed them to really turn the tide of the war. Thus, two small armies faced off on the plateau. Both sides were almost equally matched, one had armor that made them resistant to the rifles in use while the other had mortars that killed everything. The mortars had limited use in this battle though as the two sides were far too close for the not completely accurate mortars, so the first city ordered the mortars to begin bombarding the entire enemy position in the forest below, hoping to end the war before they lost too much ground.

The forest battles till this point had been generally bloody and ineffective. So much damage was being done to the trees in the area that soon a line began to appear where the no man’s land was. Actual confrontations were occurring fewer times; however this was mostly because so far no night attacks had been staged. Night side had put too much thought into attacking while it was dark because of the lack of visibility for both sides. When the order came in for saturation bombarding, the first city’s people moved away from their defenses so as not to be caught in the blasts. The second city’s men found out too late why their enemy was retreating. They began a real retreat after the first five explosions occurred. This would prove to be the most effective attack to date as the first city suffered no forest losses and their enemy lost about a quarter of their men. The first city’s army would then proceed to follow their enemy hoping to finish them off. However, the second city’s soldiers had been prepared for such an attack. They had deep holes dug into the ground to protect men from the blasts. When they heard the enemy soldiers passing above them they came up and attacked with full fury to avenge their fallen. That battle was mutually painful. The second’s troops could push their enemy back beyond their own line. The open area was once more the no man’s land.

The armies above, on the plateau, built trenches in which to take cover from one another’s shots. At a mere three meters from one another attacks were common, though never very effective. The soldiers on both sides had difficulty fighting at such a close range, as it was whoever happened to have their rifle aimed in the right place at the right time who often won. Even so, the second city’s soldiers slowly pushed forward and held their ground. While their charges were very dangerous and cost a number of men they were able to capture the enemy trench and force them to flee. From the enemy trench it was only a mere twenty meters to the mortars and as the first city’s soldiers had not expected to be routed they hadn’t built many defenses in place in case of that event.

The second city’s soldiers found the last run easier than anything up to this point. They had their armored men push forward and the others fired from the enemy trenches. They had the enemy now; however the first city’s men obey orders and began to sabotage the mortars quickly before running away. This left the second city with the plateau and some now ruined mortars. This would seem to be a less than ideal trade for all the men’s lives it had cost, but the scientists in the second city disagreed as they were able to get a basic idea of the mortars and were able to construct their own version. During their attempt to create a mortar the forest battles continued, both sides losing many men.

While the second city worked on mortars, the first stayed focused on protection for their troops. They had found the second city’s concept of metal armor to be an interesting, if less than satisfactory, answer. They decided that they would need a more sophisticated method of safeguarding their troops. They took the concept of armor, but they didn’t want to weigh down their own men with the heavy materials. Instead they first made the metal plates cover a frame made of wood that the soldiers would move into place to act as cover. This cover was a nice addition to their army, however it had a very similar downside to the armor in that it stilled slowed their troops down. Their men couldn’t respond fast enough to changes in the battle. To the end of negating this effect as much as possible they attempted to create a system of winches, pulleys, and wheels to make the cover move on its own. This allowed their men to not be burdened with moving the large pieces of metal around. Unfortunately, these mobile covers were slow and only went in a single direction. This wasn’t a problem when they were covering ground, but when they came upon some obstruction, such as a tree, the device would have to be moved. That was a very dangerous inconvenience. This led to the city’s next technological boon. They turned their attention to full and efficient mechanization of these devices.

At first this created cover that would move and could be controlled by a small wheel that would turn an axle within the frame that would make the cover’s wheels turn in either direction. This made the problem of moving the cover a little less apparent, though it couldn’t turn very quickly and required a soldier to be behind it to operate the wheel. This was an effective solution for most of the battles. For a time the first city was able to drive back the second’s soldiers.

The second city decided to make their version of the mortars more portable, so much so that their men could carry and fire them without having to set them up. They made a gun that launched a similar shell to the mortars, but they also added a propulsion system that burned slower. This new launcher, as they called it, was much easier to aim than the mortars and proved to be very effective on the armored covers that the enemy was beginning to use. The rockets would explode on contact, turning the protective cover into molten metal that would be thrown away from the blast’s overwhelming power. In most cases, the soldier behind the cover would be burned, if not torn to pieces by the flying metal.

This new weapon presented a problem to the first city. Unlike their mortars, the launchers didn’t require the altitude of the cliffs in order to be effectively used. Their covers were rendered obsolete and their soldiers were dying at every fight. They lost ground on a near daily basis, and the times that they didn’t the soldier losses were unacceptable. They had to figure out a way of countering this new weapon. While their scientists continued working on making the covers more automatic, the leaders repositioned troops to the plateau. They sent more mortars up there as well as extra troops to try and find the other city.

The losses had been horrible for both sides, and the residents were beginning to tire of the continual fighting. The war didn’t seem to have an end in sight and that didn’t help the people’s resolve. It became more difficult for the government to find willing people to join the fighting force. The second city instituted a drafting program and this solved that issue for the time being. The people in that city were more willing to accept being sent if it appeared relatively random. The first city in the meantime had some of its veteran soldiers return from the battlefield to tell civilians what was happening. This caused some more people to join willingly.

The soldiers that had been sent by the first city across the plateau found the second city. Instead of attacking however they attempted to negotiate a ceasefire. As they were soldiers with experience in the field, they were able to share what was happening in disturbing detail. The leaders of the second city had initially expected either an attack or defection. When neither occurred they found it interesting what the men were suggesting. They decided to deliberate on what to do before coming to a hasty solution. They feared that the first city was attempting some sort of trick, though their scouts reported that there were no other forces in the region. They kept their soldiers from moving forward, instead telling them to defend their position.

The first city in the meantime wondered what had happened to their troops, thinking that some ambush had ended that group. They decided not to send more forces in that direction in case of ambushes. Instead they sent more men to the frontline. They also continued working on the armored covers. At this time another technological breakthrough occurred on their side. They figure how to use metal wiring to conduct a phenomenon known as electricity. They had recently been experimenting with the strange force, but only now figured how to use it for a useful purpose. By putting a motor that relied on the winding of a winch into the covers, they were able to make them much faster and more maneuverable. They also made small holes into the cover so that their men could shoot through the cover without having to stand up out of the cover. This gave their men even more protection.

The only good thing happening for the second city at the time was the capture of the enemy covers and the continual use of launchers to their advantage. The covers were effective except when used against the launchers of mortars. Thus their use was limited to the forest battles, but even there they caused such an advantage to whichever side used them. Even so, the battles proved to be ineffective for the second city’s troops as they were avoiding going on the offensive. They kept losing ground, slowly but steadily. At the rate of loss they had they wouldn’t have lasted more than a month until they reached the city.

This however, would never occur. Quick thinking leaders of the second city decided to go through with a ceasefire and peace. The few leaders who weren’t certain on this were left out of the negotiations, an ‘accident’ due to the timing of the talks, almost midnight. The guest soldiers were thankful for the hospitality and the willingness to negotiate. They left feeling better than when they had arrived. Their travel took about two days before they reached the first city with their message.

Needless to say, the first city’s rulers were surprised that the soldiers were alive and had returned. They listened to the soldiers intently. They were even more surprised with the fact that the second city was willing to work towards peace. They had seen the second city as filled with barbarians. Now though, they decided that it was time to end the war. However, a few of the rulers wanted to show what the scientists had been working on. They wanted to use it in the last battle to intimidate the enemy so that they wouldn’t try to fight again.

On the last day of fighting, a massive machine was brought to the battle. It was a few meters high and almost doubly so long. The machine was covered in protective metal armor and had a few rifles built to fire automatically at targets. They had built a rudimentary targeting computer that would pick out soldiers and open fire on them. The droid was strong enough to knock over most of the trees in its way and it whipped out a large number of enemy soldiers. It would have done even more damage had the second city’s soldiers not used their own new weaponry. Their scientists had focused on making the launchers more effective. That was just what was accomplished. The new launchers were built with a propulsion system that used a liquid they called oil as the ignition rather than the powder that they had been using. This made the rockets fired go more in a direct line, rather than having a somewhat random path. They also packed more explosives into the chamber which made the blasts more powerful.

[SIZE=11pt]The massive droid was damaged beyond repair by a dozen of these rockets. That put an end to first city’s hope of intimidating the second city and also ended the war on a bad foot. The second city questioned its vie for peace and was uncertain as to whether they were safe. They continued working on military upgrades in the just fear that the first city would attack. Both sides acted similarly, both fearing an aggressive strike from the other but not willing to work it out. Thus ended the First Civil War approximately a local year and a half after it had begun.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Peace #1[/SIZE]

At this time, the Kaipo once more found their way into history, though not from their own works. The Nissimus of the first city returned to their outposts to find that they were already occupied. They found that the Kaipo had moved in and had learned how to utilize the majority of the tech left behind. It was a strange realization that the Kaipo could be smarter than originally anticipated. The Nissimus attempted to relearn the language, while beginning to meet with the Kaipo again. The Kaipo had gone through a number of generations naturally while the Nissimus had been at war. They only had legends of what the Nissimus were and the Kaipo had stopped believing in their existence, having had to focus on their own survival in the winter. The Nissimus had been through a number of generations, but only due to the war.

The Kaipo found the rediscovery of the Nissimus to be a surprise. They weren’t certain what this meant, but they were willing to accept the people and to try and work with them. They cooperated, however they were not overly trusting. They decided to try and learn more of these strange people. It was at this point that the first Great Leader of the Kaipo arose. Largon was a Voln who had been the first sentient being on planet to kill a Maelstrom. By doing so he had proven himself to be the strongest Kaipo and was granted leadership.

Largon’s most well-known contribution to Kaipo society was the institution of the belief that the strongest would always lead the weaker, that the weaker would serve the stronger until such a time as the weaker became the stronger. He also began the belief that the Voln were the superior Kaipo and that the other subspecies were not as strong or good as the Voln. This did not radically change the Kaipo, as many would like to make it sound. This was how the Kaipo had been living for quite some time but it was only now that the ideologies were firmly planted by the ruler. This move put Largon into a very secure position as the majority of the Kaipo were Voln. He would rule for ten years before dyeing at the hands of the second Maelstrom he attempted to kill.

[SIZE=11pt]This left the Kaipo without leader and open to manipulation from the outside. Due to the fact that no Kaipo attempted to prove themselves superior, the Nissimus saw an opportunity to gain control and to learn more of this strange species. The Kaipo however wanted only peace and to take time to mourn their lost leader so they returned the outposts and most of the Kaipo moved back into the main camp and up into the mountain. The Nissimus only reacted to the withdrawn nature of the Kaipo by pressing for more information. They didn’t truly understand the Kaipo government style and did not comprehend that they were causing trouble. Their unwillingness to leave the Kaipo alone severely angered the winged men. They took it personally and the first things to suffer were the relations. They realized too late what they had accomplished. They had succeeded in igniting the first Interspecies War.[/SIZE]

Interspecies War
This war took place on the plateau near the first city all the way into the forests and hills near the Kaipo living region. The second city of Nissimus never entered this conflict, too busy with their own affairs and didn’t want to deal with the first city at this time. The first aggressor in the war was the Kaipo who attacked an outpost. However, they were retaliating to a move that the outpost commander had made into the camp. The commander had taken a number of his troops and questioned the populace and took samples of Kaipo technology which was very primitive in Nissimus standards. The Kaipo responded with a full out attack on the outpost, capturing it easily. They executed the command and sent the men back to the Nissimus.

This action caused the leaders of the Nissimus to send a response force to recapture the outpost and to teach the Kaipo to not attack a Nissimus facility. The men sent were lightly armed, not expecting much trouble. They even sent a message ahead of them to warn the Kaipo of the impending attack, hoping to intimidate them to such a degree that the Kaipo would leave without a fight. This was a mistake as would be expected. The Kaipo were a greater force than the Nissimus had anticipated and proved themselves in battle. The Nissimus force was beaten soundly and the Kaipo proved their strength. The Kaipo had tactics that counterbalances the Nissimus’ advanced technology. On top of this the Kaipo still had a number of the old Nissimus rifles. It became something of a fearful tale among the Nissimus soldiers to never let a Kaipo within arm’s reach. The short story went that the Kaipo would grab their victim and fly them high before dropping them and feasting on the remains. The first part of this story was a true tactic, but the rest could be considered untrustworthy.

The Nissimus responded with more force and having their scientists work on flight based technology. That was the greatest advantage that the Kaipo had their ability to fly and their high maneuverability in the air. This made it difficult to shoot them and gave them the advantage of attacking from above unexpectedly. The Nissimus attempts at such were at this point less than satisfactory. Most of the suits either failed to lift off or were too slow that the Kaipo could knock them out of the air easily. The Nissimus quickly decided to focus on anti-aerial weaponry instead of figuring out how to fly. They never gave up on the possibility of flightsuits however and simply changed their focus.

The first part of the war was burning down, the Nissimus had reclaimed their outpost and had made the Kaipo that had held it die. This wasn’t enough though. The leaders of the city were very upset by this time, almost five standard years of war and they had little to show for it. Their inability to make the Kaipo pay for the damage done was infuriating. At last they decided to try and play a ditch battle. They hoped the utterly crush the Kaipo, maybe even drive them extinct.

When the Nissimus attacked the Kaipo camp it was a slaughter for both sides. The Kaipo lost many people before the civilians could be moved, however the deaths of women and children only drove their warriors further. The Kaipo fought with such viciousness that the Nissimus lost more than they killed. The Nissimus soldiers at that point didn’t have the will to kill innocents as they were thought of. For them there wasn’t dignity of honor in killing those that couldn’t defend themselves. Even so, the female Kaipo did their part to fight back the Nissimus, joining the men and showing themselves to be every bit as strong as their male counterparts.

At this point the war seemed to end, in actuality it only fell into a slumber. Neither side really gave up hostility, instead keeping forces as guards to watch against possible invasions. The Nissimus during this time continued, working on anti-air weaponry. They had recently made another technological advancement, the computer. Theirs was a very primitive and cumbersome computer, but it automated things that would otherwise require the Nissimus to do. They combined the two things and came up with an automated turret that would target flying enemies and shoot them down with larger projectiles than their rifles. They had begun to prepare for its first field test, they would have lifesize dummies launched into the air and see if the computer could identify them. The war could have ended at this point, had an accident not occurred.

The Kaipo in the meantime were still enjoying life as much they could and trying to survive. They tried to forget their very irritating neighbor and went about their lives. The Kaipo began to even more enjoy flying over the mountains and forests. The rush of wind and ground beneath them was exhilarating. This would however lead to the restart of the war. A few Kaipo were flying over a patch of forest further from the mountain than usual when they came across the anti-air testing ground. They didn’t know what it was and the Nissimus didn’t know they were there until they brought the computer online and by then it was too late. The turrets shredded through all but one of the Kaipo. The survivor, an Ukus, went back to the mountains telling of the aggression of their enemies the Nissimus.

When the Kaipo leader of the time went to the Nissimus to ask for a justification the Nissimus responded that it was a very unfortunate accident and that they wouldn’t allow it to happen again. The Nissimus were certain of the repercussions and were already preparing the anti-aerial cannons to be sent into the field. However, before they could move the prototype cannon, the Kaipo attacked. The facility was only lightly manned and was not prepared for the dozens of Kaipo that attacked. The facility was burned to the ground, but not before the Kaipo stole a number of the Nissimus’ new weaponry and destroying the anti-air gun.

This attack led to a drastic change in the war. The Nissimus saw the attack as an attempt to remove the weapon that would nullify their flight based advantage. The Kaipo had not foreseen this assumption; their attack had solely been revenge for their fallen and to show that their people would not die without being paid for. The Nissimus responded by attacking the mountain village with ground forces while they furthered their development on anti-aerial weapons.

The initial attack of ground forces found stragglers who had been making their way up the mountain. Because the Nissimus had separated into small groups in the hopes of catching their enemies unawares, the Kaipo were able to defeat some of the enemy while they retreated. It was during one of these skirmishes that the second great leader of the Kaipo arose. Karpoth had defeated an entire enemy group with only two men as allies. He returned to the mountain village and proclaimed himself leader. He was accepted with the proof and he brought the Kaipo into a proper military campaign.

The first of these attacks was the Nissimus attack on the Kaipo village. Their ground forces had had to march for two days up the steep mountain slopes, losing a number of people along the way. When at last they reached the caves they were exhausted. The Kaipo had the distinct advantage and used it to their advantage as best they could. The Nissimus were badly beaten and retreated within half an hour of the beginning of the battle. Karpoth led the Kaipo into an aggressive pursuit until they were almost half-way down the mountain. By this time the Nissimus troops were doubly fatigued and the Kaipo were forgiving enough to let them escape. Most of the survivors of that battle didn’t take part in future battles against the Kaipo.

With their village defended and the enemy troops sorely outnumbered, Karpoth led the Kaipo onto a retaliatory attack on their old village that had been taken by the Nissimus. It wasn’t well defended after sending most of the forces to the battle for the mountain. The Kaipo took it easily, with the Nissimus retreating soon after they lost their commander. The Kaipo set up the village as a military facility, cleaning the weapons as they saw the Nissimus did and generally keeping strict over watch of the surrounding area. They had the Nissimus’ outposts located and marked on basic maps. They also had food and water sent up from the facility to the caves so that the people up there could survive while the war continued.

The Nissimus at this time had built a number of prototypes of varying methods. They posted one of each in the outposts, they expected them to be attacked next after reports of the loss of the old Kaipo village. They also began trying to begin trading with the other city in the hopes that they would come to aid them. The second city was uncertain whether it wanted to join this war. They didn’t have a bad relationship with the Kaipo, in fact they didn’t have any sort of communication with them. The Nissimus of this city decided that they could share technology however.

This was quite a boon for the first city. The second city had been working on expanding the capabilities of their rockets and in so doing had figured a basic computer system. They made their rockets with stabilizers which helped it to keep a mostly straight forward path when launched. When they began making computers they made the stabilizers capable of moving to allow the missile to move in flight a small amount. They then put computers in the launchers themselves so that a target could be picked out and the rocket would try as best it could to reach the target. The launchers built for these were slightly bulkier, noticeably heavier, and considerably more fragile. However, they would prove useful against the Kaipo.

The new launchers did not reach the outposts before the Kaipo began their attack. The Nissimus defenders were able to test the anti-aerial guns, however they also lost them. Most of the designs worked well and helped hold off Kaipo attacks, until the Kaipo used shells taken from the Nissimus mortars in the village as bombs. Those shells devastated the Nissimus defenses and ended up destroying most of the guns as well. Few of the Nissimus in the outposts escaped alive, those that did would return to report the success of the guns as well as the desperate loss of men. Even with the mortars, the Nissimus fought hard to defend their outposts. Some of the locations simply had to be bombarded into dust before they could move in, and by then there was nothing worth salvaging.

The Nissimus attempted to take back the outposts for the next year, failing every time. They varied strategies: sending large groups, sending small groups, setting up teams of launchers and mortars nearby, moving aerial guns as close as possible. For all that, the Kaipo fought harder, always just managing to defeat the enemy, but at great cost. The Kaipo lost many, many men in these battles. The ones that survived the battles were often the most maneuverable in flight and most times even these came back with wounds. Many of them didn’t fly again. Even so, they were able to return to the village with pride and were welcomed. Many younger Kaipo joined the fighting to replace those lost, each secretly hoping to gain glory for deeds accomplished. At this time Karpoth’s son joined the war as well.

The final year of the war was little more than trading blows and losing men. The Nissimus would lose a position and the Kaipo would take what they could and leave. The Nissimus sent more men to replace those lost and would recapture the place. The Kaipo would have the same issue; however they retreated much quicker due to their less numbers. In the last three months though, a tremendous leap occurred within Nissimus technology. The second city and the first both had their scientists collaborate on designs for more advanced combat machines. This would give the last month of the war a most definite advantage as the results would show.

The combined efforts of both sets of scientists conceived an armored walker. It had missiles based on the laucher’s design, an anti-aerial gun, and a prototype rapid fire automatic rifle like assembly. This took a month to make into a workable design; however by the end of it they had a single prototype working in the field to fight the Kaipo in one of the last battles. It was armored against most of their rifles, making the weapons the Kaipo had stolen obsolete, thereby giving the Nissimus and advantage.

The walker’s first battle was for the village of the Kaipo, its first target was the enemy defenses that had been built up while the other battles had occurred. It proved to be very effective, capable of ripping through most of the metal and wood used as barriers, shooting down Kaipo in flight, and taking down those on the ground. It wasn’t brought down, however the pilot died when a Kaipo shot through the glass used for the cockpit. The machine was out of battle, and the remaining Kaipo were able to route the Nissimus forces. While this was a victory for the Kaipo, the Nissimus saw it as proof of concept and began to try and build more to continue the battle.

The scientists that had built it however were not cooperative, after seeing the effectiveness of the machine in battle, their consciences appeared to take a blow. They decided not to build any more walkers until the war was ended. Because the single walker they had was no in enemy hands, the Nissimus leaders had little choice but to agree. They began to try and open peace talks. However, as expected the Kaipo did less that trust the supposed treaties. They were afraid that it was all a façade and that they would be attacked when they let their guard down. They held their defenses and didn’t allow Nissimus into their areas.

[SIZE=11pt]It was a week before the talks began to make headway, after that the peace negotiations began in earnest. The results of the agreed upon treaty was that the Kaipo would return the walker and the Nissimus of the first city would leave the Kaipo to their own devices. Further the Nissimus were barred from producing more than a hundred of the walkers, though because the Kaipo had no way of monitoring the Nissimus the city leaders disregarded it. Thus the second great war and the first interspecies war came to a close.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Peace #2[/SIZE]

After the treaties were accepted, the Nissimus pulled their forces back and left the entire higher regions of the mountains and plateaus to the Kaipo. They instead turned their interests to heading south and expanding into the open plains and thick jungles that tales told lay that way. The first Pec-situs was found and tamed at this point by an explorer. The creature proved very helpful in moving back and forth and carrying supplies. It would lead to the discovery of small family groups of these animals, many of which were tamed and used later as intercity trade. The relationship between the two cities improved considerably as time went on, the scientists having helped a great deal in this regard as they saw the advantages of combining efforts.

The Kaipo in the mean time soon lost their leader. Karpoth died of old age and according to his will he was buried in the plateau. To most Kaipo it was a strange request, after all their tradition as to burn the corpse and to drop the ashes from high points so that they may be carried on the wind. The plateau was marked off by the Kaipo as sacred ground to them; however the Nissimus wouldn’t be aware of this for another few local years.

Karpoth’s son, Haldorn claimed leadership by birthright, an even stranger custom that was not accepted by all Kaipo. Few however were willing to take the chance against Haldorn’s powerbase. He ruled for a week before the people began to listen to Porthom as leader. An Ukus, Porthom had slain a Maelstrom, much like the first great leader. Expectedly, Haldorn was not going to relinquish his power willingly. He stated that Porthom’s glory would have to be shared among the entire group that had killed the Maelstrom. Porthom was willing to do this, however he countered that Haldorn had never proven himself truly, having only fought in some of the later battles. Haldron had missed the final battle with the armorer walker.

These comments went back and forth for a few months, during which Haldorn lost more and more ground to Porthom. By the time that a duel was issued, Haldorn was left with only his closest friends. Porthom requested that Haldorn step down, however Haldorn was unwilling and demanded a duel to decide who would have command. Porthom wouldn’t agree until another month had passed. By this time, Haldorn had regained a small amount of followers. The duel was to be held as a basic duel with only daggers as the weapons. The end result of the duel was Haldorn died and Porthom was accused by some of killing Haldorn. However, the charges were paid no attention and Porthom became the next Great Leader.

Porthom was the first Ukus, and last, he had the Kaipo set outposts and small villages all over the continent, exploring and collecting safe locations in case their home was ever destroyed. It was during his reign that the Kaipo discovered the Nissimus city that would later become Grim Haunt. Some of the Kaipo wanted to take action against the Nissimus for the damages done in the war. Porthom however, fought against such things being done. He wanted to have peace with the neighbors, especially when the Nissimus were building weapons capable of mass destruction.

The Nissimus at the time were pooling resources to attempt building flying suits and ships for water and air. The water weapon platforms were fairly easy to work compared to the attempts at flight based weapons. They were hoping to avoid future conflicts with the Kaipo, especially with their own cities going through their own splits again. Grim Haunt had had a quarter of its population leave due to a disagreement again. The second city had had it even worse, losing a third of its people from a similar reason.

The Nissimus first working flight suits proved useful, if not quite as capable as the Kaipo were. The suits allowed their men to fly, but they tended to be too slow and not maneuverable enough to make them useful against the Kaipo. They also were able to produce the first flying vessel. It was little more than a bathtub sized platform with a machine gun built onto the front. The propulsion system had proven to be more effective than that on the flight suits, allowing the platform to move faster than the suits, but it was even less maneuverable than the suits.

The Kaipo however were unconcerned with the sight of a few people flying over the city Grim Haunt. They were becoming upset with their leader, who appeared to be overly obsessed with proving the Ukus power. Porthom forced inbreeding in order to keep blood lines and to show the Voln how the Ukus were superior, however this had a side effect. The Trus began to appear, they were upset with the events and wanted to have more freedom. They were considered the bottom of their species and they also wanted their chance. This ignited a revolution in their culture.

The Nissimus were never aware of the revolution that lasted a standard year. They were too focused on their own endeavors. They were able to make a slightly larger platform that could carry two people, one would operate a flight system and the other would care for the weapons. This platform though was more like an airplane, moving forward fast so as to defeat the force of gravity. They found this still to be too weak to face against the threat posed by the Kaipo. For some reason they still believed those people to be the worst danger, even though it was their own that were appearing to turn on them.

The Kaipo revolution was quite devastating for the Trus, the Voln and Ukus weren’t keen on the youngsters to take command and squashed the rebellion quickly. It was however not quick enough, the Trus accomplished one act that would place them in infamy and shame for most of history. They succeeded in killing Porthom. Once again the people were thrown into chaos and few of the leaders over the next years would be of any use to the culture. It would be fifty standard years before another great leader took control. During this time though, they realized that the Nissimus were not a united as a species. It was an interesting revelation to them, and one that would play an integral role in history.

The Nissimus continued faithfully working scientifically together, even when their cities split. That was the one factor that bound them together, their want for scientific advancement. They made leaps and bounds in that field for the next fifty years, during which they were overjoyed to create much more powerful weapons and more useful flight tech. They didn’t work on the suits as much as making ships capable of flying. The first large ship, being about five meters in length, was originally a sea faring vessel that was upgraded to fly. Their vessels for the ocean were surprisingly inefficient, though that was probably due to the fact that they never went far away from their continent. They believed it was the only piece of land on the whole world, they were assuming the planet was smaller than it actually was.

The vessel had massive steam engines installed to keep wing like structures moving to keep it floating in the air. It was the first mortar carrying structure to be put in flight. In actuality the mortars had been replaced with more powerful cannons. It was able to fly for two hours before requiring a refuel. It also had the first bombs that were being developed. It proved to be useful later on, though it wouldn’t be utilized in combat until the next war a few years later. It was at this point only tested over the ocean and used to deliver goods and people from one city to the next. This proved to be a quicker method of travel than the Pec-situs, which had become quite a favored form of transport.

Not much occurred aside from technological advancements for the next couple years. Eventually the next great leader arose among the Kaipo. Keshlan, a Voln, was the first female leader, who proved herself by defeating all other Kaipo duelists. She is considered the least of the Great Leaders, even though she was instrumental in keeping the Kaipo together and averting three separate revolutions. She was also incredibly successful at keeping the Kaipo’s grudge towards the Nissimus at bay and turning their efforts to constructive outlets. They expanded their village and the cave systems considerably during her reign.

The Nissimus continued advancing in this time, coming to a point that they had multiple flying platforms capable of staying in the air for a few hours at a time and each having enough weaponry to take out most ground forces. They also had another bout of revolution which resulted in cities splitting again, however Grim Haunt continued to grow even so. They had the most technologically advanced weaponry and city at the time and were popular to most of the scientific community due to this. Unfortunately it would be the first to take damage from the next confrontation.

[SIZE=11pt]Keshlan was 45 standard years old when she issued a command to locate all Nissimus cities. This was a cause for concern among the Kaipo as they were unprepared for war and were not certain as to why Keshlan wanted this. After only a month they had gotten all they knew of and Keshlan ordered the first mistake that led to the upcoming war. She had her soldiers attack the Nissimus facility housing their flying ships and anti-air weapons. She didn’t realize the gravity of her mistake.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Second Interspecies War[/SIZE]
The Nissimus were not ready for the attack and were caught completely unawares. The Kaipo destroyed all the flight craft and weapons, saving only the bombs for their own use. They were quick and efficient, leaving nothing behind. They avoided killing people; however they did leave a few Nissimus injured. They retreated soon after, knowing that there would be a response in force. Their people moved from the village into another mountain cave that had been made in preparation.

They were not disappointed. While initially unsure how to respond, the Nissimus quickly pulled together and launched a counter attack. They sent forces up to the village, this effort took a couple days of marching, during which the soldiers all had time to prepare for the coming battle. They were steeled for combat when they arrived, only to find a few stragglers who hadn’t been able to get out in time. These Kaipo were taken captive and held safely out of the war, after being interrogated.

The Nissimus troops were out of position for Keshlan’s next move. She had anticipated the attack and had her own soldiers hide nearby. The order came and they took the bombs and attack Grim Haunt. The city wasn’t well defended and was devastated by the bombs followed by the Kaipo destroying as much as they could. The Nissimus were distraught by the horrendous attack, however they reacted quickly. They sent their best fliers up in suits. This proved the most effective point of their use, the Kaipo were unprepared for a flying enemy.

This first battle was chaotic; many on both sides were killed as neither had a good form of communication in this battlefield. The Kaipo were actually the more powerful and better working together, yet they were forced to retreat. While superior in most ways to the fighters in suits, they simply were unprepared and their performance suffered for it. The Nissimus fliers were proud to prove their abilities in the air. They had weapons and the ability to almost keep up the Kaipo. It was their day to shine. And so they did.

The Kaipo soldiers lost many men as they retreated far over the plateau. Within a day they came across the second Nissimus city. This city, to the Kaipo’s great pleasure, did not have the flight suits that the first did. This led to the Kaipo staying in the vicinity and laying siege the city. This was much more devastating, though it was over a longer period of time than the attack on the city.

It is understandable that the Kaipo were surprised when soon after the Nissimus of the first city arrived with the flight suits. Once more the Nissimus proved capable of handling themselves against the Kaipo. In fact, the only Kaipo that were able to hold their own consistently against the suits were the Ukus. They would become the main force of warfare during this war, as most of the battles were fought in the air.
The Nissimus decided to put more of their resources into producing flight suits, as the larger ships would require more time and focused abilities to build in numbers required. Even without the larger real ships, which had not actually been tested against the Kaipo as yet, their suits were sufficient to hold back their enemies. However, not all their men could be given suits, they had to have other forms of weapons. Thus, they continued research into rifles and other ranged weapons. So far they were still trying to avoid getting close to the Kaipo, since the Kaipo’s tech still revolved around melee weaponry.

This would play to their advantage during the winter years of Cordialis. The Kaipo’s people were starving from lack of food. Unlike the Nissimus, the Kaipo did not have farms or other reliable sources of food. This was a particularly harsh winter, most of the foraging areas were without food and most of the animals had gone south or into hibernation. This left scarce choices for sustenance. Actually, the only option they really had was to begin hunting a Maelstrom, or so Keshlan said as she left the Kaipo to head north. She believed that by bringing Maelstrom for food, she would finally cement her command and have the full approval of her people.

As fate would have, while flying North a horrible blizzard struck, driving her and her Voln off course. They didn’t realize how far west they had gone until they came across a search party of Nissimus soldiers. It was at this point that Keshlan should have realized the futility of her efforts, but this was not to be. She lost half of her group and those that escaped were too weak to continue the hunt. But Keshlan drove on, she knew that to return without the Maelstrom was to admit defeat. Therefore she drove on, onto her death.

It was months until the main force of the Kaipo realized their leader had died. By that time, they were suffering losses and defeats all over. They were beaten back and their population dropped until it was only a few thousand total. They knew they couldn’t win. Before they gave in though, they attempted another attack on Grim Haunt. This time, they attacked from the ground, coming at them from the far side, hoping to catch them off guard. This tactic did little to change the outcome. They were slaughtered and once more routed.

The Kaipo, leaderless and without hope, began trying to negotiate for peace. The Nissimus were slow to respond, knowing that they were winning and that they could defeat anything the Kaipo threw at them. They had survived the worst of the war and had come out on top every time. It wasn’t until the Kaipo proved to be willing to accept almost any restraint put on them that the Nissimus began to consider a peaceful end to hostilities.

[SIZE=11pt]The end result of the war was that the Kaipo were sentenced to be banished from the continent, the Nissimus were tired of their neighbors. The Kaipo grudgingly accepted, however they hoped that they might be able to return. They left, taking only their memories and what they could carry on their back. Now all the Kaipo were united so far in their anger towards the Nissimus, but they couldn’t do anything about it. They left the continent and found another far away from their home. This was the end of the third war to afflict the planet. This had only taken ten standard years.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Peace #3[/SIZE]

The Nissimus were proud of themselves, having finally rid the continent of other sentient species they could now focus on their work. They had their construction people build back the ships and their scientists to continue working on products of warfare. It wasn’t a big surprise that they still were threatened by one another at this point. The leaders of Grim Haunt assumed that if they could have the largest most powerful weapons they could intimidate other cities into not attacking.

As would be expected by this strategy, the result was an arms race. It would prove to be a long one, but then there are rarely any other sorts. The different cities started competing with one another in a less than friendly manner, trying to always come up with a more powerful weapon than their rivals. This would last almost two local years. During this time, many different cities would have their own chance at glory, some would succeed and others would disappear into anonymity.

As the instigator of the whole affair, Grim Haunt was often at the center of occurrences and was also most often the leader in technological firepower. They started as the strongest, with their ships that could level small towns in minutes. They still lacked any greater weapons than exploding rounds, compared to the blasters that were common elsewhere in the galaxy. It was a definitive advantage that they coveted and attempted to hold onto.

As it would be, this was a very optimistic outlook. They found that their rivals were coming up with different technology that countered their advantage. At this time the second city was not a big player, they were working on an experimental weapon, based on the magnetics of metal. They tried to use magnetism to launch small projectiles. It appeared to be plausible; however they couldn’t create a weapon of it at this time. Another city was working on faster ships that didn’t rely on massive propulsion systems, but instead used high velocity and large wings to create lift. Another city was trying to get much larger systems to have entire cities floating above the ground.

One weapon that was particularly effective against the ships was a fairly simple device. By the use of a number of mirrors, light was reflected into a single spot and magnified by a large lens. The light at this point was directed to a target where it would burn through or melt the enemy. This proved useful anytime that the skies were clear. They found that even one cloud in the sky had the potential to disturb the ability of their device. This weapon was also confounded by its inability to move. It was built into the ground with specialized equipment to help counter the impact of footsteps or vehicles moving nearby.

Grim Haunt had to adapt technology to somehow defeat these sudden changes in rivals. They continued advancing their technology and found that their ships quickly became the most powerful of their type. The ships became larger and more effective in their use. At the same time, they continued working on ground troop weaponry. It would prove to be this that took a larger role in the next war.

They had been working on ground forces due to the fact that air based war machines were imperfect and not completely ideal for certain situations. They had found that even if the machines were perfected, they would have one weakness which would make ground forces completely necessary. That weakness was the air machines reliance on fuel derived from ground based sources. This would be the crux of the next war and would be a continued concern until a year later.

Because the Kaipo were now no longer part of the picture in the Nissimus’ mind, they were able to expand and more cities were founded. Some were under the control of their originator cities while others followed in the tradition of leaving their leaders and founding their own city for themselves. While this weakened single cities as there were fewer people to accomplish the same number of jobs, it made those cities that retained control to become more powerful as a whole. These cities had materials that weren’t in their areas imported and exported food and tech to help their lesser cities.

The Kaipo on the other hand were much less satisfied with their new home, as one would expect. They did enjoy the lack of danger posed by the Maelstroms, but it simply was not a replacement for their homeland. Some of the people were upset enough to turn back and head back to the other continent. The majority however stayed because they knew to return was to beg for devastation. This was the first real split of the people and the only true split to occur. A small portion of the Kaipo would leave to head to their home while the rest carved out an existence in this new land.

Those that left found themselves in a land of conflict. What they also found was that they were not welcome and those Nissimus they did meet at first were unwilling to help them. They learned that their homes were being used as Nissimus military storage. This angered them, but they knew that there was nothing they could do… Except one knew.

A Voln male known as Largeth had an idea. They had to retaliate. The Kaipo had to prove what they were capable of. They had to take back their lands. He created a plan, a plan to start a war between the Nissimus. He hoped to assure their destruction and thereby giving the Kaipo the ability to come back. He knew the land and he knew his home. That would give him and those with him an advantage over the Nissimus.

With this, he prepared those that were with him, making what weapons they could. Then he led them in an attack on the facility at their old caves. They attacked from above, a place where few of the Nissimus were ready. As fate would have it, their attack was timed perfectly. A young Maelstrom came out of the winter storm only a few moments after their initial attack and began ravaging the Nissimus. The Kaipo fled back further into the cave as the beast ran forward. The Nissimus similarly fled, believing that the Maelstrom was controlled by the Kaipo.

The Kaipo found what they were looking for, or the closest thing they could. They hadn’t truly realized how far the Nissimus had advanced in such a short time. They found launchers similar to the ones they had seen during the Interspecies Wars. They stole these and fled as the Maelstrom drove its way further into the caves. They escaped into the blizzard, leaving a bloody battle and an enraged Maelstrom behind them. The beast eventually retreated from the Nissimus’ weaponry, however not before it had killed a significant number of guards and personnel. By that time, the people that had seen the Kaipo were all slain and those that remained were left with only the assumption that the Maelstrom had been driven into the cave for some reason.

This first attack had been an integral part of Largeth’s plan, but he didn’t know just how important. Due to the loss of any proof of Kaipo being there the survivors began to believe that it had been a rival city that had discovered a way to control the mighty creatures. They sent a report back to the Grim Haunt requesting reinforcements and creating the first ripple that would eventually become a tidal wave.

However, this wasn’t enough to cause true war. This was only the beginning. It was enough to start Grim Haunt sending ships and preparing for war. Their vessels began to be armed properly and their routines became stricter. This sudden change caused other kingdoms to become suspicious and they each raised their own security in response. The situation became such that it would have taken little more than one size to sneeze on the other’s border to start a war.

As with most times, this was the perfect environment for the Kaipo’s attack. They separated, each taking a particular city, chosen by Largeth, and finding a secluded spot near it to wait for the appropriate time. It was midnight, when two rockets at each place were launched into the varying cities. Because these were not aimed at a particular target their blasts caused mostly civilian casualties. This enraged the governments and caused exactly what the Kaipo had been hoping for.

[SIZE=11pt]The rockets weren’t truly capable of being tracked back to who made them, most of the Nissimus made similar weaponry in that area. Thus each kingdom blamed one another for the attack, not caring that they had both been hit. War began.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The Accidental War[/SIZE]
While not truly an accidental war, this war was called such because of the misjudgment of the actual enemy. This was the first ‘civilized’ war in the history of the planet. It was called this because attacks were done at night as well as day and the theoretical reasons for the war were supposedly noble. This was a little further away from the truth than most would admit.

There was a mistake in a patrol platform’s computer, which mislead the crew as to what area was theirs to patrol. The ship was driven into the area of a rival city’s patrol. The two ships fought and their remains both fell from the sky, littering a forest with the burning metal.

This sparked the war, the ten local year war. What had originally been patrol ships suddenly were sent to attack those of the enemy. Only a week after the order, hundreds of encounters had occurred and thousands of men had died. This was only the beginning… When the leaders realized that the platforms would not decide the war, they decided to send out land forces to try and remove all of the platforms from the war.

Those first few battles would see the platforms intended advantages come to the forefront as the platforms leveled small armies. However, the rockets and mortars from the ground proved fairly effective against the larger ships. Then the platforms began dropping in number. Both sides had used them so quickly that there were few left by the end of the first standard year. Those that survived were used sparingly and were hidden when not in use.

The goal of the armies at this point was to destroy the platforms while they were on the ground or to destroy their fueling stations. If they could accomplish that then they could control the skies. That was the advantage that any side needed to truly win the war. It was also the goal of every single city, which made it very difficult and unlikely that any of them would actually accomplish it.

Lands in the battle were rarely fought over as different armies went to different areas, trying to find a hidden facilities or fuel depots. Most of the time only weapon caches were found. The surprising part was that most of the governments had a similar idea, to hide the ships close to home or on the ocean, both areas that were either isolated or easy to defend.

There were surprisingly few moments of actual heroism during this war, or events of considerable historic worth. The most well-known are all ground battles in which a platform was used. Normally the most remembered part was the capture of an enemy platform by inferior numbers.

The first occurred before the reduced usage of battle platforms. It was a surprising outcome to the battle, that the ground forces took control of three platforms, before destroying what remained of the enemy forces. The battle was between two ground armies, and seven platforms. Only one of the platforms started on the side of the victors and only three platforms made it out.

The battle started with one city’s armored troops and heavy fighters advancing towards another city. The second city had a sniper team in the area that was able to hold back the enemy long enough for the main army to arrive. If the army had not been held back by these snipers then it is believed that the larger force of the invaders would have won out. When the friendly army arrived they were able to stave off the enemy until a platform was sent. However the enemy called in its own platforms to deal with the ground forces.

The smaller city’s platform arrived first and began firing on the enemy. The army was devastated enough where it seemed that they had it in hand. It was the arrival of the six enemy platforms, which were smaller than the main enemy one. However, they were together much stronger than the single friendly platform. A fact all too quickly proven when the single platform was shot out of the sky.

The ground forces were doomed with no way of winning a fight against six enemy platforms that together could level the entire city. It was only the quick thinking of a young officer that had nothing to lose by disregarding his commanding officer. He took his men and led them to the crashed platform and used one of the escape ships to attack one of the other platforms.

Quickly after the first group left other officers took their squads to the platform and took whatever they could to fly against the enemy platforms. The commanding officer that had moved for a retreat followed the rest into battle, he didn’t know if they could win against the superior forces of the platforms. As it turned out each platform actually had less men that the total that were coming to attack.

The first platform was a learning experience; they boarded the vessel and attacked those that they met. The cramped spaces and darker interior were complications that they did not foresee. The men aboard however were not as well armed or prepared for boarding action. The enemies were quickly dispatched and a squad of men was left behind to command the vessel. They understood the risk of playing decoy while the others jumped to the next vessel.

The first platform taken fired on the second closest, giving the boarders the closest to attack. The change in sides was an unprepared for eventuality and the platform was destroyed by supposedly friendly fire. The controlled platform then began firing on other vessels, aiming at weapon systems, command vessels, and propulsion systems.

The boarders meanwhile used speed to move as quickly to next ship as possible. They attacked with rocket launchers when they began being fired upon. Through this strategy, they stormed another platform, this one they lost more men trying to take. The first platform caught took much fire while the second one was being captured. In fact it was destroyed the enemies took a large amount of damage even so.

They drove this second platform into another one, crashing an enemy with it even while the first fell to the ground. The men were able to take the platform they crashed into before firing into the remaining three enemy platforms. They were able to destroy two of the others before they retreated with their two new platforms. The one remaining enemy platform made its way back to the first city before it was put out of commission until it could be repaired. The two that were taken became the main source of information for the small city on larger platform.

[SIZE=11pt]Before the war could come to a conclusion however, people from off planet came to the world. The Empire.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Imperial Regime[/SIZE]
The Empire arrived at this time. The Republic had been dissolved only a few years ago and the Empire was in a rush to expand and take over the galaxy. The arrival to this planet was partially an accident as the intended destination had been a system three stars away. They were an exploration group with the intent of taking control of inhabited planets they came across.

Their discovery of the Nissimus was quite an interesting boon to the Imperials. They found the floating platforms to be of possible use, though they imagined a more heavily armored and one with more firepower than the Nissimus had made. The Imperials would later use the idea in the creation of a mobile attack platform.

The first action that the newly arrived Empire would accomplish was a takeover. They had their soldiers halt what fighting there was between the different cities and began forcing them to work together on Imperial projects. The next thing they did was learn of the Kaipo and decide to take them as well. This was a decision that would eventually lead to the loss of the planet.

The Imperials were more than capable of taking the planet, the Nissimus put up no fight at all, but willingly surrendered to the greater power. The Kaipo meanwhile fought against these invaders, having already lost their home they were not willing to lose anymore. Even so, their spirit did not save them. The Empire’s advanced weaponry proved more than enough to defeat what resistance was given. The Kaipo were used as slaves to collect resources and serve the Imperials.

The Imperial ruler of the planet was a human who had been in disgrace on the Core Worlds, which was why he was with the expedition crews, was quick to establish the overall dominion of the planet. He wanted to be certain that there would be no revolts, he controlled the planet through fear, using stormtroopers to strike terror into those who appeared to be problems. Strangely the Kaipo tended to be quiet and submissive to the Imperials, while the Nissimus tended to be the ones to try and revolt.

[SIZE=11pt]They held the planet without too much resistance, the occasional rebellion which was summarily quelled, protests whose participants were dealt with harshly, and once in a while an assassination attempt. All of these were not done in a professional or efficient manner, making it easy for the troops to deal with. Because of the Imperial governor’s ability to hold the planet, the exploration vessel left, along with the majority of the space faring fighters. The planet was not well defended against possible attacks from spaceships, but then they did not expect any enemy to attack them with such.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Kaipo Revolution[/SIZE]

It was only five standard years before the Kaipo began their own full revolt against the Empire. Unlike the Nissimus, the Kaipo had experience in guerrilla warfare. Because the majority of space vessels were gone, the Kaipo had to deal mostly with Imperial ground forces and a few of the Nissimus battle platforms.

At first the revolt seemed to be a minor issue to the Imperials. A few Kaipo disappeared from their work stations along with basic tools. These Kaipo were seen meeting before retreating away from the city that they were being forced to live in. Their number was so small that there was no fear of it being any sort of danger.

This thought was revised when the group broke into a small barrack’s armory and stole about a hundred weapons both blaster pistols and rifles. At this point, the governor began looking into crushing this small band of insurgents. Unexpectedly, more Kaipo rallied to the group, holding off Imperial shocktroopers long enough for the rebels and many new recruits to escape into the jungles. There the Kaipo set up many small encampments so that the Empire could never get them all no matter how hard they tried; at least that was the goal behind the strategy. This caused a bit of chaos within communication as each camp had to keep in touch with the others.

For the first week or so nothing of value was accomplished in the revolt, the Empire attempted to track down the various bases but the thick jungle was too dense for aerial reconnaissance and ground troops were slow making their way. This was a good thing for the Kaipo, as if it had not been so it would have been unlikely that their rebellion would have survived an attack.
The Jungle they had found was close enough to the ocean that the Imperials decided to send part of the Nissimus Naval fleet to try and bombard the forest and force the Kaipo out into the open. While they waited for the ships to arrive the Imperials sent recon troopers and other scouts into the forest, aiming towards where they guessed emplacements were. The men reported that there were three camps found, out of how many was unknown.

The Kaipo attacked the city, liberating those that were held captive as previous revolutionaries. In this action they lost a few Kaipo to Imperial gunners and shocktroopers. The gain though was psychological, the fact that they were able to break into the city escape with minimal casualties led many Kaipo to believe that the Empire was not all powerful.

Because of this, more and more Kaipo began joining the insurrection. The troops in the city began finding it more and more difficult to be safe within their own city. The governor was disturbed with these developments and sent more troops from the Nissimus cities, which could be handled. This still took time and until then the troopers had to do with being constantly assaulted and almost always in a combat zone.

The ships would have arrived first, had an accident occurred while they were out on the travel. One of the battleship’s reactors blew, sinking the vessel and its crew with it. The Empire took this as an opportunity to blame the Kaipo of sabotage, claiming that they had flown out in the night and caused the reactor to blow when it was pushed.

At this point the Kaipo decided against continuing and instead turned, some damaging their own vessels in order to have good reason to go back for repairs. While this angered the governor he didn’t have the ability to do much about it. He was trapped in a box, the people he controlled were held back only by the fact that he controlled the most dangerous weapons on-planet. Without the starships he had only the platforms and naval vessels. If he were to kill the crews on the navy ships he would be creating resentment and fear, which might cause people to be unwilling to work on those ships. This would then damage his strength and therefore allow more locals to see weakness.

[SIZE=11pt]To try and end this before it escalated further, the governor sent his riot and EVO troopers to deal with the encampments. This turned out to be a good idea, the troops worked quickly and effectively against the enemies. They worked as a large group, taking as many camps as they could all at the same time. They accomplished the capture of twenty Kaipo leaders and the death of three hundred insurgent soldiers. Those, who survived and escaped, dispersed and eventually worked their way slowly back into the Imperial society. The Revolt was at an end, but it was not the end of the Empire’s troubles on the planet.[/SIZE]

Rebel Arrival
A few standard years after the revolt, another group arrived, the Rebel Alliance.

They had come to this region following older data files stating that the Imperial search ship was in the area. When they came upon the Imperial controlled planet they swiftly hid their presence and then began preparing for a revolt.

The Rebels were quick to work with the oppressed people of the Kaipo. They didn’t see the Nissimus as being controlled as harshly, it was just the difference between physical slavery and mental oppression that was overlooked.

The first thing the Rebels did was to set up a base of operations in the mountains near the old Kaipo homes on the second continent. They then hid their ships so that the Empire wouldn’t realize that they were there. The Rebels set up communications with the Kaipo leaders, the most rebellious of the lot were the ones to be called leaders.

The Rebels supplied weapons to the Kaipo and in return was given maps and information on the surrounding area. The Rebels began their own campaign a week later, setting traps for Imperial squads and blowing power lines between the main city and their smaller outposts. It was at this point that the Imperials began wondering if Rebels were on planet. They sent out reconnaissance craft to try and decide whether they were there or not.

The ships were destroyed by the Rebels, but their destruction only led the governor to believe that they were on the planet. He sent all the stormtroopers he could spare and many of the Nissimus militia, as well as a large portion of the Nissimus’ platforms. He hoped to overwhelm the Rebels, who he knew didn’t know about the platforms.

The stormtroopers arrived first and were capable of breaking most of the Rebel’s work in so far as sabotage and attempts at taking over the city. The Rebels prepared for a major strike against the city, hoping to take it and use its anti-air weapons against the incoming platforms that a traitor had warned them of. The same traitor also told them of incoming reinforcements of Nissimus militia and the fact that there were elements within the Nissimus society that wished to rebel against their Imperial overlords.

The Rebels set up snipers surrounding the Imperial city, had small assault vehicles near the main entrances, and had some Kaipo prepared within the city to open the gates and began causing havoc within while the Rebels entered. They didn’t realize that there was a traitor amongst the Rebels as well as among the Imperials. He was able to send a warning to the Imperial forces within the city as to the attack planned.

With the forewarning, the Imperials were able to discover the Kaipo groups within the city and executed them only a day before the intended start. The Rebels knew they couldn’t give up even with this set back. Their soldiers were prepared and they only made a minor adjustment to the plan. They would have Rebel commandos set explosive charges on the gates in order to open them. However this would prove to still be less than what was necessary.

The attack began with snipers taking out Imperial guards on the wall surrounding the city followed by the detonation of gates. The amount of explosives used was overestimated and the gates were blasted to pieces, sending metal shards into the city, slashing a large number of the houses in the near vicinity to pieces and killing everyone in range of the flung metal. The assault vehicles followed the detonation and moved quickly into the city, blasting what stormtroopers survived the initial explosion.

However, the small victory was short lived. The assault vehicles were destroyed only moments after entering, small and fast versions of the platforms cut through the thick armor plating. The Imperials forces that remained rallied and fought against the lesser Rebel number. The Rebels were able to push back the stormtroopers but only until the Nissimus militia arrived. That caught the Rebels off guard, the militia was supposed to be with the larger platforms and their sensors hadn’t warned them of any incoming flight ships. When they checked though, they found that their equipment was either damaged beyond repair or being jammed.

The Rebels were forced back outside of the city, they were on the edge of the forest when the first large platform arrived. The platform had dropped off its troops in order to get better speed as well as to relieve the air crew of the constant annoyance of the ground forces. They were in position to bombard the Rebels before they could run far enough to escape the blast. Or that was what they assumed.

A small number of the Rebels were able to return to their base, grab a few supplies, send a message to the rest of the Rebel Alliance, and escape right before the platforms arrived and destroyed the base, the location of which had also been revealed by the traitor.

[SIZE=11pt]The Rebels that survived retreated to the other continent, taking refuge on one of the many mountains.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The Galactic Battle[/SIZE]
It was fortunate for the Rebels that the Nissimus had been forced to work together by the Imperials. As the various cities were made to work as a group where otherwise they would have been enemies, the scientists from different states worked together to work on more advanced technology. Specifically the flight technology that had done amazingly well already had a massive leap; they were beginning to experiment with magnetically sensitive materials that were so powerful they could allow very large structures to float within a planet’s magnetic field. At this time it was little more than an experiment, but later on it would play a very important part.

At this time though there were also a large number of dissident Nissimus who were preparing their own plans for attack against the Imperials. When the few Kaipo who had survived the attacks on the Rebels spoke with the Nissimus insurgents, the Nissimus learned of the Rebels and began trying to find them as discreetly as possible.

The Rebels were trying to survive, only now learning of the true dangers of the North of the first continent. Their first encounter with a Maelstrom was truly terrifying and they ran as quickly as they could from it. They were fortunate to have been able to stay within the cave they had found, an ancient Maelstrom lair that had long ago been left empty by the massive beast. They were able to set up a base in the hills and keep their location secret while they prepared for the arrival of support.

They were also able to contact rebel elements of Nissimus within Grim Haunt. They set up communication and a small supply route. The Rebels were surprised to learn that the Nissimus could obtain and send almost anything smaller than an AT-ST without too much trouble. The Rebels soon found themselves with a set of small platforms, blasters, and other ranged weaponry of Nissimus make.

The Rebels in return taught the Nissimus that were willing how to fight effectively against the Imperials and suggested strategies on how to take down their government. It was an important trade, mutually beneficial against the Imperials. By setting up this diplomatic work they proved to be trustworthy and friendlier than the Imperials, making them better allies in the eyes of the Nissimus. They decided to take a leap of faith and supply infiltration points that the Rebels could use. These were hidden individuals who would smuggle the Rebel soldiers into the city in preparation for an attack.

The Rebels were very thankful for the help and were even gladdened to find that the Rebels elsewhere in the galaxy had responded and were bringing a small task force to help in the insurrection. They planned a series of events that would optimize the arrival of friendly forces. They worked for a week over the plan with the Nissimus. By the time the small Rebel fleet was on its way, the forces on the ground had a strategy that they hoped would annihilate the Imperials.

The fleet made up of Y-wings, a single Corellian Corvette, and a few X-wings arrived at the moment when Imperial scanners were sabotaged by Nissimus rebels. Without scanners the Imperials were not aware of the incoming fleet until the first fighters entered the atmosphere. There was little that could be done as the Rebel fighters tore through the inadequate anti-air defenses before directly attacking enemy facilities.

At the same time, the remaining Rebels joined by a Nissimus attack force invaded the Imperial governor headquarters. The security was lessened by the fleet attack and the Rebels were able to overpower the resistance that they came across. They were working their way through the building when battle platforms from various cities arrived. Some of the crews aboard the platforms at this point attempted to revolt, taking control of the platforms and targeting those that were still under Imperial rule. It was not a surprise that only a few Imperial controlled platforms were able to join the main battle. Even then, the platforms’ weaponry systems were not optimized for tracking fighters that were much faster than anything the Nissimus had ever seen. The Y-wings bombed most of the platforms out of the sky before they could even fire their first shots.

All in all it would have been a perfect invasion. If not for the return of the Imperial exploration group that is. The exploration team was by no means a large force compared to what an Imperial might think of as a fleet, but that didn’t make the team a ragtag bunch of vessels. The expedition had a healthy dose of defense vessels in case they came across hostiles, specifically Rebels. They were prepared for small attack wings and minute numbers of fighters. What they had to deal with was more than what they could theoretically handle.

Of course, theory does not always equal practice. Due in part to the unexpectedness of their arrival, the Rebel ships were not looking for enemies in space and were unaware of the Imperials coming up on them. By the time that they could see the ships incoming it was too late to fall back or set up a strategy. The fleet battle was conducted in the atmosphere, this was little more than a slugmatch to see who would come out on top. The maneuvering of the fighters made certain that there would be many misses, which would crash into the ground destroying anything in their path.

The governor’s building was one of the first to be struck, because of its size it was an easy target to hit. There was little in the way of defense on the building against proton torpedoes or linked fire from a starship. The building didn’t last a minute and everyone inside perished from the collapse that ensued. Only two Rebels made it out of the complex, along with their prisoner the governor. In a bout of anger they executed the Imperial before trying to escape the battleground, but to no avail. A stray turbolaser shot from the single Corellian Corvette turned the last of the Rebel ground forces into ash.

Even without Rebel allies, the Nissimus fought valiantly on the ground, taking down what Imperial stations remained. All the while, they tried to escape the rain of death that was the more dangerous enemy to them. The Imperials on the ground were able to retain some vestige of command structure long enough to call a retreat, claiming that the planet’s tactical value was not great enough to excuse the loss of assets on the ground. In their rush to escape, a few squads of Imperials were left on the ground, while the rest escaped on what ships they could to the transports and then all the Imperials left the planet.

[SIZE=11pt]Those few that had been forgotten were rounded up quickly enough and the Rebel fighters took them away before leaving themselves. Apparently the location of the planet was too far out of reach to be of tactical use, while it could be a good fallback position they decided that it was also a possible point of return for the Imperials as well. Thus they told the Nissimus that they would be leaving in good faith that the inhabitants of the planet would not allow themselves to be subjugated again. The Nissimus were all too happy to see the offworlders leave, they had caused too much death and destruction to be worth the efforts. So ended the Galactic Battle.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The Folds of War[/SIZE]
The Galactic powers leaving the planet were enough to cause a disturbance in what had been a delicate power balance. Almost every Nissimus city had access to scientific advancements by every other city. There had been little secrecy during the Imperial Regime, and now that all was over there was little in the way of outside influence to hold back any hostilities.

The Kaipo however were busily breaking down what remained of the Imperial cities and destroyed anything that appeared to be Imperial in origin. They made a monument to the Rebels in the form of a crystal carved out from a deep crevice that they had been a mine for the Empire. To them it was a final act of liberty that a tool of the Empire was used to create a sign of Rebellion. This crystal would later be put into the main city of the Kaipo, Angel Haven. After the creation of this beautiful gem they began working towards freedom of their people. Specifically from the Nissimus who kept them from returning home. They did not accomplish any actual movement against the Nissimus at this time, as they waited until the Nissimus weakened themselves.
The Nissimus soon found that the peace that had been caused by the Imperial invasion was faltering. There was no united front for all Nissimus to work against, instead there was a return of the jarring differences between cities. They didn’t want or expect the offworlders to return, so they focused on their own planet. They began verbally attacking each other, working on battle platforms with new vigor in the hopes to destroy their remembered enemies. The smaller cities suddenly found that they were no longer at a disadvantage, they the only difference between themselves and the larger cities was population and that could be overcome.

Almost immediately the war returned, the Nissimus were still weakened from the Empire, yet they fought as if they had been preparing for centuries. Their viciousness was unparalleled in the history of the planet. When a city had a platform above an enemy they bombarded it without care for innocents. Some of the larger cities would even attack smaller towns that had no platforms of their own. Their strength was brutish and their mentality was too far afield for any historian today to truly discern.

However, this wanton destruction would only last a few standard years. Grim Haunt had been able to hold out against its competitors only through the use of guile and a slight advantage. They pushed the advantage and found that their scientists finally discovered how to create floating fortresses. These cities would float through the air and were capable of housing enough soldiers to drain an entire army of its men. The platform was filled with enough weapons to hold off any other platform and the armoring insured that no harm would come to those safely within. They had created the perfect stronghold from which to control the planet.

They used this platform to wipe out three competitors before the lesser cities began to unite. They took lessons learned from their experience with the Imperials and how to attack platforms and attempted to adjust it enough to capture the fortress. For weeks the massive citadel continued on a rampage, annihilating all that was in its path. Then, at dawn of the first day of the new local year, the largest gathering of all Nissimus forces ever began. The entire armies of fifteen different cities amassed at a collection of platforms and were outfitted with anything that all the cities had. They pooled their resources in a last ditch effort to destroy the monstrosity that was causing so much devastation. One of the cities had even given all of its newest flight suits, faster than anything before but less maneuverable. They counted on an enemy being incapable of keeping up and were armored for those smaller shots that were easier to aim with.

Three hours after the initial gathering, the platforms were in the air and everyone headed towards the floating castle. It was another two hours before any sight of the massive platform was found. Then at last through the clouds they found their target. The fortress was not unprepared for its enemies, though the sheer number did surprise the commanders of the platform. For the longest of time it seemed that nothing moved while the two enemies moved towards one another, like duelists running at one another. Both sides knew that only one would come out of this. The difference was that the collection of forces knew that their failure would mean the victory of Grim Haunt over all other cities. That was a degree of disgrace that drove them forward. But more than that, they knew that death was there, if they failed they would all die, the only way to survive was to win. Thus they fought with little fear of the death that might come from the battle itself.

The very battle was incredibly short, only an hour in length. It felt to those who lived through it that it had been days. The small platforms that carried squads moved ahead of the larger combat platforms, with the flight suits leading them all. The fortress’ weapons fired quickly and were devastating on the less than maneuverable flight suits, however the arrival of the smaller platforms carrying soldiers divided the attention of the smaller guns, forcing them to pick their targets. The larger cannons couldn’t get a fix on the fast flight suits and contented themselves to try and attack the slower, yet more maneuverable craft.

Those platforms with the squads moved as quickly as they could to the top of the fortress where dropper their cargo off before attaching to the sealed ceiling. The soldiers there breeched the top and began working their way through the ship, more prepared for the confined space combat that took place than their fortress working enemies. Their entry into the fortress caused the commanders to recall the ship, hoping to get some of their own soldiers into the station so as to avoid losing it to the boarders.

It was a lost cause. The idea that a single city, or at least its government, could control the entire planet was nothing more than a wistful dream. Grim Haunt’s government realized this all too late, their fortress burned out of the sky as sabotage from within and enemy cannon fire from without tore the engines and armor to shreds. They watched as their dreams came down in flames. Their retribution would come in an unexpected way however. The enemy forces, as anticipated moved quickly to work their way towards Grim Haunt, intent on destroying the city.

[SIZE=11pt]As fate would have it, the citizens of the city revolted days ago, killing their leaders and putting down all of their defenses. Those soldiers that did not surrender to the civilians were ended and those that did helped pull what remained of the battle platforms apart. When the enemy military force arrived they found a city without any defense and willing to capitulate to the arrivers. This ended the war. Realizing that they were all more alike than they had been led to believe by their political leaders, the soldiers refused to fight. The words of the fighting people proved more powerful than that of the placeholders and the armies proved more difficult to recruit and soon the politicians were forced to contemplate a peaceful resolution to this war, rather than the massive end to all wars they had been hoping for.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]United Race[/SIZE]
With the war over and peace reclaimed, the various cities of the Nissimus began trying to work together. Suddenly the various people realized that a single government was possible, if everyone worked towards it. In the end, it wasn’t the appeal of peace or prosperity that drove this home, but the hope of the scientists to further their progress with mutual effort instead of individual attempts.

With the all-encompassing wish for unison, the city leaders began making deals and preparing a treaty. Grim Haunt’s new leaders were especially helpful in the progress, giving as much as they could to help further make the treaty both strong and fair. Over the course of a standard year the treaty was written and prepared in every way possible. There was media coverage of the final meeting of each city’s leaders. Some were more willing to surrender leadership than others. In fact, a large number of the smaller cities allowed their leaders to step down and give the control of the cities over to larger cities. In this way, the larger cities became more powerful, yet the smaller cities also became stronger by becoming part of a larger force. Their supplies were added to that of the larger. It was this willingness that also made the possibility even more likely.

The treaty was signed by all that partook and the first true leadership over all Nissimus began. The first accomplishment was the centralization of all military forces, putting them in one location. This was followed by a standardization of those same military forces. This proved difficult as the scientists had to agree on a single best design for a number of ships where many cities had their own unique ones. It became something of a point of contention. It was decided a week after the problem arose that individual militaries of a much smaller degree would be authorized, only for the day to day protection of a city if it so desired. This alleviated the stress caused by the scientists’ decisions and allowed some of the smaller cities to take pride in what they had constructed, by building enough to outfit a large police force.

The standardization was truly the most painful and expensive process. In most cases the larger cities were generous enough to fund the building of more ships for their smaller compatriots. In this way the bonding of the treaty was made even more definite. While the ships produced were named under these smaller cities, in fact every ship that was part of the main military force was owned by the overall government. This made it less likely for a single city or group of cities to attempt a coup d’etat. The counterbalance was that if all the ships within every city’s military police force were to be added together, they would outnumber the main military force. This was supposed to keep the overall government from exerting too much control.

It was a fine balance, but one held well by the citizens. Of course, that was not all that allowed the treaty to succeed to such a degree as it had. In the peace that followed the war, certain Nissimus saw an opportunity to begin businesses that would circumvent all governments to accomplish goals that would be assigned to them by benefactors. In other words, the first true organized criminals began to appear. These first were by far the least effective. It wasn’t entirely their fault though. The market for services such as they offered was still young and most Nissimus leaders were naïve enough to believe that the altruistic behavior that was beginning to spread would last.

These first men and women were also the most important in the beginnings of what would be the most important business. They were willing to take risks that later people within the organizations wouldn’t dream of. They were also some of the most singularly well exercised individuals, they didn’t have the training that later people would, but they learned on their feet and those that failed were learned from and others became better for it.

Their work within the cities began in Grim Haunt. Their first jobs were simple, making certain people disappear, stealing money from minor banks, security at trades of equipment. That was only the beginning, soon they were dealing in the transactions themselves. They traded gear and weapons for other things. The heads of these organizations were some of the smartest individuals on the planet at the time, staying hidden, keeping their people separated. It was these people that decided that peace was a better circumstance to work under rather than war. They knew that the prices for certain things would drop, but then there would open up a need for many other services that would otherwise go unasked for.

Beyond that another event caused the treaty to be even more cemented. The discovery of another species, the Gratia. These species were very primitive in their works, but it was made up by the fact that they were capable of feats that astounded all those who saw it. One of the Gratia, the daughter of the ruler at the time: Rallai, decided to become an ambassador for the Gratia with the Nissimus. The government of the Nissimus decided that the Gratia would be left alone. They believed that it would be a better thing to allow the Gratia to advance at their own rate.

While the Nissimus of the world breathed a collective sigh of relief at the end of hostilities, the Kaipo were preparing themselves for something much bigger. Their leader had grown tired of not being allowed to return to their homeland. They wanted the freedom to move about as they pleased. They didn’t care that the Nissimus were going through tumultuous times, that there was a peace that may allow the Kaipo to negotiate their ability to return. They were enraged to such a degree that those who spoke of peaceful resolutions were not listened to. This anger would lead to an act that would at any other time be considered murderous.

The Sacking of the Nissimus
There was no warning for the Nissimus on that day that the Kaipo acted. The Kaipo bought weapons from the Nissimus before flying over Kaipo far north in the mountain ranges that had been close to their home. They sent them in groups so as to be less likely to be seen. While some of the Kaipo groups were seen, the Nissimus were not too concerned as they understood the want to return to the homelands. If not for the business of the government with setting up rules they might have started working on a deal with the Kaipo sooner. But their decision to wait was proven to be the wrong one.

After a month, all the Kaipo were gathered, at least all those who would take part in the act. The leader at the time, Orithan, a Voln, led his soldiers to attack a few of the traveling platforms. They highjacked these with little fear of retribution. They killed everyone aboard so that no other Nissimus would find out before the time was right. They then set about preparing for the ruse. There was only a little to accomplish before they set the platforms onto a straight path right across Grim Haunt.

They then moved towards the outer mountains. They sent duo scouts to search for the platform locations. They needed to know where their targets were and where the largest of their enemy number would be. This was a good decision, their scouts found the main force of the overall Nissimus government. With this information they were able to finish their plan and set up the last steps. They collected the services of some of the Nissimus criminals, who then set up some of their men in the military forces in the Nissimus platforms.

In the meantime, the finding of the platforms heading towards the Grim Haunt without any living men aboard caused a ruckus within the government. The weapons left behind by the Kaipo were those of a lesser city. There was a momentary fear that a number of the lesser cities were discontented with their place. The military force was set on high alert, but it was mostly aimed at possibility of a small city attack.

Then the Kaipo began their attack. They began attacking the platforms. Their attack was straightforward: the operatives would take down communications and remove the leadership while the Kaipo soldiers would move into and destroy everyone else. It was only a few hours before the Kaipo had control of the majority of the platforms. They turned the weapons against the remaining resistance and then destroyed a few of the lesser ships.

The Nissimus would learn of these events only hours later… when the Kaipo platforms arrived over Grim Haunt and began attacking. They also sent ground forces to the city to destroy those few anti-air defenses. The city was razed and the government was destroyed. The only survivor was Rallai, who was secured by a special operations group who then moved her to safety. They escaped on a smaller platform and made their way to another city.

The Nissimus forces in the city had no chance. Against both a ground force and the incredibly powerful platforms. They held their ground as best they could, but it was a losing battle. They were beaten and this was evident. The Nissimus were better armed, but the Kaipo had the advantage of superior firepower and were prepared for a battle. The city was blaster around the defenders as the platforms rained fire and death.

The Kaipo continued bombarding the city even after the last defender had fallen. They blasted the city through the night and into dawn of the next day. By this time most of the city was little more than a crater. The few buildings that survived were either fortunate or so far away from the center as to have been missed in the dark of night. Only a small portion of the population survived the attack, and those only because the Kaipo had not found them. What was left was a reminder of the destructiveness of anger and hatred. The Kaipo destroyed their platforms and let them fall into the craters while they flew back to the other continent. Their mission had been accomplished, now it was time to prepare for retaliation.

Interestingly, the retribution never arose. The Nissimus had new overall leaders almost immediately after the events and while most of the population were crying out for justice, Rallai suggested otherwise. Through an eloquent speech she was able to convince the masses to not begin a war with their planetary brothers, but to instead ask for forgiveness of their own wrongs and to try and build a better foundation for a new government.

The city was rebuilt over the course of a standard year, all the Nissimus cities pitched in. Meanwhile, the government began negotiating with the Kaipo, giving them leave to return to their homeland, given that they leave the Gratia alone. The Kaipo were quick to agree, surprised that there was no lashing out by the Nissimus at their actions. During this time it was also decided that a large military force would not be created, instead allowing each city to police itself and that there would be only an overall political leadership.

The Nissimus at this point also decided that they simply had to collect all the history of the planet as best they could. They began compiling massive collections of historical texts and just about anything else they could. They first transferred the information onto computer data files which were then placed into a massive computer core. The physical texts and remains were sealed away in vaults buried under the city in case of later destruction. The computer was filled ever larger as more and more history began to fall into place. Even so, they didn’t have everything on their planet’s history.

Pestilence of Outsiders

The Empire and the Rebels soon lost information on the planet, the knowledge being lost due to incessant fighting. However, this did not mean the planet was undisturbed, a number of freighter captains, occasionally took refuge on the planet, escaping problems within the rest of the galaxy. These captains brought with them stories and materials from off world.

The Nissimus accepted them, welcoming the resources and information. They were able to compile a quite extensive history of the greater galaxy through texts and documents brought to them by these men who brought them. They put the information into their computers, saving it all to the massive network in order to better preserve that which they believed would help them understand these offworlders.

Some of these captains traded goods for permanent houses in aesthetically pleasing areas, enjoying the planet inbetween jobs and shipments. Those that decided to stay for longer periods found themselves almost always singled out in a crowd as an offworlder, being treated different than all others, more to their liking. However many of the Nissimus grew tired of these offworlders being given special treatment, thought they did not want the same treatment if was the idea.

As Fate would have it, before enough of a resentment could build they found that their captains were becoming ill. Those people said that it was nothing, small cough, probably a cold. However, as time went by they found that those that journeyed to the planet were often sick and brought tales of death and fear. A small group of freighter captains suggested that the spaceports be closed for the time being, however the majority of the captains pressured the Nissimus leadership to not follow this 'insane plan'. The Leadership continued to allow transport to the planet.

As time went on the Nissimus began to try and distance themselves from the voyagers, using machines and sealed rooms, not allowing the offfworlders to enter the cities. It was too late. Those that had been ill before had passed their disease into the populace of Grim Haunt. The first to die were those from offworld. The Nissimus leaders assumed that the problem was isolated to these strangers and once they had died the leaders no longer feared any issue of the alien disease.

However, they were wrong. At first only the elderly and the young were affected. They became ill and began to die at a truly astounding rate. The leadership was quick to begin an isolation and quarantine procedure, taking away those that were ill and sending them to another city, which had volunteered to be set aside as the illness center. The leaders of that city hoped to find a cure by having its doctors work on a plethora of patients.

This only made matters worse though, the doctors fell sick and soon the entire city was a center for disease. The city was locked away, quarantined against another outbreak. This failed, as those that helped keep the quarantine brought the illness back to their home cities. Soon the sickness spread to the rest of the population. Few were spared and those that were had already isolated themselves to the lands of the Kaipo and the other continent.

The Nissimus turned to the Kaipo, looking for help, but only spreading the plague. The Kaipo seemed more resilient, the Nissimus theorized it was related to the inherent strength training as well altitude and the cold. Even so, no Kaipo survived once they caught the deadly plague. They simply lasted longer and lived through more of the pain. They began fighting harder to keep the disease from spreading, sending their children and healthy away into the North and to the other continent.

In the North the plague seemed not to have adapted to something. Those that lived in the mountains were able to safely live, however they had to cut off contact with the cities. The disease did not affect the Maelstroms, which continued to cause trouble even in this time. The Kaipo found themselves unable to fully protect themselves from the beasts and were constantly fleeing the creatures wherever they may be found.

Meanwhile on the second continent the Gratia seemed to be the only ones not affected by the disease. It may have been because of their natural isolation, which was quickly broken by fleeing Kaipo and Nissimus seeking shelter from the disease. A number of Gratia accepted responsibility for protecting the range from this terrible plague, they took up homes on the nearby mountains and spent their days using their abilities to hold back the wind and rain. Those who made that decision were quick to die, unable to care for themselves and project such power on the world around them.

This became part of the class within the Gratia, volunteers would be taken to these houses where they would lie down and put themselves into a trance, in which they then used their power to continue what the last had done. They would continue until at last they could no longer sustain themselves and weakened enough that the greater Gratia could feel the failing. They would then replace this Gratia with another volunteer, however it was normally too late for the volunteer.

As time went on those that were ill died, the plague was slowly killing itself out. Without any new healthy bodies to pass to the disease ran out of life. It disappeared and what was left was horror and death. The Kaipo that had escaped North were the first to try to return. They soon fled back to the hills, hiding from the remains of the disease. It was another standard 200 years before anyone truly began to go back to their homes.

The first to return properly were the Nissimus from the Gratia village. The adults that had first entered the village had died from trauma and heartache. The children that had grown into leadership remembered what it had been like to live under the Gratia's kindness. They remembered the fear of the Gratia field, as they had lovingly called it, failing. They immediately began work on a better protection and quarantine system. They also called the Kaipo, sending out physical messengers to find them and tell them to return to their homes.

It was an even longer time before the population was able to reach what had been previous to the plague. The Nissimus leaders passed down their knowledge and memories, in the forms of memory devices, created by the Gratia, which retained one's memories within a physical object, such as a rock or tree. The quarantine system was upgraded to fit the new times however the concept remained and the Nissimus lost much trust of the offworlders, destroying what remained of the spaceport and building a central anti-aircraft weapon capable of shooting down what they had known as the largest ships of their new enemies. This weapon was designed without the concept of shields on their enemies and meant for enemy ships at largest the size of a freighter.

In recent years however this hatred of those not from the planet has diminished, especially with the fact that there has not been a sighting of an offworlder for over a three centuries.

[SIZE=11pt]The Event Horizon[/SIZE]

The latest tragedy to affect the planet was the rising of Akala and the strange events that led to the disappearance of billions of beings across the galaxy. Cordialis was not protected from this. In an instant hundreds of thousands of Nissimus, thousands of Kaipo, and a good three quarters of the Gratia population were gone.

Those Gratia that remained were devastated by the Force fluctuations, their most important survival implement had been taken from them. In the first day a third of the remaining Gratia were injured or died. For the Nissimus this proved to be a single good thing to have happened, as it gave them an excuse to move in and occupy Gratia territory and to help them.

Meanwhile the event caused a strange reaction within the massive Maelstroms. Their minds were changed slightly, they began to become hostile to the use of the Force. They became even more aggressive before to those that were strong in the Force. On top of this, the crystal pockets on the planet also began having a strange effect on the world around them. They seemed to create a field in which the Force became less trustworthy in the ability to control it. Sometimes the attempt to use it would be made weaker and other times far too strong, throwing the ability to use the Force off. The Nissimus did not know of these crystal pockets, but they did see the large areas of effect. They were not able to make any real theories on why or where these would pop up.

For some time the whole planet fell into chaos as leaders tried to understand what had occurred. They didn’t even try to guess at what had happened. They simply could not understand why people had disappeared. The Gratia were the closest to the truth when they said that it was related to the Force and that something had angered it. They tried to tell the Nissimus, but their scientists were uncertain that this was true. Even so, there was nothing they could do.

A while later everything seemed to return to normal. Except that the fields that covered kilometers of land in seemingly random places still made using the Force questionable, this on top of the difficulty already using the Force. Then the Maelstroms were also very hostile still to its use.

Notable PCs: N/A
[SIZE=11pt]Intent: A place for Ultimatum to explore and to expand on a concept that I have had in mind, and to add a system for this galaxy[/SIZE]


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
Let me preface this by wishing the stinging insects of a thousand worlds would seek out your moist places. I'm still kinda hungover and that was long. However, it was also extremely well thought out and beautifully realized.

There are two issues that need to be addressed, however.

The first is fairly simple, you just need to incorporate the Gulag plague into your planet's history. There's a chance it's in there and I just missed it, and if that's the case point out where and you're good on that.

Ultimatum said:
The Event Horizon The latest tragedy to affect the planet was the rising of Akala and the strange events that led to the disappearance of billions of beings across the galaxy. Cordialis was not protected from this. In an instant hundreds of thousands of Nissimus, thousands of Kaipo, and a good three quarters of the Gratia population were gone. On top of this, a hole between the live world and that of the Netherworld was opened. It was opened far in the north, in the regions that Maelstroms were most common. Those Gratia that remained were devastated by the Force fluctuations, their most important survival implement had been taken from them. In the first day a third of the remaining Gratia were injured or died. For the Nissimus this proved to be a single good thing to have happened, as it gave them an excuse to move in and occupy Gratia territory and to help them. Meanwhile the open portal between worlds caused a strange reaction within the massive Maelstroms. Their minds were changed slightly, they began to become hostile to the use of the Force. They became even more aggressive before to those that were strong in the Force. On top of this, the crystal pockets on the planet also began having a strange effect on the world around them. They seemed to create a field in which the Force became less trustworthy in the ability to control it. Sometimes the attempt to use it would be made weaker and other times far too strong, throwing the ability to use the Force off. The Nissimus did not know of these crystal pockets, but they did see the large areas of effect. They were not able to make any real theories on why or where these would pop up. For some time the whole planet fell into chaos as leaders tried to understand what had occurred. They didn’t even try to guess at what had happened. They simply could not understand why people had disappeared. The Gratia were the closest to the truth when they said that it was related to the Force and that something had angered it. They tried to tell the Nissimus, but their scientists were uncertain that this was true. Even so, there was nothing they could do. A while later everything seemed to return to normal. Except that the fields that covered kilometers of land in seemingly random places still made using the Force questionable, this on top of the difficulty already using the Force. Then the Maelstroms were also very hostile still to its use.

While I like the idea, there were a finite number of portals opened during the Netherworld event, and only two remain open at this time. I'm told no new portals will be authorized. You'll still have to address the events of Netherworld in your history, but the references to the portal have to go.

Anyway, once you get that taken care of, you should be good to go. This is a great sub, and you should be proud of it.

Alright I deserved that. Haha

Thank you very much for the compliments. I hope that the species I am making up for this planet will match in viability and thoroughness.

So I realized as I was reading through the whole document that there appeared to be difficulty with those spoilers. Very sorry about that, so far my attempts to edit them out and get them sorted has ended in frustration.

The new section about the Gulag Plague has magically placed itself under The Sacking of Nissimus. Below is the text that is in there. At least it should be:

Pestilence of Outsiders
The Empire and the Rebels soon lost information on the planet, the knowledge being lost due to incessant fighting. However, this did not mean the planet was undisturbed, a number of freighter captains, occasionally took refuge on the planet, escaping problems within the rest of the galaxy. These captains brought with them stories and materials from off world.

The Nissimus accepted them, welcoming the resources and information. They were able to compile a quite extensive history of the greater galaxy through texts and documents brought to them by these men who brought them. They put the information into their computers, saving it all to the massive network in order to better preserve that which they believed would help them understand these offworlders.

Some of these captains traded goods for permanent houses in aesthetically pleasing areas, enjoying the planet inbetween jobs and shipments. Those that decided to stay for longer periods found themselves almost always singled out in a crowd as an offworlder, being treated different than all others, more to their liking. However many of the Nissimus grew tired of these offworlders being given special treatment, thought they did not want the same treatment if was the idea.

As Fate would have it, before enough of a resentment could build they found that their captains were becoming ill. Those people said that it was nothing, small cough, probably a cold. However, as time went by they found that those that journeyed to the planet were often sick and brought tales of death and fear. A small group of freighter captains suggested that the spaceports be closed for the time being, however the majority of the captains pressured the Nissimus leadership to not follow this 'insane plan'. The Leadership continued to allow transport to the planet.

As time went on the Nissimus began to try and distance themselves from the voyagers, using machines and sealed rooms, not allowing the offfworlders to enter the cities. It was too late. Those that had been ill before had passed their disease into the populace of Grim Haunt. The first to die were those from offworld. The Nissimus leaders assumed that the problem was isolated to these strangers and once they had died the leaders no longer feared any issue of the alien disease.

However, they were wrong. At first only the elderly and the young were affected. They became ill and began to die at a truly astounding rate. The leadership was quick to begin an isolation and quarantine procedure, taking away those that were ill and sending them to another city, which had volunteered to be set aside as the illness center. The leaders of that city hoped to find a cure by having its doctors work on a plethora of patients.

This only made matters worse though, the doctors fell sick and soon the entire city was a center for disease. The city was locked away, quarantined against another outbreak. This failed, as those that helped keep the quarantine brought the illness back to their home cities. Soon the sickness spread to the rest of the population. Few were spared and those that were had already isolated themselves to the lands of the Kaipo and the other continent.

The Nissimus turned to the Kaipo, looking for help, but only spreading the plague. The Kaipo seemed more resilient, the Nissimus theorized it was related to the inherent strength training as well altitude and the cold. Even so, no Kaipo survived once they caught the deadly plague. They simply lasted longer and lived through more of the pain. They began fighting harder to keep the disease from spreading, sending their children and healthy away into the North and to the other continent.

In the North the plague seemed not to have adapted to something. Those that lived in the mountains were able to safely live, however they had to cut off contact with the cities. The disease did not affect the Maelstroms, which continued to cause trouble even in this time. The Kaipo found themselves unable to fully protect themselves from the beasts and were constantly fleeing the creatures wherever they may be found.

Meanwhile on the second continent the Gratia seemed to be the only ones not affected by the disease. It may have been because of their natural isolation, which was quickly broken by fleeing Kaipo and Nissimus seeking shelter from the disease. A number of Gratia accepted responsibility for protecting the range from this terrible plague, they took up homes on the nearby mountains and spent their days using their abilities to hold back the wind and rain. Those who made that decision were quick to die, unable to care for themselves and project such power on the world around them.

This became part of the class within the Gratia, volunteers would be taken to these houses where they would lie down and put themselves into a trance, in which they then used their power to continue what the last had done. They would continue until at last they could no longer sustain themselves and weakened enough that the greater Gratia could feel the failing. They would then replace this Gratia with another volunteer, however it was normally too late for the volunteer.

As time went on those that were ill died, the plague was slowly killing itself out. Without any new healthy bodies to pass to the disease ran out of life. It disappeared and what was left was horror and death. The Kaipo that had escaped North were the first to try to return. They soon fled back to the hills, hiding from the remains of the disease. It was another standard 200 years before anyone truly began to go back to their homes.

The first to return properly were the Nissimus from the Gratia village. The adults that had first entered the village had died from trauma and heartache. The children that had grown into leadership remembered what it had been like to live under the Gratia's kindness. They remembered the fear of the Gratia field, as they had lovingly called it, failing. They immediately began work on a better protection and quarantine system. They also called the Kaipo, sending out physical messengers to find them and tell them to return to their homes.

It was an even longer time before the population was able to reach what had been previous to the plague. The Nissimus leaders passed down their knowledge and memories, in the forms of memory devices, created by the Gratia, which retained one's memories within a physical object, such as a rock or tree. The quarantine system was upgraded to fit the new times however the concept remained and the Nissimus lost much trust of the offworlders, destroying what remained of the spaceport and building a central anti-aircraft weapon capable of shooting down what they had known as the largest ships of their new enemies. This weapon was designed without the concept of shields on their enemies and meant for enemy ships at largest the size of a freighter.

In recent years however this hatred of those not from the planet has diminished, especially with the fact that there has not been a sighting of an offworlder for over a three centuries.

I have also removed all mention of the portals between the Netherworld and the living realm, as far as I have seen.



Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
Alright, I think that should just about do it.

One final question: are the sentient species mentioned canon or noncanon? If they're canon, we would appreciate links to the appropriate Wookieepedia articles. If they're noncanon and have already been subbed, then linking the submissions would be helpful. If they haven't been subbed that's fine. We can move forward with this, just let us know when you get finished and we'll pop the links in.

Thanks much.

Okay, the species are noncanon I have almost completed subs for them and hope to put them up for overview once the planet is approved.

I will give a holler when they are approved.


Long read. Interesting.

A few questions and notes:

Taken from the Character creation rules-
  • Your character is not God, he is not immortal and he is not invincible.
Please remove any mention of the Gratia being "immortal" in your sub. You may interchange this with "long lived" or any other suitable expression, but we need to set a precedent since the Gratia will be a submitted and playable species.

I'm also curious as to the intent of this planet being twice the diameter of Earth and twice the gravity. This, for me, makes little sense when we look at the Gratia who are, supposedly, very meek. Would not their bodies require greater strength to deal with this x2 gravity? This would also effect the ability of the locals to build very large, tall structures. Do you see this inconsistency here?
I have made the adjustments to remove those references to eternal life, as far as I have seen. Though I had hoped to counterbalance their eternal life with the fragility, seeing as the galaxy is quite violent at the moment. I understand the rules and will abide by them.

Lorelei Darke said:
I'm also curious as to the intent of this planet being twice the diameter of Earth and twice the gravity. This, for me, makes little sense when we look at the Gratia who are, supposedly, very meek. Would not their bodies require greater strength to deal with this x2 gravity? This would also effect the ability of the locals to build very large, tall structures. Do you see this inconsistency here?
I do see it and I confess that I had not thought of the former of the two issues. I have put in a sentence to the effect that the Rakata experiments have caused the evolution of all three species to be slowed even more so than it already would be. As a species, the Gratia came from the planet, thus they were accustomed to the weight and their bodies had been built to withstand the gravity. However after the experiments their elongated life also increased their fragility. Due to their inability to adjust, their bodies internal systems are about the only thing that can handle the gravity and even then they cannot stand on the ground without the help of the Force. Perhaps on other planets they would be able to survive easier, but unless the planet has a very light gravity they will still require the Force.

As for the buildings, my assumption had been that the people would simply build in a different way, perhaps using more materials than on other worlds, but it would still be possible. The Gratia have not built anything larger than huts and what not. The Kaipo have build small two story cities. The Nissimus are the ones who have accomplished these feats and they are scientifically minded. Growing on the world they would know how to build correct?

Not trying to argue here, sorry if it comes across that way, just trying to explain the issues that you have very logically brought up.

[member="Lorelei Darke"]
You're not being argumentative at all. You're doing exactly what I hoped you would.

Your ideas to balance out that inconsistency are sound. Let's get them added into this sub somewhere, hm?

Thank you. Sorry I get a bit defensive when online, had some bad experiences in the past, not on the site.

Anyways, I have added the following to hopefully fulfill the necessary information about balances.

This is under Culture a new last paragraph:

[SIZE=11pt]Because of their fragility, they rely on the Force to support their body in moving about. Their species originally had grown to be strong enough on planet, however after the experimentation they were made weaker. Their internal systems retained enough strength to continue to function in the gravity of the planet, however they could not hold up much more. It is possible that on other planets with a less sever gravity they may be able to survive with ease, however unless that planet has little to no gravity it is unlikely that they will be able to move around without the help of the Force.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]And this is under Technology, the last sentence in the paragraph on the Nissimus:[/SIZE]

They have also become adept at building structures in the intense gravity of Cordialis. They are the only species who have accomplished constructing buildings greater than two stories, going so far as to build skyscrapers in many of their cities.

Is that acceptable?
[member="Lorelei Darke"]

Edit: Okay having the same problem as in the main submission, the weird bolding and letter size increase without me doing it. Just letting you know it is not intentional :)
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