Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Control of the giant mushroom! [Hutt cartel dominion of Kwenn)

Objective A: Protect the Star Destroyer
Location: One of the Various Hallways Leading to the Star Destroyer
Enemies: The Hutt Cartel
Allies: The First Order
Post: 1/20

"Karkin' hell. Get ready, men! We got pirates heading our way."

Edward Blake picked up his blaster rifle and helmet, white armor shining in the lights of the hallway. The former Republic soldier turned mercenary turned stormtrooper had decided long ago that he had left the war game for too long. Mercenary work was good and all, but it was nothing compared to operating with a professional fighting force, which he loved doing.

What better force to fight with than Stormtroopers?

He had worked out a deal with the brass of the First Order, earning him the rank of Captain for all the previous experience he had and giving him his own company. This was his first assignment, and Edward was going to impress his superiors with his skills and leadership ability.

Or he'd die trying.

"Lieutenants! Front and center!"

His five officers stood at attention in front of him now, ready to receive orders.

"Men. You know the situation. We need to protect the Star Destroyer for an indefinite amount of time. I need three platoons to set up defensive positions in all possible entrances leading to the hanger. One platoon will be stationed at the hanger up until that ship gets launched as a last line of defense. The last platoon will be stationed much farther forward, near the assaulting force, as a shock defense. I will personally lead this platoon."

At this, the Comedian smiled. It had been a while since he had been in the trenches.

"This is a stalling game, gentlemen. We need to be prepared to hold Hutt forces back as long as the engineers and pilots need us to. Remember your training, gentlemen. These pirate scum are just that- pirates. We are trained. We are superior. So let's get to it. Good luck, men. Dismissed."

The officers ran off, going to brief their NCOs and put the final touches on their defenses. The Captain took a last puff on his cigar, then dropped it to the floor and crushed it with his boot. Reaching for his belt, Edward retrieved a comlink and open a channel to the Supreme Commander, [member="Aram Kalast"] , dropping a simple message to the probably very busy military strategist.

"This is Captain Blake. Platoons are in defensive positions. Over."

He then switched channels, now speaking to one of the lieutenants...Brent, was it?

"Lieutenant Brent, is it? You're coming with me as the shock defense. Meet me at the coordinates I'm sending to you. Over."

"On my way, sir," the comlink chirped back.

Satisfied, Blake put his comlink back into his belt and picked up his helmet, taking a look at the blank white armor before putting it on. The HUD went to life, giving him a new perspective, but the armor itself was slightly bland for his tastes.

He'd paint a smiley face on it later.

He had his pin underneath his chestplate. For now, that would have to do.

Blake walked off to the rendezvous point agreed on with Brent. He noted the various defenses being set up now. Heavy repeaters, trip mines, barricades, the works. Eddie started to get his mind in the right set and turned on the comms unit in his helmet, flooding his ears with various Stormtrooper chatter. Apparently, a platoon had already been engaged near the main hangers by a group of enforcers. He let the reports and various noises begin to change his mind, prepping him into the war machine he was.

It was time for war.

[member="Bsssk"] [member="Ka-Aver"] [member="Kyle Amedis"] [member="Sibar Laval"] [member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Varro Shatterstar"] [member="Sempra the Hutt"] [member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] [member="Greifen Ren"]
Objective E, watching the show and eating tree frogs
Location: Aboard the Cartel flag ship, observation deck
Post 6/20

Sempra watched the slender shape of [member="Ashalah Ky"] as she laid herself on the edge of the holo map. For some reason it teased his appetite and he grabbed two tree frogs in one bite to satisfy his newfound hunger.

She was as lethal as she was beautiful. This Sempra knew and the mixture was partly why she was one of his favourites.
He was about to ask her stay when a slave leaned in whispering an update on the events inside the station.

Sempra's face turned grim and he pushed the slave away.

"Ororoo... storm troopers? In my station! ... " he cursed and rolled his eyes in a most displeasing manner.

"I am afraid ms Ky, that you will be forced to leave my presence. There is some sort of trouble at the main hangars of Kwenn station... " his eyes turned toward the window again. Small fighters were picking up dog fights but the hutt fleet was mainly unopposed so far. Regardless, the station was large and he did not want the fighting to take longer then necessary.

"By every passing minute I am loosing credits dearest. Please go save me my money."
Location: Hutt Observation Deck
Objective: A
Allies: [member="Sempra the Hutt"]
Enemies: Imperials
Posts: 2/20

Ash's ever-watching blue eyes tracked the slave boy across the room. Her attention was pulled from him as Sempra began to speak. Storm Troopers huh? "Nothing my squad and I can't handle, sir." She grinned as she pushed herself off the map table. Her wedge heels made soft thunks when they touched the metal floor of the deck. "Consider your credits safe, great one." She bowed deeply, pretending to not notice the deep V-neck cut on her top exposing her copper flesh. Then she straightened and turned to the door.

With a snap of her fingers, one of the members of her squad rushed forward. Ash spread her arms and the man slipped a slightly bulky jacket over her frame. It held even more surprises than an ambush. "Let's go, gentlemen," she ordered as she left the deck, the squad of 5 right on her heels, armed with blaster rifles and pistols and thermal detonators. How fun it was to be an Enforcer.

Varro Shatterstar

The Brightest Hearts are the most Impacted by the
Objective: Target Objective - B | Temporary Objective - C
Location: The Recreation Sector
Enemies: The First Order
Allies: The Hutt Cartel | [member="Sempra the Hutt"]
Gear: A pair of lightsabers - standard leather and durasteel armor
Squad: 2 Mercenaries(Commando grade units) 2 Gunslingers(Guard units) 3 Rifle toting Smugglers(Sniper units) - 7 in all
Post: 3/20

When his squad finally got themselves together, the eight of them rushed out of the hanger and poured into the Recreation sector, looking for a way to access the Management sector that was their objective. Varro had officers to kill, and that was right where they would be, tucked in comfortably like ticks behind metal walls and doors designed to keep the bad guys out and the good safe and sound. They'd even gone so far as to shut down the lifts to that sector to ensure that no one was going to get in or out while the takeover was taking place.

That was his way in...

That was the key, and Varro knew it the moment he'd realized that the lifts that interconnected each and every sector of Kwenn had been shut down. They had to get those lifts working again, and if they could, there would be nothing that could stop Varro from getting to them. They'd all be at his mercy, and each one of those incredibly expensive heads would hit the floor and put hundreds of thousands of cred into his accounts. Their blood was going to make him a rich man, today, although he wasn't too bad off with what mom and dad had left him, of course. He'd lived comfortably all his life, but just like a true Sith, he wanted more for himself.

More money and more power, and that came with moments like this. That was afforded to those determined enough to destroy anything and everything that stood in the way, and the deactivated lifts were in the way.

"Let's go! We've got an engine room to get into. It should be in the center of this sector, if Sempra's schematics were correct. If we can get those engines back online the lifts will bring us right where we need to go.", he told his group, all of which were tailing him as they rushed through civilians, cutting down security guards and soldiers along the way. "Only a couple of blocks now.", he whispered to himself as he lead them down the metal streets towards their destination.
Objective B

“Oh! the auld hoose, the auld hoose,
What tho' the rooms were wee,
Oh, kind hearts were dwelling there,
And bairnies fu' o' glee.
And wild rose and the jessamine
Still hang upon the wa'
Hoo mony cherished memories
Do they sweet flow'rs reca'.”

Thrukk paused mid breath as he realised the enforcers on his small shuttle seemed none too impressed with his singing voice. One of the smaller rodians in the back even had his hands cupped over his ears.

“Whit? Tay lood?” Thrukk asked as he loaded a cylindrical magazine of shells into his flechette launcher.

“Too everything!” someone grumbled. There was a palpable tension in the air. There'd been reports of much greater than expected resistance and nerves were jangling.

“We've got stormtroopers guarding the docking port!” called the pilot.

“We could pull out!”

“If it's certain death or his singing, I voted death!”

“Rude!” Thrukk interrupted. “Dornt ye fash yerse abit th' troopers!” he shouted. His cigarra fell to the deck and was ground to ash by his massive boot. There was a thud as the shuttle touched down and Thrukk signalled for the doors to be opened as he shouldered a flechette cannon intended for mounting to a vehicle. There was a mighty “whoomp” as it was fired, followed by the sound of a cloud of angry bees as the cannister detonated. Then there was only screaming.

“Problem solved,” he called with a wide toothy grin.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Location: VIP Guest Quarters
Objective: C/B
Allies: [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] , Management, 2 members of the Security Forces
Enemies: [member="Bsssk"] [member="Thraxis"] Hutt Cartel
Weapons: Blaster and her wits
Posts: 1/20

This had started to be a very promising week. The Management of Kwenn station had called on representatives of various Governments in the Galaxy to a meeting, one of which would bring the stations Neutral status to that of either side. The Republic, having been losing territory to the Sith couldn't pass up this opportunity. And Kay couldn't pass it up either. So the week had been filled with different Governments laying out their benefits to Kwenn Station to falling under their wing. Each representative was given the finest suites and so that there was no friction, each one had their own day to impress the Management.

Today was Kay's day, even though word was being spread that Management was quite satisfied with what the First Order had to offer. Instead of being dressed like an upper class merchant as she usually was, she was dressed to impress in a sleek and elegant dress of lace and green satin.

Yet as she was getting ready to be escorted up one level to meet with the Management, the alarms sounded. One of the Security forces went to investigate while the other remained with Kay. Moments later the sounds of battle could be heard, filling her with a feeling of dread. She hurried over to one of the windows that normally would offer a fantastic view of space. Instead that star filled void was now filled with Cartel ships.

"Oh no....This does not look good."
Objective: B
Location: Heading to Station Management
Enemies: [member="Thrukk Gulpdar"]
Allies: The First Order
Post: 2/20

Suddenly, Tmoxin heard footsteps boarding the shuttle. With her hand hovering near the lightsaber on her utility belt, she slowly made her way from the cockpit and into the main body of the ship. A Station Guard and some type of other official hailed her and said, "Ma'am, we need you off of this shuttle. There's an incident in the Space Station and we're on lockdown. We have a safe shelter where you can go until... the situation subsides."

"Trust me," she retorted. "I don't need shelter. I can help whatever situation you have going on. I have military training. Among other skills." The two humans appeared relatively mundane and not even fit for battle. No need to alarm them with the fact that was a Dark Jedi. She kept the side of her head turned towards the cockpit in case she heard an order back from Commander Kalast. But no orders could be heard.

The Station Official glanced warily at the Guard but then said, "Fine, but you'll have to come with us."

"And where would that be?"

"To Station Management. The upper level of Kwen."

"Well, carry on then," Tmoxin finished, buckling herself into one of the seats for the ride.

No orders from Kalast but by the maker, the Hapan executive wasn't going to stay here and "go to a safe shelter" when she was more valuable out protecting the First Order's assets.


The Big Gun (Dead PM Writers Account)
Objective B
Location: Level 4
Mission: Moving Upward
NPC Support: FFE Assault Mercs: 12 x Noghri Commandos | (21/24) x Trandoshans | (5/6) x Rodian Slicers and techs.
Allies: Cartel! [member="Varro Shatterstar"] | [member="Thrukk Gulpdar"]
Enemies: Non Cartel! [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] | [member="Tmoxin Temi"] | [member="Lady Kay"]
Gear NPCS: Full use of the standard FFE Product Catalog | Full Durasteel Armor | Personal Shield | Grenades | Portable Turrets | Mines | Vibroweapons
Gear Personal: Mark III Katarn Class Commando Armor | 2 x Ion Grenade | 2 x Cryoban Grenade | SW-12 Jack-Knife Sidearm Holstered | CB-1 Icebreaker Main Hands | Small Medical Field Trauma Kit | Utility Belt | Shield Gauntlet Left Hand | Echani Shield Waist, Echani Shield Back (Offline backup) | Vibroaxe (Back)​
Is it chilly in here? No that was probably the temperature dropping due to the vacuum sealed by the bulkheads, the bewildered faces of 5 opposing security troopers nearby being pulled off into the distance out the airlock, well it was poetry, but there no time to stop and enjoy the slicers handywork, that would come later at the afterparty.

Level 4 Civilian Sector

Level 4 was less fun, they manually opened the elevator into a hail of blaster fire. A stray shot reflected off the wall and got a lucky hit through a noghri’s leg plate, not killing it but causing a limp, while the first trandoshan diving through the door made it, the second became a pin cushion for the turrets facing them. A countermeasure blindsided an unlucky technician as he tried to hack into the local turrets, causing an overload which sent a large electrical charge through him, thankfully the turrets went up in flames but so did he.

“S’sssecure the central plaza” Bsssk barked, “GET GET MOVE.” They weren’t slowing down for anything, spotting [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] as well as a bunch of other civillians, Bsssk ordered them all "dealt with". The fire coming Sera’s way was mixed and varied, some inaccurate and invisible tensor shots, three round burst concussive sound wave damage which was a nightmare for lightsabers, blaster shots echoing off the walls and worst of all carbonite which snapfreezed enemy targets in place to be shattered as they moved.

Approaching Level 5 [member="Lady Kay"]

Several civilians had fled up the stairs, guards in the way. The mercs reaching the top had thrown a few cryoban grenades after them, as Bsssk was seemingly a fan of the underutilised grenade, a blue discharge covered the floor rolling outward as it went off. The ones at the top most of the stairs were drained of any and all heat, freezing in a deadly grip, with the rest in various states of trouble outward from the blast center.

“We are nearing the sssssss executives’ssss” Bsssk comm'd in to [member="Sempra the Hutt"] in case he’d changed his mind about capture or kill, it was all the same to him, as long as he got paid. First they had to get through a few civilians and what looked like a pink twi'lek, but how hard could that be?


Varro Shatterstar

The Brightest Hearts are the most Impacted by the
Objective: Arriving in the Management Sector - Moving on Objective B
Location: The Recreation Sector
Enemies: The First Order | [member="Tmoxin Temi"] - [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] - [member="Lady Kay"]
Allies: The Hutt Cartel | [member="Sempra the Hutt"] - [member="Bsssk"] - [member="Thrukk Gulpdar"]
Gear: A pair of lightsabers - standard leather and durasteel armor
Squad: 2 Mercenaries(Commando grade units) 2 Gunslingers(Guard units) 3 Rifle toting Smugglers(Sniper units) - 7 in all
Post: 4/20

"Scramble the cams.", Varro said as he dragged a meek little female security guard by the nape of her neck through the turbolifts engine room. When he got to a comm that was etched into the wall by whoever had manufactured the facility, he stopped and threw her to the floor, glancing up for a moment and waiting for something to happen. That something was rather obvious when the lights flickered on and the engines began to churn as they always had before, which brought a smile to his face before he turned and glanced over his shoulder at one of his men. "Cams are down, Varro.", the man said, not to say sir, or anything else but his name for that matter.

He grimaced at the man as if he'd missed the mark entirely, sighing as he turned around to the come and flicked back the cover. "Intelligent help is so hard to come by these days.", he muttered to himself as he snatched the weeping security guard by the hair and yanked her up onto her knees. "Alright, gorgeous. You're going on stage in thirty secs, so get your story straight. You've got a batch of civilian families with you and you've hold up in the engines room, which is not going to be what the officers in the managers sector want to hear. It's up to you to convince them that if they don't activate the lifts on their end, though, that these innocent people will die. Got that?", he said as he held her up and activated the comm from his end.

"Who is this?! What are you doing in the lift maintenance room!?", they yelled, demanding answers right away, of course. Varro knew well that a good show was necessary to get the response he wanted, though, which was why he reached back and used the force to send a wave of energy at the security doors they'd sealed behind them. It's effect was exceptional, the clattering of metal giving off quite the racket as he yanked on the woman's hair, forcing her to produce a yelp that wasn't fake in the slightest.

"Help! Officer Kane!? Is that you!? You have to activate the lifts from your side or the families I went back for are going to die! They're trying to get into the engine room this very moment! PLEASE!", he scream as Varro yanked back on her hair again to silence her. "That'll be plenty...", Varro whispered through the force to the woman as the lifts powered on, the lights lining the long, metal tunnels flickering to life one after the other.

"Well done.", he said allowed after having turned off the comm so that the Brave Office Kane couldn't hear him. "Your reward is your life. Now make yourself scarce.", Varro told the girl, pushing her forwards towards the door as he motioned for his squad to pile into the three lifts lining the far wall.


"Hellooooo hello.", Varro said as he hopped out of the lift, spring footed with an excited look on his face as he glanced around the control room that his specific lift had lead him to. The other two lifts had lead out into the open transport terminal that acted as a midway point for the lifts that ran all the way through Kwenn. That's where the rest of his men would be, but he rather like his odds as he stood there among a hand full of incredibly frightened officers who were only just now realizing their mistake. Two gunslingers stepped out from behind him and raised their weapons, training them on the inhabitants of the control room as Varro's amber eyes circled from face to face.

"No welcome mat? No smile imparted to your guest? No eager hands reaching out to shake my own?", he asked them all as his form became a blur before he appeared right in front of the man running the show. That man's name was Officer Jeremiah Kane, and he would never look the same again. "How rude!", he yelled at the man as he snatched him by his neck, thrust him into the wall and shoved his saber into his now open mouth. The next second a bright red light came rushing out of his mouth, and his eyes rolled back as smoke rose from his mouth and nose. Burned skin and muscle always did create such an unpleasant smell, but he'd gotten used to it by now.

The rest of their visit was filled with screams and cries for mercy as blaster bolts rang out, washing over each and every living being in that room, and that was if they were lucky enough not to play Varro the Magician's assistant who were most often made to swallow a lit saber. Once each and every one of them were dead, Varro activated the security panel and opened the blast doors to the control room, of which he had to assume there were more in that Sector hiding more Officers and Managers or even the Overseer. All of them were targets of the highest priority, but there were so many to kill and seemingly there wasn't enough time. It was sad, really, but when he was reunited with the others that had traveled a few blocks to get to Varro and his gunslinger guards, they circled up and awaited orders.

"Fan out and find every lead you can on where the rest of these cowards are hiding. They might be in a separate control room or hold up in some luxury sweet that belongs to a fat cat. I don't know, really. They could be anywhere, but I'm confident you'll find them all the same.", he said as he stepped through them all, each one dispersing as he made way for the center plaza of the management district.
Objective: B - Defend the people on the upper level!
Location: Recreation Sector
Enemies: Hutt Cartel | [member="Bsssk"] | [member="Sempra the Hutt"] | [member="Varro Shatterstar"]
Allies: [member="Lady Kay"]
Post: 3/20

Most of the civilians had managed to find their way to safety before the aggressors made it to their level. Halting the service elevators managed to buy them some needed time. Still, not everyone had cleared the plaza, and when the shots came tearing through the small crowds with reckless abandon, Sera knew that life, nor prisoners were part of the game that was being played. She would need to find out who was leading the assault if she had any hope of helping in a meaningful way. Instead of pulling out her weapons and revealing herself more than an ordinary civilian she instead ran with the crowd, utilizing small pockets of the Force with her hand to discreetly deflect incoming barrages of blaster fire. She would have to keep things relatively discreet until she was able to locate a figure of importance. These initial intruders seemed nothing more than thugs.

As the crowd dispersed due to the shooting, some falling dead aside her, she made it to the stairs where her eyes caught sight of [member="Bsssk"]. A rather large, ugly reptilian Trandoshan. Gosh how she hated Trandoshans more than anything. They were nothing more than savages that prided themselves on how much pain they could inflict on other creatures. Judging by his orders and body language he was likely the one in charge of this particular group. Good enough she thought, as it appeared he was in a hurry to get someplace.

"Well, aren't you quite the uninvited guests? I would advise you rethink your course of action." The Twi'lek stared down the rather large brute and the others with him. Her hands lowered towards her hips, the clasps releasing either lightsaber from their resting places, her wrists flicking forward while her thumbs glided over the activators, causing a snap-hiss of brilliant purple and green to spring to life in a spiraled motion before halting.
Location: Arriving
Objective: B
Allies: [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]
Enemies: [member="Varro Shatterstar"] (fight me), pretty much everyone else.
Gear: Lightsaber (in signature).

Was Keira a Jedi? That was a laughable inquiry, if not a blatantly rhetorical one. The answer, if one was even remotely necessary, was a definitive and unwavering no. Never would she so much as think of affiliating herself with such a sect, even if the situation was life-or-death. In her mind they were nothing more than a waste of time and resources, deliberating in their Temple instead of maintaining a presence on the battlefield, where they were most definitely needed. Combat certainly wasn't the most serene or meditative venue, but wars like this sometimes had to be won through bloodshed rather than meaningless negotiation that went in circles anyhow. Sometimes even the purest needed to deal in death to get anywhere.

Thankfully she had no qualms with taking life, whether it was deserved or not. But now that she was on more or less the right side that had changed, and she only killed those that had it coming in the first place. The individuals that fit in that aforementioned category were typically Sith and all those that worked with them willingly. Those in the latter group included a myriad of splinter factions and similarly joined bands of people that thought it a wise idea to work with those who would sell them out in the next breath for not much else than a handful of credits. Somehow she had a feeling nothing she could say would change their minds. Then again, she had never been much of a negotiator.

Something... Trouble always had a way of finding her when she wasn't particularly looking for a fight, and this time was no different. As per usual, however, she couldn't just let things be and not involve herself with affairs that were really of no concern. That explained her landscape of scars and cybernetic arm, not to mention the mental cracks she had to show as well. Such were the consequences of a reckless life led largely carelessly, with little regard for the lives of others and even less for her own in recent years. Oh, karking hell. A mildly irritated sigh hissed from between her teeth, but deep down she knew that no matter what better judgment suggested she would join the battle. She always did.

Which was how she found herself on the space station with chaos unraveling about her. Instead of shying away she embraced the darkness, allowing it to settle someplace deep within her core that still reveled in that acidic toxicity, drawing a strength from it that was indescribable. At one time that well of power had been bottomless, but now her reserves were limited by a will to be better than she had been, and that meant cutting down on those bad habits. Outside of drinking and smoking, her utilization of the Dark Side was her only true vice. This, however, was something of an excuse to turn back to that still familiar cloying fog, if just for a few hours, in order to sustain her. And, as always, she wouldn't say no.

It was that which allowed her to pinpoint the presence of others attuned to the same energy field, more specifically those that held the dark as their permanent domain. The slightest of crooked smiles crept across her lips, and she allowed herself the slightest sense of enjoyment in what was to come. Her blade had been ignited the moment she arrived, orange plasma humming idly in her hand, flashing up to cut down any who opposed her. The pace at which she walked was slow and casual, being in no hurry to escalate the carnage. Not yet, anyway. Soon enough her meandering brought her to the individual she had sensed in the first place, and ever so slowly her smile widened. "What have we here?"


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Location: VIP Guest Quarters
Objective: C/B
Allies: [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] , Management, 2 members of the Security Forces
Enemies: [member="Bsssk"] [member="Thraxis"] [member="Varro Shatterstar"] Hutt Cartel
Weapons: Blaster and her wits
Posts: 2/20

Of course in the VIP suites, there was more than one way in or out. People of high profile were often targets, so extra precautions were made, just in case. The Security Force soldier that had gone out into the hall earlier, came back in with one of the two blasters he had on him, drawn. "Time to go, Senator. There is a hidden lift down the hall that will take you up to a safe room built into the Station to protect the Management from these types of circumstances. The other VIP's should be heading their too. It's walls are reinforced durasteel and can take a real beating. Let's go!"

Kay hurried over to her satchel that rested on her bed. There was no way that she was going to leave that behind. She slung it over her shoulder and took out her small blaster. It remained set on stun like always.

As they exited her quarters into the corridor, the Security Force officers flanked her, each acting like a shield. The air was cold and the battle lay out to their right. The three of them walked backwards down the corridor as it seemed as though the battle was coming from just the one side. For brief seconds, Kay could see Sera's lightsabers as she squared off against a large Trandoshan in the distance. All the while as they kept moving back, the Security Force officers were firing their blasters down the corridor, trying to avoid the civilians, while trying to take down Bsssk's men.

Varro Shatterstar

The Brightest Hearts are the most Impacted by the
Objective: In the Management sector - Objective B
Location: The Recreation Sector
Enemies: The First Order | [member="Tmoxin Temi"] - [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] - [member="Lady Kay"] - [member="Keira Ticon"]
Allies: The Hutt Cartel | [member="Sempra the Hutt"] - [member="Bsssk"] - [member="Thrukk Gulpdar"]
Gear: A pair of lightsabers - standard leather and durasteel armor
Squad: 2 Mercenaries(Commando grade units) 2 Gunslingers(Guard units) 3 Rifle toting Smugglers(Sniper units) - 7 in all
Post: 5/20

It had been a long hour or so since he'd made his way into the fray and there was still much chaos to be had. He was bloody, bruised, a little winded, but very ready for more. Everyone deserved a break every now and again, however, and so he gave his squad five minutes of down time so that they could catch their breath and get hydrated again while he found a comfy little corner in which he could tend to some personal business.

"What have we here?"

"By the gods themselves, woman!", Varro said as he glanced ones over both shoulders in a bit of a panic, before sighing and finishing up. He tucked himself away, zipped up and turned around with a rather confused look on his face, not knowing what to expect from this one. He had no idea who she was, and she could have just as easily been an ally as she could have been an enemy, but something about her demeanor told him she was going to be nothing but a pain in his...

...just fill in the blanks how you see fit.

"How about a little warning next time?", Varro said as he dawned one of those prize winning smiles that his brother himself shared with him, though he hadn't managed to find that out just yet. Varus had eluded him, unknowingly, for the last few months, and it was too dangerous to go after him when he was on a Republic planet, and so he would need to catch up with his brother when the time was right. Maybe then he'd find out just how much they were actually alike, though that was something he wouldn't be pleased with, for he wanted nothing to do with his older brother and certainly didn't want to be anything like him.

Carefully Varro strode past the young woman, who seemed to want something or expect something from him. Perhaps a fight or an explanation for why he was there, but she would get none. Varro was a bright, but playful, young man who believed that there was enough evidence dripping from his bare arms for her to be able to guess at what had been going on around there. "You boys ready?", he asked as he finally returned to his squad, amber eyes glancing between them all and expecting for them to be eager to continue their bloody path through Kwenn.
Location: VIP Guest Quarters
Objective: C/B
Allies: [member="Lady Kay"] and her allies
Enemies: Anyone attempting to harm [member="Lady Kay"]
Gear:Modified Warden Class Body Armor,Modified Mk I Boltgun,Modified P-2,2 AI-G01 Tibanna-Air Grenades,Stock Wrist Mounted Flamer,Modified AT-1 Wrist Mounted Slug Thrower,Mohc Combat Blade,One Stimpak,One GLiS Emergency Medpac,and MC-100 Magnacuffs.
Posts: 1/20

Growl is in the halls confused as to what is happening when the alarms go off until he hears Blaster fire.Running to his room to grab his he remembers he needs to get to
[member="Lady Kay"] to keep her safe.Growl would load up all of his gear within 30 seconds and head out into the corridor making his way to Lady Kay's room.Once Growl arrived he saw Lady Kay and her escorts making their way down the corridor so he decided to follow firing at Bsssk's men so the Security Force Officers knew he was a friendly.

Growl would approach Lady Kay but say nothing,he just followed her returning fire from wherever it was coming from and making sure she had some extra protection on her sides by standing there,mimicking the Officers actions as a shield.

Connor Harrison

Objective: A
Location: Outer Hangar
Enemy: The Hutt Cartel
Ally: The First Order - [member="Sibar Laval"] | [member="Tmoxin Temi"] | [member="Greifen Ren"] | [member="Aram Kalast"]
Post count:#2 / 20

Things seemed quiet, which was never a good sign. Quiet in the sense Kyle could hear other troopers engaged in conflict, but in the outer hangar corridors there was little happening.

”Keep chatter to a minimum and wait for word from command – any enemy you see, fire at will. We have to hold this position and secure the hangar; the second we have word the Destroyer is moving, we get out of there.”

The squad had formed defensive positions and Kyle had taken arms up by the hangar doors themselves, closed and ready to keep the enemy out from the prize within.


The Big Gun (Dead PM Writers Account)
Objective B
Location: Level 4 | Level 5 stairs overlooking them
Mission: Moving Upward
NPC Support: FFE Assault Mercs: (11/12) x Noghri Commandos | (20/24) x Trandoshans | (5/6) x Rodian Slicers and techs.
Allies: Cartel! [member="Varro Shatterstar"] | [member="Thrukk Gulpdar"]
Enemies: Non Cartel! [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] | [member="Tmoxin Temi"] | [member="Lady Kay"]
Gear NPCS: Full use of the standard FFE Product Catalog | Full Durasteel Armor | Personal Shield | Grenades | Portable Turrets | Mines | Vibroweapons
Gear Personal: Mark III Katarn Class Commando Armor | 2 x Ion Grenade | 2 x Cryoban Grenade | SW-12 Jack-Knife Sidearm Holstered | CB-1 Icebreaker Main Hands | Small Medical Field Trauma Kit | Utility Belt | Shield Gauntlet Left Hand | Echani Shield Waist, Echani Shield Back (Offline backup) | Vibroaxe (Back)

[member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Growl"]
While some of his men headed up toward Lady Kay and the executives to try and make a quick snatch, till [member="Growl"] and her escort pinned them down in a hallway, what was that phasing sound….. you couldn’t see it but you could hear it? The nearest guard next to [member="Growl"], the guy’s armor literally began to fall apart, the longer it went on the worse it was as more energy pooled into the victim, till the unfortunate guard fell over in a heap. What kind of weapon was this? An assassins best friend that’s what. Nobody was playing fair here, art of the small, tensor tech style.

Taking cover behind pillars, the firefight heated up, as people on both sides were hit. Various grenades were lobbed forward of the cartel’s men, rolling down the corridor, first a flashbang grenade, that might blind or deafen anyone without helmet or visor, this was a ruse for what was really coming. Followed straight afterwards by an incendiry fire grenade, which caused a sudden burst of flames to ignite the air and anyone exposed at the front was in some serious trouble, armored targets would likely shrug it off with minor burns. Only small fires were started, as the type of grenade used didn’t last long, it seemed things were heating up! (Couldn’t resist)

Through the confusion they came, two Noghri commandos moving like only they could, once the troops vader loved so much, now forgotten by the galaxy at large the guards at the front soon found out why you never underestimate their size.... [member="Growl"]

[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

Below to his annoyance, the majority were halted in the hallway by a single brave twi’lek and some security rallying to her, getting the damned elevators open had cost them some time certainly, one or two had actually been hit the blaster rebounds she sent, while the concussive shots exploded wherever they hit on impact with anything force or otherwise in loud shrieking noises.

“Boy’sssss do as’sss the lady says’ssss, re-think your life.” There were some laughter.

He looked at her, she looked at him, he grinned a showing of teeth, and then they fired, all at once. His first shield crackled and hissed showing its colors, and he readied his gauntlet.

Several guns, including Bsssk’s were leveled her way, as a variety of different projectiles impacted around her or toward her, Bsssk’s own carbonite was aimed in front of her to attempt to slow her approach while they fired, the heavy rifle’s freezing liquid came out in a stream. While the sonic wave weapons made shrieking impacts against any lingering civilians nearby, designed to explode on contact with anything including lightsabers, sound blasters ripping through and into unresistant armor or shields. The security were more likely ready and watchful now for any invisible tensor beams beginning to break their armor up, it didn't make the thought any less terrifying that anyone could be the target of the assassins choice, they could at least take cover away from their effects when noticed.

“ssss We decline kind your offer.”

He enjoyed his work on days like today, perhaps sometimes a bit too much. Who said force users had all the toys?

Objective: A
Location: The Various Hallways of Kwenn Leading to the Drydock
Enemies: First Order
Allies: Sempra the Hutt and the Hutt Cartel, Trandoshan mercenaries, and the crew of the Black Talon
Support: x50 TA2 Super Battle Droids
Post: 3/20

Revamp stood in front of his assembled force. 40 Trandoshan mercenaries and 50 TA2 Super Battle Droids were a force to be reckoned with, and even stormtroopers would find a challenge in this. The King spoke, his voice booming through the armor's PA system.

"You know your orders. We must secure that Star Destroyer before the First Order can launch it. Follow them. Droids, engage any target that is not friendly and is armed. Do not accept surrender."

The mercenaries clicked in affirmative while the droids beeped, orders and parameters processed and acknowledged.

Vinskk gestured forward and began to move. The progression behind him followed, careful to not break the defensive position they were currently in.

The small army left the hanger and entered one of the various hallways littering the station. Revamp gestured towards a large maintenance hallway and signalled for the forces to enter. He hoped that his chosen path would lead to a shortcut and/or an area that was overlooked tactically.

Hope may spring eternal, but reality kicked Revamp in the face when he ran into Edward Blake's platoon, defenses mounted and stormtroopers eager.


A trip mine was what alerted their presence to him first, exploding against the leg of his power armor. The explosion put a dent in the suit, but the shrapnel hit several Trandoshans, killing them instantly.

"Kark! Fight to the death, men!"

The scaly lizards roared and the Super Battle Droids cocked their weapons while the Stormtroopers poked out of cover and fired.

The fight began.


Darkgear and his Slaver Soldiers had fought through quite a stiff defensive Security Force to finally reach Ka-Aver. The seasoned mercenary saw the Weequay in cover and ran to him, ducking underneath fire and shrapnel to sit next to him while his 40 troopers joined the fray, gleefully firing away at Stormtrooper forces.

"How's it goin', mate? Name's Darkgear. I would shake your hand, but I'm kinda busy saving your ass."

With that, the man stood up and aimed, then fired a burst from his repeater, picking two white helmets off in an explosion of armor. Liam squatted back down and grinned a toothy sneer, then started accessing the situation from a tactical viewpoint, pondering his options...

[member="Bsssk"] [member="Kyle Amedis"] [member="Growl"] [member="Varro Shatterstar"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] [member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="Thrukk Gulpdar"] [member="Ashalah Ky"] [member="Sempra the Hutt"] [member="Edward Blake"] [member="Ka-Aver"]
Objective: A
Allies: First Order
Enemies: All HC players at Objective A
Post: 2/20

Greifen had circled around with his forces and moved his platoon of Stormtroopers closer to where the action was. Many of the Hutt forces seemed to be congregating and bottlenecking near one large hangar, and the Stormtrooper defense in this area commanded by [member="Edward Blake"] and others already providing stiff resistance. The numbers wouldn't count for much in the relatively narrow corridors, but still, Vond would lend his weight to the engagement to hamper their forces as much as he could in the early stages of the assault.

He was glad he did, since when Ren circled the corner to engage [member="Vinskk Revamp"] and his forces from a second angle, he saw that they were reinforced by Super Battle Droids.

"Take out the droids!" He ordered his men, who immediately opened fire on the enemy forces. Greifen's red lightsaber came to life in a vicious hiss, illuminating the hallway in crimson. The blade swung horizontally, deflecting a bolt headed in his direction.

Greifen's stormtroopers unfurled their standard-issue grenades and pitched them at the Super Battle Droids on the other side of the hallway.
[member="Tmoxin Temi"]
Heading for station management

Oh, the auld Laird, the auld Laird
Sae canty, kind and crouse.
Hoo mony did he welcome there…

“Stop complaining!” Thrukk suddenly interrupted his crooning as the stromtrooper crawling away from him yelped out. To be fair, Thrukk had just stamped down on his ankle to stop him escaping and broken it in the process. His great mace was raised over his head and brought down. The Stormtrooper fell silent as his head was spread across the deck.

“An yoo!” Thrukk called, swinging it around as another soldier emerged from a side door. It caught the Stormtrooper in the midriff. Armour plating was great, but unfortunately twenty kilos of mace being swung by four hundred kilos of muscles tended to impart an awful lot of moment. The Stormtrooper crashed through a window and didn’t get back up. You needed to be in a tank to avoid being broken by a swing of that mace, and even then you were still at risk.

“Whaur was Ah?” he called rhetorically.

“You’d finished the song!” answered one of the Hutt enforcers hopefully.
His ain wee dear auld hoose.
And the leddy, too, sae genty,
There shelter'd Scoltand's heir,
An' clipt a lock wi' her ain han'
Frae his long yellow hair
Objective: B - Defend the people on the upper level!
Location: Recreation Sector
Enemies: Hutt Cartel | [member="Bsssk"] | [member="Sempra the Hutt"] | [member="Varro Shatterstar"]
Allies: [member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Growl"] | [member="Keira Ticon"]
Post: 4/20

Karking schuttas! As if she expected any different response from a lizard brained savage. Guns rose, an insult cast, and weapons fired. All kinds of colors and variations of death causing barbaric guns came barreling towards her. Quickly she replaced her sabers to free her hands. One hand, her left, extended forward to create a protective, shimmering shield just in front of her body while her right pulled forth invisible tendrils of telekinetic energy to yank forward a rather large dumpster and hurled it between herself and the Trandoshans as a makeshift barrier. "Your kind never learns, do you!?" The Twi'lek sat behind the large metallic container for a few moments as they continued tearing it apart with suppressive fire. She shook her head, mildly irritated by their persistence.

She finally re-armed herself with her twin sabers and leaped up and over the container roughly ten feet, casting her eyes on the dozens of dead bodies that had the unfortunate fate of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, before coming down just outside of the Trandoshan group. She would have to make a guerrilla warfare attempt, as she couldn't likely take down a group that was this heavily armed without getting herself killed, severely maimed, or captured in the process.

Her purple saber lunged forward with great agility and accuracy, followed only by the green in a reversed axis, aiming to cut one of the reptiles nearly in half before she withdrew, jumping back a few feet and thrusting her palms forward, releasing a concentrated Force Blast in an attempt to knock several of them off their feet before they could take time to fire back. The Twi'lek made sure to maintain sight on [member="Bsssk"], just in case.

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