Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Contemplation


Location: Jedi Temple
Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Madison Starr

Jax immediately sensed Madison's presence as soon as she stepped inside, he took off his earpiece as she approached him. "You know," Jax said smiling when Madison removed her coat and boots. "You don't have to remove your shoes, this isn't a dojo."

The Jedi Master approached the young woman sensing that she was well rested but was still uncertain. She had a nice athletic build perfect for being a Jedi Guardian though but without will and determination, she will fail miserably. "I'm much better now that I got a proper rest," Jax chuckled. "All those battles I've fought against Brotherhood..... It can affect you emotionally I know that all too well."

Including the fact that he once died during the battle of Ziost, but not many people knew that. It was still one of many things that Jax hadn't completely gotten over even if he understood the reasoning behind his revival. "So," Jax asked. "Are you committed?"


Madison Starr

She almost laughed.

"Very. Yes."

I mean. Do you know how expensive it is to travel from Kashyyyk to Coruscant this often? Visit new worlds. Meet new people. Omph. It's actually quite crazy to be honest. Madison had never felt this committed before. She felt all-in. Even if she didn't understand half of this magical world she was swimming in. Ha. It really was something else.

"How about you? Think you can take on this rookie again? Hehe."

She smiled and held up her saber for show. Then slowly switched the dial to 'stun'.

"See? I'm learning already!"

A terrible joke but she was in the mood for those lately. It meant she was becoming more comfortable, I suppose.

"So? Form One today. Yes?"

She scratched her socks against the floor. Her boots had sharp two-inch heels so, she didn't want to practice in those. Fashion souls. Alas, She'd need to dress more appropriately next time. So she made the mental note to go shopping later.

It would have to suffice. For now.

Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: Jedi Training Room
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain, Eyepatch
Tag: Madison Starr

Jax chuckled when Madison question if he can take her on again. "I can do more than that," Jax said. "For the past week I've been thinking about our conversation. I'm going to be honest with you Madsion, I didn't want to take a Padawan again. Not after what I did to my first one."

He still cared for Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin but Jax still couldn't come to terms to what happened. It created a barrier preventing him from taking on full fledged Padawans. What if he lost his nerve again and got reckless? It happened again back at the battle of Jedha and Jax lost an eye for that. "I.... don't feel like talking about it. Maybe one day but right now, the memory was still fresh years later.

The Jedi Master smirked when Madison activated her Lightsaber. "Good," he said. "You're taking your first step in a larger world soon you'll be bragging to me that you swing Lightsaber without losing your ear."

Jax chuckled as soon as he said that. "I'm joking," he said giving Madison a friendly pat on her shoulder. "The Force is strong within you Madison; you need a teacher who can guide you on your path."

He unclipped his Lightsaber activating it. "I am unorthodox teacher compared to most Masters." Jax continued twirling his blade. "But I view the Force differently and I believe that the Force has bought us together for a reason."

A smirk formed on his face; a feeling of excitement surged throughout his body. Jax couldn't control what happened in the past, but he can stop dwelling on his mistakes starting now. "What do you say Madison?" Jax held his Lightsaber close to his chest. "You wanna step into my world?"


Madison Starr

This time Madison did laugh.

"Ha. Well, I'm not a firm believer in destiny myself. But yes. I'm sure there are whole worlds you can show me. Eventually. Hehe."

She shook her head at his new found, erm, enthusiasm? Maybe.

"And look. If you don't want a full-time student? That's honestly fine by me. I traveled all the way here because they said you were the best. A survivor of the best. But hell? If you don't want another student? Man. Don't mind me. I'll get by. There are a thousand Masters back on Kashyyyk looking for a student. Some even leave the library from time to time. Ha. Usually."

She put her hands on her hips and nodded with a smile. Completely confidant of herself today.

"But if you're asking if I can wholly commit to learning the sword like a pro? Then yeah. I've got time. I'm not going anywhere, anytime soon. Promise."

She smiled. She wasn't one of those run-off into adventure, kind of Padawans. Adventure bored her. Danger was a silly idea in her mind. Nah. In fact. If it weren't for her constant visions of a galaxy at war, she wouldn't even have bothered learning a Jedi weapon at all. She'd have been wholly content with just sticking to repairing starports and cooking up new breakfast dishes at home. Alas. She knew. Her visions were always right.

And war. War never changes.

She nodded again and shrugged. She was here. She was ready. She had the whole rest of her life to learn. So yeah. Why not start now? Seemed like a perfectly perfect place to start.

Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: Jedi Training Room
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Madison Starr

Despite Madison's reassurances that she'll be fine with multiple teachers, Jax was still insistent on being her teacher. He felt the Force bringing them together, and besides it was best to have a single Master who will share their wisdom. They can devote all of their time and effort to a Padawan compared to a teacher who was contracted to be there. "No Madison," Jax said smiling. "You're fine, I can deal with a full-time student, what happened in the past happened. All I can do is to learn from my mistakes and make sure I don't repeat mistakes on you."

The Jedi Master smiled getting into an Shii Cho ready stance. "I do have a wealth of knowledge when it comes to Lightsaber combat," he said. "And combat in general. Be forewarned though, you and I will be traveling the Galaxy fighting evil doers. You may not be comfortable traveling around but a Jedi must always get out of their comfort zones."

He circled around Madison still in his stance. "You will always encounter something that you don't feel at ease, you must always be malleable and adapt."

Jax smirked. "Don't worry though," he said. "I'll be here to make sure that you will always remain standing up. You'll be a Jedi in no time."


Madison Starr

Her eyebrows definitely shot up when he mentioned traveling around the galaxy, fighting evil-doers. That sounded awful, honestly. And dangerous too. But then she remembered her visions. The fires back on her homeworld. Her terrible adventures back on Devaron. Mmm. Yes. The need to become something more than just another dockside worker. The need to become something more than just another galactic sheep.

Yes. Maybe this was exactly what she had been looking for.

An evolution.

"Thanks. I'll do my best."

She smirked and slowly took her place in the center of the room. Remembering her book learning and their lesson from last week. She took an opening Form One stance. Blade to stun. Engaged and ready.


A bright blue glow enveloped her. A sword ready for training. The Force, gathering around her. Ready to inspire.

"What's next?"

And all the time in the world to get better.

Jax Thio Jax Thio

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