Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Consider it a Date (PM to join)

Factory Judge
Zephyr's Bachelor pad
8:45 - 20:45

OOC: If you wish to join, please PM myself and [member="Celiana"]

Taking a hold of the jacket on my bed stand, I slipped my arms into the sleeves with a rather boyish smile on my face. It had been the first time I had a date in a while. I mean, if you counted little school dating and hanging out with a girl for a few hours as a date, then this was a real bonafide date. A new club called Dancers Surprise was opening their doors. Well, they already had them open a few days ago, but because it was new, it was a place where anybody could hang out. I jumped up and down a little as though I were about to start performing sports.

Breathing in again, I exited my room with my lightsaber flying to my hand. The hilt then being placed in a holster very similar to that of a blaster on my left thigh. It was strapped around my leg with various leathers, and cloth. Looking at the full length mirror as I began to walk out the door, I used my hand to push my hair down. Only because of the weird formation that my hair grew in, it popped back up about half way. Rolling my eyes, I simply ran a hand through my hair.

Moving to the Speeder Bike that I owned, I turned the ignition on. Letting the engines roar as I revved the engine up to breathe it to life. I was about to forget, but I grabbed a motorcycle helmet and attached it to the hook on the side of the seat. Letting it sit there as I backed it out of the garage. Turning it around, I looked at the watch on my wrist, Showing me I had about 15 minutes to get to her complex with the Voss Academy. Since I lived on my own out on the Voss plains.

Gunning the engine, I moved very fast over the roadway that was paved all the way to my house. Changing every so often to a dirt road, or one less traveled. Coming to a stop,I eventually came close to her living quarters. Going through which area I was needed at, I went to room 134. Getting there about 2-3 minutes early, I knocked on her door.

Hopefully she was ready for tonight. Breathing in one last time, I hoped we might have a good time.

Gods! What had I been thinking?! I looked at myself in the mirror and I had to say the dresses Aria had helped me pick out looked VERY flattering on my smallish frame. I'd decided to go with the green sleeveless dress I'd gotten when I'd gone shopping with Aria. It I hoped looked feminine on me spinning around I saw that it showed off quite a bit of skin not to mention the very aggressive slits on either side of the dress definitely would leave much to the imagination although that was kinda the point.

Pulling a pair of emerald green heels on and strapping my thigh holsters on I called my sabers to my hands and slid them into the holsters on either thigh. I found the black riding coat I'd gotten when I'd gone out with Aria too draping it over a chair in my room I went over to the vanity and tried to apply make-up doing fairly well at it and before long I'd managed to make my green eyes look natural but smoky and sexy all at once. Pulling a tube of light lip gloss out I put a dab on my finger and ran it over my lips making sure it was even. The clock on my study desk said it was 8:40, Zephyr would be here soon. Making sure I actually could do something with my hair I decided with what little time I had left to slightly curl it. Finishing up with my hair I took a look at myself in the mirror once more just as there was a knock at my door.

Grabbing my riding coat from where it was on my chair I opened the door and by the Gods he looked good. Dark jeans, leather riding jacket, his bright blue hair it seemed was trying its best to rebel against him but mmmmm he rocked it anyways. "Ready whenever you are Zephyr" I said with a blush creeping back onto my face. Stupid blushing. Dress Coat Make-up Hair Shoes

Clothes and such for reference

[member="Zephyr Carrick"]
Factory Judge
Looking down at my shoes, Hightops to be exact, I heard the door open. Looking up, I expected to see a nice girl. Instead, I found myself staring into the eyes of a young woman who wore clothing that made my smile brighten up. Looking her over from top to bottom, I shook my head a little with a chuckle as she said she was ready whenever I was. I backed up and offered her my hand while my other was behind my back holding a helmet.

​"Well, it looks like you exceeded my expectations, Miss Celiana."

I lead her down the few stairs there were into the lot where my speeder was. Walking over to it, I handed her the helmet for her to put on. She could simply slip it over her head while I started to turn on the bike. Walking over to her, I offered myself to help put it on.

"Here, let me make sure it stays on there."

I leaned under a little to see the straps and tightened it up to be snug and stay on her head, but not too tight to hurt her or cause discomfort. Sure, it may mess up her hair a little, but I think she could deal with it for a bit. I then moved to sit on the bike and brought it up to its correct height and make sure that it was balanced. I then patted the seat for her to take one.

"Well, its no nice car, but this will have to do."

As I opened the door I apparently impressed Zephyr at least a little bit judging by the way he looked me up and down. Then as a true gentleman he offered me his arm and we walked. "Well it looks like you exceeded my expectations Miss Celiana." As we made our way down to the garage where low and behold he had a speeder-bike, a very nice speeder bike at that. As he handed me a helmet and offered to help me put it on I chuckled a bit. I'm not sure Zephyr really fully understood what kind of girl he was taking out tonight.

Taking the helmet from him I slipped it on over my head with practiced ease avoiding mussing up my hair. As he mounted up on his bike I pulled my riding jacket on over my dress and zipped it up. He patted the seat gesturing for me to take one and balancing on my left foot in heels I slung my right leg over the seat with again practiced ease. Gathering up the folds of my dress I with my right arm held them there while I wrapped my left around his waist. He said, "it's no fancy car, but it'll have to do."

Chuckling slightly I said,"Well it may not be a fancy car but I prefer bikes any day."

[member="Zephyr Carrick"]
Factory Judge
I smiled as while I was helping her put the helmet on, she instead did it herself. I guess I was wrong about her. Maybe she was into bikes? Almost on cue, she mentioned that she would prefer bikes over other vehicles any day. Smiling, as she was vaulting her leg over the bike, and then taking her arm around my waist, I grabbed her hand and moved it a little bit so it would be comfortable on me, and not feel like she was going to make me throw up if she decided to squeeze me.

Looking over my shoulder as she sat up, I looked at her while I spoke.

"Well, if you like bikes, then maybe next time we should just go for a longer ride."

Smiling, I turned my head in front of me as suddenly the large metal choker I was wearing formed in a fully fledged helmet. The yellow heads up display coming on, and even the eye sockets glowing yellow to show that all systems were on. I then turned to her once again. A smile hiding behind my helmet as the voice I now spoke in was almost metallic and droid like despite her previously seeing my face and who I really was.

"Let's get going."

I turned the wheel around a bit and pushed off with my feet to do a rather slow turn at first, and then twisted the throttle just a little while it was in first gear as we started to leave the lot. Coming to a stop, I made sure I could go, and we were off. Flying down the street at speeds no real land vehicle should reach. The mic's in the helmets would allow us to speak if we wanted to, but I think it was best left silent for the moment. Hence why I didn't talk right at this second.

As the helmet came up from a choker Zephyr had been wearing I thought that's a cool piece of tech. He mentioned next time possibly going for a longer rider but that'd require me to actually get my swoop bike up and running which I really knew I needed to do. As he throttled up and out of the lot I couldn't help but feel relaxed at the thrum of the engine underneath us. As we flew down the streets I couldn't help but grin inside my helmet, this was truly living I thought. Looking around inside the helmet I realized there was a helmet comm along with a really nice HUD.

Blinking to activate the comm I leaned up closer to Zephyr as we hurtled along the streets. Nuzzling up and resting my chin on his left shoulder I finally spoke into the comm. "So what were your thoughts for a nice dinner Zephyr? I mean the bike just oozes sex appeal but I'm sure there's more to you than simply bikes, sarcasm, and good bladework. Not that any of those things are bad mind you." I hoped he could hear the flirtatiousness of my voice rather than sarcasm.

[member="Zephyr Carrick"]
Factory Judge
As we were riding, I noticed she had taking a liking to all that was taking place. Swordsmanship, innate wisdom apparently, the bad boy attitude, and even owning a speeder bike. She leaned in close on me, even setting the chin of the helmet on my shoulder as she started to ask the question about what we would be having. Well, first, it was dinner. One thing that I have learned, was to eat dinner first, and then go to the club or wherever else. Eating first filled you up and allowed you to eat your credit's worth. Instead the other way around where you snack all night, then eat only half of your dinner. Not so good.

The place was actually a rather nice restaurant. Literally just about anything you could want they would have. Dubbed "Shelok's Wild Hutt" It was a place where families could get together or couples could go for nice dinners. However, I had decided to call ahead of time. Making a small corner dedicated for us so we wouldn't be disturbed. The setup was a buffet style where you made whatever you wanted on the plate, all currently frozen, and then as you waited in a line, it would then be cooked up for you, in front of you on a stone slab. Trying to replicate the caveman days where people would heat up their food on rocks.

I kept my eyes on the road as I spoke. Hearing she had mentioned sex appeal simply because of who I was. which I don't mind. And it was a nice compliment, but I could hear the little bit of sarcasm and flirtation. I took it as the latter. Smiling like a dope as I answered the young woman hanging onto me.

"Buffet style. Cook it in front of you, and we get a party of two to ourselves."

Even now being on the back of his bike I couldn't help but extend my senses out in The Force. He was still a study in different colors but the predominant one now was just a simple blue he peace. Nuzzling in closer to him I also was listening to him speak. "Buffet style cook it in front of you and a table to ourselves." I was currently more interested in the table to ourselves but food was good too. Smiling inside my helmet I was content to watch the Voss plains whip by me as I just felt the engine underneath us and leaned even closer to my date for the evening closing my eyes and feeling his breathing in and out against my hand that wrapped around his waist.

[member="Zephyr Carrick"]
Factory Judge
I could feel her healing closer and closer towards me. Her body almost completely resting against my back. I felt her weight on me. Not physical weight, but the mentality that I was now responsible for her. We are dating. She is someone who I like and care for already. I could see a lot of who she is. I felt like it was my job to protect her. I felt comfort in her resting on me. Her arm around my waist. The plains were slowly turning into roads and down into the city. Moving and parking would be harder. I sped up a little bit, and after flipping the switch on the throttle, and pulling up on the gear, I shifted into basicly the lowest tier of flight with the speeder. The wheels locked up, and opened to reveal repulsorlifts. Letting the speeder float in the air instead of on the ground.

All while doing this, I just had to smile. It was only a few moments later we reached where it was getting busy. I had to slow to a stop, not wanting to jolt ourselves, and because Celi was resting on me. After turning the corner, I came to a stop on the side, engaging the wheels to land softly on the pavement, and then put the vehicle in parked. Turning off the engine, I reached down and grabbed her arm.

"I know it may be comfortable like this, but I think we need to go inside."

Speaking with a light chuckle.

I felt the engine slowing, going into a lower gear. Then before long I felt Zephyr nudging me before him saying, "I know it may be comfortable like this, but I think we need to go inside." I could hear him chuckling slightly as he said that. Sliding the helmet back up over my head I placed it on a hook near the rear tire before switching the bundled fabric of my dress to my left hand and dismounting his bike by slinging my right leg over the seat and dismounting on the left side. I realized I'd probably flashed him a good deal of leg as my right foot hit the pavement not that I minded the idea of that terribly. Unzipping my ebony riding jacket so it could flap about in the breeze while still showing off the dress I extended my arm and waited for Zephyr to lead the way.

"You're very warm I hope you know that."

[member="Zephyr Carrick"]
Factory Judge
After she had gotten off of the bike, My own helmet had closed up, and after unlocking the choker, I slid it into the inner pocket of my jacket. It was quite heavy, but I didn't expect to wear my jacket inside. Instead of letting the helmet stay on the seat, We would take it in with us because I wasn't all too keen on having the helmet stolen. Moving myself off of the bike, I grabbed the keys, and put them in my jeans pocket as well. After making sure that everything was done and not going to be messed with, I turned around as Celi had said that I was "warm."

Not sure if that meant she thought I was physically warm, or was she telling me that I looked hot? Either way, I guess it was nice being told that. As Celi offered her arm, I curved mine and let her's intertwine with mine. Walking her into the complex, I opened the door and allowed her to walk through first.

"Well, I guess its good that I am warm then. Must be good for snuggling at least."

Throwing her a playful wink as we moved up to the hostess. I smiled at her and handed her my name.

"Carrick plus one."

She smiled back as anyone working should, and commenting about us following her to our seats. After getting to the table, I pulled out the chair for Celi and would allow her to sit as I then moved to my chair, and sat myself down as well while the waiter then walked up to us. Pronouncing that he would be our waiter, and would be serving us. Asking for drinks. Turning to Celi, I smiled and then looked back at the waiter,

"I will just have water for now."

Well, well Zephyr was pulling out all the stops tonight opening the door, lending me his arm, offering to help with my helmet. He also picked up on my wordplay. "Glad you could appreciate the double entendre. And I'm sure you are warm for snuggling, might have to take you up on that later." As the waitress led us to our table I noticed Zephyr had pulled my seat out for me. Brushing the folds of my dress away from my leg I took my seat while simultaneously again flashing Zephyr a bit of leg.

Shrugging my riding jacket off I folded it over the back of my chair as the waiter asked for our drink orders. "I'll have water please." Funny Zephyr struck me as a Caf person. Turning to look at me the waiter asked, "and for you Miss?" Turning back around from where I'd been draping my coat I answered him. "I'll have hot tea if you have it." Giving a nod and a short bow he turned and headed away to fill our orders.

Turning to look at my date I decided on a bit of conversation. "So, Zephyr first you have excellent taste in restaurants. Second I feel like there's something on your mind. And third while we wait for our drinks how do you like the dress?"

[member="Zephyr Carrick"]
Factory Judge
As the menus were placed down, I had picked mine up while Celi had ordered her hot tea. An interesting decision. I expected her to drink something else, but honestly, I wasn't sure what. Still, I smiled as the waiter went away to get our drinks as we sat there for a moment. She had started the conversation now. Asking me about what I thought of her dress. I had smiled when she said I had good tastes, and spoke about something on my mind. It was true, I did, but I would keep it to myself for now. Instead, I would answer her question about the dress.

"I like it. I will admit, I was surprised with your choice of attire. I thoroughly enjoy being in your company. Even more so when you are dressed up."

I winked at her again as she sat there. Leaning a little forward, I was interested in her, and wanted to know more. So I guess the simplistic questions were the best.

"Now, from our spar, you said you moved around a lot. I guess what I am asking is where have you been before coming to Voss?"

Listening to Zephyr speak was...nice. He said, "I thoroughly enjoy being in your company. Even more so when you're dressed up." Then he shot me another wink. "Hmmmm well, before moving to Voss I grew up on Eshan going through our version of the Mando'a Battle-School. After that I spent the better part of a year and a half on Coruscant with my Father and Then I hopped a shuttle around the outer rim for awhile spent some time in Mandalorian space on Concord Dawn, Concordia and such. I suppose it slips out in my language sometimes."

"As to the dress and being dressed up it's not my normal wear but I suppose the company is vastly better than my everyday scene. Vastly better looking too." Leaning in closer to look into his eyes I slipped out of my heels and gently ran my left foot along his shin. Gods I'm being flirtatious tonight! If I had to guess though he was enjoying it.

[member="Zephyr Carrick"]
Factory Judge
Moving quite a lot for her. Eshan, hormworld of the Echani, Concord Dawn, Concordia, Corscant. She lived with her father for a time. And from the sound of it, she didn't take all too kindly of living with her father. What was her connection with her father? I loved my family. They were what forced me to become better. I know that some things others may have done would make it difficult for others to love their families like I could, but I chose to stay away from them because I needed to become better before I could face them.

Either way, I looked at her as she commented about her company was vastly better than the everyday scene. Even more so by saying that her company was better looking as well. Compliment after compliment. Even more so when I could feel a foot rubbing up against my leg. Quite unexpected from the woman who I was sparing with yesterday with a staff. I gave her a smirk with my eyes asking what she was doing, but honestly, I wasn't going to stop her any time soon. It felt... nice to be looked upon like this.

As I started to ask my own question the waiter came by and dropped off the drinks for us. I would assume we would stay here for our first round of drinks, and then go get our food. It was interesting talking to her. Even more so about who she was.

"Moving everywhere I see. I will stay away from the training for now, but why did you come to Voss, or even the Silver Jedi in general?"

Well, he wasn't saying anything about me playing footsie so I figured I'd just keep it up. Then he said, "moving everywhere I see. I'll stay away from training for now but why did you come to Voss? Or the Silver Jedi for that matter?" Pausing momentarily from playing footsie I decide he hadn't pressed me for details about my Father so I may as well explain.

"The two subjects are actually somewhat intertwined. See I'd left Eshan after graduating battle-school and traveled to Coruscant, unfortunately The Sith were the dominant power ther at that point. My father was and to my knowledge still is working for a very corrupt and repugnant Senator. His....Associates tried getting handsy with the dancing girls at the "work function" my dear father had asked I attend. A Zabrak if I recall correctly. I'd dealt with Father's associates before and my experience was one I was determined not to let happen to anyone else. It was there I first touched The Force I instinctively threw up a Force Barrier to protect the girls. Needless to say Father was furious, and I started staying away from the upper levels of Coruscant. Spent time in the lower levels picking up some rather...interesting skills and making a few unusual friends. Which actually is where I headed next Mandalorian space."

Pausing for a bit and taking a sip of my Jasmine tea while I tried to gauge his response I continued after setting my tea back down. "As to why I came to Voss I mentioned I'd made some unusual friends in the lower slums and undercity of Coruscant. Mandalorians in case you weren't aware are very keen on the idea of family it goes hand in hand with their idea of Honor. I traveled to Concord Dawn and went through some...interesting training from a Mandalorian woman. She'd mentioned during the ending segment of my training under her that I wasn't suited for the mercenary life even if I had the skills for it. She'd mentioned Voss to me as a possibility for training my space wizardry, her term not mine. I realized she was right and I needed further training so that I could be a shield against anyone else being victimized including myself. I came here several months ago and I've been here ever since."

Tucking a stray curl of hair back behind my left ear. I again picked up my tea and sipped from the smooth porcelain cup looking at Zephyr's face through the steam as I did. I hoped I hadn't ruined his appetite or view of me, that'd be unfortunate. If my evaluation of him during our earlier sparring session was any indication though he fought passionately to protect those he cared for and loved. The pinkish hues of passion were a selfless passion I realized not passion simply for the sake of it. My respect for him in that moment grew a bit more.

Waiting for his response I sat sipping my tea observing him through the steam rising from the cup. This would be an interesting evening I realized.

[member="Zephyr Carrick"]
Factory Judge
The story of her father, learning of the Echani, and even a little from the Mandalorians, I had come to realise that she was reffered to the Silver Jedi from the Mando'ade. I was considered one. Within the Verd Clan, was the Carrick House. Anyone of the Carrick Family was considered part of the Mandalorian Empire. Which was ruled by the Verd Clan. Either way, it showed that she didn't know about my own heritage, nor the fact that she knew a lot about my family. Sure, she may have heard about both of my parents being on the Silver Jedi Council, but as for what they did in the past? Not so sure.

Even then, I was considered a Grey, or even a Dark Jedi among the Silvers. I acted out of emotions much like my father. Only we differed slightly. I was much darker. She might see that, and if she was still here, then that was a good sign. I took a few sips of my water as I listen to her. She was opening up quite alot with all of this information. So to be fair, and because I felt like I needed to mention it, I spoke.

"I do know of the Mando'ade. In fact, I am one. My father, Xander Carrick, is a Mandalorian Knight with the Mandalorian Empire. The Carrick House is actually part of the Verd Clan. I know a little bit about them."

Chuckling a little as I spoke, I noticed that she had stopped playing footsy with me. It was a little disheartening to not feel her there, but I understood why. She was talking about something important to her. So I decided to ease the mood a little.

"You are who you are. You were molded by your actions of the past, and are unique because of it. I like who you are now. So anything that happened in the past, happened in the past."

To say in the least, she was quite the woman. Strong and independent. I could see why she fought so hard with me yesternight. I guess I might have to learn more about this Echani battle form. It was rather aggressive, and would be nice to add in with my swordsman skills.

"And to be completely honest, I am not who I seem. I grew up on Voss, and have been here for most of my life. But in the past few months."

I tilted my head as I thought back to that battle. Looking away from her as though I were ashamed of what I had done. The man spitting in my face and denying to serve the new Manda'lor. I had to kill him, and the result was not what I would have imagined.

"Lets just say that the past few months have been life changing for me."

Listening to him speak it wasn't difficult for me to see the Mandalorian side. It had showed when we'd sparred but I wasn't certain until now. More surprising was the fact that he wanted to learn more of the Echani ways, though I could see how. It was an experience unlike any other. Listening to him talk about the darkness within reminded me of myself just two years ago and it wasn't a bad thing it simply was, there could be no growth without trials. Taking another sip of my tea I spoke again, "Darkness is just he absence of light, who knows maybe I'm here to temper the darkness with light that way you don't lose yourself."

Continuing my thought I said,"With that though it's not the darkness or the light within us that makes us who we are, simply what part we choose to act on along with how and why we choose that side. That's also part of why I chose the Silver Jedi, it's not simply black or white there are many shades of color in between. I choose to be interesting and colorful much more fun that way, more of an adventure I think. Also if you are serious about wanting to learn more of the Echani ways then my first advice is to either speak with a Miraluka and learn how they see with The Force then apply that to when you spar or cross blades with someone. To make it more difficult or interesting spar as they would, see as they would with your eyes closed and seeing everything through The Force. You'll understand me better if you do because after you start seeing how I do in combat it becomes something truly beautiful."

Finishing my first cup of tea I set the porcelain cup back down on the table before pushing my chair back and rising to my feet. "Shall we get some food now Zephyr?"

[member="Zephyr Carrick"]
Factory Judge
Her words were, nice. I didn't expect them for the most part honestly, but it felt good to have someone agree that its not about being part black or white on the force. It was about how you used the tools at your disposal and the skills you had to accomplish your goal. It was getting deep in here. I started to feel a little nervous about it and almost as though she read my mind, she took a sip and asked for us to gather our food. Smiling, I stood up and walked to her. Offering her a hand up, I looked at her dress once more, opening my arm up for her to lace her own through, I would walk us over to the plates that were set up. Grabbing a plate for her, and myself, then grabbing the utensils.

"So, about yesterday, Were you surprised about the stolen kiss I had from you?"

As I stood Zephyr got to his feet and offered me his hand. Instead of taking his hand I grabbed it and place it on my right hip even he'd offered me his arm I wanted him a bit closer. Being gentlemanly was good but right now I wanted him close to me this was a date after all. As we reached the plates and utensils Zephyr grabbed plates for us both as well as utensils and we walked down the buffet line. He asked if yesterday I was surprised about the stolen kiss. "Not necessarily. I thought you'd have been a bit more forward but just for your information tonight you probably won't have to steal a kiss."

I was big on variety so even though I knew he was trying to be a gentleman I reached out with The Force and grabbed my plate from him freeing up a hand I levitated my plate while stacking chicken, beef, and shrimp on my plate next grabbing some bean sprouts, cilantro, cabbage, and noodles. Filling the bowl with different sauces I levitated my plate over to the cook with a devilish smirk on my face. Letting my head fall on his right shoulder I nuzzled up closer to Zephyr while my food cooked. Tonight was proving to be stimulating in many different ways.

[member="Zephyr Carrick"]

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