Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Consider it a Date (PM to join)

Factory Judge
I wouldn't have to steal one huh? And considering the fact she moved my arm to be around her waist as we moved along the line to gather our food? I might be a little lucky tonight. She used the force, as well as I. Holding the plate in my hand as the various foods ranging from bantha steaks to various greens of making a salad like mixture. It was overall a hearty, healthy meal. And likely would not be the last time I would eat tonight. Considering the type of stress in my life, and how much training I did daily, I had to keep up my calorie intake rather high. Even more so for my size. I'll eat what would be acceptable, and then likely stuff my face full when I got home.

As she handed the plate to the man, I had to wait a minute or so for a spot to be cleared for my own food on the grill. Once mine was taken as well. I pulled my arm closer to me. As a result, Celi was pulled closer to my side where she was resting her head on my shoulder. I turned and looked at her for a moment as she had her own arm wrapped around me. It felt good. I mean, really good. It was different, and having a date with someone who happened to be talented, smart, independent, and most of all, beautiful.

"Just so you know, you can call me Zeph if you would like."

Looking at her as I spoke, I just couldn't really think. It was like drifting off into my own little world. I don't know how, but I felt happy with her. Including the fact that she was straightforward with me. She didn't beat around the bush. If she wanted someone or something, she [SIZE=11.818181991577148px]beelined[/SIZE] for it. And I liked that.

The cook handed me my food and I simply levitated it there while I waited for Zephyr's food to cook. He wasn't saying much but he did allow me to use him as a pillow for a moment, which was nice. He was also looking at me very intently, almost as though he were devouring me with his eyes.....Not that I minded that either.

"Zeph huh? Well that'll do, I figured you already figured out a nickname for me other than princess."
I could feel the tension he carried leave him as I'd nuzzled in close to him and there was the colors around him now deep blue meaning he was most likely very at peace and there was a forest green hue about him too. New beginnings perhaps? No. New beginnings and a natural feel about those beginnings.

Standing there against him I realized he'd seen the cultured, flirty side of me. Thinking to myself,Gods have mercy on him later.....

[member="Zephyr Carrick"]
Factory Judge
She was warm up against me. A welcome feeling as I stood there with her. She received her food, and we were waiting for mine when she answered me. Saying that I likely had a name for her already. So she wouldn't mind calling me Zeph. I smiled a little though when she mentioned princess. At first, I had called her that to try and intensify the spar that we were having. But that changed when it seemed to be just a fun name to poke at her with.

"Well do you want me to call you princess or Celi?"

My bright smile telling her already that I was going to call her both either way she chose. The man then turned around and handed me the plate. Taking it from his hand, I began to lead her towards the table that we would be sitting at. My arm squeezing a little as I sat my plate down on the table.

He was going to use both anyways but I figured I'd let Zeph have his nicknames. I'd be making him regret poking fun at me later. "I don't mind either actually I figure you're already treating me like a princess so there's that." As we walked back to the table and I was about to sit I could feel his arm squeezing me a bit. I couldn't help but think, "My, my...he's becoming a wee bit possessive of me already.... That bodes well for tonight."

Taking my seat I used a pair of chopsticks to start eating a bit of my food and using The Force poured myself another cup of Jasmine tea. Looking at him I could tell tonight would be fun as I took another bite of my food. I wonder what will come up in conversation next.....?

[member="Zephyr Carrick"]
Factory Judge
As the two of us separated, she sat down, and I too took my seat. While she used chopsticks, I used a fork. As much as I may have wanted to try using those utensils, I was never one with fine motor skills to complete that task. It was weird to me, and quite frankly, difficult for me to do. Taking a bite of my food as Celi began to pour herself a drink, I couldn't help but notice that she was keeping something to herself. Almost as though she were wanting something in particular.

Either way, She continued to eat, and I took one more bite. After swallowing, I had decided to speak up.

"Where did you acquire your staff? The ability to change it into many different weapons must be some kind of a unique weapon for it to be sold on the market or the like."

Honestly, I did want to know. it was quite the weapon itself. The ejecting of the blades, the staff and dual sword formations that she could choose from, it was versatile to a lot of different fighting forms. Definitely holding a story behind it somewhere.

He was trying to figure out what was going through my mind that was easy enough to pick up on with The Force. Although I'd have been surprised and a bit disappointed if he hadn't. Then he asked a question, a good choice of question at that. "Where did you acquire your staff? The ability to change it into many different weapons must be some kind of unique weapon on the market or the like?"

Well Osik! Good lad to ask an Echani girl with Mando'ade training about her weapons. "My, my cyar'ika, you are an upfront one. Well the story such as it is is that after graduating the Eshan battle-school and moving to Coruscant with my buir I was granted the offer to have a weapon crafted for me personally by one of my buir's contacts. I wanted adaptability in my weapon something for every situation on Coruscant it was fairly frowned upon to have a young woman walking around defenseless. Due to my combat training I wanted something that could be used in multiple ways. As a simple pair of batons, a staff, a pair of vibroblades, bladed staff, and even a spear."

Just to make sure Zeph's curiosity was satiated I continued, "The design was interestingly enough mine I looked through multiple different versions of Echani weapons as well as quite a few Mando'ade weapons and I pulled out what I liked from both. I drew up the sketches and sent them along with the payment my Father had promised his contact and it was there by my 21st birthday. Interestingly enough it was right before things started to go downhill for me on Coruscant.... Oh well! Handsome lad here having dinner with me, asking me about weapons and how I as Echani fight. Never would've happened had I not left Coruscant."

I started digging back into my food and realizing my tea had cooled a bit I took a long sip again watching Zeph's reaction through the steam....

[member="Zephyr Carrick"]
Factory Judge
Continuing to eat, and drink my water, I took extra time to make sure I didn't look like I wasn't shoving my face full. Or make a mess of myself. I had to look somewhat formal at this moment. Now sure there would be other times when it might not be necessary to act as such, but this was a date, and I wanted to impress her. Even wiping my mouth at the slightest thought of having something on my mouth. However, I ate rather fast even with this slower limitations I was setting for myself. Considering I was a rather larger built young man, and had a teenagers metabolisum still, I could eat all day and still not gain weight.

As Celi finished her story of her weapon, I just had to think about a weapon that could change forms that fast and could be used in so many different implementations would be almost unwieldy. Yet a bar of plasma was a desired weapon among force users. It seemed like almost everyone had one nowadays. Either way, I took another sip of my water as it was nearing empty. Watching as she then took a sip of her tea for once. I guess it was my time to talk now since I was nearing to finish my first plate.

"Each decision makes us who we are. Even if they are not our own. My decision to take you on this date, gave you time to learn about me. As well, it lets me see who you are."

I took another bite and drink to clear my throat. Speaking again as the ambiance of music, people eating, and laughing was in the background.

"In all honesty, whatever has made you into who you are now leads me to believe that this might be one of my crowning moments. The moment I met a lass who could stand toe to toe with me, yet a day later would be dressed up and eat food and dance with me."

Part of me wanted to get on with our night. Take us to the club that I had hoped to take her to. Considering the sun was going down in the sky, and it was slowly showing the nice orange rays as the light reflected off of the various clouds. The light falling just right on Celi to make her hair look almost auburn instead of the deep brown. Taking my foot, I inched it towards her own and sat it right next to her foot. Tapping her gently. I still had my shoes on and didn't want to smash her toes, but still wanted to mess with her. Playing a little bit of footsy.

"So, shall we get another plate and talk some more, or do you want to go to 'Exhibit B'?"

He was interesting for sure this one. "I think I'll finish my food and tea while watching a beautiful sunset first. There are colors in dueling, a nice date and a sunset. Night and Exhibit B will come soon enough and bring with them a color scheme all their own." Pausing for a moment I took another bite of food and sipped my tea before saying, "I can see part of the reason you were curious about my staff was probably because seems more plausible to be swinging around a saber. That being said I use many different weapons not all so obvious."

For emphasis I slipped my left foot out of my heel and laid it on his upper thigh. I could sense some slight impatience from Zeph and I just looked at him as the sun was going down. "Udesii cyar'ika. Relax."

Finishing my food as well as the rest of my tea I ran my foot along his upper thigh and as the last of the sunlight faded over Voss said, "now we can leave when you're ready."

[member="Zephyr Carrick"].
Factory Judge
I smiled a little as she told me to relax. Even using some of Mando'a. Not sure why she was speaking so much of it now, but I didn't mind it. It felt nice to be able to talk to others using that language other than talking to my Manda'lor or others within the Empire. As she sat her foot on my thigh, I almost didn't expect it. Just letting it sit there while she would watch the sun set down in the window, I had finished eating while she had spoke. Once I was done, I leaned back a little in my chair relaxing somewhat as I placed a hand on her foot as she made it rest on my upper thigh.

She felt a little warm to the touch. However, it was short lived as she said we could go when we wanted. And part of me wanted to, while the other part wanted me to stay and watch all of the sun set. Still, I squeezed her foot as I smiled brightly at her.

"I guess you will need to put your heels on then. And I hope you can dance as well as I think you can."

I would let her pull her leg off of me before I would even attempt to stand, As that might happen, I pulled out my wallet. Placing a tip for the man as this was already paid for ahead of time from the call earlier in the day. Looking up at her, I nodded once.

"Now lets see how well you can dance in that dress."

As the last of the sun went down Zeph said, "I guess you should put your heels back on then. And I hope you can dance as well as I think you can." As I pulled my foot from his thigh slipping it back into my heels he continued, "Now let's see how well you can dance in that dress." Giving him a devilish smile I said with every ounce of suggestiveness I could muster, "Oh cyar'ika, my dancing is every bit as good as my bladework. But vastly more enjoyable to experience."

Turning in my seat I grabbed my black riding coat and slipped back into it before following Zeph out the doors.

@Zephy Carrick
Factory Judge
Pushing in my chair as I stood up, I looked over to her as she was slinging her jacket up and over he shoulder as I did the same. However, she was much more graceful at it than myself. I smirked at it as she zipped herself up on the way out. I grabbed my second helmet that Celiana would be wearing. As we were walking out the door, I once more opened the door for her as we left the establishment. Thanking the staff that happened to pass by on our way out.

Once we walked up to the speeder, I handed her the helmet to once more put it on her head. I reached into my own jacket and pulled out my coker. attaching it around my neck, it activated as I was sitting down on the speeder. Once more patting the seat again, I asked her.

"So was my cooking good enough for you?"

A cheeky question about where we were eating. Sometimes guys cooked for girls on dates. However, I didn't do that this time. I might do it later if we continued to date. Not that I doubted we would be together for a while, I just doubted myself. I felt like I might mess up this relationship. And I didn't want to do that. I felt like I didn't want to... hurt her. I tried to play it off as I worried about messing up. She was older than me. I have not a lot of experience of these things. I mean, the first time I started dating was in highschool. Really late to the game.

Turning the engine on, I revved it a little to bring the motor up to speed from being cold.

"So, Exhibit B?"

As we walked out the door Zeph once again handed me the spare helmet which I quickly pulled over my head. Blinking several times I activated the helmet commlink just as he pulled on his helmet and asked, "so was my cooking good enough for you?" Rolling my eyes inside my helmet I could still sense his uncertainty. "Zeph, cyar'ika...Udesii. Relax you're doing fine."

"As to your cooking it was excellent, thank you."

Then he said, "so, Exhibit B?" Chuckling through the helmet's commlink I said, "You're the driver, drive on. As long as I can lean my head on your warm body."

[member="Zephyr Carrick"]
Factory Judge
Looking over my shoulder as she sat onto the bike, I then turned around and once more placed her hand around my stomach so it didn't feel like she was going to injure me should she tug. Backing the speeder up a little, turning the wheel to the right, and then taking off slowly at first, I knew the long way around that we could take to get to the club. The sky was still lit slightly from the light refracting off of the surface of the atmosphere. The bike was going at a very constant speed, as I could feel her head rest against mine. She leaned all along my back holding onto me as we were driving down to our next spot of the date.

All I wanted to do was to freeze time around us. So that we could keep going, keep moving on this speeder bike and be comfortable. I felt good with her. I felt... happy. Sadly to say, I haven't felt happy in a while.

"Celiana, Why did you say yes to having a date with me?"

I was just kind of curious, and because I wanted some kind of conversation at the moment. My mind would wander and start to doubt myself. I really didn't want that at the moment, and I wanted something to keep my mind sidetracked as I was driving.

As we'd gotten on his bike Zeph had pulled my left hand to wrap around his stomach and falling back into an easy pattern I snuggled up against him. As my body was pressed up against him I heard a click in my helmet signalling the helmet commlink was active. Then Zeph asked me, "Celiana, why did you agree to this date with me?" My first thought was that his saying my name sent shivers down my spine it Then I answered his question. "Well, first you crossed blades with me which doesn't happen often secondly I still happen to think that you're a very attractive young lad. You've showed me respect even before this date which says a lot about your character. Plus it's been too long since I've taken a chance with men, I figured you were worth the risk cyar'ika. Now Udesii, relax and enjoy yourself, I know I am."

Pressing myself completely against his back I let my right hand come up to join my left around his abs then I let my right hand fall to his inner thigh. This was going to be an incredible night. I couldn't wait to show off my dancing for him, hopefully it wouldn't change things I tended to be a slightly....trashy dancer. By which I mean slutty, my dancing was very charged with sexual tension and it usually showed in how I moved on a dance floor.

[member="Zephyr Carrick"]
Factory Judge
After asking her the question, there was a second of time that silence followed. Almost as though I had done something to her, she seemed. not withdrawn, but like she had to help me realize that everything was fine. Probably because I doubted myself in life. I almost felt like a fraud sometimes. She was only trying to help. I smiled as she mentioned that sparing with her doesn't really happen all that often. I would keep that mental note to spar with her often then. Maybe train together or at least become some form of rivals in the battlefield. My mind wondering off as we would be fighting sith side by side and both of us would be counting how many we felled to see who was better.

Even telling me that I showed her respect from the beginning. Even more so when it was mentioned that I was a nice looking guy. She also mentioned that it has been awhile since she has been with a guy. Does that mean she hasn't been with anyone, or has she been with girls? Either way, I didn't know how to ask about that. Maybe it could come up later, and I wasn't going to push it now. If I was worth the risk, then she was worth it as well.

Smiling, I continued to follow behind another land speeder that decided to go ridiculously slow. Looking over my shoulder for a second,

"Worth the risk huh? Are you sure about that?"

Leaning down onto the speeder, I then jacked the throttle of the bike. The sudden acceleration sent the front wheel up as I flipped the switch into hover mode. Just as the wheel was about to fall back down, we zoomed past the slower landspeeder, and continued to accelerate for a bit before I slowed down the bike and leaned back up normally.

"I think I am work the risk."

The smile could be almost heard in my voice as I spoke to her.

Sitting on the back of his bike pressed against him I was still holding onto him around his abs with my left hand while my right was practically on top of his lap. Idly tracing circle on his upper thigh I could feel his bike slowing as we came up behind a landspeeder. He turned over his shoulder to look at me before asking, "Worth the risk huh? Are you sure about that?" Then he jacked the throttle pressing me closer against him. If I wasn't careful he'd probably think I wanted to mount him, not that I'd mind terribly he was an extremely attractive young man.

The helmet comms still active I just said, "mmmmmmmmmmm, yes I'm sure." I'd probably just sounded like I was moaning but I was there in the moment and I didn't really care.

[member="Zephyr Carrick"]
Factory Judge
I smiled a little as Celiana moved closer to me. Almost laying on my back in fact. Honestly, I didn't care. I had to think, was it because of how fast I was going on the bike, or was it some other motive. Either way, I smiled a little when she she was sure. While she couldn't see my face with both of us wearing helmets, She could however hear it in my voice.

"Well then, Must be a good risk"

I slowed the bike down as we came to an intersection. Various lights were keeping us from moving forward, and I twisted my body and shoulders around to look at her for a moment. Even when wearing the helmet, I could still feel like I could see her.

"So, Go left, and right to the next stop, or forward, and take the long way around?"

Feeling the bike slow Zeph turned to look at me and asked, "So go left, and right to the next stop, or forward and take the long way round?" Snuggling against him I said, "You want to see my dancing right? It'd be a shame to have gotten into this dress and these heels to not go dancing. Winking at him I continued yes let's keep on going to Exhibit B and see where things progress from there."

I was genuinely happy with Zeph and it was really somewhat surprising in the best possible way. I did somewhat hope that before the night was over he'd press me against the wall and kiss me. I also hoped that'd escalate a bit. Who knew though? He was full of surprises.

[member="Zephyr Carrick"]
Factory Judge
Well, it looks like she wanted to have her fun. She wanted to go and dance. Smiling, I decided to turn left. Moving the bike with my feet over to the left side of the street, and then flipped on my repulsor lifts. I pulled on the throttle, and pulled up. Making the bike fly up and forward a little over the other land speeders. I went a little over the sidewalk, and then brought the bike down to the ground as I kept going.

"Lets see where this takes us then."

Still immersed in The Force I could hear some of his thoughts about letting me have my fun. As we started moving again Zeph said "Let's see where this takes us then." Smiling and blushing I said "Cyar'ika anywhere you take me I'm sure will be amazing." Then leaning against his frame I wrapped my right arm around his abs while I lightly traced small circles on his upper thigh with my left hand. Nuzzling up against him as he drove.

[member="Zephyr Carrick"]

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