Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Congrats to April's member of the month, Rev. Run


Active Member
Congratulations, on a note that is not meant to take away the coolness, how does one become member of the month? :O
Vual said:
Congratulations, on a note that is not meant to take away the coolness, how does one become member of the month? :eek:
I don't think pursuing it is a good idea, but what I've assumed after being MoTM in October of this past year was that it was determined on how much work you put not only into your character, but also into trying to be cooperative with others, lightening the mood here and there (the factory has killed this part of me :( ), and though it might have been just me (I had just joined the month prior) but that "New girl" or "New kid on the block" sort of feeling generally helps a little.
Vual said:
Congratulations, on a note that is not meant to take away the coolness, how does one become member of the month? :eek:
1. Don't be a Staff member. It's uncommon for Codex/Factory Judges, but they can win it. I don't think an RPJ/Admin has won it since the very early days. Matsu would probably be the last, but she got Adminship after she got Member of the Month.

2. Be a postive influence on the community. Don't get reported a lot. Don't break a lot of rules. Do your best to work problems out with other players privately.

3. Don't be a Drama Queen. Very rarely is it given to a drama queen, mainly because I despise drama queens. They're loud, annoying, and unnecessary. If you find yourself writing a blog post about how unfair life is, stop and power down your computer.

4. Treat Staff With The Same Respect You Wish To Be Treated With. When we interact with you, we're here to help you. Most of my RPJs have actually hidden from me how crappily some members will treat them because they want to help, or because they want to appear helpful. But in the hidden Staff forum is instructions, a mandate, to immediately inform me if they are being treated with a disgusting attitude because I love dealing personally with disgusting attitudes. So if you're on this list, you'd better believe you'll never be considered for MOTM.

5. Do something impressive. You know what the hardest thing is? Remembering names here. SWRP's grown a lot and it's hard to recognize each and every one of you. We come from very small roots and still have that grass roots mentality when thinking about SWRP. So do something to stand out from the crowd - in a positive way.

6. Don't Mention Tef Unless Absolutely Necessary. This is personal preference but I promise it will help you.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
I think I've only @mentioned you a few times tef as I have learned from other people's mistakes. As I'm aware you will just appear where needed. besides if I need to speak with you about ideas or something that you would absolutely need to be informed about I'll send a pm and wait for you to reply in your own time. After all your a busy person and we all should appreciate the effort you Also put in. *casually votes tef for next motm*

I don't even tag you when I direct something towards you lmao.

On that note a big Congrats [member="Reverance"] you sith dog you.

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