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Approved Starship Concordia-class Dreadnought

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Intent: To create a capital ship for the Mandalorian Navy that can go toe to toe with the mightiest ships of other Navies with massive long range batteries.

Manufacturer: Mandal Hypernautics
Model: Concordia-class Dreadnought
Affiliation: Mandalorian Navy,
Modularity: None
Production: Limited
Durasteel Spine and Frame
Ferro-Magnesium Ceramic Interior Hull
Alusteel Outer Hull
Quadanium Armor Plating
Glasteel Viewports
Durasteel Shutters over Viewports
Durasteel Plated Weapon Turrets and Turret Mountings


The Concordia-class Dreadnought was designed by Mandal Hypernautics engineers for the express purpose of going shot-for-shot with the largest and heaviest hitting ships in the Navies of their neighboring factions. The ship is not intended to operate un-escorted and is severely vulnerable to attack from a large number of smaller ships. Equipping the Dreadnought with a pair of Vulcan turrets was an attempt to mitigate this vulnerability, but has only proven to be a marginal improvement.

The ship is designed to dish out heavy damage at long ranges and withstand similar bombardments. Great effort has been put into the design of the craft to ensure that she be capable of continuing to operate in a combat zone even after sustaining severe and otherwise crippling damages. To achieve this, engineers looked to the design of the Ordo-class Frigate and the modular and compartmentalized sections that make the craft so durable.

The final draft of the Concordia-class incorporated numerous design elements from the Ordo Frigate. A powerful Hypermatter reactor backed up by a secondary Solar Ionization reactor provide the ship and weapons with plenty of power. Redundant power conduits run the length and breadth of the ship, allowing for easy rerouting of power past damaged sections. Compartmentalized life support localized in each section of the ship allows for safe operating conditions in most of the ship even after the ship herself has suffered critical damages.

A Compartmentalized shielding system localizes the shield projectors for the ship into thirty sections. Each projector produces enough shielding to cover its entire sector and receives power separately from nearby shield projectors. This means that while each individual section of shielding is weaker overall than a traditional shielding system would be, it allows for an overloaded shield projector to only compromise a single section instead of making the entire ship vulnerable.

There are a total of forty primary compartments on the ship. Each of which includes an emergency power cell to provide the compartment with a maximum of 24 hours of low-operational power or 30 minutes of combat operational power. Desperate commanders can tap into these emergency power reserves to overcharge the shielding for that section of the ship. This can either be used to compensate for a weakened section of shielding or to provide temporarily stronger shielding in a single area at the risk of overloading the shield projector and at the cost of bleeding out the emergency energy reserves.

Turret placement aboard the Concordia is spread out in such a way that each turret is capable of firing forwards. Each weapon turret is partially protected by Durasteel plating over the housing itself and the entire housing is mounted on top of a pneumatic pylon that allows each turret to be raised and lowered individually to fire over other turrets, get a superior fire arch, or to recessed into the hull. When recessed, the weapon barrels are lowered under a protective 'lip' of durasteel plating and only the durasteel-plated top of the turret remains exposed. While recessed, the weapon can still be damaged by a direct hit from a sizable weapon, but it can often mean the difference in losing a single barrel or the entire turret. It does, however, take a fair amount of time to transition a turret from an active-fire mode to a recessed state. The weapons cannot be recessed quickly enough to protect themselves against turbolaser fire or fast enough to perform a “fire, cover, reload, fire” type of firing solution. Instead, they are mainly used to protect against missile bombardment or from a bombing run from hostile attack craft.

In combat, the Concordia-class Dreadnought is intended to be used to compensate for the relative short ranges of traditional Mandalorian fleets. Only used in the largest of engagements, a pair or more of these craft will be added to a unit specifically designated to protect and escort these rare, expensive, and valuable ships. After their introduction to the fleet, entire battlegroups and assault formations have been restructured and retrained specifically to support one or two pair of Concordia Dreadnoughts purchased for that fleet.

While the Hypermatter reactor provides the ship with plenty of energy to power its massive weapons and specialized shield systems, the reactor itself is highly volatile. Despite the incredible durability of the ship design, the Hypermatter reactor has proven to be its greatest weakness. Even though the bulk of the ship can survive and remain 40 to 60 percent combat effective after capital weapons have punched clear through the hull and out the other side, far weaker shots can cause a catastrophic containment failure should they manage a penetrate the hull and impact the reactor housing. Similarly, pulling too much energy from the primary reactor over a brief period of time can destabilize the reactor and cause a similar containment failure.

OOC Description: (also used here)
The Mass-Driver Missile Launcher systems -count as- Heavy, Long Range Mass-Drivers in terms of range and power.

Weapon Placement-

Quad-Barreled Turrets: 2 Port/Starboard Hull
Quad-Barreled Turrets: 2 Port/Starboard 'fins' Dorsal
Quad-Barreled Turrets: 1 Dorsal Hull, fore

Triple-Barreled Turrets: 2 Port/Starboard Hull
Triple-Barreled Turrets: 2 Port/Starboard 'fins' Ventral
Triple-Barreled Turrets: 1 Ventral Hull, center

Vulcan Mass-Driver Flak Cannon Turret: 1 Ventral Hull, fore
Vulcan Mass-Driver Flak Cannon Turret: 1 Dorsal Hull, rear, elevated

Each weapon is capable of firing forwards and the two turrets that are placed along the dorsal and ventral sides of the ship are also capable of firing to either the port or starboard side, as well as up and down, respectively. The four turrets along the port and starboard side of the ship's main fuselage are each capable of firing up and down and can adjust the pneumatic pylons they are mounted upon to shoot over each other. The same four weapons are each capable of firing to the port or starboard, respectively. Similarly, the four weapon turrets mounted on the 'fin' sections to either side of the ship are capable of firing to the port and starboard respectively and the dorsal and ventral pairs are capable of firing up or down respectively. The four weapon turrets placed on the side fin structures are each capable of firing to the rear of the ship, as is the triple-barreled turret on the dorsal bulge of the ship. Both flak cannon turrets are capable of firing forward, port, starboard, and up or down respectively. The dorsal flak cannon turret is also capable of firing to the rear of the ship.

Intended to engage formations of hostile capital ships at extreme ranges, the sensors, tracking systems, and turrets of the Concordia-class Dreadnought are fine tuned to operate at long ranges against slow moving targets, such as enemy super-capital ships. While the weapon systems are capable of firing in numerous directions, they are nearly useless at closer than 'long' ranges against anything smaller than a Heavy Cruiser and the massive turrets take a fair amount of time to zero in on a new target that is not within the same 'formation' as their last target.

Classification: Star Destroyer (Gun Heavy)
Role: Assault Ship, Siege Ship, Ship of the Wall,
Height: 450 Meters
Width: 650 Meters
Length: 1,550 Meters
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Primary Hypermatter Reactor, Backup Solar Ionization Reactor, Emergency Power Cells (40)
Hyperdrive Rating: 1.5
Minimum Crew: 20,000
Optimal Crew: 40,000

Armament Rating: 20


The ship's armament consists of Several Heavy, Long Range Deck Cannons arranged into multiple quad and triple turrets arranged strategically over the ship. The turret placement is such that the ship can fire all guns forward, arrange its weapons into broadsides, or spread even coverage of fire over multiple fire arcs. Supporting these turrets are multiple forward facing Mass-Driver Missile Launchers, which can match the Heavy, Long Range Deck Cannon Turrets in range, but come with a limited ammo supply before needing to be reloaded with supplies from the cargo bay. A pair of Vulcan Mass-Driver Flak Cannons on the dorsal and ventral sections of the ship augment a modest assortment of point defense lasers spread evenly over the hull.

NONE! External docking only. Hanger traded for compartmentalized design.

Non-Combative Attachments:
5x Heavy Tractor Beam Projectors
Standard Communications Array
Escape Pods
Encrypted Holonet Transceiver
Standard Detention Cells
Compartmentalized Life Support Systems
Standard Navigational Systems
Compartmentalized Particle Shield Generator
Compartmentalized Ray Shield Generator
Standard Sensor Array
Advanced Targeting Systems

Passenger Capacity: 8,000
Cargo Capacity: 18,000 Tons
Consumables: 4 Years
Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: 9 (2.0 Guide) 18/18 (3.0 Guide)
[member="Captain Larraq"]

Minor note; Speed ought to be 9, not 8.

Now, on to the big issue. No capital ship has ever had its entire capital gun pool reduced to ten guns. While it's a valid design choice under the guide, it is potentially dangerous. Now I'll go ahead and say what Popo has said before; use it wisely and as long as there are no reports on abuse or power-gaming, then you'll be alright.

Before I can stamp this though, a few things need to be done.

  • Hypermatter reactors are powerful, but volatile and dangerous. This goes double when it's powering two separate shield generators like it is here. I'd like to see some mention of that in the sub.
  • You talk a lot about the ship's strengths, particular its main guns. I'd like to hear a bit more about its other strengths and its weaknesses. This has the double benefit of improving the sub's overall quality and displays a sense of fair play. You mention that all the main guns can fire forward. Can any of them swivel to the sides? At what speed?
[member="Ayden Cater"]

About three paragraphs added to the description. Two regarding weapons, one regarding the reactor. Plus specific weapon placement information.

will that suffice or would you like me to also go into further detail on internal systems?
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