Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Company Template - Rationale Amendment

By far the most common edit request for newly submitted companies is expansion of the Rationale section. Most people only put a sentence, maybe two, but judges and staff have consistently asked for a paragraph in that field. Here's the current wording:

  • Rationale: (How did your character come to own and control the company? Did they make it? Hostile takeover? Clever political scheming?)

Compare what we see in the existing guidelines for the Description field, which is rarely too short in the submissions we get:

  • Description: (At least a paragraph description of your corporation. The higher the tier of the corporation, the more we expect from the description. If we feel like the description isn't adequate for the requested tier, you may be asked to include more detail or lower the tier. Particularly for player-made corporations, this should detail some of the processes of how the company does business. Does it accept private manufacturing requests? Is it loyal to a particular government or faction? Are they a benevolent corporation, or do they grind planets into dust for money? It's the little details like this that we're looking for.)

My proposed amendment, then, is to codify and publicly post what's become common practice:

  • Rationale: (How did your character come to own and control the company? Did they make it? Hostile takeover? Clever political scheming? Please write at least five sentences in this field.)

Pros: Saves judging time. Improves quality of submissions. Minimally improves our record of judging by posted standards rather than unwritten convention, a trend we should all encourage.
Cons: People have to write four sentences more than they usually do.

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