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Approved Species Cogitandi viridis

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Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species

  • Intent: To create a spliced species of sub-sentient plants for use as biological 'computers' - not the computers themselves, this is the plant species making up component parts of what will be the biocomputers.
  • Image Credit: Valonia ventricosa from Wikipedia
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Physically based on the V. ventricosa unicellular algae, material is loosely based on the 'intelligence' of visibly reactive plant species such as the Venus fly trap and the touch-me-not.
  • Name: 'Cogitandi viridis' - the thinking plant
  • Origins: Crafted by Jack Sandrow through Sylva Vitae, with samples gleaned from Reytha, Yavin 4, Kashyyyk, and Ithor. It has no true 'origin' planet or location, other than Sylva Vitae laboratories.
  • Other Locations: N/A
  • Classification: Unicellular alga
  • Average Growth Cycle: Each C. viridis plant requires only a week of collecting nutrients to reproduce, which it does by asexual budding.
  • Viability: Requires a water-based solution to function; the more nutrient-rich, the better.
  • Description: Each C. viridis is its own small computer; the organelles within function as multitudes of microprocessors, each carrying out the ability to perform computational calculations akin to that of a thinking mind. When assembled in multitudes, the computational power expands dramatically.
  • Average Height: 1-6 cm
  • Average Length: 2-7 cm
  • Color: Light to dark green, a translucent membrane around a foggy liquid interior
  • Nutritional Value: None
  • Toxicity: None
  • Other Effects: A mild alkaline taste upon consumption; these each contain a noticeably large electric potential.
  • Distinctions: Taking a variety of sizes from a small blumfruit to a decently weighty shuura, they are elastic and weighty, larger and heavier than they appear at first glance.
  • Entirely biological, C. viridis is ideal for Sylva Vitae's computational needs, for guidance or other biotech needs.
  • Regenerative and alive, C. viridis can grow as much as needed, and self-repair if damaged
  • Weak organic lumps, they have absolutely no defense or protection of any kind. They are little more than non-sentient brains.
  • Each C. viridis requires a steady intake of nutrients that it cannot forage for itself. Without this regular nutrient intake, they will fall dormant and potentially die.
An entirely bio-engineered strain of plant species, Jack Sandrow worked to collate plant species that would suit a need for biological computation. Flora intelligence has been seen in sapient species such as the Drengir, Neti, or Parwan - indeed, in engineered species such as Vinithi like Jack himself - are rare but not unheard of. To craft a species capable of processing and thinking without actually being self-aware or intelligent is an order of magnitude simpler. Nevertheless, it still took a significant amount of effort (and a few greased hands in some Ithorian conclaves) to grant Jack the time and research necessary to craft something of his own.
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