Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Clubbing

"I suppose we could? Can't have too much fun though, robbing the place would be bad form and be inviting the same on my own place." She said with a laugh. It was almost like she had read his mind.

“Desperate chit anyway.” He said quietly and absentmindedly, forgetting where he was and who he was speaking to for a moment. Seeing that Jedi girl had thrown him off just a bit. He couldn't even remember her name but knowing he owed his life to her and seeing her here out of the blue was unexpected to say the least.

"Spotted anyone you like the look of?" Mai asked.

"Yeah, I think so." He said with a grin, looking her in the eye hoping he found the right mix of subtle and forward.

"My place is called Reveries I have one on Denon too, Miss Fiora helped me get started and I guess I went from there." She explained.

"It's new?" He asked her. The name sounded somewhat familiar but he was sure he hadn't been there before. "Wait, is that the spot that used to be Moonies? My boy Ko is living with this girl and her sistah used to work in there befo she got fired on some bantha chit. That Chevin was speciesist fo'real. I had talk Ko from going up there and slapping him around." Ragos laughed "That chit woulda been funny doe."

Gotdamn he wished this club would play something good. Ragos waved the bartender back over.

"You wanna do shots?" He asked Mai. The bartender came back with four shot glasses of some clear liquor. Two for the each of them.

Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus
Outfit: Dress
Tags: Open to interaction | Desric Terassi Desric Terassi

Shrugging, "but it is still blossoming here for most here except for myself. A painful fact that can lay heavy on the heart. And I find a bottle or two in, it is a whole lot less heavy on my heart. Though I doubt most would see that as a healthy way to deal with such a burden, it has been the most effective way to deal with it. Till I find a woman that can grab my attention, my heart and keep up with the life I live." Kat shrugged as she gulped heavily from the bottle and found it was already halfway empty.

"Lucky for you that your parents hold you in such high esteem. Or at least the family name in such high esteem. My mother would ask the partner why would they want to date someone who is as much of a mess as I am. Lovely woman, can tell I was the favourite out of the four. Especially since my siblings all keep the family tradition of flowery names and I am simply Kat." She sighed, the drink already had her confessing the less that happy childhood that she had with her mother. Her father was her rock when he was alive.

Looking at the bottle, "woody you say? I would have gone with more peaty flavour tones over plain woody. But different people have different tastes I am sure." Noting that Desric's attention flitted over to another person, "friend? I do not mind if you wish to go say hi. I shall be fine." Kat took another large gulp of whisky from the bottle.
As far as Desric was concerned, drinking oneself into a stupor due to romantic woes was only liable to exaggerate said woes. Not that he would mention that to her directly - while prone to both obnoxious smugness and snide teasing in certain cases, he was a bit of a people pleaser at heart. As such, he could not stand seeing people unhappy.

"A lifestyle ill-suited for romance, then? Travel or danger, perhaps?"

If nothing else, it seemed a safer subject than her family life.

Flinching almost imperfectly, Desric shook his head. "Hardly, this is the first time I've ever seen... her. I was just unnerved by the extent of her modifications. Nothing more to it." His eyes briefly changed colour before he quelled his discomfort.


Location: Mirage
Objective: Have a drink, check out the VIPs
Tags: Ragos Terrek Ragos Terrek

Mairéad smirked back and instinctively brushed her hair out of her face bashfully. Then she pursed her lips, internally reflecting. What are you doing Mai, why are you flirting you need to stop it. Too many years of having to appear available to any man who was interested had given her deep seated instincts, it was one of the reasons she avoided any romance with men at all.

"Listen, I'm up for a fun night, but there's this person like, and I'd quite like to find out what that is first? It's not because your not attractive because, well, yeah" Her eyes widened and looked him up and down. "But shots sound good to me."

The following assumes Ragos Terrek Ragos Terrek doesnt immediately bail

Mai took the first shot an knocked it back quickly, slapping it down on the table and making a slight gasp. Before the next she stopped. "So, your.. boy's... girl's...sister. Got fired on account of her species? That isn't right, would she work there again, for me?

And just to be clear, I'm offering this to be fair to the girl. I'm not trying to have you owe me anything. But, if you send her my way, you are vouching for her, thats how it works. If it turns out she wasn't fired for her species, that's on you."
She didn't have any reason to doubt what he was saying, but she didn't want any misunderstanding if things went badly.

"Now, thats business done, how about some pleasure?"

She knocked back the second shot and picked up her bag to dance, beckoning the man to join her.

Heart Breaker and Life Taker
Location: The Mirage, Coruscant

Current Outfit

Hilal giggled at Hex's response of course she was just playing around. When Hex lived with Hilal back at her shop on Kresti, she had a habit of calling other Mandalorians "bucket heads" much to their annoyance. Hilal remembered trying to calm down a Mandalorian who was so offended by Hex's statement that she threatened to set her shop on fire. Hilal had to give the Mandalorian 75 percent discount on her next purchase but did little assail her rage. "At least she didn't burn down my shop." Hilal thought.

The young woman quickly grabbed the funky bucket and took a big swig. Immediately, Hilal felt her tongue being on fire her eyes filled with water and both of her cheeks were inflated with the drink. "Damn! Damn! Damn!" some of the drink began to spill out of Hilal's mouth. The drink was very hot! What kind of alcohol were they serving?!

"I can't spit it out!" Hilal said. "I'm a Mandalorian warrior and I will stand tall!"

With all her might, Hilal swallowed the beverage instantly gasping for air while the drink passed her throat. The spicy drink prickled her throat and Hilal felt as though hot needles were piercing it. "Damn! What a hot drink!" Hilal breathed. "But hey I'm a warrior! I can take it!"

Hex Hex
"Listen, I'm up for a fun night, but there's this person like, and I'd quite like to find out what that is first? It's not because your not attractive because, well, yeah" Her eyes widened and looked him up and down. "But shots sound good to me."

Ragos put has hands up and sort of waved her words away.

“Ay, don’t trip. You fine and we could have fun but shots is good with me.” He told her trying his best to sound sincere. He wasn’t bout to pressure this girl he didn’t know or treat her some kind of way cuz she told him he was barking up the wrong wroshyr or whatever. Chit was hardly a surprise any way, she was a surface woman, that he met in an office on the top floor of the tallest building on this planet. He still didn’t live above level one-thousand.

He threw back both his shots, one right after the other, exhaling with a ‘woo’ and signaling for two more.

"So, your.. boy's... girl's...sister. Got fired on account of her species? That isn't right, would she work there again, for me?

And just to be clear, I'm offering this to be fair to the girl. I'm not trying to have you owe me anything. But, if you send her my way, you are vouching for her, thats how it works. If it turns out she wasn't fired for her species, that's on you." She said asking about his story earlier

“Nah kark that you don’t want that schutta working for you. She steals chit.” He told her.

"Now, thats business done, how about some pleasure?" She knocked back the second shot and picked up her bag to dance, beckoning the man to join her.

Ragos shrugged, threw back another two shots and followed after her, swaying just a bit, it was swagger more than drunkenness probably. He caught up to her put a hand gently on the small of her back so he wouldn’t lose her as they entered the crowd.

Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus
Last edited:

The Mirage Club
Terrace Balcony

| speech

"...and that's why sometimes, when the proverbial banthas start stampeding, you just move out of the way. Otherwise, you end up a smear on the permacrete." came from the young twenty-something with a bit of a slightly exaggerated laugh. Wearing a smart looking plaid suit in varying shades of grey and black, a white button up dress shirt with the top two buttons undone, and a black tie that hung loose around his neck, the youth looked like he might actually fit in, a coy smile playing upon his lips as he seemingly joked and made light with a few of the other random patrons out on the terrace balcony.

Just one, tiny little problem with this scene...

What in the ever-loving kark was Johnny Diamonds doing at a place like this, on Coruscant of all fething places!?

Well, information was the Slicer Dicer's stock and trade. If he wanted answers, he usually got them, and he got them no matter what. And what he wanted to know was how in the hell Hacks ended up here under the thumb of the Alliance. So, in true Johnnyboy fashion, he did what he did best; Johnnyboy caught himself some slick n' quick transport to the Cityplanet on the sly, no questions asked. And he blended into the crowds, making sure to avoid being seen by anyone who might recognize him until he laid ocular on his cohort and confidant, his best friend whether she liked it or not, the seven foot tall borg'd-out best netrunner in the fething galaxy.

Soon enough, as he thought she would, she made her way out onto the balcony. Fisting a couple brews as well, typical. Cheap swill and 'fresh' air. Seemed to be fond of it, she was. So, taking his leave of the small coterie of patrons, he slid himself sight unseen over toward Hacks, and leaned on that very same railing next to her, conveniently within the only spot where the shadows seemed to dance freely out here. He kept his voice quiet, discreetly employing the Force to keep praying ears from overhearing them.

"So, come here often? Or are your hands tied?" he said with a bit of a grin toying on that face of his. Wasn't gonna come right out and say it, but she'd zero in on the deets, cause when it came right down to it, she wasn't a gonkbrain like the rest of em.


The twenty-one year old Luric Shinji Ee'everwest had just been rendered completely and utterly speechless. His mind was still trying to process what Iris had said, and in the meantime, as what apparently was an inadequate amount of thought processes, he stood there for what seemed like an eternity. In reality, it was a fair few seconds, but he just could not seem to string along a coherent thought, let alone words to accompany them.

"B-b-both of them? As in..."

Luric took a moment, and actually sat down on the bar stool next to him. Taking his glass of rose-wine, he looked at it, and for a split second almost wished he had lost his grip on it earlier. Less embarrassing, at least so he thought that would have been. Bringing it to his lips, he drank down the rest in quick fashion, and motioned to the bartender. "Tatooine Sunburn, and quickly." he said, shaking his head a moment. Looking to Temi, he simply did his best to answer her question while the rest of his brain tried to process this situation.

"Well, we, um... 'met' at my cousin Briana's apartment that she shares with Miss Iris here. Apparently, someone forgot to mention it, or forgot it was mentioned, I'm not sure which, that I was going to stay with them for a bit while I got situated here on Courscant. This inevitably led to Iris trying to liberate my face from my head with her feet, as it were..."

And as he finished the rather short little story, the bartender set the drink down in front of him. It seemed he was about to warn Luric of it's potency, but being a Jedi Knight and used to strong drinks most humanoids would pass out from, he swiped it and took a big gulp from the glass. All Luric could think at that very moment was Force, I needed that...

Hacks downed the first of her two drinks in hand, an empty gaze stared out over the city. She held out her hand holding the glass over the balcony, her eyes studying the smallest movements of her mechanical fingers, her grip gently loosening until the glass slid from between the metal grip and fell down into the void of an undercity existing far below.

She brought the other glass still full to her forehead and leaned further on the railing, she felt nothing, even as droplets from the cool glass ran down her face. The cold beer brought no comfort and did little to temper her frustration. Slave to the Alliance, what the hell am I doing here? she thought. Is that even why I am angry? I'm always pissed off, there's always something wrong. She took a swig.

A presence slid in beside her at the railing and her plastic eyes turned, a frown creased her brows. She wanted to ask what the hell he was doing here, how did he know she was here, hell, she could have hugged him, but instead she bit her tongue and said nothing. She motioned to him with the beer and then brought it back to her lips, adjusting her gaze back over the lights of distant skycutters.

"So, come here often? Or are your hands tied?" Johnny said, Hacks offered only the slightest of shrugs and a quiet, "It's not my first choice." It had been months since they saw each other, she had left the Smugglers Moon on an assignment to Ilum to serve the Empire for a job. Run of the mill. Then she never came back. Her apartment left empty. No one had seen or heard from her. Her presence in the Net went dark. Even her regular dealers had started asking about her, concerned her body was in some landfill.

She was changed, not just by time. The once lithe cyborg, albeit abnormally tall, now rippled with powerful cybernetics that consumed her entire being. Blades and sluggers hidden beneath plates and tubes and wires. A walking weapon. A complete body rework, even the parts that had once never been replaced were gone. She had gone full 'borg, and not by her own choice. The Jedi had destroyed her body, mutilated her with fire, and then left her in a cell to rot for months as SIA probed her. She had struck a bargain and received a new, superior body. Serve the Alliance or rot in a cell.

Hacks briefly looked to Johnny and suddenly her AJ unit began to whir quietly, the brain implant activating as thought manifested as code, a program shattered the system protocols of Johnnys security, perhaps before he could react, or perhaps he did not care that she was doing it. Then a message was scrolling across his retina display.

Hacks: Chrome-bangers got me on Ilum. Suits got eyes and ears on my every step, they monitor everything I do.

As the message came across Johnnys retina, a deep sadness that was unlike the harsh console cowgirl passed across her face. Something horrible had happened to her.
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"That means you should think of a place too, you know."

"I have plans to date them both. You planning to ask me out too?"

At first, Tayl just squinted at Iris and that sly smirk of hers. One she responded to in kind with a dumb, toothy grin. Like a row of little daggers displayed neatly on the wall, waiting but left safely out of use.

"A place, huh? That garden not good enough for you?" She teased, blissfully ignorant of what was about to happen. From her point of view, she had been "Friend-zoned" as the Aruetiise called it, back on the ship some time ago. And she might as well just suck it up and enjoy time with her friend, in that case.

"I have plans to date them both. You planning to ask me out too?"

"You... do?" Another thing Tayl was very much ignorant of, which Iris herself would have learned by now, Was attraction. Romantic or physical, the poor clone was most definitely not prepared for it. In truth, she didn't even know why the thought of "dating" made her feel this way, or why her face was beginning to turn violet, or why her heart seemed to beat just a little faster.

All she really knew for sure, was that her chip didn't suppress these feelings, unlike most. Iris made her feel things. And that was... new. exciting.

"You're not... joking, are you? I mean, I hope you're not!"

She tried to chuckle, laugh it off maybe, but it was almost more like an astounded gasp.

Tayl leaned with one elbow against the bartop, completely absorbed in the moment now. It didn't matter if the hutt was still there somewhere, if the strange looking bounty hunter caused trouble, or even the loud music. It all began to fade away as she sat there, staring at Iris with little green eyes that seemed just a little bigger now, and lavender lips pursed in thought that she could no longer control.

From training on Kamino to pistol duels on Tatooine and Level 1313, Nothing had ever truly distracted the young mandalorian from her surroundings. Not until today.

“So, how did you two meet? I feel like this is gonna be a good story.”

"Hm...? oh-" She blinked a couple times, glancing from Artemis to Luric and back.

"Well, uhm," Her gaze was averted now, loosely focused on the orange liquid in her glass while her thoughts drifted. Honestly it made her worry just a little, what they might think if she didn't choose her words carefully. Luckily the chip kept her from feeling full blown anxiety over it. Didn't stop that strange warm feeling in her cheeks and Lekku though.

"Kind of like Luric, I guess" She stifled a chuckle, gently tracing the rim of her glass with a clawed finger.

"Wandered into a haunt of hers while looking for someone, Got paint on my visor so I couldn't see, had to take off the helmet. Next thing I know, been kicked in the back of the head with some force sorcery..."

"And there I was; Concussed on the floor while she took care of me. Took some convincing on her part, but, I ended up working with her and I've been tagging along, on and off, ever since"

Tayl couldn't help but smile a little towards Iris, even through the confusion.

"Iris, she uhm. She saved my life too, ya know? sometime later. Those two occasions completely changed how I saw Jedi"


Location: Mirage
Objective: Have a drink, check out the VIPs
Tags: Ragos Terrek Ragos Terrek


“Nah kark that you don’t want that schutta working for you. She steals chit.” He told her.
"Don't we all?" she laughed back "But thank you, your honesty is appreciated.".

Letting the man follow her, she felt his hand on her back and she turned to dance with him. Mairéad was a good dancer, her rhythm was something she didn't regret learning as a slave and she enjoyed dancing. The fact she had been clear with the man that she had no romantic intent also relaxed her and allowed her to dance the way she wanted, in a way which to the the casual observer would look more than a little flirtascious.

She spun and danced with her back against him and spoke "Let me know if you spot anyone else you like and I'll make myself scarce" she wondered what it might be like to be the man's wingman, but she wouldn't let herself scare any other potential dates out the way, the guy deserved a bit of fun.

There was no denying that she looked incredible. She was gorgeous, her outfit was stunning and the way she moved was as intoxicating and alluring as the spice he sold. No matter how the night ended, there would be a part of him that would be disappointed they weren’t leaving together. He danced with her, his movements were at first subtle and simple compared to hers as he searched for the rhythm to this unfamiliar music that was not at all to his taste. He found it after not too long. Ragos was a more than competent dancer. he was pretty dang good.

"Let me know if you spot anyone else you like and I'll make myself scarce" She told him, her body pressed against his. She smelled nice. His hands hovered near her hips but he didn’t actually touch her as they swayed with one another moving to the music.

Girl, I don't think it could get better than this. Is what he wanted to say. This was as good a position he’d been in since coming to Coruscant and yet his attention was being pulled somewhere else.

There was a group of seriously uninhibited dancers near the center of the dance floor. A circle of bodies with no care or desire in the galaxy other than where they were right now and in the center of the mass of bodies was a woman. Something about her was different, more important than anyone else that was around her. From her skin tone he guessed she was zeltron. He’d seen a few before. He had to go over there.

“I like her,” Ragos said to Mai about the girl. “What’chu think? You wanna go over there and see what shes bout?” Ragos asked. If it came down to it he was willing and able to go alone but he wouldn’t hate if Mai decided to follow him.

Yes, follow him. He was on the move almost as soon as the words fell from his mouth. He pushed through the throng of people until he was face to face with the zeltron girl. He did say anything, he only danced.

Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus


Huh. She tried to kick a lot more people than she realized.

Or they just had a habit of wanting to date her. Were her kicks that date worthy? No, no. Maybe she was drinking a bit too much for such silly thoughts. Still, she took another sip, practically relishing in the chaos of the colors around them. It was.. Kinda fun, to see people like this.

"What about you? How'd you end up your drinking friend as your master?"

Artemis Lu Artemis Lu | Luric Ee'everwest Luric Ee'everwest | Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla
Outfit: Dress
Tags: Open to interaction | Desric Terassi Desric Terassi

The risks of Kat doing anything ridiculous in a drunken stupor was low, it would have to be something really shocking for her to not sober her body through the Force before allowing the alcohol to take over. No, this was punishment for her woes and it was drinking sorrow away but it was a release, a way to vent that did not harm anyone but herself and that didn't too much to the Echani.

"Former Jedi, current Force Healer, so travelling and danger, they kinda come part and parcel with the job. Especially if I end up doing some of this front line duty as a healer." Kat admitted as she drank three quarters of the bottle already, only a short timeframe having passed for all this to have occurred.

If the Echani had been sober, or even a little less drunk than she was, she would have noticed the shift in body language and the palest of flushes to Desric's cheeks to have known he was lying to her. Instead, she was too busy nursing her own drink to think anything but the truth had been spoken. "Fair enough, well, I've been around plenty worse modifications than those." Kat tapped her her clearly metal legs to make her point with a shrug of her shoulders.
So that was what Jedi-affiliated meant. A former Jedi who kept the company of Jedi - interesting.

"A Force Healer? I can certainly see how that might get exciting, though both are surely a choice, no? I cannot imagine that there would be a scarcity of potential patients here on Coruscant, for instance." While not exactly conventional, he had no doubt that many medical institutions would jump to hire someone with her skillset. His family certainly would.

His hope was that her motivation for risking herself would originate in some kind of deeper meaning. Ideology, perhaps, but he would take anything short of a desire to help others while punishing herself at this point.

"I suppose I am too used to the subtler cybernetics favoured by my peers." And himself. "Still, you cannot deny she looks stranger than most. Your legs are practically flesh and bone by comparison. Speaking of, do they have any interesting functions?" Goodness knows if he had to replace his legs, the replacements would be bleeding edge.

Force Healing surely had the potential to generate significant profits, no?


Artemis fixed Luric in a sidelong glance and arched a brow.

Normally so eloquent, she'd never, ever, heard him stammer or struggle for words. However, the current situation seemed to have rendered him speechless. Her brow went up even further when he put in a hasty order for a Tatooine Sunburn. She even held up a finger to try and stop him...

Luric had definitely seen Artemis in moments she'd describe as... not her finest. He'd consoled her when she was a hot drunken mess, crying on the curb of some club over something silly. Or holding her hair back for her while she... yeaaaaah. But again, she'd never, ever, seen him drunk. That might change, at least based on the way he gulped his drink.

Artemis was, however, very amused by the stories Luric and Tayl told about Iris. Wow, so this petite girl was rather spicy it seemed. "Kick first, ask questions later... I like it." Artemis raised her glass and then took a sip. Maybe she ought to pace herself tonight.

Then, the conversation turned to her. She had to chuckle when Iris asked how drinking partners became master and apprentice. "Well, we've actually been friends for a long time – since our teens. We've trained together on occasion when Luric would visit Atrisia. My old master was more about force-based martial arts, so that's mainly what I learned. And he wanted my skills to be well-rounded before Knighthood..."

Artemis grinned.

"So, here we are... I'm here with the NJO and Luric to learn more about Jedi stuff."

Outfit: Dress
Tags: Open to interaction | Desric Terassi Desric Terassi

Kat nodded, "I have worked here for a short stint a couple of times. However, until recently, I was keeping fairly mobile and wasn't sticking around anywhere for too long. Now I am here, building connections, friendships, going on a couple dates... Finding the itch to be more than a hospital healer, to be more on the frontlines, be more active. Still heal of course, but help in the war effort, look after the wounded and injured. Ensure that people survive the aftermath now."

Shrugging, "I have seen a few with those kinds of mods. Most of those I have seen, it was never a choice but with the more tech based factions out there, who knows what might be the modding trend nowadays. Perhaps our subtler mods are outdated, out of fashion, unpopular." Kat shrugged. It never bothered her too much what people thought of her designs for her legs, they were hers and she wanted them to look as she liked them. However, there was a time when wearing dresses were next to impossible for her because the reveal of such limbs felt shameful.

"They are resistant to Lightsabers, most standard weapons but not EMPS, ion attacks, the Force and extreme temperatures, like lava." Kat shrugged, "I thought about hidden compartments or blades but there was worry that I might trigger them accidentally or they snap and damage the leg. Might look into how to reduce the risk of ionic attacks in future since one of those could render me completely useless." The talk of tech seemingly pulling a more sober attitude from Kat before she finished the bottle of whisky and placed it on the bar.
"Then as someone who prefers to keep his distance to the violence, I salute you." Just because he would never willingly find himself on the field of war did not mean he did not respect those who did - especially healers and the like.

Nodding in agreement, he tapped his head beside the eyes. "Quite resilient, I see. I agree on the ion resistance - my eyes are able to take a fair bit of that without shorting out. No one wants to be blind - or immobile - in a crisis." Tilting his head, he eyed her legs thoughtfully. "Speaking of mobility, that might be something worth considering as well."

He was no engineer, but he did have a direct neural link with an AI.

"If you incorporated repulsoremitters into the soles or calfs... ah, but I suppose you may well be sufficiently acrobatic even without such utilities? Still, hovering sounds situationally useful." Or at the very least impressive at social events.

If tech talk was what she needed to distract her from her woes, Desric was happy to play along.

Outfit: Dress
Tags: Open to interaction | Desric Terassi Desric Terassi

Kat didn't really respond to the salute. War was not an easy thing for the Echani, she had been taught from a child how to fight. How to strike hard and always ensure that she was the victor, the survivor. But the trauma of all that death, pain and blood. No one prepared her for that.

"That's interesting. I focused on ensuring they could never be damaged by a Sith more than I focused on electrical attacks. While the Sith tend to have their Lightning skills, I was worried they slice through the metal and leave me helpless. I should explore more with other resistances and improve them. Especially if I am heading back into the field." Kat mentioned. "Interesting eyes, those are certainly useful. Necessary cybernetics or optional?" Kat knew plenty who willing replaced organs and parts of themselves with cybernetics to enhance themselves over training to compensate.

The topic of mobility, Kat shifted her leg to reveal the microrepulsors at the back of her legs. "Several here and at the base of the feet but heels too fiddly to take off now and show them, they improve my natural agility and give me an edge. I have the Force to improve all that too but sometimes, you get in a fight and the enemy have ways to sever the connection to the Force, if only temporarily, so better to have something in the back pocket to pull out and demonstrate don't need the Force to win."
"Necessary - very necessary." A lot more than his eyes had been damaged, but a well-funded hospital could do some truly miraculous things with tissue regrowth. "Strictly speaking, I could have opted for cloned eyeballs, but I figured I might as well opt for something with more features since I found myself needing... replacements."

That more than anything showed just how affluent he was; tailored organ cloning was hardly cheap.

"One step ahead of me, I see! I will admit that I did not even consider the possibility of Force Nullification and the like, but then my personal safety does not tend to rely on Force-use." His bodyguards did not use the Force, after all.

It was not as if being able to telekinetically manipulate small objects would intimidate a seasoned foe.


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