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The Clans of Islimore

The Clans of Islimore is a cultural faction of the Lupo species and their society, characterized by a hierarchical caste system.

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Velkominn, Bróðira!

This thread is used as a way to keep track of our current clans, who they are, what they stand for, and whether or not they are accepting members.

For those who want to create their own clan/pack, there are suggested clan names on the Lupo sub that may be open for use. If you’re creating your own clan for the first time, please check here to make sure the clan name you’re interested in using, isn’t already taken.

If none of the clan names suit you, you are free to create your own. We only ask that you please keep the name in a similar vein to what is on the sub, shooting for that ‘nordic vibe’.

If you are a member who already has your own Lupo clan/pack, then you are welcome to submit that clan to this page by using the template provided below.

If you want to join a clan that’s already been established, please reach out to the original poster of said clan for permission.

The Lupo Clans of Islimore, Template:


“Clan quote/Motto here” - Person who said it.

[ IMG ]Clan Sigil[ /IMG ]

Clan Alpha: Please specify if this is a PC or NPC character.
Notable PC Kaiha: Please @ PC Members
Notable PC Zorathi: Please @ PC Members
Relative NPC Size: Is this clan large or small?

About The Clan: Recent and ancient history about the clan. If you have a codex submission about your clan, feel free to either link that here, copy and paste the information, or a little of both.

Clan Beliefs: Does this clan believe in the old ways, or the new? What direction would they like to see the clans take and what stances do they hold firm?

Clan God/Deity: What God do they primarily follow/worship?

Clan Specialty: What is your clan best at? Are they farmers, warriors, tech wizards?

Clan Assets: Are there any special items/locations etc. that are only relevant to your clan? Feel free to list any codex items/homes/lands that belong to your clan, here.

Clan Holding: Where does your clan originate? Feel free to list both historically, as well as where they originate from/can be found presently, as these may differ due to the events of the purge.

Accepting Members: Are you accepting members, please put ‘yes’ or ‘no’


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“Protecting what is Built” - Glwyn the Elder.


Clan Alpha: Brynjar Threist
Notable PC Kaiha: Brynjar Threist Brynjar Threist
Notable PC Zorathi: N/A
Relative NPC Size: On the verge of extinction.

About The Clan: Glwyn the Elder was the first Alpha of Clan Threist, he was rumoured to be the biggest Lupo ever both in human and in wolf form. He served the first Anasi to the best of his ability and began the loyal commitment to Clan Svard. While being a warrior most of his life, Glwyn became very spiritual towards the end of his life, stating the importance that Clan Threist remain loyal to the Gods and uphold the traditions of the Lupo way. By the end of his life, Glwyn had done much to build Clan Threist towards a golden age that he believed he had seen through a vision gifted by the Gods. He strengthened the Clan with nearly a dozen children, forged a legendary axe, Medelwr, that is meant to be passed down from the old Alpha to the new one. Glwyn the Elder also travelled the world after he passed the title of Alpha to his eldest, wishing to explore what was out there in the world. His grave was lost to Clan Threist and it is believed that finding the lost grave of Glwyn will return honour and pride if they were to ever reach their darkest days.

Glwyn’s children were called Gwyn (M), Bryn (M), Keinwn (M), Kerys (F), Awyn (F), Eiria (F), Sawel (M), Daffyd (M), Caer (M), Lagertha (F). There was a 100 years age difference between Gwyn and Lagertha, Gwyn took the role of Alpha and maintained the status quo of the Clan during his rule. Bryn left the Clan to explore the planets beyond the one that they were on, Keinwn and Kerys were twins that found themselves exploring the spiritual aspects of their culture, devoted to understanding the Gods and the gifts that they left behind. Awyn ran away, marrying into another clan far away, having fallen in love with a Lupo outside her betrothal set up by Gwyn. Eiria devoted herself to learning the combat ways that were then adopted and integral to Clan Threist’s ways in later years. Sawel and Daffyd both married into clans to maintain bonds and keep Threist a strong and desirable Clan to be a part of. Caer and Lagertha were childhood rivals and fought for the role of Alpha when Gwyn prepared to step down. During the contest, Lagertha won though she had to kill Caer since he attempted to dishonour himself and the Clan in order to defeat Lagertha since she was the superior fighter.

Lagertha pushed the Clan in a warrior direction, serving Clan Svard as the strongest fighters that they could be. Adopting the techniques that Eiria had dedicated herself to over a 100 years of training. Lagertha had only three children, Glwynjar (M), Ofin (M), and Erys (F). Glwynjar was trained and brought up to be the next Alpha once Lagertha passed. However, he succumbed to the insanity through a reluctance to shift to his wolf form as often as he needed to. This rocked Lagertha hard and she fell into a depressed spiral, losing her rock in her son. Erys stepped up in the role of Alpha, taking charge and helping the Clan survive a terrible loss. Ofin thought that he could find Glwyn’s grave believing this was the darkest days of the clan, however, he was never heard of after he left. Erys realised that she needed to take the role of Alpha in name to bring about real change, fighting Lagertha for the title since Lagertha in her grief refused to believe any other child would be ready for the burden. Once Erys won, Lagertha’s grief finally broke and she apologised to Erys for the abandonment she had done to the clan. In her elder years, Lagertha worked with Erys to bring Clan Threist back into the golden age.

For many generations after Erys, there was a steady growth in Clan Threist. It was one of the strongest clans for both physical strength and number of Kaiha. When Clan Svard disappeared, the Alpha, Freida (F), decided that there needed to be a focus on finding what happened and bringing Clan Svard back as the Anasi. She believed that without the leadership of Clan Svard, there would be distance between the Lupo and the Gods now. There was a fear that without Clan Svard, the Lupo people would suffer great loss and possibly never recover from it. Freida led the clan, driven to finding what happened to their former leaders.

Though Clan Threist never gave up on their quest to find Clan Svard, Gwyfr was the Alpha of the clan and the only member of Clan Threist to become an Anasi. His direction of all clans were not singularly focused on finding Clan Svard, that many members of Clan Threist felt he was turning his back on Freida’s direction. This led to growing opposition to Gwyfr’s son becoming the next Alpha, since he had been groomed by Gwyfr in focusing on providing to all the clans that remain and not on a singular focus towards finding a clan that might no longer exist.

Before the purge destroyed many Lupos clans, there was a civil war within Clan Threist that forever changed the clan. With the growing dissent between many Kaiha and Gwyfr, there was a challenge to his son’s claim to be the next Alpha. He had to contend with many opponents who all wanted to be the next Alpha, the battle was gruelling and there was a brief moment when Gwyfr’s son looked to be victorious before he was struck down from an attack from behind by Bradwr, the next Alpha. Bradwr was ready to receive Medelwr as part of the Clan Threist tradition, however, Gwyfr in his grief and horror at how his clan turned on him, shattered the axe, buried it and refused to tell the rest of the clan where it was. Announcing that only an honourable heir to the title of Alpha will find it and be able to fix the axe. Bradwr didn’t last a week as the Alpha before the collapse of the clan finally happened.

The infighting and dissent of the clan, as well as growing issues with the Fayth led to Brynjar’s grandparents fleeing the homeworld and hiding away from the galaxy. They married their eldest son, the other children died due to malnutrition and rough upbringing that had been adopted by the extremists that were Brynjar’s grandparents. They had taken Bradwr’s side in the rebellion but they were also extremists in tradition and did not believe Clan Svard were alive anymore, not sharing the long standing bond between the two clans to Brynjar’s father or to Brynjar himself.

While he was raised, Brynjar was instilled in the values of Bradwr, Gwyfr’s views on being Anasi and the strength of Lagertha. Brynjar was hoped by his parents to take these ideologies and become the best of the best in Clan Threist legacy. However, unknown to both him and his parents, he has more traits of Glwyn, Erys and Freida.

Brynjar’s recent adventures: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Clan Beliefs:
Brynjar was made to believe in the old ways, though ignorant of the legacy of his family. That they were once dedicated protectors of Clan Svard. This connection to Clan Svard is deeply instilled in all Kaiha from Clan Threist though members of Clan Svard apparently do not exist. Surrounded by others, Brynjar is slowly coming around to newer ideas and beliefs but priorities the old ways above all else.

Clan God/Deity: Cérmæ was the God followed by Glwyn and all his descendents till Gwyfr as Anasi turned to Aerðs believing it was his duty to follow the God of Gods. Brynjar currently follows Aerðs but is slowly questioning his beliefs.

Clan Specialty: Dedicated warriors with generations of honing fighting styles and battle strategy, formerly they were great Builders and peace keepers as well.

Clan Assets: Medelwr (WIP)

Clan Holding: Currently, Brynjar lives in a tent in the woods on Islimore, previously his family came from an unnamed world after fleeing Islimore before the purge. The ancestral homestead of Clan Threist is empty and in ruin on Islimore though Brynjar plans on rebuilding it someday once the Fayth is destroyed.

Accepting Members: Yes.

Clan Erevos / Svärd


"It is better to die in battle with honor, than to live your life in shame because you did not protect your people." - Thorir the Great


Clan Alpha: Aelin Erevos Aelin Erevos
Notable PC Kaiha: Miera Erevos Miera Erevos , Rana Erevos Rana Erevos
Notable PC Zorathi: N/A
Relative NPC Size: Small, between 10-20

About The Clan: Clan Erevos/Svärd

Clan Beliefs:
Clan Erevos follows the 6 Virtues of Spirit
(I. Exercise fortitude and act bravely in war - for our souls are deathless, and there is future reward in Freann.
II. Worship the Gods who gave us life, for we are the sparks of their flames.
III. Seek the truth, hold it against the world, its echoes will guide you.
IV. Seek the mate of one's heart, for we are the delight of their eyes.
V. Bear future generations and tell them all laws and tales, for they are the joy of both parent and god.
VI. Live with honor and intent, keeping all oaths. For without honor, we are bereft of dignity and truth.)
and have strong ties to their various Gods, observing different rituals and holidays that go along with these beliefs. Because of the many upheavals that have occurred within the clan throughout the years, there is a growing number within their ranks who follow the New Ways,
Many Lupo who have been away from their home world of Islimore over the last two hundred or so years have had to develop New Ways of living in order to coexist peacefully within the greater part of the Galxay, leaving behind many of the old superstitions surrounding technology and the Force, often incorporating more modern ideas into their beliefs and the ways they worship - i.e. blood offerings have become less common or non-existent, traded out for foods and wines, or other items of greater value. Also see: Clan Drage.
but still just as many who cling to the Old.
werds, werds, werds

Clan God/Deity:
Since the time of Thorir the Great, Aerðs, leader of the Gods and the spiritual realm of Freann, has lead this clan. Although they show reverence to all of their Gods, it is to him they render most of their prayers, offerings, and homage to.

Clan Specialty: N/A

Clan Assets:

  • The Gods Gems
    • Before the Gods left their children they bequeathed unto them one last gift: five glittering gemstones of supposed divinity, thought to have been crafted from the combined powers of Aerðs (the gem of fire), V́atyn (the gem of light), Xæiar (the gem of adamant), and Naé (the gem of dominance), each with their own special properties that granted the person who invoked their power with untold might. The first recorded Lupo to hold these gems was Thorir the Great, who passed them down to his son, and so on. Each ruler that held the stones was blessed with the mark of the divine, identifying them as being fit to lead.
  • Starfall Ruins
    • Starfall is an ancient castle that is nearly as old as known Islimorian history and the historic seat and stronghold of the royal clan Svärd AKA - Erevos. The ruins are situated in the mountains of the Abolase, deep within the gates of Cælestos. Its construction took over sixty years to complete, covering more acreage than any castle found on Islimore to date and was built to withstand all manner of attack with colossal curtain walls that are both thick and sheer.
  • Hljóðleva
    • A once ruined temple that survived the early years of the Fayths purges, named for the Lupo God of dance, music, and song, has been claimed by Clan Erevos after its re-discovery. It's current set up has made it into a gathering point for all Lupo that wish to join the greater cause in the fight against the Fayth, a military encampment of sorts, with a refinished Gathering Hall and prefabbed homes for those who need them.

Clan Holding: As all Lupo, Clan Erevos' beginnings came from Islimore, residing in the holy Lupo city of Cælestos and their ancient seat of power, Starfall. After the invasion of William Blackmoore, what was left of the clan fled The Doom of Cælestos and settled on Seoul 5, where up until recent events (DM for further info) had been their place of residency. Currently the clan can be found once again on Islimore where they've set up occupancy at Hljóðleva.

Accepting Members: Yes


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