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Approved Species Chondros toment

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Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species

  • Name: "The gristle tree", Chondros toment
  • Origins: Yavin 4
  • Other Locations: N/A
  • Classification: Woody climbing plant
  • Average Growth Cycle: Approximately four months to fully grow
  • Viability: Requires warm & humid tropical climates.
  • Description: A woody stem winding around larger trees, it spirals up counterclockwise to about 30 meters tall. The leaves are large and broad, with a glossy green top and a milky-white, rougher underside. The bark is slightly tacky to the touch, and the sap within is clear with a slight whitish haze. Its berries are dark blue and mealy, not particularly nutritious.
  • Average Height: 30 meters
  • Average Length: The branches are 3-8 meters wide across; the stem is about 10 cm across.
  • Color: Woody brown and green stem, the leaves are glossy green on the top with a milky-white underside, the berries are dark red with a mealy white flesh.
  • Nutritional Value: Little to none
  • Toxicity: Yes, very.
    • The bark and sap contain a chemical (kaare) that acts as an anesthetic and paralytic to creatures with a circulatory system. Ingesting the bark and sap is harmless, but injection into the bloodstream allows the paralytic to spread throughout the body.
  • Distinctions: This plant uses other trees for stability, as part of a larger ecosystem. It is difficult to grow by itself.
  • While the toxicity of kaare is notable, its use as an anesthetic allows it for broad use in medical fields
  • In its climate, it is a prolific and well-producing plant.
  • Kaare requires contact with the bloodstream directly; ingestion will not have any effect.
  • The plant itself cannot survive in temperate or cold climates.
Kaare had been cultivated on Yavin 4 for millennia as a simple anesthetic, but also as a paralytic in primitive weaponry. The plant is native to Yavin 4, and competes well within its ecological niche. It has very little use in the modern day and age, with access to bacta and other modern medicinal products.
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Jack Sandrow Jack Sandrow

While I understand the chemical is part of the plant, since you are creating the species and renaming the chemical, please use the consumables substance template here and link the submission for the chemical as part of the plant in this submission.

I see potential PvP implications so we need to be sure that’s accounted for in the factory as well.
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