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Faction Children of Shiraya: Baptism of Fire

  • Thread starter Chronicles of Shiraya
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Chronicles of Shiraya


Tarmont Russ, agent of the Eternal Flame, sat crammed in his hidden cubbyhole within the Ee’everwest Estate, checking his readouts one more time. He came up with nothing. The droid seemed to have vanished entirely and was no longer answering to the communication codes being sent out.


Foaming at the mouth, Tarmont got to work on putting together his backup plan.

Never let a droid do a man’s work, even the expensive ones.

wasn’t going to be exactly pleased by this development with the missing droid, especially with how costly it’d been, but one had to expect a certain amount of loss in the fight for change.

Tarmont clipped his backup charges inside his coat, nearly loaded and ready to complete the droids primary task; getting to not only the Queen of Naboo, but her Hand, and the Governor, all in one fell swoop.

Everything had been carefully timed to match the sequence of events during the naming ceremony for the Ee’everwest children, which left him with only a small window of time. If he took his shot too soon, The Queen, The Hand, and the Governor - could make an escape. Security would more than double, and they’d not get another opportunity like this in a long, long, time.

“No pressure, or anything.” came his frustrated mumbling.

Honestly, he didn’t entirely feel up to the task, but somehow had known it was always going to come down to this.

“For Naboo.” he whispered quietly to himself.


Evenfall is an achievement of architecture and artistry. Several rooms within the Estate itself are designed for entertainment, while outside there are over fifteen different garden groves with sculptures and fountains made of pure marble that are scattered throughout the verdant area.

For tonight only, the Estate and all it has to offer has been opened up to the elite and those within the Queen’s court. Come and lose yourself in this ancient piece of Naboo’s history.

The naming ceremony is an old practice among the upper echelons of Naboo high society. The ceremony is performed a month after a new birth on the eve of the first full moon and presided over by a priest from The Brotherhood of Cognizance. Experience this timeless tradition surrounded by the elegance of Evenfall’s glistening ballroom, waltzing to the gentle serenade of classical Naboo musicians. Tables line the outskirts of the room for guests to dine while serving droids attend to patrons with catered meals and blossom wine from the families vineyard.

A month has passed since Queen Liviana’s coronation ceremony and the people of Naboo have tentatively begun to look ahead on the horizon of a brighter tomorrow. Already, Queen Livian has endeared herself to the people of Naboo with her charitable heart and enduring kindness. Tonight, the gracious Queen has decided to make an appearance and attend the naming ceremony for the children of her advisor - yet a tension hangs in the air as Aeson Rora, head of the Queen's guard, catches wind of a rumor that a terrorist group called ‘The Eternal Flame’ plots an attack against the new Queen’s life. While there doesn’t seem to be much validity behind the rumors, the Queen’s finest have been brought along for additional security. Do your duty and protect the Queen, with your life, if need be.

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The Ee'everwest Estate. It was located on the outskirts of Theed in an area of the city known as Evenfall. As Axile made his way up to the estate by foot he took in the scenery. From the summit of the hill (where the estate had been built upon) he could see the city from below, and in the horizon the Lake Country, where members of Naboo's upper society mostly called home. A cargo vessel was passing over the lakes, he noticed. Even from this distance it wasn't difficult to spot the emblem of the Confederacy. He realized in that moment that he had come a long since the Orphanage.

It was a shame Maria was not here to share this with him.

Screaming. The gnawing of teeth on sinew, and bone. A city on fire. Embers rising in the hot, humid air. For once the wind had died. It were as if it had gone out when the world was about to end. Above him destroyers were firing their cannons upon one another. Explosions rained in the horizon. Panic everywhere. People fleeing into the forest. A Thernbee shrieks as it is attacked by abominations. The crest of the Empire reigns supre-

He finished climbing the mount and was welcomed by one of the estate's guards. Axile introduced himself, and was thankful for the brief reprieve from his thoughts. After the guard learned that he had just met the new Minister for Architecture (who was on their welcome list) his demeanour instantly changed to that of feigned respect. Keeping up pretences Axile asked for directions, and was led into the estate grounds.

"Please leave me now," Axile requested. The guard obliged. As the man returned back to his post the Minister begun his tour of the area. Taking in the detail of the estate's architecture.

A welcomed distraction.
She was so small. Her small little face nestled in a shawl, little cheeks that were filling out by the day into chubby, squeezable hills of giggles and smiles. The first born of Baros and Teyla lay in his left arm, headed craddled at his elbow. Her tufts of black hair made him grin like a damn fool. He looked across to his other arm.

She, too, was small. Her eyes seemed a little browner, cheeks already chubbier than her sisters. She did not have the Force connectivity of her brother and sister, and had been a complete surprise arriving several minutes after her elder sister and brother rushed into the world on each others heels. It was almost as if the younger of the triplets had wanted not to enter the world just yet. She was so inquisitive, hands always trying to get free of the bundle she was wrapped in.

Baros looked up to see Teyla come back into the room. She, of course, looked immaculate. In her arms was their son, he seemed to be the shy one. Only crying if his elder sister did not cry, as if seeking permission from her. Or was she already bullying him? Baros could still barely believe it all.

"I don't think I have stopped smiling since you left the room," he said, trying to contain the smile from breaking into tears, "I must look a damn fool."

Baros Sal-Soren, lothario turned doting father. Ordon Trozky would barely believe his eyes if he could see him now.

The ceremony was about to begin, and their part of presenting the children to the priest would take them into the temple through the side door. There would be a decent audience, not extravagant, but many of Naboo's elites would be present as House Ee'everwest once again set foot onto the Nabooian stage with a declaration of intent, a lineage that would hold the name in high regard, and honour. Even if that name was not Ee'everwest...

"Well. Let's get this show on the road," he said with a sigh, "the tabloids will have a field day with this I'm sure."

| Interacting with, Teyla Sal-Soren Teyla Sal-Soren | Additional tags: Axile Volzap Axile Volzap |​

Ofira Ee'everwest


Tags: | Open |


Ofira had been in no shape to attend this naming ceremony. She was still having to finagle her attire at home, make sure that her arm was covered at all times. She had missed the Coronation of their new Queen entirely because of the fact that her dress did not cover enough of her shoulder/arm, and wearing a coat or shawl would have looked suspicious considering how nice the weather had been that evening. Granted...she hadn't missed the Coronation, she just hadn't attended it publicly. There were perks to being a sneaky little silent sister, after all.

But this naming ceremony...this she could not get out of, not that she would have really wanted to. Ofira may have been the quiet, less upfront sister of the Ee'everwest clan, but she adored her family. That included nieces and nephews, and so of course she would not miss this ceremony for the world. However, it had meant replacing the dress she had originally picked out for such a thing with something that would hide the healing bullet graze from her rooftop encounter not too long ago.

Luckily, the shoulders of this new dress sat perfectly, though Fi could feel the desire to fiddle with the shoulder of it continuously. She was paranoid, and for good reason. No way would she be able to explain how, where, and why she had gotten shot of all things to her sisters. Not only would they not understand, they would probably never let her out of their sights again, and that was a shuddering thought.

For now however, she was presentable, and Fi took a deep breath before leaving the confines of her room to go and join the gathering for the ceremony. She didn't know who had arrived yet, or even if any of her sisters were loitering about - or if Teyla had even brought the triplets down for that matter. All Ofira knew was that she needed to get out of her own headspace and make an appearance before people started to question why she had been so elusive lately.


Queen Liviana

Objective: Explore the Estate
Wearing: [X]
TAG: Aeson Rora | Rixa Numeck Rixa Numeck | Axile Volzap Axile Volzap | Open

It was quite fascinating, the things that cropped up now that she was Queen of Naboo. Before her crowning, Svana had gotten invitations to naming ceremonies and the like if her family were involved in such things. They were a high tier family sure enough, but Svana herself had been nothing to shake a stick at. Fame and popularity had never been high on her priority list, and yet now here she was! Invitations to all of the most lavish parties and most grand of ceremonies.

Most of which she turned down with a smirk and secret triumphant feeling.

But this particular naming ceremony was one she could not miss. While Svana did not personally know all of the Ee'everwests, they had all been more supportive of her ascent to the throne than the new Queen could have ever asked for. It was very strange to feel as if she were so familiar with people she didn't honestly know at all. But to receive such an invitation had made her truly happy, and she had not taken no for an answer from any of her protection detail. She had also refused to be escorted and followed around by a parade of bodies.

This was not a celebration for her, nor some common festival for that matter. It was a naming ceremony, and Svana refused to taint that by having an ensemble of guards pull focus from the family they were celebrating here today.

For now however, with the ceremony not yet starting, Svana's curiosity had gotten the better of her. She had found her way to the lavish grounds of the estate, knowing all too well that her shadows weren't too far behind as she mulled about. "It really is quite lovely here." she mused out in a pleased little hum to no one in particular. So far she had managed to stay on her feet, clearly doing well in Queen Liviana mode, rather than clumsy little Svana - for the moment.


Objective: Protect the Queen
Wearing: This

A month on Naboo was far better than the couple weeks he had spent on Roon. He was already feeling quite recharged after dealing with his dour brother and all the craziness that had happened there. So far his plans were moving slowly but that was fine with him, rushing never got anyone anywhere. Bounty hunting wasn't usually what he preferred to do, but in this instance it was worth the effort because it kept him in the Queen's eye whenever he showed up to collect his reward from that delightful Captain of the Guard.

What he hadn't expected was to be roped into some counter terrorism operation though, officially employed by the Queen or not, he'd heard the rumors about a group being after the newly minted Queen and he couldn't let that interfere with his own plans. The royal guard were competent at their jobs he had no doubt about that, but they were competent to a fault. As Rixa leaned against the back of the estate snacking on an apple, he could easily spot the guards Captain Aeson had assigned to shadow the poor woman.

They weren't very discreet and any terrorist or assassin would be able to spot them just from their ramrod posture and unyielding stares in her direction. Sure she was the Queen and people were going to look at her, but not the way those shadows were doing. There was an art to surveillance, you had to be able to look like you weren't watching your target but be able to see everything they were doing.

He decided it was time to give the guards a bit of a fit so he strolled up beside the Queen casually as the breeze. "Lovely day for a naming ceremony don't you think?" He asked her as he moved up beside her, keeping some space between them to not spook her. "Hope you don't find me as threatening without my armor on." He grinned as he bit off another chunk of apple. "Since your Captain isn't about, would you mind the company of a scoundrel like myself?"

TAG: Svana Neoma Svana Neoma || Aeson Rora || Open



Queen Liviana

TAG: Rixa Numeck Rixa Numeck | Open

There were few things that startled Svana, and having someone swoop in beside her didn't seem to be one of them. She had of course pulled her gaze away from the landscape to instead focus on the body that had appeared, and finding at least a touch of familiarity made her smile. "Why am I not at all surprised to see you here?" and she wasn't, not in the least. Some part of her was curious as to why, but that could be discussed later, and most likely with Aeson.

Speaking of, she knew the Captain of her guard was not going to be pleased to find the Mandalorian here at Svana's side. She knew he was about somewhere, but clearly busy for just long enough that her current company could slip by. "First of all," she started, easy smile still in place. "I did not find you threatening to begin with. If I had, this would be an entirely different conversation. Secondly, my Captain is about somewhere so be prepared for that. Thirdly," the young Queen delicately shrugged a single shoulder. "I don't at all mind the company."

And why would she? It was just added eyes on her, which meant another level of protection, did it not?

"You're Rixa, yes?" Oh yes, she's heard the name plenty of times in varying degrees of both annoyance and impress. "So tell me, what brings you to the Ee'everwest naming ceremony? Are you close to the family?" It was an earnest enough question, but also a means to hopefully start filling in some curious gaps, especially ones shrouding why this Mandalorian kept popping up everywhere.



Rixa smiled confidently and munched on his apple while he Queen ran down her list of facts for him. "Oh I have no doubts that the good Captain is around, I look forward to spending more time in his pleasant company." He laughed. Rixa knew he was a thorn in the Captain's side and, well to be honest, he quite liked being a thorn in people's side. He'd once been called by his brother as a 'festering wound' and he was kinda proud of that title.

"I have no business with the Ee'everwest family, I'm here purely for my own reasons. Making sure that you don't get offed by some radical terrorists." He said as he finished off his snack while they walked. "I notice you don't like being crowded by guards, which has to be unfortunate for you being Queen."

That had to be a real pain in the shebs wanting your privacy but not being allowed to have it given your status as a royal. Rixa felt pretty sure in thinking that there were probably only one or two rooms in her entire palace where she could be left totally alone. It was a necessary burden though, the current threat on her life was proof of that.

"You're no doubt aware that you have a private guard following you right now, I'm sure they're great soldiers but to be honest...they are not good at blending in. At all." Rixa grinned at her and started pointing them out for her.

"Which brings me to what I wanted to discuss on our first meeting." He said as he looked around to make sure the good captain wasn't about to come and interrupt him once again. "I'd like to be employed by you as a personal guard, for whenever you need to go somewhere discreetly. I know I don't have the fearsome, dour expression that most Mandalorians have, but I assure you I've gone through the Verd'goten just like the rest of them and I'm worth a small squad of your Captain's soldiers."

TAG: Svana Neoma Svana Neoma

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Rance Valere


He had been going over that night over and over in his mind. How could have been so easily taken off guard? Was it that his mind was so stayed on the issues with his sister and the situation back on Coruscant? Had he gotten rusty in the small crimes department? The desk job certainly put on a pound or two. Maybe it had slowed down his reflexes as well. Either way, he felt as though he had not garnered a great deal of trust with his superiors in the Naboo Security Force.

Sticks was in particular very opinionated about the whole affair, but Rance was learning to ignore his barbs and verbal jabs. He just offered a polite smile of 'appreciation' and went on with his work. This seemed enough to get the older detective to finally quite himself down a little. But only a little.

"Still thinking about that girl who knocked you out?" Came the gruff voice of the older surly detective. His slight abdominal paunch was in danger of becoming more than slight. It was a sign of how poorly the older man cared for his health. Rance glanced at him and offered him the smile again. Sticks snorted with dissatisfaction from not getting a bite, again.

The truth was that she was all he could think about. He had gotten the briefest look at her, but her features were not etched in his mind like he would have hoped. Instead, she was a faceless mass of limbs that he had struggled with. It was an odd thing, but he had more a sense of her physical proportions than her phsysical proportions. She was shorter than he, but not only by 3, maybe 4 inches. She was slender, probably not overly athletic but but fit. He wonder if she was...

Standing in the Naboo Security cordon, Rance had a flash of recognition, almost a sixth sense when he saw a young bramble headed woman walking through the flocking nobility. He took a step out of the line of guards that he was not really a part of, but had joined nonetheless. "What is it?" Sticks asked as he noted his partners look of recognition. There had been reports something was going down, Sticks and Rance had been brought in as observers to spy out any inconsistencies or concerns.

The crowd in the near distance passed, and Rance tilted his head to look at the woman more carefully. "She is nobility Rance. You ain't got a chance," Sticks said with a chuckle. "That's not it," Rance snipped.

He pushed off from the banister he was leaning against and started towards the floor where all the nobility were mingling. " idiot...get back up here." It was too late, Rance was already on the floor and walking through the crowd.

Walking up behind the woman, he got not shortage of disapproving stares given his plain clothes attire. He was clearly not of the aristochrisy, or anyones personal security detail. "The ladder is behind me," he said loud enough for the burnette to hear him, and for a few others around her. They all looked confused, but he awaited her reaction.


Ofira Ee'everwest




Objective: Naming Ceremony
TAG: Rance Valere | Open


The ceremony hadn't even started yet, and already the bodies were pouring in. Some people Ofira of course recognized and couldn't escape greeting or taking a moment here and there to speak to. It was thankfully never something long winded and/or boring, but admittedly the curly haired young woman would have preferred to not be bothered by these bodies at all. She was already doing her best to carry herself properly, to not favor her arm, or let it affect her posture in any way, shape, or form. Not an easy task, but thus far she was managing it.

At least she wasn't expected to play hostess, she just had to be polite and speak kindly when she got cornered or roped in.

All of this however, became background noise in an instant. Fi had gotten used to bodies being all around her, but the closeness of one approaching could not be missed. And yet it wasn't so much that as what was said to her once her space had been invaded.

A comment about the location of a ladder that she would never forget...

First instinct had been to turn swinging; to hike up the skirts of her dress and put this detective who dared to not only invade her home, but risk raising hell on the day that was meant to celebrate her nieces and nephew. But instinct was immediately curbed, and instead Ofira turned around to face this man and look him dead in the face. No darkness between them, not blur of movement. Face to face, unhindered.

Her arm ached.

And yet there had been nothing but confusion in her gaze when she had turned to face him. There had been not a wince, not a hesitation, no visible panic or alarm. Just sheer, fully fledged confusion. "Excuse me?" she questioned him, her brow nearly meeting in the middle as if she were suddenly uncertain as to whether she was in some sort of danger or not - stranger danger. "I'm fairly certain all of the ladders are tucked away and there are certainly none inside, much less behind you."

She was good at feigning innocent, it was how she had gotten this far, after all. And it seemed she would have to keep her game in play even without her sisters in the immediate vicinity...



Queen Liviana

TAG: Rixa Numeck Rixa Numeck | Open

To say that his reasoning for being here was slightly suspect would be right on the nose. But at least he had answered her, rather than tip toe around truths just to spare her feelings or to protect her. But the fact that once again Svana found herself in Rixa's company meant that he indeed wanted more than just to be protective in her company. She was aware of his bounty seeking ways, that nod for attention, to prove himself perhaps? Whatever the case, it had of course caught her eyes and ear.

"I am of course aware of the ever present shadows that follow me around." she glanced in the directions he would point despite this fact, nodding. "There is never a moment when there aren't eyes or ears somewhere, and it's suffocating." she had not been a public figure before she had been nominated to be Queen. Svana had merely been your average, everyday person. Mindful of people and the things she said or did, but otherwise remained off of the grid as much as was possible for a member of one of the royal houses. "I do understand the reasoning, of course. The last two rulers did not fair or turn out so well. Not only is there a lot riding on my shoulders, but the ever present threat is thick in the air too."

She wasn't naive it seemed. The young Queen understood the dangers, which was clearly why she had not fussed about or tossed the guards away despite how much she disliked being watched every waking moment.

It seemed however, that Rixa was quite good at telling people what they wanted to hear, and he immediately piqued her interest when he discussed his ability to blend in the way that her guards couldn't. So when his business proposition was made, it was enough to make Svana stop in her tracks and turn to face him rather than mull about beside him. "You want to be personal security detail." it wasn't a question, and it wasn't exactly a common offer either. The Queen's head tipped a bit to the side and she made a thoughtful noise in her throat before speaking once again. "I'll think about it." And then she turned to start walking again. "Lets see how this naming ceremony goes, then discuss business matters after."



Objective: Explore the Estate
TAG: | Open |

Oh how long had it been since he had stepped foot onto these very grounds? Not so long that he could not remember the nooks and crannies worth hiding in, or the ones that gave way to more risk factor than others. He remembered the details of the inner estate, the order of rooms - or what they had been, at least. By now, that order had surely changed, given way to make room for new additions, new family members. Both a sad and amusing thought at the same time.

After all, he had offered, more than once, to be a part of that expansion. To unite the two great houses of Ee'everwest and Bardot. But he had been rejected.

That was ultimately why he had left Naboo, under the guise of business of course, but there was always the underlying factor that there were just too many memories to deal with. Too many painful things that he had not wanted to face. And so, Caius Bardot had ran. He had of course become a successful businessman in his own right, yet there had always been that hole he had spent years trying to fill. Oddly enough, he had only ever succeeded in temporarily doing so, and only on the very rare trips that he had taken home. Those trips often landed him in the company of the source of all of his problems - or had, until she had rejected him a second time.

From that point on, Caius had stayed away. There had been nothing for him here, and so why should he waste his time. Unfortunately for him, fate or destiny seemed to have other plans for him. The fact that his parents were using his darling younger sister as a bartering tool had not sat well with him. Clearly something was amiss with the Bardot line, and his presence was needed. He had duty to his family after all, and after seeing first hand what his sister was up against? Cai had decided to stay.

Plus...there was a party to attend, wasn't there? A smirk lined his lips as he mulled about, hands tucked into his pockets. Eventually he knew he would find himself among at least one of the Ee'everwest women, whether it was the one he wanted to see or not. And being in the company of one of them would surely spread the rumor of his return around to the rest like wildfire. Leave it to Caius to insert a little controlled chaos into such a traditional, ceremonial setting.

And he wasn't even sorry for it.



The Ee'everwest Estate wasn't anything special, Axile summarized. The architecture and design wasn't all that different from the buildings or streets that he had circumvented on the way up here. He was quietly confident, however, that if the Ee'everwest's were to learn of his opinion then they would challenge it fiercely. They had put a lot of effort into the design. There was no doubt about it. This was a place where children would be able to run, play and grow up in for generations. He summarized that such a childhood would be the type of thing that they would cling onto for the rest of their lives.

This was a dream. A paradise.

Much like the rest of Naboo was.

In his observations of the estate he found himself walking. In his explorations he came across various fountains situated across the garden, and noted that the statue in the centre was the representation of a female who had been built to represent a dance. With each fountain he found the woman in various different forms. It became clear from the outset that whoever they were was important to the designer of the estate, and there was a degree of probability that they were of importance to the Ee'everwest's themselves.

Something to talk about.

When Axile found the last fountain he had finished his exploration of the garden, and decided to take a moment to rest. He cupped a handful of water to splash his face to help him cool down in the sun. Drying his palms on his legs, and leaving his face to dry in the humid air, Axile turned to sit on the fountain ledge. In a bag that he had strapped to his shoulder did Axile produce an assortment of pens, and a notebook to jot down thoughts, or draw with.

He remembered the last time that he had drawn something. It had felt like several lifetimes ago. Sat on top of that certain, crumbling tower out in the middle of the forest, he and only one other had the tenacity and skill to climb up to the top. The other children who tried could only make it a level or two before the climb became too difficult to traverse. It became a rite of initiation for friends or newcomers who wished to join their group to attempt the climb in the first place. Most caught onto it quickly, then gave it their best go, and then gave up when it became too difficult.

Respect was earned for merely trying the exercise, and more given for those who managed to make it to the second level. Anybody who tried to go higher would often fail at the first hurdle, for the tower- in it's ruined state- became too steep, and dangerous to ascend any further. Only he and Maria ever made it to the top. Naturally, as the only ones who could climb that far, they developed a deep, and passionate friendship that- right up to this day- continued in his heart.

They would draw the scenery. First the capital in the horizon, and the other settlements. Then the forest. He remember that she was the first to draw the other children that would convene at the bottom. Even now he could hear their indistinguishable shouts, or the sounds of their playtime rise up to meet them in a sycophancy of happy memories that, for some reason, he was reminded of as he begun to draw the different parts of the Ee'everwest's garden.

It was then that Axile realized that, perhaps, he had led his bitterness affect his opinion of the estate, and that it was unlike Theed at all. The Capital was a representation of tranquillity and accurately captured Nabooian culture. But there was only so much that a representation could capture. Unlike Theed this garden, and the rest of the estate was tranquil. Almost quiet to the point of serenity. A far cry from the streets that he had grown up in as a child, and all the horrors that he witnessed in it's final moments.

The last witness drew his pictures.

Rance Valere

"Excuse me? I'm fairly certain all of the ladders are tucked away and there are certainly none inside, much less behind you."

Oh. She was good. Really good. Rance instantly felt unsure of his previously held conviction. He took a half step back, and found himself bumping into Sticks. His voice was low and raspy, full of judgment. "What...the...hell are you doing?" He whispered, "leave the pretty princess alone...and get back to your job, before I report you."

Rance winced, but then as he opened his eyes, he noted how she was favouring her arm. As if remembering a dream, the pattern of events from that night came flooding back. He had fired, almost wildly to be fair, and she had indeed been hit. He remembered the verbal reaction. Her jump would have put her at the right height for his shot to...hit her arm.

"Yes," he said, looking over at his shoulder to Sticks, "I should learn my place."

Sticks seem satisified by his answer and began to lumber back to his observation post. Rance paused for a moment. "Apologies, my lady," he said with a bow, "please take care of that arm too."

He paused for a moment to gather her reaction, but also to save her face in his memory. He blinked a couple of times as was his habit when trying to remember a scene in detail. He would never forget her face, and the first time he saw her. One day, she would be in prison where she belonged.

Backing up, Rance turned to walk away, only now noticing the eyes from all about the floor that were staring at him.


Tags: Ofira Ee'everwest | Mina Ee'everwest Mina Ee'everwest | Teyla Sal-Soren Teyla Sal-Soren | Baros Sal-Soren Baros Sal-Soren | Rance Valere

Of all the things she could say about the interloper, that he agreed to this ceremony did soften the edge on her thoughts, which had been stewing more than usual, since her request for a one-on-one meeting with the man had proven difficult to fulfill; in truth, the spinning up of a new government under the month-new queen was certainly a larger undertaking than the coronation itself had been, after what the past year had put upon them all, to the point that empty time was far dearer than ever before, and what was empty was full with exhaustion. After this ceremony, the second in a month, she hoped life would settle into a new rhythm, just predictable enough for true progress to be born, once again.

She was here, not so much under her political title, but as the head of her house, a house that today was marking the addition of new children, new souls to light the still-new walls of the rebuilt estate for years to come, with all that life brings: laughter, tears, sadness, but joy in abundance. So she hoped. Of all the things she could say… but Teyla had always beaten her own path, and Alora had never loved the eldest of her sisters any less through it all. Even if, at times, she struggled to understand her decisions. To love, to leave judgement to whom it belonged, to bestow grace; at times, recent times, this was hardest, but to witness the happiness of her sibling, regardless of who was party to the creation of it, at once brought her peace.

And in other moments, made her ache.

Eyes closed, a delicate sigh escaping her, worn thoughts dissipating, Alora’s steady gaze lit up once again when the the second-oldest of the Ee’everwest women arrived, carrying her youngest boy. Alora’s youngest nephew, one more life to balance the feminine air of Evenfall. There would be plenty of time to be with family, today, once the ceremony began, so her field of view changed, sweeping from family to those already gathered, looking on them less as the forest, her people as much as the queen’s, and more as each tree with its individual branches, some she had grown with - like Lenna Praxon-Trozky, one of her oldest friends, whom she had seen much more in the past year, only due to the strife her husband’s homeworld had suffered. And others.

Common threads, woven from time…

An unfamiliar voice pulled on her ear, and the familiar lilt of one of her youngest siblings in response to it drew her wandering gaze backward, just as the owner of the unfamiliar voice seemed to be beating a retreat. Eyebrows lofted in distinct curiosity, and her back turned away from them - Alora made her way over to Ofira with measured grace, but her attentions remained split, between Fi, and the new face that sat atop the uniform of a law enforcement officer. Curiouser and curiouser.

"Fi..." she dropped evenly as she came up beside the younger woman, speaking only just loud enough that it might be heard by others, in the almost-neutral, parental tone that showed she was, in some small ways, like their mother, "...a friend of yours?"

Her steady, blue gaze was, however, fixed on this man, much as many other eyes were, but it was her particular attention, elbows cupped by her hands, one finger tapping, that drew the brunt of the hushed tittering. For as much as her words evoked her mother, it was her father that many of them saw in the way she carried herself.
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“Suppose he just wanted a snack,” she mentioned casually, crossing the room to where Baros was, Teyla’s gown rustling pleasantly along the cold stone floor behind her. Like most Naboo, the outfits she wore were entrenched in symbolism; her skirts carefully embroidered with the royal emblem of Naboo and dyed a deep Corellian emerald - in honor of her children’s shared heritage and a statement in itself. With a loving smile she looked up at Baros, a meaningful swell of sensation rising in her chest as she drank in the moment.

Looking down, Teyla carefully tucked the wrap around their son. He was still wide awake and cooing to himself, making a serious effort to study the faces around him. Teyla thought that he already took after the Naboo side of his family, with his more quiet demeanor. Though, there were moments when she recognized that curious Corellian streak in his eyes, ‘the rocket fuel blood’. It was the same spark Baros had, even if it was more subdued than his sister’s.

Baros Sal-Soren said:
“I haven’t stopped smiling since you left, I must look a damn fool.”

“Oh, most definitely.” she said with a degree of lightheartedness, a hint of amusement dancing behind chestnut eyes. “But who could blame you? It’s impossible to look sullen for any length of time while holding these little bundles.”

The adjacent door slid open with a snap-hiss. Sera, her ever elegant android nurse-maid, stood expectantly in the door frame. “Everyone is ready when you two are.”

Baros Sal-Soren said:
"Well. Let's get this show on the road," he said with a sigh, "the tabloids will have a field day with this I'm sure.”

“Mmm. No doubt,” Telya’s chin tilted up confidently, trying to dispel the weight of what lay ahead of them. She had a good idea of what would be said, yet wouldn’t waste breath to acknowledge it, refusing to let any of their criticisms linger in her mind. “But we’ve faced worse than a few wagging tongues... let’s go out there and give them something to gossip about...Lead the way.”

With the children nestled protectively in the arms of their parents, the man and woman set off together in tandem.

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Svana Neoma Svana Neoma Rixa Numeck Rixa Numeck

The defense of the planet was her main priority, stardust had been busy moving things around to her liking, sighing she tapped her foot as right now she was in the passenger seat of a speeder on the way to the queens location. Protecting the queen was up there with protecting the planet and with the wind whispering of a possible attack from a terrorist cell stardust was going to ensure that if they do itll be the last time they dare try to take the queens life.

As the speeder came to a stop she opened the door and looked to the driver

I want eyes on every building, any place a sniper could hide, watch the crowds

Stardust herself would be right by the queen, would work to actually speak to the queen see what person she was could be a fun experience. Shutting the door she started towards the queen but stopped to take a breath then proceeded forward confidently as she gave a friendly smile glancing to the mandalorian before looking to address the queen before speaking to the fellow mandalorian

queen liviana, vod, today is a great day yes?

She said and turned to stand on the other side of the queen and look around

never been to a naming ceremony, heard about them, but never had the time as a child


Rixa bowed his head to the Queen and smiled warmly as she decided to take his request under advisement depending on how the naming ceremony went. That was acceptable to him, Rixa wasn't a Supercommando but he was more than a match for some radical extremist. "Just keep this in mind, my lady, the royal guard has lost one Queen already. If I were you I'd have doubts about their abilities to protect you."

He was just giving her something to think about as he accompanied her around the naming ceremony. If he had been in her shoes he'd be very leery of trusting anyone in the royal court, especially since the last Queen of Naboo had been involved in the assassination of the Queen before her. He'd want someone from the outside with no political aspirations or loyalties around him, someone as completely detached from the behind the scenes drama of Naboo as possible.

He could be that person for her. All he wanted was credits, he had no designs for political power or leadership, just the biggest payday he could possibly get both legitimate and illegitimate. Like any Mandalorian though, once he made a contract with her to protect he'd honor it for as long as she upheld her terms of the agreement. Rixa was many things but he wasn't someone who jumped ship mid contract. Maybe it was because this new Queen was a little out of her depth, but for some reason he felt like actually helping this woman until she got her feet under her.
"You wouldn't happen to have a sister or a cousin or anything like that would you? You look an awful like someone who lives in my brother's compound." He asked her as they continued walking and taking in the estate. It had been bothering him since the Crowning Ceremony. She looked almost exactly like a certain half-Zeltron bar owner who had a razorblade for a tongue and a bit of an attitude.

Before she could answer though someone else came walking up to them. A green skinned Twi'lek approached and addressed him as a fellow Mando'ade. "Su'cuy vod. It is a nice day." He said cordially to the Twi'lek and extended a hand to her. "It's my first time to naming ceremony as well, you work for the guard?"

TAG: Svana Neoma Svana Neoma || Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae || Open



Queen Liviana

TAG: Rixa Numeck Rixa Numeck | Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae | Open

The fact that he wasn't wrong was highly disturbing. The former guard had greatly let down their previous Queen, and then hadn't even detected the threat that had taken her place until it was too late. So many things had gone wrong, so many things had been soiled, tainted, and while changes had been made there were still a great many things that needed to be done. Aeson may not tolerate Svana in much of any way, but he was at least dedicated to her safety and security. Perhaps there had been no one to fill those shoes for one Queen, and no one to offer it off to the side the way that Svana herself was receiving now.

Or, perhaps it had all just happened too quickly from sources that remained too well hidden for anyone to realize.

Whatever the case, the Queen focused instead on the question that had been asked to her instead. "A sister?" she questioned, brow furrowing down before she shook her head. "I have cousins surely, but no sister. My only sibling is a brother, and I assure you he lives on no compound with any other people. When he's not touring the galaxy, he's home here on Naboo."

Again Svana's focus shifted, this time to the only slightly familiar presence of the Twi'lek woman, the Minister of Defense no less, ironically enough. "Let's hope this day continues to be good," she let out with a nod. "New, little lives deserve wonderful days, especially on important days like the ones that give them their names."


Ofira Ee'everwest




TAG: Rance Valere | Alora Ee'everwest Alora Ee'everwest | Open


She had not been shaken by this man, at least not externally. Ofira had remained the epitome of confusion and discomfort on the outside, even when the comment about her arm had been made. On the inside however, there was a storm raging. Some part of her wanted to march after this man who dared to attempt to call her out in such social circumstances. To take another stab at tackling him, and show him just how much of a threat she really was - but that wouldn't look good to the fact that she was innocent of what he thought he was accusing her of.

Not to mention, the appearance of her older sister at her side kept Fi planted firmly in place. "No," she answered with a shake of the head. "He approached me with some madness about ladders. I'm not entirely sure if perhaps he confused me with someone else, and that it was some sort of inappropriate innuendo..." Naturally, she knew that wasn't the case at all. But she had to of course play it up to her sister to keep this facade of hers well in place.

At some point, she was going to have to catch Mister Detective alone, and settle this one way or the other. By no means was she going down for something she didn't do, but she sure as hell wasn't going to have this guy chasing her around, trying to corner her all of the time. Not only would it be highly inconvenient, but it would start to raise suspicions from her sisters as well. And that was something she just could not have happen.


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