Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Children of Mandalore: The Ongoing Journey

The feast at Strider's had gotten to the point where the adults were getting pretty lit up, and Aden knew it was time to get out of there. Fortunately Bessie was getting uncomfortable and Mesh'la had to go. Aden decided it was a better idea to help her than stick around, and after some time, a giant mess, and cleaning up, there was a new baby in the farm. The night was promising to be cold however, so they had to bring one of the lambs into the house to stay warm. Just off the kitchen there was a mudroom. and the little lamb was set up there.

Aden decided they needed a fire going, so the young Mando'ad got to work on that. The fire place was well stocked with fire wood as the Hokan's loved their fires. Aden knew Mesh'la loved a good fire. They always shared one at their spot in the woods along the river where he had built a compartment into the tree.

The young mando built the logs up, and got the fire really going. When Mesh'la came into the room, she would find him hunched in front of the fire place tending it. He had a short stick in his hand as he used it for poker. Aden didn't really like the metal ones anyway. Everything was natural for him. The bellows was next to him in case he had to get air under the logs to keep the flame going. He wanted a roaring fire for the two of them.

He was also rather nervous. The two were alone, and her buire were gone. They had been courting secretly which meant they would hold hands at times, even kiss on occasion. Tonight there was room for things to go other places. Aden wasn't really sure things would intentionally go further than where they had kept things, but every time they were alone it was always in the back of his mind. He was a teenager after all, and the hormones were high. Good thing Mesh'la had the pie to distract him.

"So, are we ready for that pie?"

[member="Mesh'la Detta Hokan"]
Birth… It was the most wonderful and natural thing, and Mesh'la had done her part in helping to bring two lives into this world. Bessie had delivered twins lambs with a little guidance from the aspiring young baar'ur. The first lamb born, a girl, was of standard size and health, but the second as sometimes it happened was small and had a hard time bonding with mother ewe. Luckily [member="Aden Dral"] had accompanied Mesh back to the farm and his offered second set of hands really came in handy.

After getting Mom and Baby One settled in a clean, warm stall in the barn, they took Baby Two inside the house to give the boy lamb some extra TLC to. The mudroom off the kitchen/main living area had an upright shower stall in it, which was perfect for a baby lamb pen. Mesh'la had Aden bring in a small amount of straw to place on the bottom of the shower and a child's safety gate was stretched across the opening. The heater light was turned on to give the small area warmth. While the young Mando was doing that for her, the blonde had made up a bottle of special milk and they hand fed the newborn lamb. When the baby finally lulled off to sleep, it was time for Mesh to clean up as birthing was messy business no matter what precautions one took.

Mesh'la had quickly washed and changed into a t-shirt and comfy sweatpants. Something she'd probably end up sleeping in on the couch as the baby lamb would need to be fed about every two hours throughout the night. That was unless the teen had some help, but that was probably not the best idea to ask her secret boyfriend to stay… Well maybe a little longer wouldn't hurt. What her parents didn't know wouldn't hurt them. It wasn't like they were going to have sex… That thought had always scared Mesh'la that's why they'd only kissed and held hands up till this point, but it also excited the almost sixteen year old too to a degree too as she was getting very attached to Aden. Only a couple of more months and she would be old enough to be courted officially and riduurok age in their culture. Not that Mesh'la wanted a riduur and all it entailed at her age. The young Hokan just knew at some point she wanted what her buire had with that someone special.

Entering the great room from the hallway that stretched back to the bedrooms of the farm house, Mesh'la found Aden tending to a roaring fire in the fireplace. A soft smile graced her lips as he asked about the pie; always thinking with his stomach Strider's youngest son was.

"Elek… I certainly could use a piece after all that work, and I know you've been very patient in waiting for yours," Mesh said, then got two plates out of the cupboard. She cut the pie and gave him a large slice, then grabbed two forks and made her way over to where he was sitting on the couch.

"Vor entye for helping and keeping me company, Aden'ika. I really appreciate it," the blonde smiled as she handed him his plate, then sat down beside him with her smaller piece of pie.

After a moment of mutual eating, she asked, "So… How is it?"
Aden turned to see Mesh'la dressed rather casually. The t-shirt and sweat pants look was the most casual he'd ever seen her, and his mind went all sorts of places as to how easy it could be to places from there. That's why he brought up the pie. The food could hopefully get his mind off the distraction of Mesh'la in sweat pants. When she walked off to get the pie, Aden couldn't help but look at what the baggy pants did for her shebs. Yeah, the teenage mando was definitely thinking with a different brain at the moment.

He slid back to the couch, but decided not to sit on it. He leaned back against the bottom of it, and stared into the fire. Mesh'la brought him a large piece of the blackberry pie, and his heart was in his eyes. Aden grabbed the fork and wasted no time in getting the first bite into his mouth. Chewing, and swallowing, he then answered Mesh'la.

"Better than mom used to make it, ner cyar'ika" he leaned over and kissed her cheek. "This right here is the best ever."

Aden inhaled the rest of the pie, and set the empty plate and fork on the end table which was an arm's length from where he sat. This was the part where he should have said he needed to go, but instead he just sat there. They had spent moost of the day together, and with her buire gone, he was tempted to spend the night with her too. They were at an interesting place in their secret courtship. Both of them were thinking about the future, and Aden likely more than Mesh'la, but he wasn't always so sure about that. She would make comments from time to time that made him realize she thought about it as much as he did.

So..." he said as he looked at her. His head turned to look at her full on, and his arm came up around her so she could lay her head on his chest if she wanted to. "...this must be what it is like after we're all in bed and the buire are still up."

[member="Mesh'la Detta Hokan"]
A blush tinged Mesh'la's peaches and cream-colored cheeks after [member="Aden Dral"] had kissed one of them tenderly with the highest of compliments to follow. Her pie was the best ever, even more so than his mother's, and she knew how much the young Mando's late mother was revered by him.

"Vor'e, Aden'ika… It warms my heart to know you liked my pie so much," the blonde smiled sweetly, then she finished the last bite of her slice and placed the empty plate on a side table on the other side of the couch.

Mesh'la scooted closer as his arm came around her and nestled her golden head upon the juncture of his broad shoulder and chest. After Aden spoke Mesh gazed up into his dreamy hazel pools that made her want to drown in them all night long. Her petite hand came up his face that was starting to get a small amount of peach fuzz on; long and slender, nimble fingers proceeded to trace lightly down from his temple to along Aden's strong jaw.

"I know it is for ner buire… and they take every advantage of their quiet time together too. They love each other very much."
Aden smiled at her touch. It was nothing new for the young pair to sit together and cuddle as they were now, but something felt very different. They'd been alone on many occasions, but never like this, nor talking about what her parents would be doing in their alone time. Mesh'la talked as if she knew exactly, and they way she looked into his eyes, ran her fingers along his jaw, it all seemed to invite something more. He couldn't help but get lost in her eyes, and her soft touch. Aden leaned further toward her, lifting her head with his fingers just under her chin, and pressed a tender kiss to her lips.

The back of his free hand ran down he cheek, and followed her jaw part way before running down her neck. As the kiss broke, Aden ran it down her neck, turning his hand at her collar bone so his fingers would run along the ridge of her bone. When they reached her sternum, they began to move down, slowly, stopping before going further than Aden had placed his hands before.

Aden kissed her again, his hand not moving, but this kiss was not as tender as the first. This kiss was passionate. He knew what he felt for her, and conveyed it to her in the way he kissed her. Aden wanted what she wanted, and was nervous about it all if asked. He was excited for the prospect as well. The teen lifted his hand and placed it on her thigh. They didn't have to move fast.

"I suppose one has to take advantage of the opportunities they're given," he said after several kisses.

[member="Mesh'la Detta Hokan"]
This story is being fast-forwarded to sometime after [member="Strider Garon"]'s death. His youngest son, [member="Aden Dral"], by this time has taken ownership of his father's beloved ship, the Avril, that he served with him on as part of the Hound of Keldabe's mercenary group. (Strider's writer has given OCC permission for this via Skype contact. Vor entye, Stri'buir!)

Now for the continuation of the ongoing journey of the children of Mandalore…

~Enceri, Northern Territory, Mandalore~

Mesh'la's heavy boots made imprints in the fresh snow-covered frozen field as she made her way to where the Avril was sitting near the Enceri River's icy edge on the far side of the Tor Homestead. The young baar'ur was bringing a meal to her cyar'ika, though ever since losing his buir so tragically the day of the attack by Death Watch upon Mandalore, [member="Aden Dral"] had become withdrawn, staying mostly to himself on Strider Garon's beloved ship he had taken ownership of.

When the Hokan's decided to leave Keldabe for the relative safely of the northern territory where the Tor clan lived, the young ver'verd helped them move. He decided to stay there for the time being, mainly because that is where Mesh was. She knew Aden was holding on by a very thin thread. The blonde tried to help him through his grief, but the atin Mando'ad was pushing her away. Time was running out though and she needed to talk with him about something important. And the best way to get a man's attention was through his stomach, right?

Dressed in her red beskar'gam, Mesh'la stopped at the area where the boarding ramp would be lowered and put the security code into the fuselage panel, then walked up the durasteel ramp into the unique gunship making her way up to the cargo deck and the galley where Mesh would rewarm the homemade food she'd brought the grieving dirty blonde.

"Aden'ika… I'm here," the seventeen year old called out after removing her buy'ce and setting it on the table. He hadn't been answering her comm calls, and it was starting to worry Mesh, a lot.
Aden was withdrawn, and he knew it. He didn't mean to pull away, or push the people close to him away either. Aden was shielding himself from further loss, and it was wrong of him to put up a protective barrier, but it was natural. It was said the loss of the second parent was more difficult than the first, and Aden was only eighteen. He was so young to have lost them both, but this was his lot in life. Mesh'la had comforted him as much as she knew how, and Aden was grateful for her. It was up to him to have the fortitude to pick up and move forward now. Perhpas that was why he spent the entire day in the deep shafts of the beskar mine pounding away at the ore. It was an odd job, a dirty one, but someone had to do it, and Mesh'la's buire had expected Aden would have decent savings before they would allow her to make a riduurok with him. Aden might have been withdrawn, but his love for Mesh'la was still as strong as ever. He wanted her, though was not showing it well as of late.

His boots crunched in the snow as he approached the ship he now called home. It was the only thing he wanted from Strider, and it seemed he had gotten it. There were other siblings, but Aden wasn't one to try and get it all. He was the youngest, and anything was better than nothing to help him start his life. The Avril gave him a roof over his head, and would be a roof for Mesh'la if she wanted it as well. Thoughts drifted to what life could be like away from Manda'yaim. The only good memories he had were the ones spent with Mesh'la and those seemed crowded out by the overwhelming shock of Strider's assassination. Aden needed a fresh start, but did not want to leave his cyar'ika. They had much to talk about. How much, Aden was about to find out.

The loading ramp for his ship was down meaning Mesh'la had come to find him. He smiled as he removed his buy'ce and tossed it into the small cubby near the landing just at the top of the ramp. Her voice called out as he moved her direction, so it seemed he was not that far behind her.

"I'm just coming up behind you, ner cyar'ika," he said using the affectionate name for the first time in what would seem like a couple of weeks. Aden was truly trying to push himself forward. He had to make a show for her. "Sorry I'm late. I got work in the mine today, and need every credit I can get. Your buire still want to see the savings, and I'm not going to let them down."

Aden came up from behind her, wrapping his arms around her. He didn't care they were both still in their beskar'gam. The smell of something warming up had him in a better mood than usual. He'd worked hard today, and was hungry. The fact Mesh'la was there, and had a meal ready for him warmed his heart to a place where she could ask almost anything of him right now. It was a simple gesture, but it said something to him that mere words could never convey. She really was going to be there for him. It only made him want to ask her to leave with him more, and at the same time, it made him want to put that aside so he did not steal her away from her aliit.

"Somethig smells wonderful!"

[member="Mesh'la Detta Hokan"]
Mesh'la leaned back against [member="Aden Dral"] as he embraced her from behind at the counter in the galley. She rested her golden head upon his shoulder plate while placing her petite hands atop of his larger ones at her waist. A soft grin came to her face as the hard working, young Mando'ad brought up what her buire required of him and was trying diligently to fulfill. And, the other thing Aden said was he apologized for being late. The blonde turned her head up to gaze into his tired and weary eyes, though there seemed to be just a bit more of a spark in them from the last time they'd seen each other; her hand came up to cup his stubbled cheek tenderly.

"No worries, cyar'ika… I'm just glad you're here. I've missed you," Mesh said, then gently pulled his head down to hers so their lips could touch. The kiss was sweet and spoke volumes of how much she cared for him.

"I brought your favorite meal of gi dumplings, and for dessert uj'alayi..." she smiled, then added with a bit of mischief in her baby blues. "unless you want something else?"
Aden would have said more, apologized for his mood and behavior as of late, but the kiss quieted him. Her sweet, soft, gentle kiss did more to break his built up walls. He refused to cry in front of Mesh'la, but her sweetness was doing much to break him. A single tear fell from the corner of his eye and slipped to Mesh'la's ivory cheek. The young Mando'ad pulled the sorrow in and smiled as the kiss broke. She made him Gi Dumplings.

"You didn't have to, but I'm going to eat it all," he said as he kissed her again, and smirked at the mischevous look in Mesh'la's eyes.

The two had been having sex since the night before Strider's death. They'd not planned to go as far as they had that night, but one thing led to another, and the feelings they had for each other were strong. Their friendship had blossomed into the romance they had now, though his recent bought of depression seemed to challenge that. All he could hope was their love was stronger than the sadness which he still felt. Perhaps this was the beginning of pulling out of it all.

"I've missed you as well. You've outdone yourself, and I'm going to have more than that uj'alayi for dessert. We can eat now, and when finished, I'll be needing a shower to get the grime off."

Aden smirked as he leaned in to kiss his cyar'ika. He kissed along her jaw until he found her ear. His appetite was strong, and not just for the dumplings which he could smell. Pulling away he grinned and went to the cabinet for the liquor and glasses. Aden had his own stash of tihaar, and he drank some with every dinner since the cold winter. The warmth which came from the burn reminded him he was still alive inside, but tonight, he would know it by what he felt for the blonde who had come to see him. Aden had been such a fool to push her away. Why had he been distancing himself. He took the glasses to the table, and sat down. Aden was tired, but would not let that prevent him from enjoying this meal.

"How was your day, Mesh'ika? Eventful? Save any lives?"

[member="Mesh'la Detta Hokan"]
Gods [member="Aden Dral"] was a good kisser. She could kiss him all day long, and that is exactly what the teenagers used to do until the night before his father's death. Mesh's parents had been off planet and the teen had stayed behind to 'farm sit' at the Hokan's homestead located just outside of Keldabe.

Of course she hadn't stayed alone. Aden had been invited to keep the blonde company. That evening they had finally crossed over from simple love to something much more complicated. They had been careful that first time, but subsequent couplings the two weren't as much as juvenile hormones and the fun of it just got in the way… and now decisions needed to be made. It was a conversation the young couple needed to have and soon, but with Stri'buir's death and Aden's strong reaction to that loss Mesh'la had been putting it off.

Mesh'la grinned and shook her golden head at his smirked comment as the dirty blonde Mando pulled away and walked over to the other side of the galley. Yeah, she was sure he meant 'they'd' take a shower. Aden was half Garon after all, and they were still in the newness state of intimacy too so experimenting to find what was right for them had become playful. The thought both excited her and well.. didn't. Mesh wasn't exactly showing yet still being in the early stages, but she could tell her body was changing. The main thing noticed were her boobs getting bigger, though the blonde didn't think her male partner would mind too much.

"Just water for me, cyar'ika. Ner ba'buir bal buir have been keeping me very busy helping at the town clinic, and I'm feeling kinda tired tonight. With the influx of refugees from Keldabe, it's almost too much for two experienced baar'ure to handle on their own. Let's just say I'm getting a lot of experience, which is good but still alittle overwhelming too," the young baar'ur answered. Mesh'la didn't lie. She was exhausted actually, but it wasn't from working hard… just part of what Mesh's youthful body was going through now that it wasn't just her own.

The blonde dished up a large serving of gi dumplings for Aden, then carried the bowl over and set it down on the table. The smell was starting to sour her stomach, but the water should help curb the nausea along with the warm, fresh bread too.

"So will you be working in the mine again tomorrow, or do you have the day off?" she asked curiously, tearing off a tiny chunk of his bread and popping it in her mouth.
Just water? Mesh'la usually did not turn down the strong drink when Aden offered. Now that he thought on it, this was something she did the last time they were together as well a couple weeks ago. Aden had been working so much he was missing the signs of what was going on, but now he was beginning to wonder if there was something going on. She did seem tired, but chalked that to her working. Though she'd been tired the last time they were together too, and she was only nibbling on his bread. Was this because of his distance, and it was making her pull back as well, or was something else going on?

Aden pondered while he ate, which it was normal for him to be quiet while eating. He nodded when Mesh'la asked if he was enjoying it, again normal for him. His philosophy was eat quickly because there would be more time for talking after the meal. Dessert usually lent itself toward talking a bit more, especially for them. Dessert usually led to other things for them anyway. Though not as much since they'd crossed the line into having a sexual relationship. One which they still kept a secret from Mesh'la's buire.

"No, I'm off tomorrow. I've pulled about seven days straight, and they don't want me in there without a couple days off to rest. The work can be dangerous, and working tired is not safe in already unsafe work."

It was the truth, but the pay was good, and soon Aden would have a decent amount of credits built into his account. He'd been distant emotionally, but Aden still hoped Mesh'la wanted him as a riduur. Perhaps they needed the next couple of days together to reconnect. How long has it been since he'd seen for longer than just passing?

"What about you? Do you have the day off tomorrow? I have the next couple of days off, and was thinking maybe we could spend it together. It's been a while since we've been together, and I know that's been mostly on me, but I want to fix it."

Aden took a drink of the tihaar. He knew he needed to own his foolishness, stubbornness, and distance. Mesh'la was there, he still had her to love. Life went on, and Aden had to live it.

"So... uj'alayi?"

[member="Mesh'la Detta Hokan"]
Well it's good to know somethings don't change. [member="Aden Dral"] was eating up a storm. Mesh'la would be more worried if he hadn't because that would mean the depressive state the young ver'verd suffered from recently was real bad. Maybe he had hit bottom and was starting to bounce back up, and returning to her again. Gods Mesh needed him right now, but she didn't want to burden him though it was their problem or blessing depending on how one looked at things.

"Well that's a wise policy. Safety has to come first especially in the line of work… and I'm really glad then you are off. I'm not, but I suppose I could be. Yes, I'll ask," she smiled, then got up to get the flat, dense, and sticky sweet cake that Mando'ade loved for their mainstay dessert. Her's had won best in show at the Fall Festival and Mesh'la was proud of it too. That was a good memory for them as it was when they transitioned their friendship over to a secret courtship before she turned sixteen. Now she was nearly eighteen, and they were facing something totally different as well as life changing to say the least.

Mesh'la put the dessert on the table, then excused herself rather quickly and left the galley. She rushed to the one of the two freshers down the corridor where the crew quarters were. And just in time too…. Who said morning sickness occurred just in the mornings?! Luckily there was some toothpaste that some old crew member of the Avril had left in the cabinet so she used it and brushed her teeth best she could with her finger, then returned to the galley after sprinkling cool water on her face.

"So what would you like to do on your days off, cyar'ika? Hunt, fish?" she asked, sitting back down in her spot at the table like nothing had happened.
"We need the time together," Aden simply replied as Mesh'la suggested she could ask for the time off.

Aden's teeth sank into the uj cake as Mesh'la suddenly took off to rush off to one of the fresher's. Was she sick? How much had he missed working so long? Suddenly he felt like he'd been absent for a long time. There was a sense of a change, but the uj cake helped bring things back to what he loved. Mesh'la had won best prize at the Fall Festival where they had started their courtship. Naturally it was secret as Mesh'la had only been fifteen. She was not allowed to court until she was sixteen, but the two knew they wanted to be together, and Aden did not want someone else to move in when she came of the age her buire had set. While the example was not a good one for Aden in regards to courting, Aden had always known what he wanted with Mesh'la.

"Are you okay," he asked ignoring her question about the day off. "You said you wanted only water, you haven't eaten much, and you just ran off to the fresher. Are you sick?"

The young ver'verd returned to finishing his uj cake as he waited for Mesh'la's answer. She had been there for him during his depression the past weeks, and now he wanted to be there for her if she was indeed sick. While it would in no way repay for the time she'd spent with him, it would show he cared and was still there for her despite sadness he felt. Maybe they needed to spend the two days off together, resting with each other and reconnecting on a level they had not connected on in some time.

"Well it would be ice fishing now if we did fish," he finally said. "If we go for a hunt that would take up the two days we have off. Whatever we do, I just want to spend my time with you. I miss seeing you, being with you. I might not have shown it lately, but I really do need you, want you."

Aden smiled and reached for her hand.

[member="Mesh'la Detta Hokan"]
"No I'm not sick, cyar'lka. My tummy is just a bit uneasy. It will pass," the blonde smiled reassuringly.

Her response was totally truthful too, well from a certain point of view. Mesh'la's condition was not a sickness, but it did make her feel sick; the last two weeks especially being about ten weeks now. She so wanted to tell [member="Aden Dral"] of their news, but… she was scared. He had been so withdrawn from her as of late and his mention of just wanting to leave Mandalore in one of his unguarded moments made the young baar'ur fear she was losing Aden.

Would he want to be tied down now? His life wouldn't be his anymore? It was a lot to ask of an eighteen year old male. Did Aden truly love her? Mesh'la thought the dirty blonde Mando'ad did, but… they were young. Neither had ever really experienced love before, well romantic love. She loved her family, but this was different and knew it. Mesh didn't think she could survive without him, and it wasn't just in a physical way either. It went way deeper and beyond what was on the outside. They were connected somehow. The Manda had seen to it, or at least the seventeen year old True Mando believed so.

Mesh'la gladly took Aden's offered hand and gave it a little squeeze, then rose from her chair and walked around the edge of the table to sit upon his lap sideways; arms coming to wrap around his neck.

"I really need and want you too, Aden'ika," Mesh said, pressing her lips to his for another sweet kiss. Was now the time to tell him while they were making small talk or later after reconnecting and in that afterglow period?

"Let's just wait and see what tomorrow brings, then go from there, hmm. For now though, how about you get that shower in so we can be together… " she grinned softly with a twinkle in her blue orbs that drove the young merc crazy.

Seems kicking the proverbial can down the road was Mesh's choice as nerves got the best of her, or was it a combination of young desire too. Either way, the elephant in the room would just have to sit tight for a bit longer.
Mesh'la joining him, sitting in his lap, kissing him so sweetly, made him forget he was picking up on something wrong. The power women had over men was simply not fair. How could she simply smile at him, suggest something with a seductive twinkle in her eye, and make him completely forget everything and focus only on her, them. He returned the kiss, deepening it. When was the last time he missed her with passion? It had been too long since he let his kisses tell her what he felt inside. Yes he'd said he wanted to leave, but he knew in his heart of hearts he could never leave Mesh'la behind. If she stayed on Manda'yaim he stayed. It was that simple, and it should be.

"A shower it is, then together, then tomorrow, and then the next day," he said picking Mesh'la up as he stood and carried her off to the captain's quarters.

The fresher there had a real water shower and the crew showers were sonic showers. Up until a couple days ago Aden was living in the crew quarters as Strider's things were still in the captain's quarters. Aden had not had the emotional energy to deal with clearing it out, but over the past two weeks he'd been without Mesh'la, Aden slowly worked on it and moved in. It would be the first sign Mesh'la would see that Aden was beginning to move forward rather than backward.

Beskar plates were stacked hurriedly next to the fresher as it was clear Mesh'la was heading to the bed in the captain's quarters. She'd stacked her plates with his, but he could swear he saw her walking out of her kute as he went into the fresher. This only hurried the shower along. All Aden could think about was what was waiting for him once he was clean, oh, and shaved. Mesh'la deserved to have her man with a smooth face today as they reconnected intimately.

Mesh'la seemed to be napping when he came to the bed finally clean. He dropped the towel which was around his waste before climbing in and starting at her toes, Aden kissed his way up the length of his cyar'ika's body. He was careful to make certain she was fully awake, but once she was, his ministrations were given to show her how much he missed her and needed her.

Whether it could be said the two had ever made love before, as opposed to learning while the experimented with this new part of their relationship, Aden was careful to give his attention to her. His heart was hers, and he wanted Mesh'la to know it. That's why he did his best to make love to her and not simply have another encounter. As much fun as they were, he had to show her he was not leaving her behind. As they lay together, holding each other close, Aden looked into Mesh'la's beautiful blue eyes.

"Ni kar'tayli gar darasuum, Mesh'ika."

[member="Mesh'la Detta Hokan"]
A little squeal left her kiss-swollen lips as [member="Aden Dral"] picked Mesh up and carried the blonde not to his former crew quarters down the corridor, but up the stairs to the command deck and the captain's quarters. Mesh'la didn't say anything about the change, but was pleased none the less as it meant he was moving on past the initial grief. She would mention it later though after they reconnected as this was about them and not anything else in the next upcoming moments. By being all alone on the ship, the two teens could freely give into their passions, making quite the memory for them to cherish. If one could only stay awake…

Mesh'la was only going to close her eyes for a second after slipping off her gray kute and climbing into the queen-sized bunk that smelled like her cyar'ika's body wash; a spicy male scent that was usually arousing. Though for her now, the pillow was too comfy and soon her passion-ladened eyelids closed with the sheet haphazardly covering her naked body.

The dream Mesh'la was having was sweet, but the sensations starting at her toes, then moving up her legs onward to a spot she so enjoyed were even sweeter and brought Mesh fully out of her slumbering state to illicit a soft moan of satisfaction. When Aden's lips continued upward to her chest to appreciate her upper half, she quickly rolled him over and laid in her own assault of nips and kisses to various places, then moved to captured his lips once again, covering his body with her own. The look they exchanged said it all before they continued to drink deeply of each others love, giving and taking like the two young lovers had never done before. They were melding to become one.

Laying in his arms afterwards, Mesh'la knew in her heart everything would be okay, especially after Aden declared his love for her. He had not done that before in quite those terms. It was direct and from his heart. Now was the time to tell him, if any.

"Ni kar'tayli gar darasuum balyc, Aden'ika," Mesh replied tenderly all in their native Mando'a, then placed his large hand upon her flat, lower abdomen and added gazing back up into his hazel eyes. "...bal cuun ik'aad."
Aden lay in the afterglow of their love making, and the crash which always followed was much stronger. He felt as though he were on cloud nine after that encounter. The two had not simply had sex, but rather they had taken the time to make love. They studied each other, what they needed and wanted. That's why Aden lay there more sated than before. He'd learned a valuable lesson. When paying attention to Mesh'la, she'd pay attention to him. More importantly, he finally knew everything would be fine. They loved each other and were truly one.

"I kn... wait..."

This wasn't exactly moment of the year for Aden, but he wanted to be sure he heard Mesh'la correctly. Had she just said their baby? All of a sudden everything made sense. The blonde was tired because there was a new life forming inside her. Her refusal to eat, running off to the fresher as fast as she had, the water instead of ti'haar, all of it was because she was pregnant. His strong hand began to caress her still flat abdomen. In death, there had been life.

"Cuur ik'aad?"

Aden leaned toward Mesh'la and pressed a tender kiss to her lips. His hand never left the place where Mesh'la had put it.

"How long? Do your buire know about this yet?"

Everything Aden had been thinking about leaving was gone for now. There were only two things which mattered. Did Graad and Briika know, and what were the two young buire to be going to do about it. Aden was tempted to recite the riduurok at that moment, but they needed to talk this through. If Graad and Briika did not know the last thing to do would be surprise them with a pregnancy and a riduurok. Aden knew though, he had lost both parents, this ik'aad had to know the love of both buire. They would do this together.

"Wow... I'm nervous, but at the same time so happy. I won't go anywhere Mesh'ika. You need me to be with you, with cuur ik'aad. Whatever there is to face we will do it together."

If only Aden knew how difficult those words would be to uphold, but love was never easy. Love was hard work, but very worth it.

[member="Mesh'la Detta Hokan"]
Mesh'la was holding her breath nervously as [member="Aden Dral"] took a few long moments to mentally process the startling news she'd dropped on him. But when his hand began to seriously caress the spot where there soon would be a baby bump, their baby, a relieved sigh was released and and an affirmative nod given to let the ver'verd know he'd heard her correctly.

"About ten weeks, give or take, and nayc. Ner buire do not know yet. I've only shared this with you, cyar'ika," she smiled softly, stroking the dirty blonde's cheek tenderly. Yes, Mesh'la had noticed and appreciated greatly his effort there. It was the little things that meant the most. Aden was thoughtful like that. Something that made her care for him even more; no love him.

"I've wanted to tell you for a couple of weeks now, but… you were so withdrawn. I was scared I was losing you and wasn't sure how you'd react. To be honest, I was hoping it wasn't true, but it is. I confirmed that I am indeed pregnant. And don't get me wrong I would like to have a family with you, just… well we are so young and this is a life changing event not expected so soon. I mean we are not even married yet. Hopefully ner buire bal ba'buire won't freak out too much. I mean it's not like you knocked me up on an one night stand kinda of thing. And elek, I'm very nervous too, but knowing you're accepting of this I know we can make it through this together like you said."

Okay, now Mesh'la was rambling on… It was a mixture of nerves, relief, and exhaustion. There was so much to still talk about, figure out, but she had no idea where really to start. All Mesh wanted in that moment was to feel her baby's father's love.
Ten weeks, that would put things about the time when Stri'buir was killed. Aden remembered the night well. He'd been so stunned Mesh'la had let things go as they would in how she comforted him. They'd done their part to help the verd before making for safety in Enceri. While Aden was a warrior, he also was not foolish, and knew his role was to live for another day. He would never avenge Strider by running into a battle he knew would only claim his life. It was while they were together in the woods of Enceri when Mesh'la's comfort led to them being together intimately for only a second time. Aden had needed her closeness, and she only was loving and accepting to him.

Aden drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly. He nodded his head as Mesh'la explained she'd not told her buire of the pregnancy. They were now the only ones to tell. Strider was not there, and he would not have been upset. Aden couldn't account for how Graad and Briika would react. He only knee there would likely be disappointment. Anger would be preferred. At least Aden could deal with that, but disappointment was harder, because that always came from a place of great love.

"I'm sorry, so sorry for pulling away. With buir'ika gone, now Stri'buir, I guess I just didn't want to lose anyone else I love. I still don't. It was so selfish of me, stubborn and uncaring. You, and our ik'aad are all I have left, I don't want to lose you."

"We aren't even married... How those words rang in his ear. Here Aden had been saving away so he could get permission from Graad, but now, well, suddenly permission didn't seem like something which was so important anymore.

Aden set his finger on Mesh'la's lips to quiet her and keep her from rambling more. His hand lazily caressed her cheek before going back to her abdomen. Another kiss followed as he tried to reassure her he was not leaving. Then his thoughts on marriage came back to him. They needed a plan before taking with Graad and Briika, and though they were both tired, it would be something they could sleep on if they talked about it now.

"I am all in this, Mesh'ika. We need a plan here on how to handle your buire. I've been working hard so we could make our riduurok soon, but now... certainly they'd let us now."

Yes, Aden had just asked Mesh'la to make their riduurok.

[member="Mesh'la Detta Hokan"]
Mesh'la Dral… The blonde rolled that new name around silently in her head and it brought a pleased squeeze to her heart. [member="Aden Dral"] and her had often talked about someday the two of them getting married because they were each others best friend, but now it was going to be for real though for the wrong reason. Well not wrong exactly, but definitely not the planned one. How naive and stupid Mesh'la was that she thought she could play the odds of having unprotected sex and get away with it?! The young baar'ur knew better, but had taken a chance that her cycle was spot on and it would be okay at that particular time of the month. Well no use crying over spilled milk now. The young couple would face the consequences for their actions in a joint announcement to her buire, but it would have to wait until each got some sleep and a plan cemented between them.

"Buir'ika and Gra'buir won't say nayc, but I know they will be disappointed in me, and then there is ner ba'buire too. Expect to be grilled, but it's only because they love me so much… Just as we will love our ik'aad."

Mesh'la pressed a sweet kiss to Aden's lips, then pulled away and sighed. She so wanted more, but time was running out and that exhaustion felt earlier was about to peak.

"I'm sorry, but I have to get back home… It's late and I will be expected. Better not to bring ner buire's ire yet. Why don't you stop by for midday meal tomorrow, then we can spend the rest of the day figuring out how go forward," she offered as a suggestion with a soft smile before slipping from the bunk and reaching for her underthings.

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